Doctor Strange vs Thanos
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Doctor Strange Sorcerer Supreme
Nobody gets prep both are blood lusted.
Endless Mike
Classic Strange freezes him in time and sends him to the Dark Dimension for Dormammu to play with for all eternity
Both are at there best.
Endless Mike
Assuming that means no IG or HOTU?
Originally posted by Endless Mike
Assuming that means no IG or HOTU?
I would assume no plot devices....
Endless Mike
Then Strange wins
Even Mistress Death said it'll be hard to claim Doc.
Steve wins.
Thanos, easily.
Strange, no contest.
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
Strange, no contest. Based on ?
Strange wrecks him.
This one goes to Strange .
On a second note , based upon how easily Strange went down to Odin , while Thanos was able to hold his own for quite some time , I could possibly shift towards Thanos .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
On a second note , based upon how easily Strange went down to Odin , while Thanos was able to hold his own for quite some time , I could possibly shift towards Thanos . Think about how easily Strange and a team went down to power gem Thor while Thanos easily held his own. He ended it after his amusement was over.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Think about how easily Strange and a team went down to power gem Thor while Thanos easily held his own. He ended it after his amusement was over.
I'll think about it .
Originally posted by quanchi112
Based on ?
You being wrong again and almost everyone else agreeing that Thanos loses is enough. You are not worth anything more.

But keep following me, you might learn something Quannytranny

Originally posted by TheGodKiller
I'll think about it . Make the right decision.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Based on ?
Countering each gem of the Infinity Gauntlet, until Adam Warlock finally decided to simply overpower him.. And even than, Strange lasted longer than the cosmic beings like Celestials did against the same attacks.
Originally posted by Batman-Prime
You being wrong again and almost everyone else agreeing that Thanos loses is enough. You are not worth anything more.

But keep following me, you might lern something Quannytranny

I don't think that Thanos loses definitely here , Prime . If this was classic Dr Strange , or Dr Strange on prep , then it would be a stomp in his favor . However without prep , its debatable who wins this fight . And I am beginning to lean towards Thanos in this thread.........
Originally posted by cdtm
Countering each gem of the Infinity Gauntlet, until Adam Warlock finally decided to simply overpower him.. And even than, Strange lasted longer than the cosmic beings like Celestials did against the same attacks.
You have to realize that Strange had a GREAT deal of prep and mystic artifacts like the Eye of Agamotto at his disposal , and he only countered INDIVIDUAL gems . When Warlock got serious , Strange was overpowered .
Strange here doesn't have that kind of prep . Thanos could possibly have a chance here .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
You have to realize that Strange had a GREAT deal of prep and mystic artifacts like the Eye of Agamotto at his disposal , and he only countered INDIVIDUAL gems . When Warlock got serious , Strange was overpowered .
Strange here doesn't have that kind of prep . Thanos could possibly have a chance here .
Adam never overpowered Strange. Doc admitted that he would inevitably lose vs the power gem but it didn't get to that point. Doc used the soul gem against Adam first which was impressive considering Adam was the one in possession of the IG.
Originally posted by cdtm
Countering each gem of the Infinity Gauntlet, until Adam Warlock finally decided to simply overpower him.. And even than, Strange lasted longer than the cosmic beings like Celestials did against the same attacks. Warlock wasn't trying to kill him while Thor was undoubtedly superior with just the power gem. Thanos defeated him with ease when he wanted to. That's the difference here. Thanos in the same story as Strange is unquestionably better. You also ignored a lot of context.Originally posted by Batman-Prime
You being wrong again and almost everyone else agreeing that Thanos loses is enough. You are not worth anything more.

