Jamie Braddock vs Addult Franklin Richards
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Battle for Mutant Supremacy!
Can u post some info on jamie braddock?
Jaimie should win
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Jaimie should win
His best feat that I recall was warping the White Hot Room . That said , Franklin takes this with ease .
Child Franklin took it to Onslaught and had the Celestials running scared. Adult Franklin got boosted to even higher levels by child Franklin. Jamie goes down.
Originally posted by KingD19
Adult Franklin got boosted to even higher levels by child Franklin.
That was temporary and was exhausted when resurrecting Galactus
I have never really been impressed with Jaime.
Frank wins.
Originally posted by Cogito
That was temporary and was exhausted when resurrecting Galactus
If I remember correctly , that "blue ball" was used solely for the purpose of resurrecting Galactus .
His one claim to fame was warping into the white hot room. I suppose its impressive, that he was able to warp in disregarding its residents, and security. But other than that...thats it.
Mr. M will come in with a bloated post, and make you think otherwise.
Originally posted by "Id"
His one claim to fame was warping into the white hot room. I suppose its impressive, that he was able to warp in disregarding its residents, and security. But other than that...thats it.
Mr. M will come in with a bloated post, and make you think otherwise.
Mr. M isn't GalacticStorm .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Mr. M isn't GalacticStorm .
I agree he isn't.
That does not take away the fact, that he lacks the ability to say the as much as possible, with the fewest amount of words.
Anyhow - Match is still on. Jamie was fairly impressive in the recent Uncanny X-Force. Even as the Goat, you come to find out that he is a monster reality warper.
Really I cant decide who is doing a better job. Hickman with the Fantastic Force or Remender.
Originally posted by "Id"
I agree he isn't.
That does not take away the fact, that he lacks the ability to say the as much as possible, with the fewest amount of words.
No , I meant it in as , he's not a phoenix-wanker or a wanker of anything phoenix-related .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
No , I meant it in as , he's not a phoenix-wanker or a wanker of anything phoenix-related .
No he is more anti-phoenix. But thats besides the point, and little to do with the topic.
Originally posted by "Id"
I agree he isn't.
That does not take away the fact, that he lacks the ability to say the as much as possible, with the fewest amount of words.
Anyhow - Match is still on. Jamie was fairly impressive in the recent Uncanny X-Force. Even as the Goat, you come to find out that he is a monster reality warper.
Really I cant decide who is doing a better job. Hickman with the Fantastic Force or Remender.
Unless and until Jamie went up against some MAJOR cosmic beings , Hickman and his version of adult Franklin remain on top .
Mr Master
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
His best feat that I recall was warping the White Hot Room .
The WHR is a Multiversal Nexus. Franky's never affected something that major.
Jamie effortlessly withstood a consciousness expanding Omniversal scale attack,
he then equally stomped that power like child's play.
Jamie created an Alternate Universe and made an alternate of himself within it.
This alternate Jamie that 616 Jamie created,
was able to also control that alternate reality.
He actually shut off all sound waves across the Universe to stomp Dazzler,
and turned all the stars in that Universe into harmless snowflakes.

to shut off Havok's power which derived from stellar energy.
Jamie manipulated Alfie O'Meagan's entire Universe via a comic book in 616.

(Alfie just happens to be the most powerful being/reality warper in that Universe)
Jamie fused 616 Jaspers with the Fury, even though Wanda only resurrected MJJ.
Those are some feats off the top of my head.
Mr Master
Originally posted by "Id"
Mr. M will come in with a bloated post, and make you think otherwise.
Originally posted by "Id"
That does not take away the fact, that he lacks the ability to say the as much as possible,
with the fewest amount of words.
Why is your first post in this thread involving my name in a negative light?
Why are you trying to devalue my name with this off-topic drivel?
I'm sick of this band-wagon of jealousy.
Originally posted by Mr Master
Why is your first post in this thread involving my name in a negative light?
Why are you trying to devalue my name with this off-topic drivel?
I'm sick of this band-wagon of jealousy.
I mentioned you specifically because your the only real member that pushes Jamie WHR feat. There is difference between attacking/criticizing. There is attacking your personally, and then there is criticizing your argument.
If you can't handle someone criticizing your argument, than you have no business debating period.
Originally posted by Mr Master
The WHR is a Multiversal Nexus. Franky's never affected something that major.
He warped in, and out of it. I don't see how thats impressive as I would expect someone as strong as him to do so. Thoughts on this Galan (?).
But Frankie has a feat of holding back collapsing universes of some shit. I don't recall what issue, or event. Some member on another forum keeps crying about it. If true, this is one of those times where we see Frankie power go trans-universal into the realm.
Mr Master
Originally posted by "Id"
He warped in, and out of it.
Actually, he first saved Rachel & Betsy from the Chaos Wave by placing them there.
