Blade & Spider-Man vs. Luke Cage & Iron Fist
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Fight in Harlem
Heroes for hire
Sweet Christmas
Originally posted by pym-ftw
Heroes for hire
Sweet Christmas
Lol, exactly what I was thinking. Strangely, even the Sweet Christmas part...
Danny shlould be able to amp hismelf enough if need to keep up with Spidey and hurt him, and Danny should also be above Blade in h2h skill and can match his stats too.
Luke should be durable enough to tank any attack from team one, barring the strategic web incapactiation...but Luke should be strong enough to tear the webbing maybe? : /
Blade should be able to take out cage, but neither can do anything against ironfist.
cool pictures though.
jalek moye
Hey now, I'm like the number 3 Iron Fist supporter but I'm gonna go as far as to say they can do nothing to him. Either can fight and win against him although I say he'd beat either one on one. But he's not so powerful that they would be useless against him.
Originally posted by jalek moye
Hey now, I'm like the number 3 Iron Fist supporter but I'm gonna go as far as to say they can do nothing to him. Either can fight and win against him although I say he'd beat either one on one. But he's not so powerful that they would be useless against him. They can fight him, but not beat him for the majority.
If CIS is on, Spiderman isn't going to let Blade kill Cage, which would be the only way they could win this fight.
red sabre
Originally posted by Trackz
but neither can do anything against ironfist.
dude come on you wana tell me spider-man who will skull rape iron fist if he stops holding back cant hurt him?
Originally posted by red sabre
dude come on you wana tell me spider-man who will skull rape iron fist if he stops holding back cant hurt him?
I was under the impression that Ironfist was both faster and had more striking power than spiderman, not to mention is incredible skill advantage.
Moreover, team 2 has actually worked together successfully. Blade and Spiderman are a pretty dysfunctional team. Blade could cleave Luke Cage in two and take an open shot on Ironfist while Spiderman distracts him, but Spiderman (in character) would oppose that and might end up fighting Blade (it's happened before...that's how Blade got bit by Morbius)
red sabre
Originally posted by Trackz
I was under the impression that Ironfist was both faster and had more striking power than spiderman
DA F***????
Originally posted by red sabre
DA F***????
I'm thinking of Ironfist's feats of destroying the train, ragnorok, the hellicarrier, and the building floor...
As for speed I was thinking of Ironfist catching bullets, I know Spiderman has dodged bullets on occasion, but catching seems more impressive.
Ironfist would beat the hell out of Spidey
red sabre
Originally posted by Trackz
I'm thinking of Ironfist's feats of destroying the train, ragnorok, the hellicarrier, and the building floor...
As for speed I was thinking of Ironfist catching bullets, I know Spiderman has dodged bullets on occasion, but catching seems more impressive.
dude iron fist can dish more punishment with his iron fist alone, ordinary punches wont cut it to top spidy, and speed? come on are you serious? just because he is able to catch bullets he is faster than spider man? everybody and their grandma catch and avoid bullets in comics world, bullets are the biggest canon fodder in the comics world, judging by fighting speed feats and overall movement speed spider-man eats iron fist alive in the speed department
Spider-Man was doing harm to Thor and beat Firelord with his speed+strength together
red sabre
come on people iron fist is very respect and good character i like dont over wank him
Spiderman is a non-factor here.
Originally posted by red sabre
dude iron fist can dish more punishment with his iron fist alone, ordinary punches wont cut it to top spidy, and speed? come on are you serious? just because he is able to catch bullets he is faster than spider man? everybody and their grandma catch and avoid bullets in comics world, bullets are the biggest canon fodder in the comics world, judging by fighting speed feats and overall movement speed spider-man eats iron fist alive in the speed department These days Ironfist doesn't lose energy when he uses his Ironfist, so there's no reason all of his punches can't be amped.
Everyone and their mother can avoid bullets, yes. However, only a few have ever caught a bullets, granted that feat is a mix of speed and durability.
But, if you have some combat feats, I'd be happy to see them.
Originally posted by red sabre
come on people iron fist is very respect and good character i like dont over wank him I don't think he's being over wanked, Blade and Spiderman could take a few wins against him, but not the majority. Plus I'm factoring in that Luke Cage and Iron Fist are a much better team than Blade and Spiderman.
Just to be clear, Iron Fist caught it with his hands? The same hands that are amp with chi.
Granted, maybe Spider Man can also replicate the same feat if he had durable hands to grab bullets.
6/10 Fist team
Originally posted by Trackz
I'm thinking of Ironfist's feats of destroying the train, ragnorok, the hellicarrier, and the building floor...
As for speed I was thinking of Ironfist catching bullets, I know Spiderman has dodged bullets on occasion, but catching seems more impressive.
And we've seen how Spidey did against the inferior Steel Serpent, plus Danny's peer Black Tarantula.
Yeah, I'm using abc logic, but it's still a valid trend..
Originally posted by vansonbee
Just to be clear, Iron Fist caught it with his hands? The same hands that are amp with chi.
Granted, maybe Spider Man can also replicate the same feat if he had durable hands to grab bullets.
But Danny also did this with unamped hands:
Doing this without even taking a scratch is pretty impressive. (And he could as easily replicate this with bullets, as flechettes have a very high muzzle velocity.)
A>B>C logic doesnt work concidering characters tend to job to one another on occasions.
Originally posted by Trackz
These days Ironfist doesn't lose energy when he uses his Ironfist, so there's no reason all of his punches can't be amped.
