The X-Men Vs Doomsday
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Who wins? No prep..
The X-Men:
DoS Doomsday
If this is DOS DD, the X-Men take him.
Originally posted by BUSTER1
If this is DOS DD, the X-Men take him.

Originally posted by Placidity
Whats wrong with my post? DOS is the weakest DD. He bought the farm against a relatively weak Superman.
Originally posted by BUSTER1
Whats wrong with my post? DOS is the weakest DD. He bought the farm against a relatively weak Superman.
No they don't. This is a stomp no matter what doomsday we're talking about.
Originally posted by juggerman
Colossonaut? This actually a very important question.
Lord Feron
I would say a couple of those DD colnes from DD wars was piss shit horrible. I would say the only hope is rouge sapping his powers but he might just stab her in the head before she gets enough juice.
Originally posted by keiththegreat
No they don't. This is a stomp no matter what doomsday we're talking about.
I beg to differ. There is enough power and ability in that team to take down DOs DD.
If this is the one who was able to take on the motherbox powered superman. The x-men get stomped so bad its not even funny, they could have more x-men then this and they would still be raped.
Professor X see's the carnage and goes insane, and becomes the worlds greatest villain from losing hope.
Doomsday wins unless the have Colossonaut
Originally posted by TheMask
If this is the one who was able to take on the motherbox powered superman. The x-men get stomped so bad its not even funny, they could have more x-men then this and they would still be raped.
Professor X see's the carnage and goes insane, and becomes the worlds greatest villain from losing hope.
No this is Death Of Superman version of Doomsday, who could be deafeted with sufficeint force.
Demon Colossonaut would pound Doomsday into dust
Originally posted by juggerman
Demon Colossonaut would pound Doomsday into dust
Possible .
unless of course he catches a glimse of a pretty butterfly and powers down to play with it
Originally posted by juggerman
unless of course he catches a glimse of a pretty butterfly and powers down to play with it

This is the same doomsday who wrecked entire gl corps, took a guardian's suicide attack without any problem and as retconned telling of DOS shook earth to its core from his last punch to superman.
this is current colossus in this fight, jus 2 be clear
Does Doomsday has his hand tied behind his back fighting the team, like He did in DOS?
He owned the JL with one arm right? and was chipping Supes for awhole too
Originally posted by Supermex
Who wins? No prep..
The X-Men:
DoS Doomsday
Cyclops, Rogue and Namor are dead. Magneto is going to cause real trouble as long as he can stay out of arm's reach, and Iceman is unkillable. If it's current Colossus, he can keep the monster busy. Classic dies horribly.
X-Men can win, and really should if they fight smart, though it won't be without casualties.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Cyclops, Rogue and Namor are dead. Magneto is going to cause real trouble as long as he can stay out of arm's reach, and Iceman is unkillable. If it's current Colossus, he can keep the monster busy. Classic dies horribly.
X-Men can win, and really should if they fight smart, though it won't be without casualties. The person said it is Cloosanaut.
Which to me means he will probably win this on his own as I don't see DOS Doomsday putting him down, unless Piotr goes all noble take me out

this is current colossus in this fight, jus 2 be clear
most of these guys can't even hurt doomsday, nevermind beat him.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
most of these guys can't even hurt doomsday, nevermind beat him. The only person that is useless is Summers X-Men for the majority
Originally posted by iceman24567
The only person that is useless is Summers X-Men for the majority
Namor wiill be one-shot. And Iceman and Rogue more likely than not can't even harm him.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Namor wiill be one-shot. And Iceman and Rogue more likely than not can't even harm him. Namor isn't getting one shot his durability isn't that shitty. Iceman is immortal he can make giant avatars of himself Doomsday would be smashing while Bobby continues to spam. Rogue has a team of mutants at her disposal