H then warped in,
and then warped everything inside into a swirl ejecting Rachel and Betsy.
Originally posted by "Id"
I don't see how thats impressive about that.
The artist didn't have to illustrate many white pages for us to get the picture of what an infinite Nexus is.
To manipulate a Multiversal Nexus, effortlessly no less, is simply incredible.
That Nexus is as infinite as the Multiverse,
since it's basically a corridor to all realities like the other Nexuses.
Originally posted by "Id"
But Frankie has a feat of holding back collapsing universes of some shit.
I don't recall what issue, or event.
I'd like to see/read that. That aside, I never said who wins.
I was only posting some feats of Jamie's since he's not that well known.
Originally posted by Mr Master
The WHR is a Multiversal Nexus. Franky's never affected something that major.
Jamie effortlessly withstood a consciousness expanding Omniversal scale attack,
he then equally stomped that power like child's play.
Jamie created an Alternate Universe and made an alternate of himself within it.
This alternate Jamie that 616 Jamie created,
was able to also control that alternate reality.
He actually shut off all sound waves across the Universe to stomp Dazzler,
and turned all the stars in that Universe into harmless snowflakes.

to shut off Havok's power which derived from stellar energy.
Jamie manipulated Alfie O'Meagan's entire Universe via a comic book in 616.

(Alfie just happens to be the most powerful being/reality warper in that Universe)
Jamie fused 616 Jaspers with the Fury, even though Wanda only resurrected MJJ.
Those are some feats off the top of my head.
If I remember correctly , then that version of Fury-Jaspers combo wasn't that particularly impressive and was defeated by the Captain Britain corps .
That aside , his most impressive feat was warping the White Hot Room .
Franklin , according to Daydreamers and Man-Thing vol 3 , was responsible not just for the creation of HR universe , but a number of alternate dimensions , in one of which Howard was able to talk , had a sister named Princess and he is regarded as a hero by his family . Just wait until tomorrow , I'll dig up the scans from my hard disk and post it for you .
The most recent adult version was able to survive the destruction of his own timeline , and according to his sister ,was responsible for "founding" the new future , in the now (in)famous #604
Originally posted by Mr Master
I'd like to see/read that. That aside, I never said who wins.
I believe that one took place in an issue(1 to 10) of Future Foundation . As I said , give me until tomorrow , and I'll dig up up the scans for you .
Mr Master
Originally posted by "Id"
I mentioned you specifically because your the only real member that pushes Jamie WHR feat.
That's a lie.
So now your prior post singling me out is meaningless.
Originally posted by "Id"
There is difference between attacking/criticizing.
There is attacking your personally, and then there is criticizing your argument.
Yea, ok, what does this have to do with my so-called argument,
even though you posted before I did, and I haven't discussed Jamie for months.
So you made this thread specifically to at me?
Anyway, what the phuck does this have to do with my "argument"
"he lacks the ability to say as much as possible, with the fewest amount of words. "
Looks like you're scrutinizing how I post, not my argument.
Which is off-topic, irrelevant and thus tip toeing into the realm of trolling.
Originally posted by "Id"
If you can't handle someone criticizing your argument,
than you have no business debating period.
Get this sanctimonious babble out here dogs.
You trying to hate, and I'm reporting that behavior from now on.
Originally posted by "Id"
He warped in, and out of it.
I don't see how thats impressive as I would expect someone as strong as him to do so.
I replied to this already, and since you repeated the same thing,
it's probably not gonna go any further since you're waiting on "thoughts"
to debate for assertiveness.
So "thoughts" will inject, I'm not impressed as well,
and that'll be the end of it.

Originally posted by "Id"
But Frankie has a feat of holding back collapsing universes of
some shit.
You also said this before, and again, I'd like to see/read it.
As an inexperienced child, Franklin effortlessly destroyed a hugely amped Mephisto in his own realm:
http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12033630_frank1.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12033631_frank2.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12033632_frank3.jpg
(Mephisto later confirms how badly/thoroughly Franklin owned him above):
As an inexperienced child, Franklin whimsically created a working universe from scratch:
That being said, adult Franklin has a MUCH greater understanding of his cumulative reality-warping powerset, thus he is MUCH more powerful than his younger self... That's why the Mad Celestials freaked out upon his arrival:
I also lulz'd at Frank pwning BB's voice:
http://s4d2.turboimagehost.com/t1/12033583_f6.jpg http://s4d2.turboimagehost.com/t1/12033614_f7.jpg
Anyhow, I personally don't see Frank losing. Jamie is a beat, though... Not denying that.
Originally posted by Mr Master
You also said this before, and again, I'd like to see/read it.
That one most probably did happen but as I said before , give until tomorrow , and I'll dig up the scans for you .
