Silver Surfer vs Hulk
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S.S at his best vs
Who wins in each of the above how and why?? No BFR..
1- Surfer by bfr Hulk into the sun.
2- Surfer by bfr Hulk into the sun.
That was easy!
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
1- Surfer by bfr Hulk into the sun.
2- Surfer by bfr Hulk into the sun.
That was easy!
Sorry champ forgot to mention no bfr..
1 SS by gamma radiation drain
2 SS by gamma radiation drain
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
1 SS by gamma radiation drain
2 SS by gamma radiation drain
SS can't gamma drain WBH, and possibly WWH. Especially not before they thunderclap him silly.
SS may beat WWH, but certainly not WBH without using a black hole principle
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
1 SS by gamma radiation drain
2 SS by gamma radiation drain
Where have you been? That type of thing failed to work on the Hulk by two guys that were able to drain or manipulate the Surfer's power cosmic. Rulk, and Arm'Cheddon, if we go by more recent continuity, and not the distant pasts continuity, this form of attack would not stop the Hulk, because he had full control over how large a gamma stream operated inside of him at any given moment. It came in the form of him being able to consciously ramp up in strength rather than become a snarling slobbering idiot. You should read up on Planet Hulk til HOTM. I mean that is if you have not already. The Hulk should beat him here under the no BFR clause.
Originally posted by Stoic
Where have you been? That type of thing failed to work on the Hulk by two guys that were able to drain or manipulate the Surfer's power cosmic. Rulk, and Arm'Cheddon, if we go by more recent continuity, and not the distant pasts continuity, this form of attack would not stop the Hulk, because he had full control over how large a gamma stream operated inside of him at any given moment. It came in the form of him being able to consciously ramp up in strength rather than become a snarling slobbering idiot. You should read up on Planet Hulk til HOTM. I mean that is if you have not already. The Hulk should beat him here under the no BFR clause.

Silver Surfer simply rewrites his DNA and turns him human or devolves him.

Originally posted by Nietzschean
Silver Surfer simply rewrites his DNA and turns him human or devolves him.
Transmutation has failed on hulk due to his HF before.
So...he destroys the planet he's on, then continues to syphon that much energy into Hulk. Or just jets around picking his shots until he discovers a weakness. Or instead of BFR'ing into the sun, he just makes the damn fight on the fight. Or the black hole to the brain thing Surfer fans love trotting out (or at least a more reasonable variation).
It's comic vs. forum fight again. If he uses his powers intelligently, Surfer might have a helluva time putting Hulk down, but he should never be touched or hurt. I literally can't fathom how it would go down otherwise, unless we're just ignoring capabilities and making the fight go in such a way that Hulk could win. What am I missing?
Originally posted by Digi
So...he destroys the planet he's on, then continues to syphon that much energy into Hulk. Or just jets around picking his shots until he discovers a weakness. Or instead of BFR'ing into the sun, he just makes the damn fight on the fight. Or the black hole to the brain thing Surfer fans love trotting out (or at least a more reasonable variation).
It's comic vs. forum fight again. If he uses his powers intelligently, Surfer might have a helluva time putting Hulk down, but he should never be touched or hurt. I literally can't fathom how it would go down otherwise, unless we're just ignoring capabilities and making the fight go in such a way that Hulk could win. What am I missing?
Surfer's lack of combat speed feats?
WWH and WBH win.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Transmutation has failed on hulk due to his HF before. rewriting DNA is not transmutation.
Originally posted by Nietzschean
rewriting DNA is not transmutation.
Yeah it is.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah it is. no, it is not and even if it were Hulk has been transmuted and altered in the past regardless if Hulk recovered or not some time later.

