Battle of the Reality Warpers!!!
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On one side we have :
1. Marquis of Death
2.HoM Wanda
3.Adult Franklin Richards
On the other side we have :
1.Mad Jim Jaspers
2.Jamie Braddock
All these characters are operating based upon the best on-panel feats they have shown so far .
In addition , the Marquis and Richards can summon whatever cosmic entities are at their beck and call .
No bfr allowed . A team can only win if ALL the members of the opposing team have been eliminated , and at least one member of the winning team is still standing .
Who wins this ?
Originally posted by rotiart
I'd say mjj wins
Even against Marquis ?
Wanda clears the field
Some of you people are seriously underestimating what the Marquis is capable of :
Here's his respect thread :
Originally posted by Prep-Man
He's not taking out Marquis .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Some of you people are seriously underestimating what the Marquis is capable of :
Here's his respect thread :
This .
Marquis still stomps .
Originally posted by "Id"
Team One.
Despite your respect thread , Marquis is still severely underrated here . Either that or people are just trolling .
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Despite your respect thread , Marquis is still severely underrated here . Either that or people are just trolling .
Mostly due to the fact that the Marquis plot was crap, and while JMM story is heavily praised. That, and mutant reality warpers are becoming a dime a dozen.
Meh. Its no big deal.
But he did make Eternity, and the other abstracts his lap dogs. Literately.
Originally posted by "Id"
Mostly due to the fact that the Marquis plot was crap, and while JMM story is heavily praised. That, and mutant reality warpers are becoming a dime a dozen.
Meh. Its no big deal.
But he did make Eternity, and the other abstracts his lap dogs. Literately.
Galactus , Odin and Thanos as well , if you consider the reformed Clyde to be the same guy as the Marquis .
Also , has any other reality warper(apart from Franklin) managed to or even mentioned to , on-panel , affect or control a high end abstract or cosmic ?
I know MJJ , Braddock , and HoM Wanda have universal , multiversal and omniversal level warping feats , but was it ever shown or even mentioned on-panel that they were able to directly affect a high end cosmic or an abstract under their own power ?
If not , then going by his feats , MoD is the strongest human mutant reality warper shown so far .
Team 1.
MoD, HoM Wanda, and adult Franklin? They literally can't lose.
Originally posted by Galan007
Team 1.
MoD, HoM Wanda, and adult Franklin? They literally can't lose.
Because of Wanda.
Franklin is a No0b when you compare him to both Jamie Braddock and Mad Jim Jasper.
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Because of Wanda.
Franklin is a No0b when you compare him to both Jamie Braddock and Mad Jim Jasper.
Perhaps with Jaspers . Not with Braddock .
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Because of Wanda.
Franklin is a No0b when you compare him to both Jamie Braddock and Mad Jim Jasper.
Also , team 1 win just as much because because of Marquis as because of a LIFE-FORCE enhanced Wanda , if not more so .
Can someone please answer this post of mine :
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Galactus , Odin and Thanos as well , if you consider the reformed Clyde to be the same guy as the Marquis .
Also , has any other reality warper(apart from Franklin) managed to or even mentioned to , on-panel , affect or control a high end abstract or cosmic ?
I know MJJ , Braddock , and HoM Wanda have universal , multiversal and omniversal level warping feats , but was it ever shown or even mentioned on-panel that they were able to directly affect a high end cosmic or an abstract under their own power ?
If not , then going by his feats , MoD is the strongest human mutant reality warper shown so far .
Originally posted by Bouboumaster
Because of Wanda.
Franklin is a No0b when you compare him to both Jamie Braddock and Mad Jim Jasper.
How is adult Franklin a noob, compared to Jamie or Mad Jim?
If anything its is the one that does not belong there. You need to switch him out for Legion. Or if applicable Phoenix Jean - Beyonder.
Originally posted by "Id"
How is adult Franklin a noob, compared to Jamie or Mad Jim?
If anything its is the one that does not belong there. You need to switch him out for Legion. Or if applicable Phoenix Jean - Beyonder. Yeah, aside from the MoD, Frank is the most experienced reality manipulator on the field.
Originally posted by "Id"
How is adult Franklin a noob, compared to Jamie or Mad Jim?
If anything its is the one that does not belong there. You need to switch him out for Legion. Or if applicable Phoenix Jean - Beyonder.
Legion would be a good choice .
Current Phoenix is viewed as below skyfather by Marvel . Plus she isn't an actual reality manipulator in the literal sense of the word(despite Uatu/Death's claims) .
And as far as Beyonder goes , since he is a mutant inhuman , and this thread focuses on human mutant reality warpers , I am not going to consider putting him in . I also don't know how he compares against the other reality manipulators , whether he still has a connection with CCUs , and whether or not he's back to his pre-retcon power levels .
Proteus is the a weak link. Legion reality warping is far more impressive. Just my 2 cents.
Mr Master
Team 1 ftw.
By putting Proteus in team 2, this battle is lopsided.
In fact, Proteus shouldn't be here at all.
In my opinion, these reality-warpers rank as follows:
"Pocket Universal":
HoM Wanda
Jamie Braddock
My answer can be deduced from these data.
To MrMaster and Id : My 15 minutes have expired . I'll edit the OP tomorrow and replace Proteus with Legion . Happy ?
The OP will soon be edited .
In all seriousness MoD would tool any of these guys 1v1 based on feats. So what MJJ took out a universe. Even accounting for the fact that was a weaker version whose universe was destroyed because it was feared that his madness would spill into other worlds MoD has been destroying universes for countless millennia for lulz.
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