Also , holding up the "collapsing realities" apparently took place in F4 # 582 . I am in the process of downloading it right now .
Originally posted by Galan007
I also lulz'd at Frank pwning BB's voice:
http://s4d2.turboimagehost.com/t1/12033583_f6.jpg http://s4d2.turboimagehost.com/t1/12033614_f7.jpg
Anyhow, I personally don't see Frank losing. Jamie is a beat, though... Not denying that.
I lulzed at BB trying to intimidate the god-killer standing in front of him , with "you dare" , and then horribly failing at it . Also , is that "something" that Franklin noticed a few weeks ago , the coming of the Phoenix Force ?
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
That one most probably did happen but as I said before , give until tomorrow , and I'll dig up the scans for you .
Also , holding up the "collapsing realities" apparently took place in F4 # 582 . I am in the process of downloading it right now . Frank delayed the collapse, but he could not stop it. Said collapse was terminal--nothing could change that.
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
I lulzed at BB trying to intimidate the god-killer standing in front of him , with "you dare" , and then horribly failing at it . Also , is that "something" that Franklin noticed a few weeks ago , the coming of the Phoenix Force ? Likely so.
Mr Master
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
If I remember correctly ,
then that version of Fury-Jaspers combo wasn't that particularly
impressive and was defeated by the Captain Britain corps .
Actually friend, no one defeated Jaspers except for the Fury,
just like in the original story,
and no one defeated Fury without the ol' stipulations.
The Fury was vulnerable, regenerating after overwhelming Jaspers,
Captain Britain and Avalon jumped the Fury weakening it further,
Blink dumped all her energy quills into the Fury, finally defeating it.
Jaspers was considered an Omniversal threat during that entire recent arc,
by character statements (including Roma) to writer narration columns.
(corroborated in Handbooks as well)
Jaspers erased almost the entire Britain Corps with a wave of his hand.
... mind you, they came from every universe in the Omniverse.
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
That aside , his most impressive feat was warping the White Hot Room .
I read you the first time around.

Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Franklin , according to Daydreamers and Man-Thing vol 3 , was
responsible not just for the creation of HR universe , but a number
of alternate dimensions , in one of which Howard was able to talk ,
had a sister named Princess and he is regarded as a hero by his
family . Just wait until tomorrow , I'll dig up the scans from my hard
disk and post it for you .
HR reality is a pocket-verse, the size of a planet.
I'll look into the alternate dimensions like the Howard example.
You don't need to post it for me friend,
if it exists, I'm already on it.
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
The most recent adult version
was able to survive the destruction of his own timeline
In what issue?
Originally posted by Mr Master
In what issue?
#582 , I believe . Although I'll have to check . I am currently in an area where file-sharing websites have been temporarily banned , so you're on your own for now .
Mr Master
Originally posted by Galan007
As an inexperienced child,
Franklin effortlessly destroyed a hugely amped Mephisto in his own realm:
FF # 277, great issue.
Although, we should submit,
Franklin's potential was released in that story when he floored Mephisto:
Mephisto was also afraid of Franky cause he knew this could happen for said reason below:
http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12034138_Meph2.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12034139_Meph3.jpg
Also should be noted:
We can't tell if Mephisto's amp left before he got floored, or right after,
but it was definitely not there when Franklin destroyed him:
But meh, seeing Franky's potential was unleashed, I don't see why he couldn't do it one way or another.
Originally posted by Galan007
As an inexperienced child, Franklin whimsically created a working universe from scratch:
I'm sure you knew but for the others that may have not, technically that's a pocket-verse.
Which is still a universe,
but with boundaries (not infinite) and significantly smaller than a Universe from the Multiverse.
He made one that was the size of the Earth roughly. (HR)
Originally posted by Galan007
That being said, adult Franklin has a MUCH greater understanding of his cumulative reality-warping powerset, thus he is MUCH more powerful than his younger self... That's why the Mad Celestials freaked out upon his arrival:
I also lulz'd at Frank pwning BB's voice:

... Love the BB scene.
Just like to point out that Franklin created that universe before he had any formal training regarding his powers. He just... Did it. That is what makes it most impressive to me.
Either way, adult Franklin (who also created pocket universes for the lulz) is leaps and bounds beyond his child-self. Jamie hasn't impressed me much in recent years--he's still a powerhouse, just not on Frank's tier, imo.
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
If I remember correctly , that "blue ball" was used solely for the purpose of resurrecting Galactus .