Hulk even touching surfer would be PIS of epic proportions. There's a reason they don't even meet up that often in comics and why there are very important details involved as to why hulk ever lays a finger on him. Surfer has way too many options. While hulk has one. Punching.
Originally posted by h1a8
SS can't gamma drain WBH, and possibly WWH. Especially not before they thunderclap him silly.
SS may beat WWH, but certainly not WBH without using a black hole principle
Considering a SATELLITE drained him, what makes you think the SS couldn't?
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Hulk even touching surfer would be PIS of epic proportions. There's a reason they don't even meet up that often in comics and why there are very important details involved as to why hulk ever lays a finger on him. Surfer has way too many options. While hulk has one. Punching.
It's a breath of fresh air seeing someone else with common sense on this forum. Thank you, sir.
Originally posted by Nietzschean
no, it is not and even if it were Hulk has been transmuted and altered in the past regardless if Hulk recovered or not some time later.
Yeah it is, any type of matter manipulation on living being is transmutation. Grey hulk has reversed grey gorgoyle's stone touch and WWH reversed the genetic manipulation done upon him by gamma corps which turned him into grey hulk.
Originally posted by Digi
So...he destroys the planet he's on, then continues to syphon that much energy into Hulk. Or just jets around picking his shots until he discovers a weakness. Or instead of BFR'ing into the sun, he just makes the damn fight on the fight. Or the black hole to the brain thing Surfer fans love trotting out (or at least a more reasonable variation).
It's comic vs. forum fight again. If he uses his powers intelligently, Surfer might have a helluva time putting Hulk down, but he should never be touched or hurt. I literally can't fathom how it would go down otherwise, unless we're just ignoring capabilities and making the fight go in such a way that Hulk could win. What am I missing?
You're not missing anything. But you should realize there are people on this forum who have said if the Hulk was erased from reality, he could punch his way back into reality. And then there's the guy who said Rune King Thor couldn't even HURT WBH...basically saying WBH > Elder gods. So yeah, that's who you're trying to convince here. Good luck.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Hulk even touching surfer would be PIS of epic proportions. There's a reason they don't even meet up that often in comics and why there are very important details involved as to why hulk ever lays a finger on him. Surfer has way too many options. While hulk has one. Punching.
CIS is still on. Surfer isn't a blitzing type of character outside of CBR.Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Considering a SATELLITE drained him, what makes you think the SS couldn't?
Considering it was intelligencia's plot device weapon which drained hulk, not tony's satelite its moot.
Originally posted by JayDaDon
Hulk even touching surfer would be PIS of epic proportions. There's a reason they don't even meet up that often in comics and why there are very important details involved as to why hulk ever lays a finger on him. Surfer has way too many options. While hulk has one. Punching.'re wearing the wrong ranger as your set.
There is no way to argue that WWH wasn't drained. You can call it anything you want, it's a fact.
1) Satellites have drained WWH.
2) SS has drained Hulk before.
3) SS is more powerful than satellites.
There is simply no way to argue that SS can't drain WWH. Arguing otherwise is just being dishonest.
Oh, and arguing plot devices in WWH storyline...well...that entire arc was a piece of that fits in nicely with it.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
There is no way to argue that WWH wasn't drained. You can call it anything you want, it's a fact.
1) Satellites have drained WWH.
2) SS has drained Hulk before.
3) SS is more powerful than satellites.
There is simply no way to argue that SS can't drain WWH. Arguing otherwise is just being dishonest.
Oh, and arguing plot devices in WWH storyline...well...that entire arc was a piece of that fits in nicely with it.
Surfer is more powerful than satellites?¤t=05.jpg¤t=06.jpg
Naija boy
SS would beat WWH
but likely lose to WBH if he didnt resort to the real exotic stuff.
SS at his best? Easy
Originally posted by abhilegend
CIS is still on. Surfer isn't a blitzing type of character outside of CBR.
He doesn't have to blitz. But at his BEST surfer doesn't even get touched while he's free to use the power cosmic at his will.
Originally posted by CosmicComet're wearing the wrong ranger as your set.
Would you prefer the white one?

The Sorrow
Surfer isn't matching either in a physical contest and isn't draining either Hulk, at least not for a KO there's far too much radiation. Savage Hulk was able to resist being devolved by High Evolutionary and every Hulk has feats of resisting transmutation, the more rage-filled the Hulk the harder he is to manipulate and there are none angrier than WBH or WWH.
That being said Surfer at his best should beat WWH through a combination of his powers (not sure how seeing as though Sentry couldn't and no BFR) but WBH is definitely a level too high for Surfer.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Surfer's lack of combat speed feats?
Irrelevant if he fights smart, with even a marginal percentage of his power set.
I think SS could drain any Hulk. He already drained the Hulk before. And as Pillar said, satellites did drain the Hulk. He could make a black hole right on top of him and drop him in. He could fly around Hulk so fast that the Hulk couldn't touch him (he searched the entire Earth in seconds). He's used telepathy on the Hulk before. He could fly into space and use telepathy on him until he broke him down. Surfer's telepathy has a galactic range. Hulk couldn't even get to him. He could stay out in space and blow up the earth. Sit in orbit and blast the Hulk until he's dead. He can phase. he can teleport. He can go back in time before the Hulk went WBH and kill him. How the hell can the Hulk win?
Originally posted by keiththegreat
How the hell can the Hulk win?
He can call upon the power of the Fanboy Force