But keep following me, you might learn something Quannytranny

. That has nothing to do with this topic. Try not to be overly emotional and support your opinion. If you can't then why give an opinion ?Originally posted by TheGodKiller
I'll think about it . Ok.
How would Thanos battle Strange effectively?
What does he have that he could use on Steve?
And, has Strange been able to handle bigger powerhouses? And, how?
Originally posted by Sundipped
Adam never overpowered Strange. Doc admitted that he would inevitably lose vs the power gem but it didn't get to that point. Doc used the soul gem against Adam first which was impressive considering Adam was the one in possession of the IG.
But still , that was a heavily PREPPED Strange . At the end of the day , he only stalemated INDIVIDUAL gems . He is a very skilled sorcerer , no doubt about it , but here he has no prep .
Which is why I doubt Thanos loses definitively as some people on this thread have made it out to be .
Originally posted by quanchi112
Thanos defeated him with ease when he wanted to. That's the difference here. Thanos in the same story as Strange is unquestionably better. You also ignored a lot of context. That has nothing to do with this topic. Try not to be overly emotional and support your opinion. If you can't then why give an opinion ? Ok.
I like how you call me out for ignoring context, while ignoring context yourself.
Grabbing an experimental gun when he failed to beat Thor down is something I'd consider "context"

Originally posted by TheGodKiller
But still , that was a heavily PREPPED Strange . At the end of the day , he only stalemated INDIVIDUAL gems . He is a very skilled sorcerer , no doubt about it , but here he has no prep .
Which is why I doubt Thanos loses definitively as some people on this thread have made it out to be .
I don't know, I don't believe Thanos was using much more than individual gems in his battle with the abstracts ether...
Like the time gem to counter Chronos, or the power gem to wipe out Celestials.... Sure, he wasn't calling them out like Warlock was, but it was evidence from the effects (And to my knowledge, while the gems powers multiply when in gauntlet form, I've never heard it explained that the gems lose their individual functions)
Still, good point about Stranges prep. With standard gear and the Eye though, doesn't he normally hold off skyfather level characters?
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
You have to realize that Strange had a GREAT deal of prep and mystic artifacts like the Eye of Agamotto at his disposal , and he only countered INDIVIDUAL gems . When Warlock got serious , Strange was overpowered .
Strange here doesn't have that kind of prep . Thanos could possibly have a chance here .
I thought Thanos had no IG in this. doesn't the IG count as prep?
Originally posted by ctsketch
I thought Thanos had no IG in this. doesn't the IG count as prep?
The argument is, if Strange could counter the gauntlet, in any way shape or form (Keeping in mind even a single gem when it's the gauntlet is powerful enough to defeat most abstracts), that Thanos at normal power levels won't stand a chance.
But TGK is right, Strange used every last artifact and pact he had for this feat, so it's probably not something he can repeat without prep time.
Originally posted by ctsketch
I thought Thanos had no IG in this. doesn't the IG count as prep?
Thanos was able to briefly hold his own against a skyfather(in fact the toughest skyfather out there) in that skyfather's own realm . The same skyfather against whom Strange utterly failed against .
Originally posted by cdtm
I don't know, I don't believe Thanos was using much more than individual gems in his battle with the abstracts ether...
Like the time gem to counter Chronos, or the power gem to wipe out Celestials.... Sure, he wasn't calling them out like Warlock was, but it was evidence from the effects (And to my knowledge, while the gems powers multiply when in gauntlet form, I've never heard it explained that the gems lose their individual functions)
Still, good point about Stranges prep. With standard gear and the Eye though, doesn't he normally hold off skyfather level characters?
I don't know . He was unable to gain the upper hand against Mephisto in the latter's own realm , and had to resort to releasing a sleeping Franklin Richards to one-shot Mephisto . Although I'll admit that in this case , Mephisto was being amped by the Dire Wraiths' evil .
Strange also failed against Odin during the WM Thor fiasco . And in that same arc , Thanos performed better than the rest of the team combined(Strange included) against Odin .
Originally posted by cdtm
I like how you call me out for ignoring context, while ignoring context yourself.
Grabbing an experimental gun when he failed to beat Thor down is something I'd consider "context"