Originally posted by Galan007
I also lulz'd at Frank pwning BB's voice:
http://s4d2.turboimagehost.com/t1/12033583_f6.jpg http://s4d2.turboimagehost.com/t1/12033614_f7.jpg
Anyhow, I personally don't see Frank losing. Jamie is a beat, though... Not denying that.
i laughed insanely when he pulled out the box, pwned the hell out of black bolt
also tutoring young Franklin on how to apply his powers for better things such as fixing the the star of the kree system was really impressive
Hickman has done a rather nice job with the Fantastic Four and Future Foundation
also Gactus stating how Franklin is destined to be come a cosmic force should speak leagues about his power
Originally posted by Mr.SunKing
also Gactus stating how Franklin is destined to be come a cosmic force should speak leagues about his power
http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12034559_f1.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12034563_f2.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12034566_f3.jpg
Funny to me that Frank referred to Galactus as "Galen". I can't recall anyone else ever referring to Galactus by his real name in casual conversation..?
i'm telling you, they're beer buddies man
Mr Master
Originally posted by Galan007
Just like to point out that Franklin created that universe before he
had any formal training regarding his powers. He just... Did it.
That is what makes it most impressive to me.
I agree. I was just pointing out that it was a pocket-verse.
Still very impressive considering the circumstances.
Originally posted by Galan007
Either way, adult Franklin (who also created pocket universes for
the lulz) is leaps and bounds beyond his child-self. Jamie hasn't
impressed me much in recent years--he's still a powerhouse, just
not on Frank's tier, imo.
I'm impressed by both of em personally.
Jamie is more powerful though imo.
Franklin's so damn boss. He'll crack my top 10 if he keeps it up
Originally posted by Mr.SunKing
i'm telling you, they're beer buddies man Wurd.
It would also be nice to have this future-event that Ben mentioned extrapolated on at some point in time:
Originally posted by Mr Master
I just read 582.
I don't think he was affecting the collapse.
I believe he was trying to hold open the rift in space-time which he kicked Nathanial into.
He said the "pressure was collapsing the pocket" and they jumped into it before it did so. You could be right. I haven't read the issue since it was released, so I'm just going off memory. I'll reread it tonight.
Originally posted by Mr Master
I agree. I was just pointing out that it was a pocket-verse.
Still very impressive considering the circumstances. Oh, well yeah. I thought everyone knew that.
Originally posted by Mr Master
I'm impressed by both of em personally.
Jamie is more powerful though imo. Okay. I still disagree, though.
Originally posted by Cogito
Franklin's so damn boss. He'll crack my top 10 if he keeps it up Where Marvel characters are concerned, he's well into my top 10.
...He has Hickman to thank for that. uhuh
Originally posted by Mr Master
Jamie is more powerful though imo.
Not powerful enough to be drinking beers with Big G at the heat death of the universe though duster
@Mr M
If you haven't read the recent Fantastic Four and FF comics Hickman has written, I highly suggest doing so. They're brilliantly done.
Originally posted by Mr Master
I'm sure you knew but for the others that may have not, technically that's a pocket-verse.
Which is still a universe,
but with boundaries (not infinite) and significantly smaller than a Universe from the Multiverse.
He made one that was the size of the Earth roughly. (HR)
The Heroes Reborn Universe was an almost exact replica of the 616 universe , complete with its own interstellar civilizations , star systems , galaxies and even a Galactus(and his heralds) . I'd say its more than just the size a mere planet like the Earth .
Plus in his most recent confrontation with the Mad Celestials , Franklin was TWICE referred as a "universal shaper" . That , imo , definitely puts him in the same class as a universal level reality warper .
IMO , going by his current feats , Franklin is possibly the 3rd strongest reality warping mutant , with MoD being first and MJJ being 2nd .
Originally posted by Galan007
It would also be nice to have this future-event that Ben mentioned extrapolated on at some point in time:
Oh, as long as Hickman is still around for a few more months , its definitely going to be extrapolated upon . Remember , "Here I can build " from that scan in which future Franklin takes a dive into the bundle of different timelines ?
Mr Master
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
The Heroes Reborn Universe was an almost exact replica of the 616 universe ,
complete with its own interstellar civilizations , star systems , galaxies and even a Galactus(and his heralds) .
I'd say its more than just the size a mere planet like the Earth .
Actually, after flipping pages, I noticed I was mistaken.
It was nothing more than a "pocket universe" and in no way resembling 616,
other than the planet Earth which was the replica.
It was also unstable from its inception and this is why Ashema intervened.
http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12035342_FR1.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12035343_FR2.jpg
I don't know where you got that there were:
"interstellar civilizations , star systems , galaxies and even a Galactus and his heralds"
But in fact, it was the size of a solar system as Tony put it. (I'll upload it in a while)
Asgard (another pocket-universe) is even smaller than that.
Also, after Ashema's input, Doom took the replica Earth out of the collapsing pocket-verse,
and put it on the other side of the Sun.
That's why I was saying it was the size of a planet, I forgot about it's birth-story.
Pocket-Universes come in different sizes,
but none of them are near the size of an actual Universe,
and certainly not in the breadth of infinity.