The whole worldbreaker thing seems a bit ridiculous anyway. Not that he isn't powerful, but it's like they threw a parade for Hulk when he finally produced a high-end feat that starts to compete with Surfer's best.
Considering the fact that Surfer very recently drained the old power out of Skaar, and sealed it away into the planet, draining Hulk should be feasible. Skaar during that fight was amped by his entire home world's old power (enough power to satisfy Galactus' hunger for 100,000 years). Unless you think WWH has that much energy in him at a given time, then draining Hulk's energy is within current Surfer's capacity. Not sure about World Breaker Hulk though.
Originally posted by The Sorrow
Surfer isn't matching either in a physical contest and isn't draining either Hulk, at least not for a KO there's far too much radiation.
Based on what? Do you know something about the upper limit of the radiation the SS can absorb that I don't?
Here's what the satellites did to WWH after DRAINING HIM:
Originally posted by The Sorrow
Savage Hulk was able to resist being devolved by High Evolutionary and every Hulk has feats of resisting transmutation, the more rage-filled the Hulk the harder he is to manipulate and there are none angrier than WBH or WWH.
That being said Surfer at his best should beat WWH through a combination of his powers (not sure how seeing as though Sentry couldn't and no BFR) but WBH is definitely a level too high for Surfer.
What makes you think Sentry failing to beat WWH has anything to do with the Surfer being able to? First, Sentry fought like a moron. Second, SS is far more versatile than the Sentry.
Lord Feron
Surfer in both and without much difficulty.
Savage Hulk and WWH are two different beings. The rate in which WWH gains energy is much higher than the rate of Savage Hulk. SS can possibly drain WWH but it is iffy. And wasn't the energy absorb from WWH is what created Rulk? And didn't Rulk absorb SS. So again SS draining WWH is iffy. Especially if WWH doesn't just sit there and allow it to happen. SS was grabbing on to Savage Hulk's hands when he did it the first time. So I don't see it going down like that again.
With that said, SS beats WWH but loses to WBH unless he stays away and black hole WBH or something nasty like that.
Originally posted by Lord Feron
Surfer in both and without much difficulty.
SS wins in the second only if he employs very rare and exotic tactics (like black holes). Otherwise, he won't be able to affect WBH at all.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Based on what? Do you know something about the upper limit of the radiation the SS can absorb that I don't?
Here's what the satellites did to WWH after DRAINING HIM:
What makes you think Sentry failing to beat WWH has anything to do with the Surfer being able to? First, Sentry fought like a moron. Second, SS is far more versatile than the Sentry.
First off there is a huge difference between WWH and Savage so using that first scan where Surfer (who was amped) drained him as definitive proof it works on WWH is a fail in and of itself. Secondly the satellites drained Hulk after he allowed it to because he wanted to be stopped. As has been shown everytime anyone has attempted to drain him since, it won't work if he doesn't allow it.
Darwin tried and failed (he also stated Hulk's radiation had no end), Red Hulk completely drained Surfer himself and Savage Hulk but couldn't when he tried to against WWH, Arm'Chedon successfully defeated Surfer by using his own power against him this same tactic failed against WWH.
If you read my post I gave Surfer the benefit of the doubt and gave him the win over WWH because of his very exotic powers. Sentry has more raw power than Surfer so I don't see him simply blasting Hulk into submission. Some of the methods I have seen in this thread for those pro Surfer have never even been done on panel and are completely out of character.
SS should be able to amp his strength to incalcuable lmiits using the power cosmic, so a h2h battle still shouldn't be out of his limits. Now I've never seen him actually do this, so it may be a moot point, lol.
I agree though that SS should be untouchable for the majority of any fight with Hulk barring pis/cis, and could pick him apart from a safe distance without putting himself in harms way.
Surfer in both
Originally posted by The Sorrow
First off there is a huge difference between WWH and Savage so using that first scan where Surfer (who was amped) drained him as definitive proof it works on WWH is a fail in and of itself. Secondly the satellites drained Hulk after he allowed it to because he wanted to be stopped. As has been shown everytime anyone has attempted to drain him since, it won't work if he doesn't allow it.
Darwin tried and failed (he also stated Hulk's radiation had no end), Red Hulk completely drained Surfer himself and Savage Hulk but couldn't when he tried to against WWH, Arm'Chedon successfully defeated Surfer by using his own power against him this same tactic failed against WWH.
If you read my post I gave Surfer the benefit of the doubt and gave him the win over WWH because of his very exotic powers. Sentry has more raw power than Surfer so I don't see him simply blasting Hulk into submission. Some of the methods I have seen in this thread for those pro Surfer have never even been done on panel and are completely out of character.
Surfer wasn't amped when he drained savage hulk.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by abhilegend
Surfer wasn't amped when he drained savage hulk.
He didn't need to be amped to drain Savage Hulk. I was referring to Pillars scan, Surfer was amped by gamma rays prior to that fight.
Originally posted by The Sorrow
He didn't need to be amped to drain Savage Hulk. I was referring to Pillars scan, Surfer was amped by gamma rays prior to that fight.
Yeah hulk is decisively stronger than surfer.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yeah hulk is decisively stronger than surfer. Based on ?
Originally posted by quanchi112
Based on ? You Gotta Be Kidding Me Right? facepalm I Only Thought I Would Hear Thoese Words When It Comes To Thanos.....Please Don't Tell Me You Think SS Is PHYSICALLY Stronger Than Hulk....

