Originally posted by WhiteWitchKing
Thanks for showing some pic every knows about to prove nothing. Who was it that nearly got killed by Supergirl? Death ran from Chaos King for story sake. Heck by that point CK was the equivalent of Oblivion. Oblivion wasn't there because Pak use substituting CK for Oblivion's position. It was a hack story considering CK back down from Zom when they met. The same Zom that was killed by Marlo with a small fraction of Death in her being. Do you understand that? Zom, who Eternity and Dormammu locked away, was kill by a girl with a small fragment of Death inside of her. Story was hack, cosmology messed up, so Pak could write his ridiculous ending to Hercules.
Yeah, it does. Oblivion was beaten by frigging ICEMAN. Nice to know that a PC kryptonian who was getting her highest showing a usual for dying heroes is only comparable to iceman. It was a shit story but its canon and you are talking about the same zom who was exorcised by hiroim? That was a zomling who doesn't have the powers of full zom. When did CK backed away from Zom? He was the one who bonded zom to strange forcefully. When has oblivion showed the power to absorb entire multiverse because you are claiming that CK was equivalent to oblivion? Its canon no matter how much internet defenders of marvel cosmic dignity ***** about it.
Like I said you are going by hypothetical scenario, I am going from on panel proof. Guess which is more reliable?
That's in the same vain as thanos surviving an IG blast and surfer blowing the hands of ruin with IG. Considering a wall of anti-matter that destroy infinite universes is nothing special is just plain stupid. Like I said the last time such an attack came her way deth fled outside the multiverse.
Yeah and Thanos imperative showed otherwise when cancerverse death was killed by many angle ones. Look above.
Any proof of this theory of yours? Considering she has been harmed by conventional means your theory is quite absurd to say the least.
http://s4d4.turboimagehost.com/t/12036735_scaled-1.jpeg http://s4d3.turboimagehost.com/t/12036736_scaled.jpeg
Considering in these types of threads the matter of how an attack is used is not important, the power to harm is what's important.
Not always and unless its been shown or referenced that the abstract appearing in a comic is using a M-body, its not a auto retcon that the losing of an abstract is due to M-bodies. Considering he would get beat senseless if he tries to fight AM directly, he should be scared.
Yeah, he is. Not my words, death herself says it.
Galactus has no true form either.
Yeah, now shuma gorath who has been beaten by Dr. strange is above Anti-monitor too. How many abstracts are their in marvel? Is silver surfer an abstract too since he defeated an IG wielder? Like I said at these levels the type of attack is irrelevant, what matters is the power to harm someone. Guess what, AM destroyed a whole multiverse and fought a fully backed spectre amped by several of the most powerful mages including a 5-D Imp and survived a blast that created another multiverse and sent spectre in coma. You are acting like magic is some kind of abstract power which can't be beaten by cosmic powers. At the level we're talking about they as well be the same. It wouldn't make their bodies immune to physical harm which is enough for a forum win. Thank you good sir.
Thunderbolt has warped entire multiverse pre-crisis and he was shitting his pants seeing the anti-matter wall. Maaldor created a whole new universe by his internal energies and was killed as an afterthought by the same attack IIRC. Warping a universe is just routine exercise in marvel. Legion has done it
Sphinx has done it too and later reversed it.
Originally posted by dmills
Classic Sphinx vs The FF and Inhumans...
After that is when the King ambushes him...
The Sphinx warped Egypt into a super power.
Takes Firestars full power blast to the chest (all available electromagnetic energy in the atmosphere) just to see what she's got... Some other interesting tidbits in the dialogue as well.
The two Sphinx's, Meryet the female and the true Sphinx, Anuth merge into one Sphinx...
Those two Sphinx's make up the being of the current incarnation...
Meryet is the female counterpart who gained a large portion of the original Sphinx's powers. She's the one that warped 616 into her own vision of the way things should be. You'd have to read the arc to understand how thoroughly she altered reality and time. The Egyptian gods seemed to have replaced the Asgardian gods in prominence, some heroes had been completely depowered and were living normal lives. Captains America was a dark skinned dude lol. Firelord was a woman. Horus replaced Thor etc. Interestingly, only Nova and to a lessor degree, Iron Man realized something was wrong with the way things were.
Meryet takes on just about every significant hero and villain on Earth. Starts wiping them out right off the bat... (something Thanos would need the Infinity gauntlet or some other artifact to do
Warps 616 back to normal...
http://img822.imageshack.us/img822/4153/1338566836picsay1338566.jpg Original Sphinx taking back his power from Meryet...
And in true keeping with his motives, after reclaiming all of his power he gives her the key to defeating him.
I'll be back after work to post more scans. Eye beams that transcend time thus bypassing shields, strength, ability to pick opponents off at literally any "time" he chooses etc.
Nxt yu would be telling me that all of these peeps can survive an attack which consumed almost infinite universes and had nearly ended creation if harbinger hadn't used the power of Monitor and pulled all five remaining universes out of its path. Please.
Destroy them?
Thunderbolt can do the same, mxy can do it better than everyone you mentioned and what did he do? Lock 5th dimension because he was scared shitless and for his good fortune its outside the regular DC multiverse. Like I said earlier its not the manner of attack that is relevant here, its the power. You actually think that if COIE anti-monitor come to marvel, cube beings would stop him? Really? Kubic has said himself that a random celestial is far beyond them. A cube being aka molecule man has been beaten by a watcher, by claw and by voidtry. Try again. So, they are going to destroy everything to stop AM? Great argument there buddy. Right back at you buddy. Just like Iceman beats oblivion. Its comics. I didn't say that he would recruit eternity either. Considering only death would be powered up somewhat by it because it doesn't erase someone from existence. Just convert their physical forms in energy by matter-antimatter collision upon which AM feeds.
Yeah good luck fighting an Anti-monitor who has absorbed several universes worth of energies by souls of deceased beings considering oblivion isn't getting shit with anti matter destroying universes. The last time someone like Anti-monitor came to MU who has absorbed energies of several universes and someone with a plan to stop him, it didn't went well for MU. What artifacts grandmaster used to stop krona and what happened to him afterwards btw?