That's his tech. Thor had a plot device not his own. Thanos uses his own tech all the time and is well within his own powers. Thanos won. Strange lost with an entire team backing him. That's a comparison between the two in the same story and Thanos came off looking on another level. Thanos is.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Warlock wasn't trying to kill him while Thor was undoubtedly superior with just the power gem. Thanos defeated him with ease when he wanted to. That's the difference here. Thanos in the same story as Strange is unquestionably better.
That was just a piss poor showing from Doc altogether in that arc. Moondragon too. When it was time to rumble with team Asgard, look what happened:
But on the contrary, Adam did put forth effort against Strange.
Adam - "I shall still smash you if I must".
Very impressive prep feat for Doc when you consider Adam was just juggling the solar system with no effort while bored.
Thanos always looks good. This thread has Doc at his best so I'd like to throw out this showing for Strange but you got a legitimate stance for Thanos because his showings were good in that arc.
Originally posted by Sundipped
That was just a piss poor showing from Doc altogether in that arc. Moondragon too. When it was time to rumble with team Asgard, look what happened:
But on the contrary, Adam did put forth effort against Strange.
Adam - "I shall still smash you if I must".
Very impressive prep feat for Doc when you consider Adam was just juggling the solar system with no effort while bored.
Thanos always looks good. This thread has Doc at his best so I'd like to throw out this showing for Strange but you got a legitimate stance for Thanos because his showings were good in that arc. My point is Adam could defeat him with a mere thought. If you take prep for instance Thanos' feats are truly scary. Straight up I think the only way one can make a case for Strange is arguing his absolute best feats versus Thanos' average and even then I still don't think Strange wins.
Thanos isnt Adam with the IG though is he?
Originally posted by quanchi112
My point is Adam could defeat him with a mere thought. If you take prep for instance Thanos' feats are truly scary. Straight up I think the only way one can make a case for Strange is arguing his absolute best feats versus Thanos' average and even then I still don't think Strange wins.
Adam couldn't defeat him with a thought. Even the reality and mind gems failed. If I use one of Docs best like laying Death herself flat out, how would Thanos fare against it?
Keep in mind a pissed Drax blast didn't faze Death at all.
Strange is one of the most powerful guys in the MU. Even just hand to hand wise he beat mantis didnt he? Mantis puts nerve holds on Thor and Thanos didnt she?
Originally posted by TheMask
Thanos isnt Adam with the IG though is he?
They showed the same level of skill . Although I doubt Thanos would have agreed to Strange the way Warlock .
Originally posted by cdtm
I don't know, I don't believe Thanos was using much more than individual gems in his battle with the abstracts ether...
Like the time gem to counter Chronos, or the power gem to wipe out Celestials.... Sure, he wasn't calling them out like Warlock was, but it was evidence from the effects (And to my knowledge, while the gems powers multiply when in gauntlet form, I've never heard it explained that the gems lose their individual functions)
Omnipotence is defined as unlimited power and ability to do anything . That said , even if he was using only individual gems(which is HIGHLY unlikely) to counter specific abstracts , I am sure he was backing up every individual gem with the rest of thee gauntlet just to be sure .
Otherwise , Strange could have stalemated Thanos the same way he did with Warlock .
Originally posted by Sundipped
Adam couldn't defeat him with a thought. Even the reality and mind gems failed. If I use one of Docs best like laying Death herself flat out, how would Thanos fare against it?
Keep in mind a pissed Drax blast didn't faze Death at all.
In your very next scan , Strange ends up looking a "novice and a fool" , because he was unable to affect Death in the slightest bit .
That has to be one of the biggest epic fails I have seen so far
How does Strange now stomp Thanos. Doesn't Strange usually carry the eye and other artifacts? If not then he still has some pretty nifty spells
It's sad that because of Quan, people now feel automatically inclined to vote against Thanos.
Strange is powerful, no doubt about it, but so are the likes of Silver Surfer and Thor (and Strange is on their level, certainly not so far above them) and Thanos beats them as well.
I'm not part of the Thanos brigade.And I'm certainly not trying to please any Thanos fan here.But I took the liberty of getting this scans from my Fear Thread.Here's Doctor Strange getting owned by a Novice practitioner of Magic who created a magical robot.
Originally posted by Igniz
Dormammu bestowing powers to Dilby.
Dliby's Magic Robot Vs Doctor Strange
Poor Doctor Strange!Defeated by a Magic Robot conjured by Dilby the Disciple of Dormammu
Oh and Thanos wins.
Endless Mike
You think Thanos has more power than Dormammu?
Originally posted by Endless Mike
You think Thanos has more power than Dormammu?
Not really.Point is, if a novice practitioner of magic who has a bit of knowledge of science can do that to Dr Strange, Then Thanos would also do the same thing Dilby did.The fact even Odin commented at one time Thanos was also using Magic.And the fact Thanos knows a lot of science.The guy creates clones of himself after all.Spiderman actually did better against the magical robot than Strange did.