Originally posted by iceman24567
Namor isn't getting one shot his durability isn't that shitty. Iceman is immortal he can make giant avatars of himself Doomsday would be smashing while Bobby continues to spam. Rogue has a team of mutants at her disposal
Again, my point was he can't HURT doomsday, not that he couldn't momentarily distract him.
Thor has one-shot Namor soaking wet, and Doomsday is multiple times stronger than Thor.
Originally posted by iceman24567
The only person that is useless is Summers X-Men for the majority
Originally posted by BUSTER1
Whats wrong with my post? DOS is the weakest DD. He bought the farm against a relatively weak Superman.
Sure, after fighting the league and Maxima. Just look at how he took out Gardner...
And that era's Superman being weak is kind of overstated anyways.. Even Jurgens/Byrne era Superman has his share of insane feats. (Surviving an explosion that destroyed the moon and having a Sun Eater collapse on top of him for one, and anbi posted a really good one where Hal's ring slowed down time to the point of everyone in the world being a statue, but Superman was so fast he could interact normally with him.)
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Again, my point was he can't HURT doomsday, not that he couldn't momentarily distract him.
Thor has one-shot Namor soaking wet, and Doomsday is multiple times stronger than Thor. Really one showing of Thor one shotting him so Doomsday can

Originally posted by -Pr-
Originally posted by iceman24567
Really one showing of Thor one shotting him so Doomsday can
Please, tell me why you think Namor is so durable.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Please, tell me why you think Namor is so durable. Never said he was so durable i said he's not getting one shot. Please tell me how Doomsday is multiple times stronger than Thor

Originally posted by iceman24567
Please tell me how Doomsday is multiple times stronger than Thor
I hope you're joking.
Doomsday isn't stronger than Thor, especially DOS Doomsday.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
I hope you're joking. Fail
If you want to talk just DOS Doomsday, one good way to tell would be to compare how each did to common opponents. Superman beat Thor's brains in (and yeah, it is canon in both Marvel and DC, as despite what some Marvel fans claim, it has been mentioned in Marvel also), and Doomsday man-handled Superman, despite having fought multiple heroes before hand. There's a start.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
If you want to talk just DOS Doomsday, one good way to tell would be to compare how each did to common opponents. Superman beat Thor's brains in (and yeah, it is canon in both Marvel and DC, as despite what some Marvel fans claim, it has been mentioned in Marvel also), and Doomsday man-handled Superman, despite having fought multiple heroes before hand. There's a start. Nah crossovers dont matter or is that your only argument. Crossovers and abc logic like i thought fail
If you truly believe DOS Superman is stronger than current Thor then something is seriously wrong with you.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Nah crossovers dont matter or is that your only argument. Crossovers and abc logic like i thought fail
Any canon appearance matters.
It's better than no argument at all, which is what you seem to have. There is ZERO evidence Thor is stronger than Doomsday. It's a fact that Superman is stronger than Thor, even the most hardcore Thor fans I know admit it. Doomsday showed to be stronger than Superman.
Saying "ABC logic is fail" is a great argument. I'm sure you saw someone say that once in some other debate and are parroting it. People love to say that without thinking it through. Sometimes ABC logic is faulty, sometimes not. You actually have to THINK before you say that though.
ABC logic actually DOES work in this case. If I am stronger than person B, and person B is stronger than person C, then it follows I am stronger than person C. Explain why that doesn't follow.
To help you out with when ABC logic doesn't work. If I said Thor beat SS, and SS beat Hal Jordan, it doesn't mean Thor can beat Hal Jordan. There are different powers at work, different circumstances, etc. ABC fails there.
When we are talking about physical strength, and that alone, ABC logic DOES work. If Ben can lift more than Joe, and Joe can lift more than Alex, then Ben can lift more than Alex too.
Does that help?
JLA Vs Avengers isn't a valid source on this forum.
Also, ABC logic is always faulty. Reasonable deduction is what's good.
Originally posted by -Pr-
JLA Vs Avengers isn't a valid source on this forum.
That's fine then, but it has been referenced in subsequent canon Marvel comics, twice that I know of, and also in DC canon comics as well. But if that's the rule, that's fine with me for future reference.
Stalemate or magnetic bfr
Thor and superman are peers in strength.
If you want to argue that fact go to one of the millions of there vs threads please.
Originally posted by -Pr-
Also, ABC logic is always faulty. Reasonable deduction is what's good.
How so in this case:
When we are talking about physical strength, and that alone, ABC logic DOES work. If Ben can lift more than Joe, and Joe can lift more than Alex, then Ben can lift more than Alex too.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
To help you out with when ABC logic doesn't work. If I said Thor beat SS, and SS beat Hal Jordan, it doesn't mean Thor can beat Hal Jordan. There are different powers at work, different circumstances, etc. ABC fails there.
When we are talking about physical strength, and that alone, ABC logic DOES work. If Ben can lift more than Joe, and Joe can lift more than Alex, then Ben can lift more than Alex too.
Does that help? Nothing you have posted so far helped anybody you included
Originally posted by -Pr-
JLA Vs Avengers isn't a valid source on this forum.
Also, ABC logic is always faulty. Reasonable deduction is what's good.