Mr Master
Originally posted by Galan007
@Mr M
If you haven't read the recent Fantastic Four and FF comics Hickman has written, I highly suggest doing so. They're brilliantly done.
I'm all over it, salivating.
Franky's definitely gone up the latter friend.
He turned off the part of Nathaniel Richards' brain,
which controls his power to jump around the time-stream.
Originally posted by Mr Master
I'm all over it, salivating. Hickman has produced some of the best (if not THE the best) F4 material ever, with his recent stints on those two titles.
He's an excellent cosmic-level storyteller.
Originally posted by Mr Master
Franky's definitely gone up the latter friend.
He turned off the part of Nathaniel Richards' brain,
which controls his power to jump around the time-stream. That's just the tip of the iceberg.
What about the durability of either?
Sure, both have great offensive capabilities when it comes to warping reality, but what about their feats of resisting being warped themselves by other reality warpers?
Theoretically, since Jaime has control over the quantum strings that bind all of reality, shouldn't he be more resilient than adult Franklin?
Durability-wise, Frank tanked multiple blasts from the Mad Celestials. Those are likely his best on panel durability feats, considering he's only been around (in the flesh) for a handful of issues.
...Dunno if Jamie has a durability feat on par with that. Mr M has followed Jamie's 'career' more consistently than I have--he'd likely know if such a feat exists.
quick question
is there any possbility of Jamie coming back anytime soon?
or is he dead for good?
Originally posted by Mr Master
The WHR is a Multiversal Nexus. Franky's never affected something that major.
Jamie effortlessly withstood a consciousness expanding Omniversal scale attack,
he then equally stomped that power like child's play.
Jamie created an Alternate Universe and made an alternate of himself within it.
This alternate Jamie that 616 Jamie created,
was able to also control that alternate reality.
He actually shut off all sound waves across the Universe to stomp Dazzler,
and turned all the stars in that Universe into harmless snowflakes.

to shut off Havok's power which derived from stellar energy.
Jamie manipulated Alfie O'Meagan's entire Universe via a comic book in 616.

(Alfie just happens to be the most powerful being/reality warper in that Universe)
Jamie fused 616 Jaspers with the Fury, even though Wanda only resurrected MJJ.
Those are some feats off the top of my head.
Very nice list.
Quick question though, what was the omniversal scale attack that Jamie withstood?
As to the topic, my money is on Jamie.
Originally posted by Mr Master
Actually, after flipping pages, I noticed I was mistaken.
It was nothing more than a "pocket universe" and in no way resembling 616,
other than the planet Earth which was the replica.
It was also unstable from its inception and this is why Ashema intervened.
http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12035342_FR1.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t1/12035343_FR2.jpg
I don't know where you got that there were:
"interstellar civilizations , star systems , galaxies and even a Galactus and his heralds"
But in fact, it was the size of a solar system as Tony put it. (I'll upload it in a while)
Asgard (another pocket-universe) is even smaller than that.
Also, after Ashema's input, Doom took the replica Earth out of the collapsing pocket-verse,
and put it on the other side of the Sun.
That's why I was saying it was the size of a planet, I forgot about it's birth-story.
Pocket-Universes come in different sizes,
but none of them are near the size of an actual Universe,
and certainly not in the breadth of infinity.
It did have its own Galactus . And as far as interstellar civilizations are concerned , they at least had the Skrulls .
Also the "blue ball" containing the gateway to the pocket universe , was initially discovered by Strange , and then later given to Eternity for safekeeping .
Originally posted by Galan007
Durability-wise, Frank tanked multiple blasts from the Mad Celestials. Those are likely his best on panel durability feats, considering he's only been around (in the flesh) for a handful of issues.
Plus withstanding Blackbolt's voice .
Mr Master
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
It did have its own Galactus .
And as far as interstellar civilizations are concerned ,
they at least had the Skrulls .
This discussion had me hitting the shelves for my Heroes Reborn collection.
Alright, this is the extent of it:
The pocket-verse was half the size of "our own" galaxy.
(I was mistaken by saying solar system) that's what Tony said and Doom complied.
There were few stars and planets which Franky added subconcsiously to give this space substance.
It seems though the only other planet with life was the Kree Thrownworld,
and of course the replicated Earth.
It seems since Franky did this on a nervous whim to save his people,
he created a few extras to fill up the mini-reality.
Interestingly, he made two special elements he's familiar with due to his families history,
a facsimile of Galactus and the Kree.
Originally posted by Mr Master
This discussion had me hitting the shelves for my Heroes Reborn collection.
Alright, this is the extent of it:
The pocket-verse was half the size of "our own" galaxy.
(I was mistaken by saying solar system) that's what Tony said and Doom complied.
There were few stars and planets which Franky added subconcsiously to give this space substance.
It seems though the only other planet with life was the Kree Thrownworld,
and of course the replicated Earth.
