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Tony Stark, Reed Richards, John Henry Irons, Victor Von Doom, and John Stewart are all stranded on separate but equal uninhabited planets, think of Endor except without the Ewoks. None of their pre-existing technology works and there is a dampening field preventing the use of any magic or superpowers. Starting from scratch, who gets off the planet first?
Stark builds a rocketship out of leaves and twigs
Lord Feron
They have to go into orbit?
From nothing but forests and a few small animals running around. This would be pretty hard.
I would say doom can survive in harsh enviroments more easily and is very resourceful. TBH i do not know what Irons and Stewart are capable of without powers and in regards to surviving and building stuff from nothing.
Originally posted by Lord Feron
They have to go into orbit?
From nothing but forests and a few small animals running around. This would be pretty hard.
I would say doom can survive in harsh enviroments more easily and is very resourceful. TBH i do not know what Irons and Stewart are capable of without powers and in regards to surviving and building stuff from nothing. Stewart and Irons are both highly intelligent and resourceful, that's why they were included.
Stewart's screwed. He's an engineer, not a rocket scientist. He designs buildings.
PC Lex would win. He'd make a time machine out of some tree bark and mud.
But of your options, it'd be between Tony, Reed, and Doom. I might choose Doom.
Originally posted by Cogito
Stewart's screwed. He's an engineer, not a rocket scientist. He designs buildings.
PC Lex would win. He'd make a time machine out of some tree bark and mud.
But of your options, it'd be between Tony, Reed, and Doom. I might choose Doom.

I'm going with Doom on this one. Stark would be dead from his shrapnel injury before he would have a chance to complete anything, and Reed has commented that his intellect, just like his elasticity, is another result of his exposure to cosmic rays. So with the dampening field I think he would be smarter than the average person, but not the super genius that he usually is.
Doom. He was stranded all the way back in time, and built a time machine to get himself out of there.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
For real?
Yes. He's already survived in the wilderness on his own bereft of his armor and tech in addition to being one of the smartest men there. He also has the widest ranging skill set of those present as well.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Yes. He's already survived in the wilderness on his own bereft of his armor and tech in addition to being one of the smartest men there. He also has the widest ranging skill set of those present as well.
lol. I was just expecting you to simply say "yes"
I think between Stark or Doom, they are going to be there for quite a while. They aren't making machines out of wood like people are saying (and no I can't tell if they are joking or not).
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