Based on:

Originally posted by quanchi112
Based on ?
Originally posted by carver9
Hulks stomps.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Seriously? Yes. Surfer in a peer of the Hulk's in terms of strength.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Yes. Surfer in a peer of the Hulk's in terms of strength.
Originally posted by carver9
Lol. Read Planet Hulk. I know you haven't.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Read Planet Hulk. I know you haven't.
What am I suppose to see, a weakened Hulk that was probably operating at Grey Hulk power level? Good point Quan.
Originally posted by carver9
What am I suppose to see, a weakened Hulk that was probably operating at Grey Hulk power level? Good point Quan. Surfer was also weakened. That made it fair.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Surfer was also weakened. That made it fair.
Hulk power is to amp his strength, take that away and he isn't the Hulk. If you are arguing that Hulk at his weakest is just as strong as Surfer, then I don't have a problem with that. Thinking about it, this is exactly what you are saying.
Originally posted by carver9
Hulk power is to amp his strength, take that away and he isn't the Hulk. If you are arguing that Hulk at his weakest is just as strong as Surfer, then I don't have a problem with that. Thinking about it, this is exactly what you are saying. Surfer can amp his strength due to his cosmic power as well. You don't even understand the Surfer and barely grasp a few arcs of the Hulk.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Surfer can amp his strength due to his cosmic power as well. You don't even understand the Surfer and barely grasp a few arcs of the Hulk.
So what fts of strength puts him in Hulk tier.
Originally posted by carver9
So what fts of strength puts him in Hulk tier. Feat have never determined superiority. Ever.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Feat have never determined superiority. Ever.
So what are you basing this off then? A weakened Hulk?
Originally posted by carver9
So what are you basing this off then? A weakened Hulk? That for starters. Surfer was weakened as well and he isn't a melee fighter like the Hulks is.
Originally posted by quanchi112
That for starters. Surfer was weakened as well and he isn't a melee fighter like the Hulks is.
Surfer is already a high class 100, even without amping. That's not the case with a depleted Hulk. Hulk powers is to amp, take that away from him and he isn't as strong as a top tier. This doesn't apply to Surfer at all. So overall, your post is boo boo.
What else do you have?
No! His base strenght is class 100 when operating at norm power level but when his PC reserves decreases his overall physical stat goes down with it.. Example: his fight with WW/Storm or against Murrongo Mo, this also goes with planet hulk..
Originally posted by quanchi112
Feat have never determined superiority. Ever.
He's referring to the numerous instances where a character A has better on panel strength feats than character B, but in a direct confrontation character B is unequivocally depicted as superior to character A despite character A's on panel resume.
Examples being Hulk vs. Zeus, Hulk vs. Thanos, Hulk vs. Titannus, etc
Originally posted by MF DELPH
He's referring to the numerous instances where a character A has better on panel strength feats than character B, but in a direct confrontation character B is unequivocally depicted as superior to character A despite character A's on panel resume.
Examples being Hulk vs. Zeus, Hulk vs. Thanos, Hulk vs. Titannus, etc
But even in those cases, general feats show superiority. It's how we know they're superior.
Originally posted by MF DELPH
He's referring to the numerous instances where a character A has better on panel strength feats than character B, but in a direct confrontation character B is unequivocally depicted as superior to character A despite character A's on panel resume.
Examples being Hulk vs. Zeus, Hulk vs. Thanos, Hulk vs. Titannus, etc
When did Thanos over power Hulk? Titannus was draining Hulk during their encounter.
Originally posted by MF DELPH
He's referring to the numerous instances where a character A has better on panel strength feats than character B, but in a direct confrontation character B is unequivocally depicted as superior to character A despite character A's on panel resume.
Examples being Hulk vs. Zeus, Hulk vs. Thanos, Hulk vs. Titannus, etc I knew it!
Originally posted by quanchi112
Feat have never determined superiority. Ever. This quote should be saved.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Feat have never determined superiority. Ever.
WTF Quanicake?
Originally posted by quanchi112
Two birds one stone.
In case anyone missed the key words in the scan. I alone.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by quanchi112
Read Planet Hulk. I know you haven't.
Lol. Read the Defenders, The Order, Incredible Hulk #250 and Sub Mariner #35. Hulk is regularly shown as stronger than Surfer.
Originally posted by -Pr-
But even in those cases, general feats show superiority. It's how we know they're superior.
Prior to Zeus beating Hulk to a pulp what feats of physical strength did Zeus have that, when compared to Hulk's feats of strength, would let you know he would manhandle Hulk physically like that?
Surfer wins by making Hulk happy (by killing Thor)