Everyone and their mother can avoid bullets, yes. However, only a few have ever caught a bullets, granted that feat is a mix of speed and durability.
But, if you have some combat feats, I'd be happy to see them. Spider-man did catch a bullet once. And unlike Danny he can't amp his hand's durability. He also dodged machinegunfire from like 200+ people while carrying someone and while inside of a warehouse. Leaped through a moving rotor of helicopter. 3 times. Also while carrying someone. Iron Fist is not faster than him.
Spidey is being lowballed here.
Blade and Spidey ftw.
I think if anyone's being lowballed its cage.
^you may have a point I think someone said blade would just cleave cage in half

I see Danny disarming blade and he becomes a non factor
Originally posted by JayDaDon
^you may have a point I think someone said blade would just cleave cage in half

Cage is amazing, but Blade has an adamantium sword and is much faster
Originally posted by SamZED
Big time. I don't think anyone thinks this is a stomp, but team 2 should take the majority.
Blade and Spiderman just don't work well together if they're in character.
red sabre
Originally posted by Trackz
These days Ironfist doesn't lose energy when he uses his Ironfist, so there's no reason all of his punches can't be amped.
Everyone and their mother can avoid bullets, yes. However, only a few have ever caught a bullets, granted that feat is a mix of speed and durability.
But, if you have some combat feats, I'd be happy to see them.
lets put it this way it doesnt matter even with the iron fist who has the stronger punch because of the simple fact that both can take out the other with a good placed punch, as much as iron fist can take spidy out with his iron fist punch same way spider man will make a hole in his skull if he really wants it with his punch like this one
spider-man caught bullets before and he was dancing between machine gun fire and cracking jokes for his living, other than that when going more serious he was able to hit multiple super heroes before they could even react and do things danny could only dream of
and come on man spider-man is far stronger physicallt than danny he can just tear him apart i mean seriously amping punches or not he is not comming any close to spider-man strength levels¤t=Spider-Man609011.jpg¤t=TASM628030.jpg
red sabre
Danny beats Spiderman.
Spot needs to be used more.
Originally posted by red sabre
lets put it this way it doesnt matter even with the iron fist who has the stronger punch because of the simple fact that both can take out the other with a good placed punch, as much as iron fist can take spidy out with his iron fist punch same way spider man will make a hole in his skull if he really wants it with his punch like this one
spider-man caught bullets before and he was dancing between machine gun fire and cracking jokes for his living, other than that when going more serious he was able to hit multiple super heroes before they could even react and do things danny could only dream of
and come on man spider-man is far stronger physicallt than danny he can just tear him apart i mean seriously amping punches or not he is not comming any close to spider-man strength levels¤t=Spider-Man609011.jpg¤t=TASM628030.jpg
I mean, Spdierman is incredibly strong, no one is taking that away. But these don't come close to Iron Fist taking out a hellicarrier or a you disagree?
Anyway, I'm not as knowledgable on Ironfist's durability...I've seen him heal from getting shot before, but maybe you're right on Spiderman being able to one-shot Ironfist. However, who's more likely to get that one-punch off? Ironfist is leagues above Parker in terms of skill.
red sabre
Originally posted by Trackz
I mean, Spdierman is incredibly strong, no one is taking that away. But these don't come close to Iron Fist taking out a hellicarrier or a you disagree?
Anyway, I'm not as knowledgable on Ironfist's durability...I've seen him heal from getting shot before, but maybe you're right on Spiderman being able to one-shot Ironfist. However, who's more likely to get that one-punch off? Ironfist is leagues above Parker in terms of skill.
iron fist taking out a hellicarrier with his iron fist or a train is not strength feats its his striking feats, if you believe he can match his physical strength with spidy better bring on some feats, as for his striking power as i stated doesnt really matter because both guys can take out the other with a good placed punch
while iron fist is the more skilled spider-man is indeed the faster and more agile one, shang chi himself when recieving spider-man powers admited it made him faster more agile and stronger, danny while being a fast martial artist doesnt come any where near spider-man in tearms of speed, i posted the scans above showing spidy basically speeblitzing heroes left and right, speedblitz thor, being so fast human ene cant follow him, there is a feat of him supressing speed demon in reaction time, there is no argument that spider-man is way above danny in speed reflex and agility
Kid Kurdy
Iron Fist already admitted he could never beat Spider-Man.
red sabre
iron fist is not touching spider-man unless spidy lets him due to spider sense and super huamn speed & reflex
without the iron fist he got schooled by wolverine more recently
YFZ 350
Spider-Man admitted he would have no chance against somebody who beat Blade iirc.
Originally posted by Kid Kurdy
Iron Fist already admitted he could never beat Spider-Man. did he really???
Also, Red Sabre, I think brute strength and movement speed are being intertwined with combat speed and striking power. In a fight striking power and combat speed should matter more than the former two. In a footrace, I believe spiderman would win, however, in terms of combat speed, Ironfist seems equal, if not superior. The spiderman speed feats you posted are great, but none of them put him above Ironfist. Everyone in this fight makes a habit of easily dodging machine gun fire and disappearing before humans (with the exception of Cage). Spiderman speed blitzing super humans would be impressive if those super humans were known for their speed, and the heroes you showed him speed blitzing are not. Do you have the scan or issue number of Spiderman catching a bullet? That would show he's equal to spiderman in terms of combat speed.
red sabre
Originally posted by Trackz
did he really???