It seems since Franky did this on a nervous whim to save his people,
he created a few extras to fill up the mini-reality.
Interestingly, he made two special elements he's familiar with due to his families history,
a facsimile of Galactus and the Kree.
Btw , Mr M , isn't Asgard a galaxy sized dimension ? At least that's what I've heard . However if you have any info and scans regarding the size of the Asgardian dimension , can you provide them to me ?
It'll be much appreciated .
Also , didn't the HR verse have the Skrulls as well ? IIRC , then they seemed to have a blood feud going with Galactus for consuming their world .
Originally posted by Mr Master
This discussion had me hitting the shelves for my Heroes Reborn collection.
Alright, this is the extent of it:
The pocket-verse was half the size of "our own" galaxy.
(I was mistaken by saying solar system) that's what Tony said and Doom complied.
There were few stars and planets which Franky added subconcsiously to give this space substance.
It seems though the only other planet with life was the Kree Thrownworld,
and of course the replicated Earth.
It seems since Franky did this on a nervous whim to save his people,
he created a few extras to fill up the mini-reality.
Interestingly, he made two special elements he's familiar with due to his families history,
a facsimile of Galactus and the Kree.
Btw , this play pocketverse/baby-universe he created , definitely had its own galaxy . Tell me , what else would you call a swirling ocean of stars like that , shaped like our Milky Way , apart from a galaxy ? This is what I am talking about :
Originally posted by Galan007
It would also be nice to have this future-event that Ben mentioned extrapolated on at some point in time:
yeah i hope so too, im all for it
that whole issue was put together very nicely
Originally posted by Mr.SunKing
yeah i hope so too, im all for it
that whole issue was put together very nicely
In #582 , when future Franklin dived into the massive bundle of different timelines/realities , there was one particular future in which Doom was shown speaking "Here I can build" . This turned out to be prophetic , after FF#16 was released . If Hickman is still sticking around for another couple of months , then trust me , he'll weave this particular event into a spectacular storyline in a way only Hickman can do .
Otherwise , you can leave it to some future jack@$$ writer to either retcon these events(eg. Parliament of Doom) or just ignore them altogether .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Plus withstanding Blackbolt's voice . He didn't really withstand BB's voice, he just negated it--turned it off (much like he did to Nathaniel's powerset.)
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Btw , this play pocketverse/baby-universe he created , definitely had its own galaxy . Tell me , what else would you call a swirling ocean of stars like that , shaped like our Milky Way , apart from a galaxy ? This is what I am talking about :
http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lv5wg6d0uy1qarscco1_500.jpg That is definitely a galaxy. The abundance of space-stuff around it also clearly shows us that Franklin created a LOT more than just that galaxy.
Originally posted by Galan007
He didn't really withstand BB's voice, he just negated it--turned it off (much like he did to Nathaniel's powerset.)
I don't think so . If that was the case why put BB in a safety cube in the first place ?
Originally posted by Galan007
Good point.
Its not like its beyond his ability to do so . But stripping BB of his power(s)(even momentarily) would be too disrespectful and intrusive on BB's person , and in that same panel , Franklin refers to BB as "my good king" . So , I am pretty sure that Franklin respects the guy , and came up with the best solution with that translucent red cuboid cell , and making himself immune to BB's voice .
Frank did say that he would "never let's BB's voice harm him." So yeah...
Originally posted by Galan007
Frank did say that he would "never let's BB's voice harm him." So yeah...
That could mean only himself . Which essentially implies that he made himself immune to BB's sonics .
Think about it . Wouldn't it seem disrespectful , insensitive and somewhat arrogant on Frank's part to strip BB of his voice ability , just so that they can have a casual conversation ? Wouldn't it look humiliating in front of his subjects , which consist of his spouse and her sisters ? Along with the Kree , among whom the Supremor would probably be gloating at the sight of BB's predicament(even if it was temporary) ?
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
That could mean only himself . Which essentially implies that he made himself immune to BB's sonics . That's what I'm saying.
Originally posted by Galan007
That's what I'm saying.
Alright .
Mr Master
Originally posted by zopzop
Very nice list.
He may have also defeated the First Fallen off panel,
he also made Betsy invulnerable to any other reality manipulator,
and he also made her immune to psyche attacks.
To Jamie, everything he sees is made of stings he has control over,
and evidently by effortlessly manipulating these strings he can alter reality,
even a multiversal wide Nexus like the White Hot Room.
Originally posted by zopzop
Quick question though,
what was the omniversal scale attack that Jamie withstood?
It was a consciousness expanding attack,
like what Jean did to Mastermind on a universal scale,
only Scatterbrain can do this on an Omniversal scale.
I might as well, through in the whole scene, where he stomps Tech-Net,
it's pretty cool.