Endless Mike
He got power from Dormammu... and using low showings means nothing anyway.
Originally posted by Endless Mike
He got power from Dormammu....
So did Baron Mordo.but the difference between Dilby and Mordo is obvious.One knows how to build a robot the other doesn't.That's why Dilby did better than Baron Mordo.
Originally posted by Endless Mike
and using low showings means nothing anyway.
I don't know if it can be viewed as a low showing since I gave the example of Baron Mordo also being amped by Dormammu as well.
You don't have to take me soo seriously

Originally posted by JakeTheBank
It's sad that because of Quan, people now feel automatically inclined to vote against Thanos.
Strange is powerful, no doubt about it, but so are the likes of Silver Surfer and Thor (and Strange is on their level, certainly not so far above them) and Thanos beats them as well.
Ah well , quan is........quan . Nothing we do can change this .
Btw , I vote for Thanos in this thread . And I have already given the reasons why .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
In your very next scan , Strange ends up looking a "novice and a fool" , because he was unable to affect Death in the slightest bit .
That has to be one of the biggest epic fails I have seen so far
No fail. To even be able to momentarily down her is a feat. Like I said earlier, Drax tried it and got his blast no sold. So it shows how powerful Docs blast really was despite not being able to kill Death.
Originally posted by Igniz
you don't have to take me soo seriously
I was about to cherrypick low showings from your beloved Dormy till I saw this. What's the record between Dormy (you know the guy who amped the robot) & Strange?