Also, Red Sabre, I think brute strength and movement speed are being intertwined with combat speed and striking power. In a fight striking power and combat speed should matter more than the former two. In a footrace, I believe spiderman would win, however, in terms of combat speed, Ironfist seems equal, if not superior. The spiderman speed feats you posted are great, but none of them put him above Ironfist. Everyone in this fight makes a habit of easily dodging machine gun fire and disappearing before humans (with the exception of Cage). Spiderman speed blitzing super humans would be impressive if those super humans were known for their speed, and the heroes you showed him speed blitzing are not. Do you have the scan or issue number of Spiderman catching a bullet? That would show he's equal to spiderman in terms of combat speed.
brute strength is also important because that means spider-man can just smash his head and tearm him apart limb by limb or in half
movement speed is part of combat speed as the fighting itself is the speed of movement, it seems you got confuced with the well known KMC debate of "flight speed does not equel fight speed" , movement speed however is a total different thing and is relevant to this because movement speed IS fighting speed, so in that case you want to tell me that iron fist can beat quicksilver or flash just because they move fast? are you serious?
as for the feats i posted it clearly shows you spider-man blitzing people like thor and multiple heroes at the same time, he doesnt need to speedblitz super speedsters just to prove he is faster than iron fist, what are the speed feats of iron fist? what speed feats put him above the averege street? iron fist IS the averege street aside of that iron fist of his
Originally posted by red sabre
iron fist taking out a hellicarrier with his iron fist or a train is not strength feats its his striking feats, if you believe he can match his physical strength with spidy better bring on some feats, as for his striking power as i stated doesnt really matter because both guys can take out the other with a good placed punch
while iron fist is the more skilled spider-man is indeed the faster and more agile one, shang chi himself when recieving spider-man powers admited it made him faster more agile and stronger, danny while being a fast martial artist doesnt come any where near spider-man in tearms of speed, i posted the scans above showing spidy basically speeblitzing heroes left and right, speedblitz thor, being so fast human ene cant follow him, there is a feat of him supressing speed demon in reaction time, there is no argument that spider-man is way above danny in speed reflex and agility If you think Spiderman is way faster than Danny you have no idea what you're talking about, there's really no way around that. Originally posted by Kid Kurdy
Iron Fist already admitted he could never beat Spider-Man. If he did say that it wasn't current IF.
Originally posted by red sabre
iron fist is not touching spider-man unless spidy lets him due to spider sense and super huamn speed & reflex
without the iron fist he got schooled by wolverine more recently Ridiculous.
They have already fought when IF was weaker, guess what, he touched him.
Wolverine didn't school IF, it was a sparring match, it's not like he got stabbed in the chest.
Originally posted by Mindset
If you think Spiderman is way faster than Danny you have no idea what you're talking about, there's really no way around that. If he did say that it wasn't current IF.
I think this is the sixth time I posted this scan.. Yet I get the feeling no one actually looks at it.
Yeah, that's nothing any street can't do.
It's not like flechettes move as fast, or in some cases faster, than a bullet, or that we're talking some 50 rounds of automatic fire, or that he's standing right in Danny's face. Not an impressive speed feat in the least.
red sabre
Originally posted by Mindset
If you think Spiderman is way faster than Danny you have no idea what you're talking about, there's really no way around that.
maybe not way faster but faster indeed judging by feats and states, shang chi who is easily iron fist equel in tearms of speed and agility when got spider-man powers was amazed at how much faster and stronger he became
Judging by feats he is barely faster, if at all.
Shang isn't Danny's equal in terms of speed or agility.
red sabre
Originally posted by Mindset
They have already fought when IF was weaker, guess what, he touched him.
Wolverine didn't school IF, it was a sparring match, it's not like he got stabbed in the chest.
everybody touched spidy when they fought him its PIS and CIS, when spider-man do decide to use his speed actually he ends up blitzing his opponents easily and dodge anything due to his spider sense
red sabre
Originally posted by Mindset
Judging by feats he is barely faster if at all.
Shang isn't Danny's equal in terms of speed or agility.
when was the last time danny speedblitzed multiple heroes with ms marvel in the team? or speedblitzed thor? or avoided a bullet at point blank after it was shot straight into him?
you are right they are not because shang is actually more agile than iron fist, in the speed department they are equel, here i will use your own logic and state when they fought they were equel in speed
Do you even read Iron Fist comics?
red sabre
of course i do as i do with spider man and i can smell when someone is overhyping iron fist and lowballing spide rman
OK, so you don't read Spiderman or Iron Fist comics.
You didn't even take the time to look through his respect thread.
Originally posted by red sabre
or avoided a bullet at point blank after it was shot straight into him?
There you go.
red sabre
Originally posted by Mindset
OK, so you don't read Spiderman or Iron Fist comics.
You didn't even take the time to look through his respect thread.
i did both reading and looking the respect thread and when comparing the feats its obvious spider-man is stronger faster more durable more agile got the better reflex and of course spider sense will make him beat the crap out of iron fist or any other street
It's a waste of time.
He asked me multiple questions that could all be answered by simply looking at his respect thread.
red sabre
Originally posted by cdtm
There you go.
and that proves what exactly? spider-man was dancing between machine gun bullets fired at him by 50 man, spider-man was able to move as the bullet was fired right away, are you joking? i love it when people just post some random feat and think it will just do the job
and by the way what are those things he is shooting at iron fist? how fast do they travel? can you provide evidence to that traveling as fast as a bullet?