Aside from Scatterbrain, Technet has another uber character called Joyboy,
a floating baby who can perceive your most extreme unattainable desire
and then gives it to you.
But this k.o's you and leaves you damaged
since you acquire a wish you could never have had.
Anyway ... This is Jamie Braddock, the first time he came to realize his power:
(he easily defeats TechNet, including Scatterbrain, Joyboy and the rest)
http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043403_Jamie0.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043405_Jamie1.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043406_Jamie2.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043407_Jamie3.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043409_Jamie4.jpghttp://s4d4.turboimagehost.com/t/12043498_Jamie5.jpg
Notice in the scene with Scatterbrain, Jamie actually enjoyed her attack.

Mr Master
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Btw , Mr M , isn't Asgard a galaxy sized dimension ?
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Also , didn't the HR verse have the Skrulls as well ? IIRC
Yea my bad, I said Kree instead of Skrull.
The Kree wasn't there.
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Btw , this play pocketverse/baby-universe he created ,
definitely had its own galaxy .
Tell me , what else would you call a swirling ocean of stars like
that , shaped like our Milky Way , apart from a galaxy ? This is
what I am talking about :

... But this has nothing to do with Heroes Reborn friend.
Again below, as I stated earlier on page 3:
Originally posted by Mr Master
Pocket-Universes come in different sizes,
but none of them are near the size of an actual Universe,
and certainly not in the breadth of infinity.
Also, Heroes Reborn was made on a whim, to save his people from Onslaught,
it was obviously rushed as it was "unstable" from it's inception.
The scan you posted, is a recent depiction,
of a relaxed Franklin who's been practicing in private from the comfort of his closet.
He may have been able to do the same thing for Heroes Reborn,
but the circumstance may have made the difference.
( it was half the size of "our own galaxy" )
That's still around 50,000 light years of space/time made by a child on a whim.
That shit's incredibly impressive, especially under the conditions he was in.
Originally posted by Mr Master
The scan you posted, is a recent depiction,
of a relaxed Franklin who's been practicing in private from the comfort of his closet. Actually, Franklin had not yet received any type of training/practice with his powers when that shade of his older self showed he and Leech what he'd created.
Whole scene:
http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043813_f1.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043821_f2.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043823_f3.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043825_f4.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043827_f5.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043829_f6.jpg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12043832_f7.jpg
It was only after said 'tour' that Franklin's training began.
Originally posted by Mr Master
That shit's incredibly impressive, especially under the conditions he was in.

Originally posted by Mr Master
The scan you posted, is a recent depiction,
of a relaxed Franklin who's been practicing in private from the comfort of his closet.
He may have been able to do the same thing for Heroes Reborn,
but the circumstance may have made the difference.
( it was half the size of "our own galaxy" )
That's still around 50,000 light years of space/time made by a child on a whim.
That shit's incredibly impressive, especially under the conditions he was in.
The universe in my scan , was made immediately after his powers were reawakened by his older self . So it was made with a POSSIBLY more relaxed mind , but at that point he still didn't have any sort of training .
Also the most recent estimates put our galaxy between 100000-120000 light-years , in terms of DIAMETER . Considering that the HR universe was half the "size" of our galaxy , it is around 50000-60000 light-years in diameter , is around 25000-30000 light-years in radius , is around 150000-180000 light-years in circumference , and 65,000,000,000,00 to 113,000,000,000,000 cubic light-years in volume . (Note that I rounded of the value of pi to 3 here , so the actual numbers are even higher).
That is A LOT of space .
Mr Master
Originally posted by Galan007
Actually, Franklin had not yet received any type of training/practice
with his powers when that shade of his older self showed he and Leech
what he'd created.
It was only after said 'tour' that Franklin's training began.
I agree with the training, but I believe he was practicing on his own.
In the sense that, he plays this way, which makes him better the more he plays.
This statement from Galactus (imo) suggest Franky's been doing this:
Then again, we know he's created and/or destroyed pocket-verses prior aside from (HR)
It seems though now he's doing it with more conscious control.
The shaded self even said as much:
Originally posted by Mr Master
I agree with the training, but I believe he was practicing on his own.
In the sense that, he plays this way, which makes him better the more he plays.
This statement from Galactus (imo) suggest Franky's been doing this:
It appears more as if Galactus is trying to imply how woefully oblivious Reed is to his own child's activities , even while he's worrying about global catastrophes . Nothing about Franklin training or practicing with his abilities .
Originally posted by Mr Master
This statement from Galactus (imo) suggest Franky's been doing this:
http://s4d4.turboimagehost.com/t/12044204_Franky8.jpg I agree with GK's interpretation. Galactus' statement, to me, implies that Reed/Sue have been so busy dealing with misc. events, that they completely failed to notice their own child's 'antics' (ie. running off into his universe and fighting crime with Leech, etc.) /shrug
Originally posted by Mr Master
It seems though now he's doing it with more conscious control.