Originally posted by Digi
So...he destroys the planet he's on, then continues to syphon that much energy into Hulk. Or just jets around picking his shots until he discovers a weakness. Or instead of BFR'ing into the sun, he just makes the damn fight on the fight. Or the black hole to the brain thing Surfer fans love trotting out (or at least a more reasonable variation).
It's comic vs. forum fight again. If he uses his powers intelligently, Surfer might have a helluva time putting Hulk down, but he should never be touched or hurt. I literally can't fathom how it would go down otherwise, unless we're just ignoring capabilities and making the fight go in such a way that Hulk could win. What am I missing?
Surfer should never be touched by anyone save Galactus

That said, he is, C/PIS permits characters like Thor to compete with Surfer, so why rule out such C/PIS for this situation?
Hulk would wreck Surfer, in either WWH or WBH mode, if Surfer was tangible (and even as energy, he would be tangible to Hulk), but Surfer can/should be able to keep WWH at bay and work a stalemate.
Having the fight in a wormhole or any such thing would be bad for Surfer, as it is on-panel proven that even pre-GreenScar, Hulk was durable enough to shrug off the effects of a powerful wormhole that knocked Surfer out for days.
On-top of this, Hulk is pretty much immune to heat and cold as much as (if not more than) the Surfer, so taking the fight to the sun wouldn't guarantee a victory either.
Surfer should outlast Hulk as WWH/WBH is just a mode of operation for Banner and eventually he will grow bored and weaken/lose interest.
The only way I see Surfer 'winning' is if he were to merge with WWH/WBH and just mentally takeover control of the amalgam. He's done it to Skaar, so he can obviously control members of the gamma family, but it might be that WBH is just too 'angry' for Surfer to calm down ....
Originally posted by janus77
Surfer should never be touched by anyone save Galactus

That said, he is, C/PIS permits characters like Thor to compete with Surfer, so why rule out such C/PIS for this situation?
Hulk would wreck Surfer, in either WWH or WBH mode, if Surfer was tangible (and even as energy, he would be tangible to Hulk), but Surfer can/should be able to keep WWH at bay and work a stalemate.
Having the fight in a wormhole or any such thing would be bad for Surfer, as it is on-panel proven that even pre-GreenScar, Hulk was durable enough to shrug off the effects of a powerful wormhole that knocked Surfer out for days.
On-top of this, Hulk is pretty much immune to heat and cold as much as (if not more than) the Surfer, so taking the fight to the sun wouldn't guarantee a victory either.
Surfer should outlast Hulk as WWH/WBH is just a mode of operation for Banner and eventually he will grow bored and weaken/lose interest.
The only way I see Surfer 'winning' is if he were to merge with WWH/WBH and just mentally takeover control of the amalgam. He's done it to Skaar, so he can obviously control members of the gamma family, but it might be that WBH is just too 'angry' for Surfer to calm down ....

