Lady Death vs Thanos
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Lady Death vs Thanos
Lady death from Chaos and now boundless comics
SOme may say this is spite to lady death but i say he's to busy oogling at her to notice her killing him and him going into her realm forever and ever.
What are her feats?
She isnt very powerful actually. Her feats are probably lower WAY LOWER then Loki's. BUT SHE'S DEATH.
But seriously I think she can pull a Drax on Him
I'mma stab a *****.
Then let the stabbing begin MF
Originally posted by TheMask
She isnt very powerful actually. Her feats are probably lower WAY LOWER then Loki's. BUT SHE'S DEATH.
Lower that Loki?
In that case, Thanos absolutly crush her.
To tell you the truth. I put her against him cause she's freaking death. THus she can kill him no matter what. Thus thats why she makes such a good match.
Originally posted by TheMask
To tell you the truth. I put her against him cause she's freaking death. THus she can kill him no matter what. Thus thats why she makes such a good match.
Is she really Death, or is she a "goddess of Death", like Hela?
Because Thanos would pwn Hela too.
IMO, if she's the concept of Death in that comic, well, Thanos kill her, and just take her place...
Her name is Lady Death im guessing she is Death.
You seriously PMing me, dude? What are you?
Anyway. She seems to be death since she has Death touch like the Grim Reaper.
She has a death touch, death powers, and such but she is not literally death.
Lady Death has a few origins, but in most she's basically an extremely powerful sorcerer/warrior who fights stuff like demons and so on.
Also in at least one or two versions, she has the intent of killing everything, but not always.
Thanos is HER b!tch She stomps, spitiehard.
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Thanos is HER b!tch She stomps, spitiehard.
Why do you say that? This is Lady Death from Boundless comics, and she use to be in Chaos comics. Why do you say she's so tough, or do you think im talking about Marvel's death?
Originally posted by TheMask
Why do you say that? This is Lady Death from Boundless comics, and she use to be in Chaos comics. Why do you say she's so tough, or do you think im talking about Marvel's death?
I just read Lady Death, so I supposed it was the one from Marvel not the actually really HOT LD

. In that case she stomps even harder because... she is drawn really hot droolio
Ok i dont care what anyone thinks.........., but is there any nudity?
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
I just read Lady Death, so I supposed it was the one from Marvel not the actually really HOT LD

. In that case she stomps even harder because... she is drawn really hot droolio
Death of the Endless is the hottest Death ever.

Originally posted by Endless Mike
Death of the Endless is the hottest Death ever.
Oh I think Death From the Ednless is cute but LD is just pure sex, if you know what i mean. They are just differently hot

Thanos wins.
Death in one reality does not equal death in another, surely.
Unless you're saying they are?
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Oh I think Death From the Ednless is cute but LD is just pure sex, if you know what i mean. They are just differently hot

Scans or you're lying.

I think thanos will be distracted by Lady Death's "assets" if he has any libido at all
Originally posted by BUSTER1
I think thanos will be distracted by Lady Death's "assets" if he has any libido at all
You underestimate Thanos. He's a man of pure logic, with his heart given only to Mistress Death.
Also, he one-shot her.
Lord Feron
Death says "go **** yourself with a rake" Thanos proceeds to furiously do so all they while saying "Is this good? Am I doing right? I can do it faster if you want!"
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Also, he one-shot her.
Maybe I've got a 1 track brain, but that sounds like an innuendo to me.

Originally posted by TheMask
To tell you the truth. I put her against him cause she's freaking death. THus she can kill him no matter what. Thus thats why she makes such a good match. She's not very muscular.
Originally posted by Endless Mike
Death of the Endless is the hottest Death ever.
Your into goth-chicks?

Originally posted by Diesldude
Scans or you're lying.
Endless Mike
Originally posted by "Id"
Your into goth-chicks?
You got a problem with that?

Never liked the Lady Death hair.
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