DCNU Captain Atom vs Silver Surfer
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Originally posted by abhilegend
Cap. Based on ?
Captain Atom appears to be at least Trans in the DCnU, IMO.
Endless Mike
What has he done that's so impressive?
He's basically become Doctor Manhattan. He's not quite there yet, IMO, because he's still learning, but that's definitely the direction.
I can post some scans later tonight. At work now
Endless Mike
Surfer would beat Manhattan though
Originally posted by Endless Mike
Surfer would beat Manhattan though
No he won't.
Yes, he would.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Based on ? being created over at DC which makes him more powerful than Marvel Characters.

Originally posted by Nietzschean
being created over at DC which makes him more powerful than Marvel Characters.

That seems to be the case. You ask many why and they literally can't answer you.
DCnU is still too nU for us to be able to gauge this fight appropriately.
Either side (pro Surfer or pro Atom) would just be guessing based on either feats or portrayal.
Let's wait and find out. Unlike Manhattan, CA's appearances aren't limited to a single story.
Originally posted by Existere DCnU is still too nU for us to be able to gauge this fight appropriately. Either side (pro Surfer or pro Atom) would just be guessing based on either feats or portrayal. Let's wait and find out. Unlike Manhattan, CA's appearances aren't limited to a single story.
plus he in a universe filled with top/trans tiers.
Originally posted by quanchi112
That seems to be the case. You ask many why and they literally can't answer you.
The irony of that comment astounds me.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
plus he in a universe filled with top/trans tiers. and marvel isnt?

Originally posted by Nietzschean and marvel isnt?
i was comparing him to manhatan not marvel.

I'm going to go with Surfer for now, until Captain Atom gets more feat under his belt, which I have no doubt he will.
I'm definitely giving this to Atom now.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
I'm definitely giving this to Atom now.
Why? What has he recently done? I seen all of his previous fts.
Quote by Galan.
CA absorbs his other versions, past/present/future. Uses that power to defeat Megala (an energy absorbing offspring of CA himself.) Then creates life.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Quote by Galan.
CA absorbs his other versions, past/present/future. Uses that power to defeat Megala (an energy absorbing offspring of CA himself.) Then creates life.
So Captain Atom's future self is basically vulnerable and incompetent on resisting absorption from a much newbish version of him...
^ No. The 'real' CA was simply better at absorbing energy than his evil counterpart.
Originally posted by Galan007
^ No. The 'real' CA was simply better at absorbing energy than his evil counterpart.
thats quite illogical specially since one was his future self so no.

i thought all 3 of them are Capt Atom..just from different time..future version of himself..even that energy being Chrono Mota they fought is Capt Atom from a few thousand year in the future..they are all the same person..
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
thats quite illogical specially since one was his future self so no. The hell?

Originally posted by Existere
DCnU is still too nU for us to be able to gauge this fight appropriately.
Either side (pro Surfer or pro Atom) would just be guessing based on either feats or portrayal.
Let's wait and find out. Unlike Manhattan, CA's appearances aren't limited to a single story.
Originally posted by Galan007
The hell?
so his past noob self manages to outdo his alternate future self, who should by all means have a ton more experience honing his skills not strange?
1) future ca has a learning disability
2) plot device win to live another day.
sorry but thats how i see it.
I think you're confused.
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