The shaded self even said as much:
http://s4d2.turboimagehost.com/t/12044260_Franky9.jpg Nah. In the following page, Franklin responds to the shade's comments:
All Franklin knew is that his dreams were becoming reality. He had no idea how his powers worked on a more complex level. The scan you referenced just demonstrates the fact that Franklin was capable of dreaming up universes that were close to the real thing (even on a conceptual level), w/o even knowing wtf he was doing.
As Valeria said: "He's a pretty special boy."
Mr Master
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
It appears more as if Galactus is trying to imply how woefully
oblivious Reed is to his own child's activities , even while he's worrying about global catastrophes .
That's obvious for that's exactly what G said, apart from then mentioning Franky.
Nothing about Franklin training or practicing with his abilities .
Nobody said anything about G being specific, so of course G never anything about said statements.
Also, I already agreed Franky wasn't training.
I said he was practicing via playing.
Please friend,
read others' posts' thoroughly as to avoid misconstruing others' posts.
It also avoids redundancy like repeating what G said.
Originally posted by Galan007
I agree with GK's interpretation. Galactus' statement, to me,
implies that Reed/Sue have been so busy dealing with misc. events,
that they completely failed to notice their own child's 'antics' (ie.
running off into his universe and fighting crime with Leech, etc.) /shrug
Nah. In the following page, Franklin responds to the shade's comments:
All Franklin knew is that his dreams were becoming reality. He had no
idea how his powers worked on a more complex level. The scan you
referenced just demonstrates the fact that Franklin was capable of
dreaming up universes that were close to the real thing (even on a
conceptual level), w/o even knowing wtf he was doing.
As Valeria said: "He's a pretty special boy."
I understand G's statements, and we know what he was telling Reed concerning his distraction,
I also believe what G said afterwards, can be interpreted either way.
Had G said, 'what your child has done.'
I'd say there's no question he was talking about an isolated incident.
But since he said 'what your child's been doing.'
There's room for interpretation, imo.
I also don't completely agree Franky's last comment washes away my suggestion.
That's all. I see your point btw. and it could be seen that way as well.
Originally posted by Mr Master
That's all. I see your point btw. and it could be seen that way as well. I agree. It's a bit ambiguous.
Imo, the interpretation I gave falls more in line with Franklin's character portrayal. Franklin essentially tells his older self that he doesn't know what he's doing on any sort of complex level--all he knows is that whatever he imagines seems to happen. Personally, I don't think he was practicing in the formal sense of the word--that's why his older self began training him in the first place.
Either way, the kid (even untrained) was massively powerful and has only become more powerful since then, thanks to constantly training with his future self.
...And adult Franklin is far more powerful still.
Originally posted by Mr Master
Nobody said anything about G being specific, so of course G never anything about said statements.
Also, I already agreed Franky wasn't training.
I said he was practicing via playing.
Please friend,
read others' posts' thoroughly as to avoid misconstruing others' posts,
it also avoid redundancy like repeating what G said.
I understand G's statements, and we know what he was telling Reed concerning his distraction,
I also believe what G said afterwards, can be interpreted either way.
Had G said, 'what your child has done.'
I'd say there's no question he was talking about an isolated incident.
But since he said 'what your child's been doing.'
There'd room for interpretation, imo.
That's all. I see your point btw. and it could be seen that way as well.
I never misconstrued yours or anyone else's posts . I simply pointed out that in that particular scan you provided Galactus merely pointed out Reed's ignorance on what his "son had been upto" . In that very issue from which you provided the scan , its clearly shown that the play universe he and Leech jumped into was same universe he created at the point his powers were awakened by his older self . So , based on on-panel evidence , its safe to assume that from the moment his powers had been awakened , up until that point in the series(when he and Leech jumped into his created reality) , he had only made one pocket universe(which was possibly bigger than the HR universe) .
So the best "practice" he got up until that point was shooting down a bunch of imaginary , cartoonish villains he made in this 2nd pocket universe(he and Leech ventured into) .
All that said , I still don't see how he was "practicing" his reality warping abilities in any major way , shape or form , such that it would elicit Galactus to imply that he had been doing such a thing .
Also , Mr Master , please answer the queries asked in this post :
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Galactus , Odin and Thanos as well , if you consider the reformed Clyde to be the same guy as the Marquis .
Also , has any other reality warper(apart from Franklin) managed to or even mentioned to , on-panel , affect or control a high end abstract or cosmic ?
I know MJJ , Braddock , and HoM Wanda have universal , multiversal and omniversal level warping feats , but was it ever shown or even mentioned on-panel that they were able to directly affect a high end cosmic or an abstract under their own power ?
If not , then going by his feats , MoD is the strongest human mutant reality warper shown so far .
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