Originally posted by red sabre
and that proves what exactly? spider-man was dancing between machine gun bullets fired at him by 50 man, spider-man was able to move as the bullet was fired right away, are you joking? i love it when people just post some random feat and think it will just do the job
Try reading the caption, instead of just looking at the pictures.
Danny didn't dodge them, he slapped them them away without taking a scratch. That's as good as Spidey's feat you mentioned, easily.
red sabre
Originally posted by cdtm
Try reading the caption, instead of just looking at the pictures.
Danny didn't dodge them, he slapped them them away without taking a scratch. That's as good as Spidey's feat you mentioned, easily.
read my post again, what are those things, prove they travel at bullet speed
Originally posted by red sabre
and by the way what are those things he is shooting at iron fist? how fast do they travel? can you provide evidence to that traveling as fast as a bullet?
Just because you know nothing of ballistics, doesn't invalidate the feat..
Flechettes muzzle velocity is as fast, or faster, than a bullet, as they're much lighter weight. But they cause less tissue damage and aren't as accurate as bullets, which is why they aren't in wide use.
The fact they're not a lump of metal, and have pointed tips on them and fins on the side, makes this MORE impressive than the same feat done with bullets, as this was done without a scratch on Danny's unprotected hands.
red sabre
and to top all that i am claiming that spier man dancing between machine gun fire is a better feat than the one you presented, wana know why? the spider-man feat actually proves he is that fast by overall body movement which is a good indication to fighting speed which matters in a fight, the iron fist feat shows only hand movement speed but that doesnt mean his overall body movement is something special
red sabre
Originally posted by cdtm
Just because you know nothing of ballistics, doesn't invalidate the feat..
Flechettes muzzle velocity is as fast, or faster, than a bullet. But they cause less tissue damage and aren't as accurate as bullets, which is why they aren't in wide use.
The fact they're not a lump of iron, and have pointed tips on them and fins on the side, makes this MORE impressive than the same feat done with bullets, as this was done without a scratch on Danny's unprotected hands.
prove what were the exact things he shot at spider-man, prove they travel at bullet speed
One poster complains Danny's fist is enhanced when he catches a bullet, and it's nothing Spidey couldn't do if his hands were as durable.
So I show a feat of Danny doing the same without the Iron Fist, and another poster complains it only demonstrates hand speed.
Like banging your head against a wall sometimes..
Originally posted by cdtm
One poster complains Danny's fist is enhanced when he catches a bullet, and it's nothing Spidey couldn't do if his hands were as durable.
So I show a feat of Danny doing the same without the Iron Fist, and another poster complains it only demonstrates hand speed.
Like banging your head against a wall sometimes.. Like I told you, waste of time.
He has multiple feats where he dodges bullets from dozens of people with automatic weapons, and they are in his respect thread.
red sabre
Originally posted by cdtm
One poster complains Danny's fist is enhanced when he catches a bullet, and it's nothing Spidey couldn't do if his hands were as durable.
So I show a feat of Danny doing the same without the Iron Fist, and another poster complains it only demonstrates hand speed.
Like banging your head against a wall sometimes..
didnt answered the things i asked you to, prove what are those things shot at him and prove they travel at bullet speed
hand speed and overall movement speed are diffferent things
there are people in real life who can catch painball bullets and even rubber bullets , they have a very good eye hand cordination and a swift hand snap speed, however it doesnt mean if they fight they will be super fast as there entire body speed is a different thing
Originally posted by red sabre
didnt answered the things i asked you to, prove what are those things shot at him and prove they travel at bullet speed
hand speed and overall movement speed are diffferent things
there are people in real life who can catch painball bullets and even rubber bullets , they have a very good eye hand cordination and a swift hand snap speed, however it doesnt mean if they fight they will be super fast as there entire body speed is a different thing
Google is your friend.
If you don't know anything about flechettes, and won't accept my word for it, that's your problem.
And paintballs can't penetrate steel, as his could. (Obviously, only in comics is this possible..)
red sabre
Originally posted by cdtm
Google is your friend.
If you don't know anything about flechettes, and won't accept my word for it, that's your problem.
And paintballs can't penetrate steel, as his could. (Obviously, only in comics is this possible..)
there is nothing to google about, you cant prove a damn thing because you dont know what was shot at danny and at what speed it was traveling , for all that i care those could be fingernails shot at him at much lesser speed than a bullet
penetrating steel is irrelevant, we are talking about speed and the fact a man can catch those with the right eye hand cordination training and swift hands, doesnt make him super human fast by overall movement
So, basically you know as much about flechettes as you do about Iron Fist.
jalek moye
Originally posted by SamZED
A>B>C logic doesnt work concidering characters tend to job to one another on occasions.
Spider-man did catch a bullet once. And unlike Danny he can't amp his hand's durability. He also dodged machinegunfire from like 200+ people while carrying someone and while inside of a warehouse. Leaped through a moving rotor of helicopter. 3 times. Also while carrying someone. Iron Fist is not faster than him.
