Avengers vs Justice league
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Captain America
Iron Man
Justice League:
Green Lantern (hal)
Martian Manhunter
Cap is gonna take batman.
Iron man and green lantern would be a good fight
Its been talked about thousands of times, hulk vs superman. No clear winner
And thor and MMH would be an amazing battle.
What do you think?
Cap beats Batman
Hal beats Ironman
Hulk beats Superman
Thor beats MM
Justice League Wins. Green Lantern would crush Iron Man who then could provide help to both Batman and Super Man and then Thor gets swarmed
Not current Hal.

Sinestro should be here instead.

Why couldn't current Hal beat Tony? He's the same Hal who went through the Sinestro Corps and Light wars, and killed Krona...
Because he seems and acts like a rookie, while Tony stock has risen.
Originally posted by Prep-Man
Because he seems and acts like a rookie, while Tony stock has risen.
That's only really in JLA, not in his solo title imo.
Sorry but cap and Thor can't even compare to Hal and supes
Jla win if there's a battle of the winners of the rounds
Only win the Avengers get is from Cap
Cap wins
Hal wins
Superman wins
Thor wins imo
Originally posted by carver9
Cap beats Batman
Hal beats Ironman
Hulk beats Superman
Thor beats MM
Avengers Hulk and Ironman are monsters.
Martian Manhunter might can take Avnegers Thor though.
Originally posted by carver9
Avengers Hulk and Ironman are monsters.
Martian Manhunter might can take Avnegers Thor though.

Originally posted by carver9
Avengers Hulk and Ironman are monsters.
Martian Manhunter might can take Avnegers Thor though.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Avengers Thor isn't impressive. He is better in his own titles.
Originally posted by carver9
Avengers Thor isn't impressive. He is better in his own titles.
You've been on this forum long enough to know that's not how we do things.
Originally posted by -Pr-
You've been on this forum long enough to know that's not how we do things.
Lol...the title is Avengers Thor though.
Originally posted by carver9
Lol...the title is Avengers Thor though.
No it isn't.
Originally posted by carver9
Lol...the title is Avengers Thor though.
The title is "Avengers VS Justice League" . Thor is a member of Avengers here .
Pft, in a good day Superman solos.
Originally posted by carver9
Avengers Hulk and Ironman are monsters.
Martian Manhunter might can take Avnegers Thor though.

i think the avengers would win:
cap would beat batman, batman would put up a good fight but cap would eventually come out on top.
green lantern would beat ironman but with difficulty.
Thor would beat Martian Manhunter it would be a long fought battle but Thor would pull through.
The fight between hulk and super-man would go on quite a while due to the fact that hulk has a very fast healing factor and has superhuman strength which increase when he gets angrier and superman is invulnerable.
since cap and thor win their fights they would take green lantern down together which thor could win on his own.
and since superman is vulnerable to magic thor would take superman down with the help of hulk and cap.
overall result avengers come out on top.
(This is just my opinion)
Originally posted by carver9
Cap beats Batman
Hal beats Ironman
Hulk beats Superman
Thor beats MM
the ninjak
Originally posted by edster247
i think the avengers would win:
I'm just gonna go with this. Is current Supes vulnerable to magic though?
Originally posted by the ninjak
I'm just gonna go with this. Is current Supes vulnerable to magic though?
Superman isn't as vulnerable to magic as people think. It's more like he isn't INVULNERABLE to it. It's funny he's one of the only characters that people say is vulnerable to magic, when MANY other characters are also. I've seen magic affect the Silver Surfer, and what's funny is people don't constantly say he's vulnerable to magic, even though he is. Thor has been affected by magic too. Again, no one goes out of their way to say he's vulnerable to magic. Superman has magical resistance feats that put to shame many characters who people don't commonly say are vulnerable to magic.
the ninjak
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Superman isn't as vulnerable to magic as people think. It's more like he isn't INVULNERABLE to it. It's funny he's one of the only characters that people say is vulnerable to magic, when MANY other characters are also. I've seen magic affect the Silver Surfer, and what's funny is people don't constantly say he's vulnerable to magic, even though he is. Thor has been affected by magic too. Again, no one goes out of their way to say he's vulnerable to magic. Superman has magical resistance feats that put to shame many characters who people don't commonly say are vulnerable to magic.
I don't think anybody would argue that magic wouldn't work on either SS or Thor. It's just that Supes was once famous for being vulnerable to it then suddenly he wasn't.
Alot of people aren't familiar with NewSupes so it's relevant.
Originally posted by the ninjak
I don't think anybody would argue that magic wouldn't work on either SS or Thor. It's just that Supes was once famous for being vulnerable to it then suddenly he wasn't.
Alot of people aren't familiar with NewSupes so it's relevant.
It's not that they argue SS is invulnerable to magic, but it's that they don't make a point to say he is either, like they do to Superman.
Tony Stark
Originally posted by BullwinkleMoose
Justice League Wins. Green Lantern would crush Iron Man who then could provide help to both Batman and Super Man and then Thor gets swarmed
There is no way that Hal crushes Tony. Iron Man 7/10 over Hal
Avengers FTW
Originally posted by Tony Stark
There is no way that Hal crushes Tony. Iron Man 7/10 over Hal
Avengers FTW
wow. just....wow.
the ninjak
I'm a huge Ironman fan. But Tony still has a ways to go before pulling off a majority win against a high level GL.
He is growing exponentially though.
Originally posted by carver9
Avengers Thor isn't impressive. He is better in his own titles.

Originally posted by Tony Stark
There is no way that Hal crushes Tony. Iron Man 7/10 over Hal
Avengers FTW

I don't know what to address first...facepalm
heh. i still think tony could beat dcnu hal, however, pre-flashpoint hal is another story.
Originally posted by Newjak
Cap wins
Hal wins
Superman wins
Thor wins imo
but in the end supes and hal stomps
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