Originally posted by iceman24567
Nothing you have posted so far helped anybody you included
Another stunning argument. When all else fails, cheer lead. Just as good as your "fail" argument. You've certainly proven your case that Thor is stronger than Doomsday. Congratulations.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Another stunning argument. When all else fails, cheer lead. Just as good as your "fail" argument. You've certainly proven your case that Thor is stronger than Doomsday. Congratulations. How is it cheer leading when i said everything he posted first

So now you are going to have to shown me where i said Thor was stronger

. You made the claim that Doomsday was multiple times stronger than Thor you tried using abc logic and crossovers to support this foolish stance. Congratulations you have failed again
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
How so in this case:
When we are talking about physical strength, and that alone, ABC logic DOES work. If Ben can lift more than Joe, and Joe can lift more than Alex, then Ben can lift more than Alex too.
because they're can always be variables.
Originally posted by iceman24567
So now you are going to have to shown me where i said Thor was stronger

. You made the claim that Doomsday was multiple times stronger than Thor you tried using abc logic and crossovers to support this foolish stance. Congratulations you have failed again
Again, another great argument. Calling an argument foolish with nothing to back it up only makes you look like a buffoon. The fact is the crossover IS CANON, whether the mods think it is or not. Clearly Marvel and DC think it is.
But like I said, if that's how the rules are here, that's fine. It's like CBR, where you're only allowed to use feats, and no fights. The fights are canon, it's the rules of the site that don't allow you to use them. I'm fine with that.
And it's clear you have no idea what "ABC logic" is, since you used it wrong, and simply ignored me correcting you, and went on to say "fail", the go-to phrase for people with no argument, or ability to think of one.
As I said, it's obvious to even the most die-hard Thor fans that Superman is stronger than Thor, and Doomsday was stronger than Superman. If you think that's an example of the ABC logic fallacy, I'd recommend a course on logic when you get to college.
Originally posted by -Pr-
because they're can always be variables.
That can be true of "reasonable deduction" also. there are variables in everything.
If "ABC logic" was always false, there'd be no such thing as half of mathematics. (i.e. 1<2, 2<3, so 1<3. this is a lynch pin of infinite series).
It's only a fallacy when it's applied incorrectly. Like the example I showed with fights
I agree just because someone beat someone, and that someone beat someone in a fight, then yeah, it doesn't imply the first guy beats up the third guy. But in pure lifting....
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
That can be true of "reasonable deduction" also. there are variables in everything.
If "ABC logic" was always false, there'd be no such thing as half of mathematics. (i.e. 1<2, 2<3, so 1<3. this is a lynch pin of infinite series).
It's only a fallacy when it's applied incorrectly. Like the example I showed with fights
I agree just because someone beat someone, and that someone beat someone in a fight, then yeah, it doesn't imply the first guy beats up the third guy. But in pure lifting....
Reasonable deduction is generally educated, though. ABC logic is generally the preserve of idiots.
ABC logic is false in comic book debates. I'm not talking about maths here.
Pure lifting? You really want to break everything down to such pointless extremes? That isn't even the totality of strength.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
If you want to talk just DOS Doomsday, one good way to tell would be to compare how each did to common opponents. Superman beat Thor's brains in (and yeah, it is canon in both Marvel and DC, as despite what some Marvel fans claim, it has been mentioned in Marvel also), and Doomsday man-handled Superman, despite having fought multiple heroes before hand. There's a start.
^This isn't abc logic? Fail
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Again, another great argument. Calling an argument foolish with nothing to back it up only makes you look like a buffoon. The fact is the crossover IS CANON, whether the mods think it is or not. Clearly Marvel and DC think it is.
But like I said, if that's how the rules are here, that's fine. It's like CBR, where you're only allowed to use feats, and no fights. The fights are canon, it's the rules of the site that don't allow you to use them. I'm fine with that.