Since I'm way behind in spider-man how does current Parker stack up here? I'm assuming he's way better then he used to be judging from his armor and kung fu training.
red sabre
Originally posted by cdtm
So, basically you know as much about flechettes as you do about Iron Fist.
prove they were flechettes, and even flechettes can be shot at different speeds depends on the mechanism
Originally posted by red sabre
brute strength is also important because that means spider-man can just smash his head and tearm him apart limb by limb or in half
movement speed is part of combat speed as the fighting itself is the speed of movement, it seems you got confuced with the well known KMC debate of "flight speed does not equel fight speed" , movement speed however is a total different thing and is relevant to this because movement speed IS fighting speed, so in that case you want to tell me that iron fist can beat quicksilver or flash just because they move fast? are you serious?
as for the feats i posted it clearly shows you spider-man blitzing people like thor and multiple heroes at the same time, he doesnt need to speedblitz super speedsters just to prove he is faster than iron fist, what are the speed feats of iron fist? what speed feats put him above the averege street? iron fist IS the averege street aside of that iron fist of his
see in the first sentence you immediately use brute strength and striking force interchangeably. Brute strength DOES have something to do with striking power, but we already know that Ironfist's striking power is greater than Spiderman's, so it's really a moot point.
Movement speed is the same, if you run fast, there's a chance that you can fight fast, but it still needs to be proven. There was a nice line in a superman/batman comic, where batman inquires who's faster, Bruce Lee or Usain Bolt. In this case, Spiderman would be Usain Bolt and Ironfist would be Bruce Lee. I don't doubt that Spiderman is outright faster, but in a fight, Ironfist has better combat speed feats. Also I didn't say that we needed to see Spiderman speed blitz super speedsters, but people who have above human speed. Just because someone puts on a mask, doesn't mean we suddenly attribute them superior stats. Some of the people Spiderman blitzed are incredibly strong but they're no faster than the average person.
Originally posted by jalek moye
Since I'm way behind in spider-man how does current Parker stack up here? I'm assuming he's way better then he used to be judging from his armor and kung fu training.
See this is a good point, no one's brought up the new armor yet. Does it make him stronger?
I haven't read the stories he's had with the armor.
Originally posted by Trackz
see in the first sentence you immediately use brute strength and striking force interchangeably. Brute strength DOES have something to do with striking power, but we already know that Ironfist's striking power is greater than Spiderman's, so it's really a moot point.
Movement speed is the same, if you run fast, there's a chance that you can fight fast, but it still needs to be proven. There was a nice line in a superman/batman comic, where batman inquires who's faster, Bruce Lee or Usain Bolt. In this case, Spiderman would be Usain Bolt and Ironfist would be Bruce Lee. I don't doubt that Spiderman is outright faster, but in a fight, Ironfist has better combat speed feats. Also I didn't say that we needed to see Spiderman speed blitz super speedsters, but people who have above human speed. Just because someone puts on a mask, doesn't mean we suddenly attribute them superior stats. Some of the people Spiderman blitzed are incredibly strong but they're no faster than the average person. That's not a nice line, that's completely stupid.
They are both Bruce Lee.
Originally posted by Mindset
That's not a nice line, that's completely stupid.
They are both Bruce Lee.
The debate with Red Sabre should probably have ended with
Like you said, he obviously doesn't know a thing about Iron Fist. And, can't even be bothered to check out his respect thread.
Dream Stuff
Reviewed the thread:
Pete and Danny's reflex speed should be considered about equal. Neither routinely do things the other could not in that regard.
Yes Pete is stronger. Yes, Danny hits harder with the IF, which he can use on. Oth hands all the time. Danny can take hits from Pete. Look at his fights with Radiaion Man, with Luke (while mind controlled), with Davos, etc. plus, he is extraordinarily skilled at rolling with punches. See any issue of his comics ever for how hard it is to land a solid blow.
Pete can't take an IF hit from Danny. Plus, Danny's non-If striking power is well above street level. His normal kicks bend steel beams.
I'm inclined to give Danny a slight majority over Pete. I'm incline to give team 2 a comfortable in over team 1.
red sabre
Originally posted by Trackz
see in the first sentence you immediately use brute strength and striking force interchangeably. Brute strength DOES have something to do with striking power, but we already know that Ironfist's striking power is greater than Spiderman's, so it's really a moot point.
Movement speed is the same, if you run fast, there's a chance that you can fight fast, but it still needs to be proven. There was a nice line in a superman/batman comic, where batman inquires who's faster, Bruce Lee or Usain Bolt. In this case, Spiderman would be Usain Bolt and Ironfist would be Bruce Lee. I don't doubt that Spiderman is outright faster, but in a fight, Ironfist has better combat speed feats. Also I didn't say that we needed to see Spiderman speed blitz super speedsters, but people who have above human speed. Just because someone puts on a mask, doesn't mean we suddenly attribute them superior stats. Some of the people Spiderman blitzed are incredibly strong but they're no faster than the average person.
you cant compare real life logic and the comics character iron fist who is a street with athletic strength level but is able to deliver train destryoing punch because of chi amp Lol
brute strength matters alot because at any point spider-man can grab his arm and rip it off or just rip him in half or throw cars at him, so many things can be done that strength alone is indeed a factor here
movement speed IS fighting speed, why are you using running? did i mention running at any point? i reffered to movement speed as the overall body movement speed and this is what fighting speed is all about, its about how fast you can move your entire body and body parts to the point you gain the upper hand in speed, by your logic he can outfight quicksilver and flash just because they can move fast but not fight fast? you know how dumb that sounds?
i said that spider - man doesnt need to speedblitz speedsters because iron fist is not a speedster, what feats can you show me that present iron fist as a speedster? i showed you spider-man speedblitz a group of heroes with miss marvel being one of them, its very safe to say that miss marvel alone is faster than iron fist , i presented spider-man speedblitz thor who is once again easily can match or supress iron fist by speed judging by showins, so basically i present on panel feats of spider-man being the superior and all you do is say no he isnt?