Originally posted by janus77
Surfer should never be touched by anyone save Galactus

That said, he is, C/PIS permits characters like Thor to compete with Surfer, so why rule out such C/PIS for this situation?
Hulk would wreck Surfer, in either WWH or WBH mode, if Surfer was tangible (and even as energy, he would be tangible to Hulk), but Surfer can/should be able to keep WWH at bay and work a stalemate.
Having the fight in a wormhole or any such thing would be bad for Surfer, as it is on-panel proven that even pre-GreenScar, Hulk was durable enough to shrug off the effects of a powerful wormhole that knocked Surfer out for days.
On-top of this, Hulk is pretty much immune to heat and cold as much as (if not more than) the Surfer, so taking the fight to the sun wouldn't guarantee a victory either.
Surfer should outlast Hulk as WWH/WBH is just a mode of operation for Banner and eventually he will grow bored and weaken/lose interest.
The only way I see Surfer 'winning' is if he were to merge with WWH/WBH and just mentally takeover control of the amalgam. He's done it to Skaar, so he can obviously control members of the gamma family, but it might be that WBH is just too 'angry' for Surfer to calm down ....
I read this a couple times for the lulz. I'm convinced it's all sarcasm, but it's damn well hidden. Kudos if that's the case. If it's serious, well, good luck to you.
Originally posted by Digi
I read this a couple times for the lulz. I'm convinced it's all sarcasm, but it's damn well hidden. Kudos if that's the case. If it's serious, well, good luck to you.
I'm serious about the Thor part, the guy has no business tangling with Surfer, it's like Odin fighting Galactus

Anyway, Surfer can only win via some outlasting or maybe just entrapping Hulk in the microverse... I can't see Surfer winning by blasting or attempting to drain energy (Surfer tires out, has been tired out and Hulk at either WWH or WBH levels is well beyond Surfer given that Rulk wouldn't do it).

I'm not so sure about that. While I'm personally of the school of thought that in a forum fight Surfer would take a majority over Thor, in a comic and taking their portrayals as peers into account, even post Annihilation and Cancerverse War, Surfer doesn't have the mentality of a warrior necessary to use his powers to the degree it would take to continuously dominate Thor. He has the firepower, lacks the determination and brutality.
Also I'm fairly certain Surfer beats all versions of Hulk shown so far. HotM be damned.
Originally posted by janus77
Surfer should never be touched by anyone save Galactus

That said, he is, C/PIS permits characters like Thor to compete with Surfer, so why rule out such C/PIS for this situation?
Hulk would wreck Surfer, in either WWH or WBH mode, if Surfer was tangible (and even as energy, he would be tangible to Hulk), but Surfer can/should be able to keep WWH at bay and work a stalemate.
Having the fight in a wormhole or any such thing would be bad for Surfer, as it is on-panel proven that even pre-GreenScar, Hulk was durable enough to shrug off the effects of a powerful wormhole that knocked Surfer out for days.
On-top of this, Hulk is pretty much immune to heat and cold as much as (if not more than) the Surfer, so taking the fight to the sun wouldn't guarantee a victory either.
Surfer should outlast Hulk as WWH/WBH is just a mode of operation for Banner and eventually he will grow bored and weaken/lose interest.
The only way I see Surfer 'winning' is if he were to merge with WWH/WBH and just mentally takeover control of the amalgam. He's done it to Skaar, so he can obviously control members of the gamma family, but it might be that WBH is just too 'angry' for Surfer to calm down ....
If this is serious, I'm not sure you understand what it means to take out PIS/CIS.
Originally posted by -Pr-
If this is serious, I'm not sure you understand what it means to take out PIS/CIS.
It means that whenever Surfer fights Thor, it is the case that Surfer doesn't want to fight and forgets how to fight.
Surfer's either trying to prevent some greater calamity (Galactus' Seed ish) or trying to reason with Thor or he's just been depowered and imprisoned on Earth (the early fights).
A sufficiently non-crippled Surfer can three-punch BRB without trouble. Or atomise creatures instantly with a touch.
Originally posted by janus77
It means that whenever Surfer fights Thor, it is the case that Surfer doesn't want to fight and forgets how to fight.
Surfer's either trying to prevent some greater calamity (Galactus' Seed ish) or trying to reason with Thor or he's just been depowered and imprisoned on Earth (the early fights).
A sufficiently non-crippled Surfer can three-punch BRB without trouble. Or atomise creatures instantly with a touch.
Originally posted by -Pr-

