The Mask Vs JLA
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The Mask
Kyle stomps.
Lock this.
Are you freaking kidding me? The Mask has KILLED GALAXIES!
I'm getting really sick of The Mask.
Both, if anyone was wondering.
I see what you did there.
JLA ftw . This thread should be locked now .
JLA cant even kill the Mask give me a break. The only person who might stop the Mask is WW cause of the Lasso. He would probably pull kryptonite out of nowhere just to kill Superman.
You all need to pick up Lobo Mask, or Joker Mask. He owned Batman and Lobo, and killed entire galaxies.
Originally posted by Blight
I'm getting really sick of The Mask.
Both, if anyone was wondering.
DO something about it buddy.
How does Kyle kill the Mask? The Mask can make an army of himself.
Whatever JLA has no chance of even killing the Mask.
So you knowingly made a spite thread?
Oh my.
Someone's breaking the rules.....
Yeah cause you saints never break the rules LOL. The only one who can beat the Mask perhaps is maybe WW cause she has the Lasso or dont you all have the ability to scroll upward?
Originally posted by TheMask
Yeah cause you saints never break the rules LOL.
I'm a flawless being, so no, can't say that I have.
You cant be flawless. Flawless beings dont have anything to do with evil. You avatar has Dr Doom. Thur you're not flawless Im sorry
I don't.
Because I'm awesomesauce. Jake doesn't because I make it so.
That's right, I'm the LT.
Who would you consider the main members of the JLA?
Originally posted by TheMask
You cant be flawless. Flawless beings dont have anything to do with evil. You avatar has Dr Doom. Thur you're not flawless Im sorry
Doom's not evil. He's the greatest hero of all time.
And Doom is as flawless as it gets.
Yeah. Flawless=killing people who stop clapping for you. Yeah thats definatly flawless.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Doom's not evil. He's the greatest hero of all time.
And Doom is as flawless as it gets.
The Panther God seems to think he is worthy.
Originally posted by Blight
Are you 9 1/2?
Does your 9 and a half talk about the diffrence between good, and evil? If so put him in charge cause he's smarter then you. Also why are you still talking to me? Also why did you come into this thread?
Originally posted by TheMask
Yeah. Flawless=killing people who stop clapping for you. Yeah thats definatly flawless.
Those citizens were undoubtedly corrupted by the Archdemon Richards and had to be executed to save the rest of the good people of Latveria.
Doom makes the hard choices only real heroes can.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
The Panther God seems to think he is worthy.

Yeah too bad we all cant be like the Punisher and just blow Doom's brains out. Now thats an EASY choice.
Originally posted by TheMask
Yeah too bad we all cant be like the Punisher and just blow Doom's brains out. Now thats an EASY choice.
Who in their right mind would want to be Punisher, let alone over being Doom?
I said LIKE in that he kills his eneimes. Never said Be Him. He's not as smart as Richards, Thanos, or as Physically powerful as any of the better villains of heros. So who would wanna be him, but you gotta give him props for having the guts to do with Richards and the other heroes dont have the balls to do.
Originally posted by TheMask
I said LIKE in that he kills his eneimes. Never said Be Him. He's not as smart as Richards, Thanos, or as Physically powerful as any of the better villains of heros. So who would wanna be him, but you gotta give him props for having the guts to do with Richards and the other heroes dont have the balls to do.
Doom's above petty murder.
He's smarter than Thanos and has outsmarted Richards plenty of times. Doom doesn't need to be physically powerful in order to kick ass, especially when intellectually, he's massively powerful, as well as being a master level sorcerer. All sane people want to be Doom if given the opportunity.
Oh gosh. Your the quanchi for DOOM! Im done talking to you if you actually think that Doom is smarter then Thanos. Im no thanos lover but when has Doom ever done anything Thanos level.
Originally posted by TheMask
Oh gosh. Your the quanchi for DOOM! Im done talking to you if you actually think that Doom is smarter then Thanos. Im no thanos lover but when has Doom ever done anything Thanos level.
If you read Doom comics, you'd know at the very least, intellectually speaking, he's a rival to Thanos, if not above him.
When has Doom ever done anything Thanos level?
I'm convinced you don't know who Dr. Doom is.
MAsk, who would you say is the greatest hero?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
MAsk, who would you say is the greatest hero?
I think it's going to be Icon.
I dont read every Marvel comic. I dont like heros I like villains, and no the Mask is not my favorite comic Hellraiser is, its a horror anthology featuring the characters of Clive Barker thus I dont know who the greatest Hero is. Most would say Superman, but he's not close to being human. Plutonian is more human then Superman.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
I'm convinced you don't know who Dr. Doom is.
Isn't he, like, Iron Man, but with a green cape?

Originally posted by TheMask
I dont read every Marvel comic. I dont like heros I like villains, and no the Mask is not my favorite comic Hellraiser is, its a horror anthology featuring the characters of Clive Barker thus I dont know who the greatest Hero is. Most would say Superman, but he's not close to being human. Plutonian is more human then Superman.
So it COULD be Doom, you just don't know it yet.
That's fine, you speciesist.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Isn't he, like, Iron Man, but with a green cape?
One's a facist tyrant in a suit of armor.
The other is Dr. Doom.
Dude he's just a green guy in a hard shell GET HELP.
Originally posted by TheMask
Dude he's just a green guy in a hard shell GET HELP.
Ok, so now you think Doom is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
Pretty obvious you don't know who he is.
Originally posted by TheMask
Dude he's just a green guy in a hard shell GET HELP.
Thats's the TMNT.
Turtle Power!!!
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Ok, so now you think Doom is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle.
Pretty obvious you don't know who he is.
Damn you for stealing my obvious joke.
Green meaning the cape, shell meaning the armour...........seriously stop assuming shit cause you make an ass out of yourself, I was making a refrence to the blue M&M in family guy joke
Originally posted by TheMask
Green meaning the cape, shell meaning the armour...........seriously stop assuming shit cause you make an ass out of yourself, I was making a refrence to the blue M&M in family guy joke
So now you think Doom is a blue M&M?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Damn you for stealing my obvious joke.

Ok. Im not going to go through an entire FF library to read up on your precious Dr Doom. So why dont you tell me about a mini series thats current, or in the last few years that has some modern art about Dr Doom that I can read up on. IMPRESS ME.
Originally posted by TheMask
Ok. Im not going to go through an entire FF library to read up on your precious Dr Doom. So why dont you tell me about a mini series thats current, or in the last few years that has some modern art about Dr Doom that I can read up on. IMPRESS ME.
Your loss as the FF series has been consistently good for well over a decade.
Children's Crusade
Hickman's Fantastic Four/Future Foundation
The Latverian Prometheus arc in Thor
Really, though, Doom should always impress anyone.
It has to be modern art to work??
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Your loss as the FF series has been consistently good for well over a decade.
Children's Crusade
Hickman's Fantastic Four/Future Foundation
The Latverian Prometheus arc in Thor
Really, though, Doom should always impress anyone.
Thanks I will Check out
Originally posted by TheMask
Yeah cause you saints never break the rules LOL. The only one who can beat the Mask perhaps is maybe WW cause she has the Lasso or dont you all have the ability to scroll upward? You're really going to last here...
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