and by the way i dont have the scan but spider-man actually was able to outfight speed demon while speed demon was running at him full speed
there is no question that spider-man is stronger, more durable, faster, more agile, can kill iron fist with an all out strike, and has spider sense to avoid iron fist all night long, i presented a scan where spider-man is actually being faster than a bullet by movement speed, being faster than a bullet does not equel avoid bullets because he actually stood still at point blank and when the bullet was shot he was able to get out of the way by entire body movement and not just by hand movement, so for starters present me a feat showing iron fist being superior to bullet speed by body movement and not just avoid bullets
red sabre
Originally posted by Dream Stuff
Danny can take hits from Pete. Look at his fights with Radiaion Man, with Luke (while mind controlled), with Davos
Plus, Danny's non-If striking power is well above street level. His normal kicks bend steel beams.
see now i was trying to be fair and say both spider-man and iron fist can take each other out with a good placed punch, but if you want to go that route with me no problem, i can present you feats of spider-man survivng hits from hulk, rulk, juggernaut, countless class 100 bricks and then say its a proof iron fist cant take him out with his iron fist punch, then i will ask you to prove iron fist hits harder than hulk namor juggernaut atc atc atc, you dont want to go that way with me
so lets be fair here pete if not holding back hits hard enough to smash iron fist skull as should be while iron fist if using the iron fist probably will KO pete
OH come on kicking steel is suddenly above street? you serious? daredevil, shang chi,punisher or any other street as a matter of fact kicking steel doors and whats not for living you cant be serious with that thing
What stops Spidey from turning Cage into his own personal wrecking ball, and flogging Danny with him?
red sabre
Nothing actually
Originally posted by red sabre
you cant compare real life logic and the comics character iron fist who is a street with athletic strength level but is able to deliver train destryoing punch because of chi amp Lol
brute strength matters alot because at any point spider-man can grab his arm and rip it off or just rip him in half or throw cars at him, so many things can be done that strength alone is indeed a factor here
movement speed IS fighting speed, why are you using running? did i mention running at any point? i reffered to movement speed as the overall body movement speed and this is what fighting speed is all about, its about how fast you can move your entire body and body parts to the point you gain the upper hand in speed, by your logic he can outfight quicksilver and flash just because they can move fast but not fight fast? you know how dumb that sounds?
i said that spider - man doesnt need to speedblitz speedsters because iron fist is not a speedster, what feats can you show me that present iron fist as a speedster? i showed you spider-man speedblitz a group of heroes with miss marvel being one of them, its very safe to say that miss marvel alone is faster than iron fist , i presented spider-man speedblitz thor who is once again easily can match or supress iron fist by speed judging by showins, so basically i present on panel feats of spider-man being the superior and all you do is say no he isnt?
and by the way i dont have the scan but spider-man actually was able to outfight speed demon while speed demon was running at him full speed
there is no question that spider-man is stronger, more durable, faster, more agile, can kill iron fist with an all out strike, and has spider sense to avoid iron fist all night long, i presented a scan where spider-man is actually being faster than a bullet by movement speed, being faster than a bullet does not equel avoid bullets because he actually stood still at point blank and when the bullet was shot he was able to get out of the way by entire body movement and not just by hand movement, so for starters present me a feat showing iron fist being superior to bullet speed by body movement and not just avoid bullets
well for one, I think it's important to remember the combatants are still in character. Spiderman won't be ripping anyone's arm off unless otherwise stated.
I think we had a miscommunication, I thought you meant running speed when you said movement speed. I also never said Spiderman wasn't incredibly fast, not faster than Ironfist though. There have already been a couple of speed feats posted, like the one where Ironfist slaps the fletchettes out of the air. Also there was already a scan posted of Ironfist being faster than a bullet by your definition of movement speed, he catches a bullet.
Originally posted by Trackz
well for one, I think it's important to remember the combatants are still in character. Spiderman won't be ripping anyone's arm off unless otherwise stated.
I think we had a miscommunication, I thought you meant running speed when you said movement speed. I also never said Spiderman wasn't incredibly fast, not faster than Ironfist though. There have already been a couple of speed feats posted, like the one where Ironfist slaps the fletchettes out of the air. Also there was already a scan posted of Ironfist being faster than a bullet by your definition of movement speed, he catches a bullet.
Speed and agility are two different things. Ironfist may be as fast as Spiderman or even a bit faster in certain areas, but Spidey has him beat in the agility dept. he also has his spider sense, webbing, ability to stick to nearly any surface and is generally stronger than Danny in terms of lifting feats. Spiderman has the reach advantage as well, and although Danny may be able to grab a strand of webbing, he's simply not going to be able to grab bursts of it, and would be entangled, and turned into a punching bag by enough webbing that would be able to hold the Thing.
Originally posted by jalek moye
Since I'm way behind in spider-man how does current Parker stack up here? I'm assuming he's way better then he used to be judging from his armor and kung fu training. Doesn't have that many feats since he recieved the training but the ones he has are very impressive. He won a sparring mach with Shang relying solely on kung fu skills. He knows pressurepoint attacks, learnt some killing attacks. He blitzed a number of supervillains who all had spider powers, speedblitzed an amped Kain twice. His spider sense now works in harmony with his kung fu training, directing his attacks. Wouldn't go as far as to say he's on a whole new level now, but if Slott keeps this up this might very well happen.
