Batman 1000000 & Karate Kid Vs Gorgon & Iron Fist
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Both future fighters. Which team?
Dam that looks painful...
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Cogito
Team 1 stomps.
Gorgon turns them to stone, Iron Fist turns them to debris.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Gorgon turns them to stone, Iron Fist turns them to debris.
If we got to see more of what Batman one million has done, this would be a horrible curbstomp.
Big deal, Gorgon can attack physically and telephatically at the same time as well. And he has really good psychic defenses.
Originally posted by Blight
If we got to see more of what Batman one million has done, this would be a horrible curbstomp.
Unless he had showings past Morrison's DC 1 Million story, he had very few feats.
But I'd guess if he's worthy of the name Batman, he should at least be capable of Val Armorr feats, if not surpassing them through advances in space martial arts.
That's not good enough for a forum fight, unfortunately.
Still, Val alone should solo. (Sorry, Mindset!)
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Big deal, Gorgon can attack physically and telephatically at the same time as well. And he has really good psychic defenses.
Val Armorr can karate chop through tanks and stuff though. Even the comparatively featless Threeboot Val Armorr should own by virtue of handling Ultra Boy in super speed mode and clearing out tons of ice and snow with a single punch.
With a punch like that, he could literally punch through any guard.. He'd turn them into paste, basically.
Could Danny chi-amp himself to match KK's level of speed/reflexes?
I would imagine Danny may know some h2h techniques that are unknown to any that haven't earned the mantle of iron fist, so perhaps that would be an area he could exploit...
I may be reaching a bit on that one, lol
red sabre
Team 1 Stomps , gorgon and iron douche are outmatched here
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