Thanos vs Team
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Thanos With 3 Day Prep
Team With No Prep
8th Day Juggernaut
Leob Force Rulk
Odinforce Thor
The Sentry With Void Influence.
Silver Surfer
There Is No BFR. No CIS. Who Wins?
You've got a mighty high opinion of Thanos.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
You've got a mighty high opinion of Thanos. Thanos Will Obviously Get Stomped...That Is Why I Gave Him 3 Days Prep!
If I Had A High Opinion On Thanos I Can Promise You It Won't Be As High As Quanchi Though....
the ninjak
Thanos is gonna feel some pain.
I'm curious to see what he can muster in 3 days prep though.
Thanos can win imo 3 days of prep he could have an armada of ships a team Adam Warlock, Gamora, Pip and maybe Maxam and some Thanosi equal to or possibly more powerful then himself.
the ninjak
3 days prep is a long time considering the team have none. They probably don't even know why they're there. Except Thanos who has had time to study all of his enemies and can form a fast effective offensive plan. The fight takes place in a sealed forum arena.
-If LoebForce Rulk could drain any enemies powersource and then beat them down. but what would he actually drain from Thanos?
-Void is an insane problem. But if Thanos starts the fight nuking the other team and tanking the damage. And Void changes to Sentry. Sentry would have to want to die in order for death to stay permanent. Sentry reformed after being killed many times. But what if Thanos ability to kill any being who normally couldn't die had a lasting effect on Sentry?
Originally posted by the ninjak
3 days prep is a long time considering the team have none. They probably don't even know why they're there. Except Thanos who has had time to study all of his enemies and can form a fast effective offensive plan. The fight takes place in a sealed forum arena.
-If LoebForce Rulk could drain any enemies powersource and then beat them down. but what would he actually drain from Thanos?
-Void is an insane problem. But if Thanos starts the fight nuking the other team and tanking the damage. And Void changes to Sentry. Sentry would have to want to die in order for death to stay permanent. Sentry reformed after being killed many times. But what if Thanos ability to kill any being who normally couldn't die had a lasting effect on Sentry? Solid Ever Lasting Death.
the ninjak
Originally posted by TheHulk
Solid Ever Lasting Death.
What if he used a bunch of those anti-matter charges? One of those turned Thanos into a husk. If Hulk copped one of those and Thanos snapped him. He should theoretically stay dead.
Originally posted by the ninjak
What if he used a bunch of those anti-matter charges? One of those turned Thanos into a husk. If Hulk copped one of those and Thanos snapped him. He should theoretically stay dead. Maybe.
the ninjak
Originally posted by TheHulk
I don't see how he takes down Juggs though. I'll be interested to see if prep can stop him early battle.
With prep, it's possible for Thanos to win.
Originally posted by golem370
Thanos can win imo 3 days of prep he could have an armada of ships a team Adam Warlock, Gamora, Pip and maybe Maxam and some Thanosi equal to or possibly more powerful then himself.
If by "prep" you mean he can add any number of characters to his "team", then yeah, eventually he COULD win.
That's like saying Batman vs Superman with prep...Batman rounds up the JLA and sits back and watches them pumble Superman.
Naija boy
"With Prep threads" are alot of the times drenched in too much ambiguity for a reasonable decision to be made. That said I guess: Originally posted by JakeTheBank
With prep, it's possible for Thanos to win.
I think Thanos could obtain an artifact or develop tech needed to handle the team within three days. Which is reasonable for him because he is a pretty good prepper/strategist. No Doom, of course, but he's alright.
But yes, prep threads are tricky due to the vague stipulations of "prep time".
Thanos stomp them all.
Three days prep is kinda short, to beat all these guys isnt it? Knowing Thanos he probably has something up his sleeve to kill something on Thors level.
KuRuPT Thanosi
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
With prep, it's possible for Thanos to win.
It's probable, not possible my friend.
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