Originally posted by red sabre
Spider-man is actually powerless on this scan. Not bad eh?
red sabre
Originally posted by Trackz
well for one, I think it's important to remember the combatants are still in character. Spiderman won't be ripping anyone's arm off unless otherwise stated.
I think we had a miscommunication, I thought you meant running speed when you said movement speed. I also never said Spiderman wasn't incredibly fast, not faster than Ironfist though. There have already been a couple of speed feats posted, like the one where Ironfist slaps the fletchettes out of the air. Also there was already a scan posted of Ironfist being faster than a bullet by your definition of movement speed, he catches a bullet.
spider man still can break the arms and legs or swing iron fist far far away making it a good bfr that might as well accidentely kill iron fist, he can just take some metal pipe and wrap iron fist with it, many ways for spidy to use his strength alone
when i am saying speed i mean the overall movement speed, feats say spider man is faster than IF, can you show me feats of iron fist speedblitzing someone? or a group of people? or a group of super humans that all got super human speed to some level like miss marvel?
the feat with iron fist snaping those fingernails out of the air? prove they were fletchettes and not fingernails ( just for the laughs), then prove it was indeed traveling same speed as a bullet because different mechanism can fire fletchettes at different speeds
catching a bullet isnt as impresive as avoiding a bullet after it was shot at point blank, as i explained before a good eye hand cordination along with swift hands allow real life people to catch painball bullets and rubber bullets, thats also due to the fact they know when the bullet will be fired out and they time everything correctly, on the other hand if the bullet is already shot at you at point blank and you manage to avoid the bullet with your whole body by getting away and not only did spider man got away by that time he was already near the person who shot the bullet, you cant compare 1 to another spider-man is indeed superior
red sabre
Originally posted by SamZED
Spider-man is actually powerless on this scan. Not bad eh?
yeah i know, i cant believe people claim streets are faster than him
Originally posted by red sabre
yeah i know, i cant believe people claim streets are faster than him Now that you guy started talking about movement speed - Spider-man not only cought a bullet, he outpaced it once.
Originally posted by red sabre
catching a bullet isnt as impresive as avoiding a bullet after it was shot at point blank
No, dodging a bullet, even at point blank range, is in no way more impressive than actually catching one.
Or do you think Batgirl is faster than Spidey?
All four guns were fired in close succession (You can see a few bullets in mid flight, proving she had to step between at least two bullets racing neck and neck), which would leave no time to sidestep unless you're as fast as a bullet.
And she sidestepped all four of them
jalek moye
Originally posted by SamZED
Doesn't have that many feats since he recieved the training but the ones he has are very impressive. He won a sparring mach with Shang relying solely on kung fu skills. He knows pressurepoint attacks, learnt some killing attacks. He blitzed a number of supervillains who all had spider powers, speedblitzed an amped Kain twice. His spider sense now works in harmony with his kung fu training, directing his attacks. Wouldn't go as far as to say he's on a whole new level now, but if Slott keeps this up this might very well happen.
And his armor I noticed he's wearing? Where does that put his durability at?
Originally posted by red sabre
spider man still can break the arms and legs or swing iron fist far far away making it a good bfr that might as well accidentely kill iron fist, he can just take some metal pipe and wrap iron fist with it, many ways for spidy to use his strength alone
when i am saying speed i mean the overall movement speed, feats say spider man is faster than IF, can you show me feats of iron fist speedblitzing someone? or a group of people? or a group of super humans that all got super human speed to some level like miss marvel?
the feat with iron fist snaping those fingernails out of the air? prove they were fletchettes and not fingernails ( just for the laughs), then prove it was indeed traveling same speed as a bullet because different mechanism can fire fletchettes at different speeds
catching a bullet isnt as impresive as avoiding a bullet after it was shot at point blank, as i explained before a good eye hand cordination along with swift hands allow real life people to catch painball bullets and rubber bullets, thats also due to the fact they know when the bullet will be fired out and they time everything correctly, on the other hand if the bullet is already shot at you at point blank and you manage to avoid the bullet with your whole body by getting away and not only did spider man got away by that time he was already near the person who shot the bullet, you cant compare 1 to another spider-man is indeed superior
It seems now that you're underestimating IronFist.
As for the feats you're asking for, they're all in the respect thread. He's taken out groups of martial artists before they can react, he's taken out a guy with super speed in hand-to-hand combat, and he's done well against the x-men. All of this by using a combination of his speed and skill.
I can't believe you're comparing catching a paint ball to a real bullet...regular people can dodge paintballs if there's a large enough distance, people with no type of training. Regardless, your example has no relation whatsoever to the scan of Ironfist catching the bullets because he didn't know when the sniper was going to shoot. If you want to say you can't compare the two feats, fine. But Ironfists feat is just as impressive, if not more.
Anyway, I bumped an ironfist vs. spiderman thread so this can be debated at length.
I still maintain that team 2 would win because they are a better team, Blade and Spiderman end up arguing or fighting most of the time they team up.
red sabre
Originally posted by cdtm
No, dodging a bullet, even at point blank range, is in no way more impressive than actually catching one.
Or do you think Batgirl is faster than Spidey?
All four guns were fired in close succession (You can see a few bullets in mid flight, proving she had to step between at least two bullets racing neck and neck), which would leave no time to sidestep unless you're as fast as a bullet.