Zack Fair
I don't think he can three punch BRB, but I can see him being a god damn beast.
Originally posted by janus77
Surfer should never be touched by anyone save Galactus

That said, he is, C/PIS permits characters like Thor to compete with Surfer, so why rule out such C/PIS for this situation?
Hulk would wreck Surfer, in either WWH or WBH mode, if Surfer was tangible (and even as energy, he would be tangible to Hulk), but Surfer can/should be able to keep WWH at bay and work a stalemate.
Having the fight in a wormhole or any such thing would be bad for Surfer, as it is on-panel proven that even pre-GreenScar, Hulk was durable enough to shrug off the effects of a powerful wormhole that knocked Surfer out for days.
On-top of this, Hulk is pretty much immune to heat and cold as much as (if not more than) the Surfer, so taking the fight to the sun wouldn't guarantee a victory either.
Surfer should outlast Hulk as WWH/WBH is just a mode of operation for Banner and eventually he will grow bored and weaken/lose interest.
The only way I see Surfer 'winning' is if he were to merge with WWH/WBH and just mentally takeover control of the amalgam. He's done it to Skaar, so he can obviously control members of the gamma family, but it might be that WBH is just too 'angry' for Surfer to calm down ....
I like this post.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
I like this post.
Because its wrong??
Originally posted by carver9
I like this post.
For you, I'm not surprised.
Originally posted by janus77
It means that whenever Surfer fights Thor, it is the case that Surfer doesn't want to fight and forgets how to fight.
Surfer's either trying to prevent some greater calamity (Galactus' Seed ish) or trying to reason with Thor or he's just been depowered and imprisoned on Earth (the early fights).
A sufficiently non-crippled Surfer can three-punch BRB without trouble. Or atomise creatures instantly with a touch.
Bill just had a lengthy battle with stardust. A weakened bill two shotted surfer's ass before.
Originally posted by janus77
Surfer's either trying to prevent some greater calamity (Galactus' Seed ish) or trying to reason with Thor or he's just been depowered and imprisoned on Earth (the early fights).
Kind of like the time they fought when the SS was amped by Loki to be more powerful than he's ever been before, and then admitted Thor was the one holding back.
Or just recently when Thor was severely injured fighting SS.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Or just recently when Thor was severely injured fighting SS. It wasn't severe, all it did was give Thor abdominal pain and erectile dysfunction.
Surfer any day, twice on sundays.
If Hulk can resist getting maner manip because of his hf active, then what is stop Surfer from just freezing time around hulk so his hf isn't active and just transmuting him from there?
I was reading an old comic where SS flat out said he could cure Hulk. Has that been shown recently?
psycho gundam
he did it twice in the same comic
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
Surfer any day, twice on sundays.
If Hulk can resist getting maner manip because of his hf active, then what is stop Surfer from just freezing time around hulk so his hf isn't active and just transmuting him from there?
Surfer can freeze time?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by psycho gundam
he did it twice in the same comic
He did? I don't remember this
Originally posted by -Pr-
...What? Originally posted by The Sorrow
Lol. Read the Defenders, The Order, Incredible Hulk #250 and Sub Mariner #35. Hulk is regularly shown as stronger than Surfer. Cite specific issue numbers. I never said Hulk wasn't stronger but they are peers who both can amp.Originally posted by Existere
This quote should be saved. Save it.Originally posted by MF DELPH
He's referring to the numerous instances where a character A has better on panel strength feats than character B, but in a direct confrontation character B is unequivocally depicted as superior to character A despite character A's on panel resume.
Examples being Hulk vs. Zeus, Hulk vs. Thanos, Hulk vs. Titannus, etc Bingo. Originally posted by MF DELPH
Prior to Zeus beating Hulk to a pulp what feats of physical strength did Zeus have that, when compared to Hulk's feats of strength, would let you know he would manhandle Hulk physically like that? Argue with me my delphling.Originally posted by biensalsa
WTF Quanicake? I wouldn't say this alone proves Thanos' unmatched willpower although it is awesome. You have to take all showings into account. Doom's will has broken on panel while Thanos' hasn't.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by MF DELPH
He's referring to the numerous instances where a character A has better on panel strength feats than character B, but in a direct confrontation character B is unequivocally depicted as superior to character A despite character A's on panel resume.
Examples being Hulk vs. Zeus, Hulk vs. Thanos, Hulk vs. Titannus, etc nope
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