Anton Arcane Vs Loki
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The more powerful versions of Arcane were on par with Corrigan-Spectre and classic Trigon (per Monitor-tech.) The weaker versions had had stats slightly above a normal human.
The former obviously wins. The latter obviously does not.
Didnt Arcane have to possess someone on par with Trigon, or the Spector? I mean it wasnt his personal power was it?
Endless Mike
He can possess Loki
I thought he had to make a deal with the person before he could possess them?
Current Anton is the avatar of the Rot.
someone better post feats if anyone wants to make this thread a big time thing.
Originally posted by TheMask
I thought he had to make a deal with the person before he could possess them?
No, he just upped and possessed a really powerful meta without his knowledge.
Although the meta in question also seemed pretty weak willed.
Are you talking about the one who could warp reality on the level of Trigon?
Originally posted by Galan007
The more powerful versions of Arcane were on par with Corrigan-Spectre and classic Trigon (per Monitor-tech.) The weaker versions had had stats slightly above a normal human.
The former obviously wins. The latter obviously does not.
So spite either way?
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