And she sidestepped all four of them
first of all if you claim she did the same thing as spider man how can she be faster? thats already dumb
next stop we got the fact she looked at them saw where the gun is directed to and simply slightly steped away from the fire direction, that tactic was discussed here countles times, the difference between steping out of the way the gun is shooting and actually outspeed a bullet, in both cases of iron fist and batgirl they were looking at the fire source saw the direction and were prepared, iron man just moved his hand and the girl just lean to the side.
the feat i presented shows a guy sticking his gun into spider man and yet spider man avoiding the gunshot while the gun is sticked into him thats way above someone lean to the side out of the gun direction
now spider-man on the other hand first of all in 3 different cases was able to avoid the bullet after the bullet was show and he noticed it while the bullet was already flying towards him, and even the feat i posted previously still is more impressive since not only he got away with his full body and not by leaning to the side but he also was next to the attacker as the bullet hit the wall
lastly if you want to argue a character speed specially if the purpose is a debate on who will beat who, you have to use fighting speed because the bullets in comics universe are the biggest jobbers ever, juns bullets and whats not always were the biggest canon fodder in comics, i posted feats of spider man speedblitzing thor and speedblitzing a group of super heroes with miss marvel one of them who is a legit super speedster to some degree, care to present me iron fist speedblitzing anyone with super human speed?
red sabre
Originally posted by Trackz
It seems now that you're underestimating IronFist.
As for the feats you're asking for, they're all in the respect thread. He's taken out groups of martial artists before they can react, he's taken out a guy with super speed in hand-to-hand combat, and he's done well against the x-men. All of this by using a combination of his speed and skill.
I can't believe you're comparing catching a paint ball to a real bullet...regular people can dodge paintballs if there's a large enough distance, people with no type of training. Regardless, your example has no relation whatsoever to the scan of Ironfist catching the bullets because he didn't know when the sniper was going to shoot. If you want to say you can't compare the two feats, fine. But Ironfists feat is just as impressive, if not more.
Anyway, I bumped an ironfist vs. spiderman thread so this can be debated at length.
I still maintain that team 2 would win because they are a better team, Blade and Spiderman end up arguing or fighting most of the time they team up.
no no no, dont give me the "go to the respect thread" getaway, i could also tell you to go to the respect thread and see spider man abilities however i searched the feats and presented them for you, you can at least do the same thing.
i asked you a simple thing, show me iron fist speedblitzing someone with super human speed to the point the person didnt even react to him, and even then it wont be enough because spider man was able to speedblitz a group of heroes with miss marvel being one of them , then he speeblitzed a group of guys that had spider powers as well, then we got spider man being faster than speed demon and counter his full speed running, you see i presented spider man speedblitzing legit super humans by the speed department and even speedsters, now show me iron fist
stay on the subject, by point is that regular people with slight training are able to do stuff like that with the right hand eye cordination, do we know at what speed those fingarnails ( i keep calling them that way since you cant prove me what they were) were traveling? until you can prove at what speed they were traveling i am safe to say they were slower than bullets because they were fired from some unkown mechanism which can be slower, i just presented you a feat where someone stick a gun into spider man actually sticking the gun into his body and yet spider man avoid that, and as i said before if you want to compare speed lets use fighting because bullets are just the biggest jobbers out there
Originally posted by red sabre
no no no, dont give me the "go to the respect thread" getaway, i could also tell you to go to the respect thread and see spider man abilities however i searched the feats and presented them for you, you can at least do the same thing.
i asked you a simple thing, show me iron fist speedblitzing someone with super human speed to the point the person didnt even react to him, and even then it wont be enough because spider man was able to speedblitz a group of heroes with miss marvel being one of them , then he speeblitzed a group of guys that had spider powers as well, then we got spider man being faster than speed demon and counter his full speed running, you see i presented spider man speedblitzing legit super humans by the speed department and even speedsters, now show me iron fist
stay on the subject, by point is that regular people with slight training are able to do stuff like that with the right hand eye cordination, do we know at what speed those fingarnails ( i keep calling them that way since you cant prove me what they were) were traveling? until you can prove at what speed they were traveling i am safe to say they were slower than bullets because they were fired from some unkown mechanism which can be slower, i just presented you a feat where someone stick a gun into spider man actually sticking the gun into his body and yet spider man avoid that, and as i said before if you want to compare speed lets use fighting because bullets are just the biggest jobbers out there
I admit, I may have been wrong in my statement that spiderman could do nothing against iron fist. I still encourage you to check out the ironfist respect thread, it's well organized and you can find all the feats you're asking for easily.
I want to move away from Spiderman vs. Ironfist for a bit, since that's more of a one-on-one, and draw the discussion back to the topic. What's your opinion on how Blade/Spiderman will work as a team as compared to the Heroes for Hire?
team cage and danny ftw
Team 2 but Spidey beats the shit out of Rand.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Team 2 but Spidey beats the shit out of Rand. hysterical You almost sounded serious about that.
Originally posted by deathslash
hysterical You almost sounded serious about that.
Yup, I am. Whaddya going to do about it?
Originally posted by abhilegend
Yup, I am. Whaddya going to do about it? tell me the time and place and we can settle this once and for all.
Originally posted by deathslash
tell me the time and place and we can settle this once and for all.
New Delhi, tomorrow. Meet me at airport.
Originally posted by abhilegend
New Delhi, tomorrow. Meet me at airport. you better not chicken out super punk.Originally posted by carver9
Can I watch? videotape it and post it on YouTube so that everyone will know not to f*** with lord rand.
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