Originally posted by Sundipped
No fail. To even be able to momentarily down her is a feat. Like I said earlier, Drax tried it and got his blast no sold. So it shows how powerful Docs blast really was despite not being able to kill Death.
Sorry , if I came across as harsh . I admit that Strange is a great sorcerer with tremendous(perhaps even unparalleled) skill in the mystic arts . However , this match isn't going to bee a stomp in his favor , as some people on this thread have implied it to be .
How come nobody is talking about all the times he's defeated Dormammu? You know the guy who beat Eternity? Or when he's defeated Shuma Gorath.
Originally posted by TheMask
How come nobody is talking about all the times he's defeated Dormammu? You know the guy who beat Eternity? Or when he's defeated Shuma Gorath.
Dormammu has only been able to defeat Eternity with plot devices .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Sorry , if I came across as harsh . I admit that Strange is a great sorcerer with tremendous(perhaps even unparalleled) skill in the mystic arts . However , this match isn't going to bee a stomp in his favor , as some people on this thread have implied it to be .
You're right. Its not going to be a stomp in favor of either.
Dormammu is still skyfather level though.
Originally posted by Sundipped
You're right. Its not going to be a stomp in favor of either.
Yeah , its not . However , Strange is usually able to perform all those top notch feats through incredible amounts of prep and/or plot devices . Here he has none .
And there's also their respective performances against Odin in the same arc . Due to which I vote for Thanos .
By plot devices you mean the eye?
Originally posted by TheMask
Dormammu is still skyfather level though.
Well , without prep and/or plot devices , Strange has always been considerably below a skyfather . Thanos on the other hand was able to hold his own(even if he didn't decisively win) against one of the strongest known skyfathers in the latter's own realm .
Be objective in who you pick as the winner in this thread . Don't let your hate for quanchi influence your decision .
I'm actually a little surprised so many people are picking Strange.
KuRuPT Thanosi
I'll go with Strange's OWN WORDS that he couldn't stop Thanos.
Originally posted by Raptor22
I'm actually a little surprised so many people are picking Strange.
Some of them are genuinely convinced that Strange could win . Most , I suspect , are doing it just to spite quanchi .
Endless Mike
He could win... look at his classic feats, they are beyond anything Thanos has ever done with his personal power only
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Omnipotence is defined as unlimited power and ability to do anything . That said , even if he was using only individual gems(which is HIGHLY unlikely) to counter specific abstracts , I am sure he was backing up every individual gem with the rest of thee gauntlet just to be sure .
Otherwise , Strange could have stalemated Thanos the same way he did with Warlock .
Ok, but at the end of their battle, do you think Warlock was finally using "all" of the gems to overpower Strange?
If that's the case, the fact Strange put up any sort of fight at all is the feat.
Originally posted by cdtm
Ok, but at the end of their battle, do you think Warlock was finally using "all" of the gems to overpower Strange?
If that's the case, the fact Strange put up any sort of fight at all is the feat.
No , but the point is if Warlock had used all the gems together , do you think Strange(despite all the prep he had) would have lasted for even a second ? Plus , I doubt that Warlock would have been able to use all the gems anyways , since from what you told me , Strange had managed to wrest control of the soul gem , and considering how Nebula lost the IG , because of the soul gem , I doubt Warlock could have prevailed .
The thing about Strange, is he's basically a conduit for abstract power.
So theoretically, I do believe Strange can become the most powerful being in the 616 MU (Obviously, LT and the like would be well above him no matter what), only by virtue of all the powers in the MU agreeing to focus their power through his body. If you read Slayers or watch the anime, Lina Inverse calling on the Lord of Nightmares is an the basic concept..
Which requires very special circumstances, since abstracts are usually a petty, self interested group..
Originally posted by cdtm
The thing about Strange, is he's basically a conduit for abstract power.
So theoretically, I do believe Strange can become the most powerful being in the 616 MU (Obviously, LT and the like would be well above him no matter what), only by virtue of all the powers in the MU agreeing to focus their power through his body.
Which requires very special circumstances, since abstracts are usually a petty, self interested group..
You think the Vishanti , the Octessence , the Seraphim or any of the "mystic beings" he invokes power from , are Abstracts ?
Originally posted by cdtm
The thing about Strange, is he's basically a conduit for abstract power.
If you read Slayers or watch the anime, Lina Inverse calling on the Lord of Nightmares is an the basic concept..
Slayers universe works differently than Marvel Universe , even at the magical level .
Also , LoN is essentially a TOAA-esque figure in Slayers , so Lina being able to invoke power from her isn't relevant to the mystic entities Strange invokes power from .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
You think the Vishanti , the Octessence , the Seraphim or any of the "mystic beings" he invokes power from , are Abstracts ?
Well, I figure the skyfathers would be a drop in the bucket against something like the Gauntlet. (They weren't even called upon to fight, after all.) He can, and has, invoked abstracts like Eternity.
But ok, "higher powers".
KuRuPT Thanosi
Why did Strange himself say he didn't have the power to stop Thanos? Yet so many are sure he does...
Thread says at their best so Strange wins.
Originally posted by KuRuPT Thanosi
Why did Strange himself say he didn't have the power to stop Thanos? Yet so many are sure he does...
Nobody in 616 had the power to stop Thanos when he had the gauntlet.

Originally posted by Estacado
Thread says at their best so Strange wins.
Thread also says without prep . Strange is usually at his best with at least some level of prep . So , by default , he is at his next best here , w/o any kind of prep .
This isn't a a total stomp in his favor as most people on this thread have implied it to be .
It's not a stomp but classic Strange has insane feats.
KuRuPT Thanosi
Originally posted by cdtm
Nobody in 616 had the power to stop Thanos when he had the gauntlet.
He didn't have the gauntlet when he made the statement. Strange using PIS and Prep to defeat people out of his league... doesn't mean he normally operates at that level and can defeat Thanos.
Kid Kurdy
Originally posted by KuRuPT Thanosi
He didn't have the gauntlet when he made the statement. Strange using PIS and Prep to defeat people out of his league... doesn't mean he normally operates at that level and can defeat Thanos.
Yeah that is so unlike Thanos...
Oh wait.
Originally posted by KuRuPT Thanosi
He didn't have the gauntlet when he made the statement. Strange using PIS and Prep to defeat people out of his league... doesn't mean he normally operates at that level and can defeat Thanos.
And when exactly did he make this statement?
With no prep or PIS he was able to knock both Thanos & Surfer on their ass.
Firelord was unable to do it and look at who all was in the room. Thor/Drax/Doom/Hulk/ but Strange was called upon by Adam to do it.
Strange has the power to challenge him minus prep & PIS.
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