And it's clear you have no idea what "ABC logic" is, since you used it wrong, and simply ignored me correcting you, and went on to say "fail", the go-to phrase for people with no argument, or ability to think of one.
As I said, it's obvious to even the most die-hard Thor fans that Superman is stronger than Thor, and Doomsday was stronger than Superman. If you think that's an example of the ABC logic fallacy, I'd recommend a course on logic when you get to college. It is a foolish argument which is the reason you haven't presented any REAL proof. You did try to use abc logic and you failed try to cover it up all you want. You also tried covering up the various faults in the crappy logic you posted by saying I haven't proven Thor is stronger even though that had nothing to do with my initial post or even my posts after. After several posts you still haven't proven that Doomsday is multiply times stronger than Thor i recommend you read a comic every now and then
Originally posted by iceman24567
i recommend you read a comic every now and then
good one. did you come up with that one all by yourself. never heard it before. arguing with u is about as pointless as arguing with carver. except he at least attempts to make arguments.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
good one. did you come up with that one all by yourself. never heard it before. arguing with u is about as pointless as arguing with carver. except he at least attempts to make arguments. What argument would be the correct one in this case? The burden of proof is still on you stop dodging and admit you cant in fact prove that DOS Doomsday is multiple time stronger than Thor. Crying isn't helping
Originally posted by -Pr-
Reasonable deduction is generally educated, though. ABC logic is generally the preserve of idiots.
ABC logic is false in comic book debates. I'm not talking about maths here.
Pure lifting? You really want to break everything down to such pointless extremes? That isn't even the totality of strength.
Again, I agree for the most part, but my point was, "ABC logic" isn't ALWAYS false, which you claimed it was. Reasonable deduction is educated by definition, but there are variables in that as well.
And again, I agree in terms of fights, yeah, it fails. But let's say Flash beat Superman in a foot race, and then Superman beat Quicksilver in a foot race. Flash and Quicksilver never end up racing. If there were no extenuating circumstances, would you agree that Flash is, at the very LEAST....more likely than not faster than quicksilver, just based on what I just said?
We use ABC logic here all the time, and people don't even realize it. Thanos showing to be stronger than Hulk is a big one that's used ALL THE TIME.
There's ABC logic, and then there's ABC logic fallacy.
And yeah, I know pure lifting isn't the only part of strength.
DOS doomsday isn't oneshotting namor but he is stronger than thor.
Originally posted by abhilegend
DOS doomsday isn't oneshotting namor but he is stronger than thor.
I still want to see some of these great durability feats from Namor that would say he isn't getting one-shotted by a guy who can physically kill Superman (Who's survived some insane damage before DOS). Namor getting one shot by Thor, being overpowered by one arm of Thor, and some other fights have never impressed me. And he was one shot by thor in the rain. he had better hope there's a tsunami when he fights doomsday.
Originally posted by abhilegend
DOS doomsday isn't oneshotting namor but he is stronger than thor. Multiple times stronger than current Thor?
FACT: Villains RARELY have lifting or even any decent strength feats. That's what heroes do. The best way to gauge their strength is to compare them with heroes. Superman is multiple times stronger than Thor. There's no arguing against that. Doomsday was overpowering Superman. You want to call that ABC logic, fine. How else do you propose we compare the two? Unfortunately Doomsday didn't lift a giant weight with a label saying "100 tons" on it. You want to believe Thor is stronger, that's fine. Why don't you start a Thor vs Doomsday armwrestling thread and see how many people besides carver don't think Doomsday wins convincingly.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
FACT: Villains RARELY have lifting or even any decent strength feats. That's what heroes do. The best way to gauge their strength is to compare them with heroes. Superman is multiple times stronger than Thor. There's no arguing against that. Doomsday was overpowering Superman. You want to call that ABC logic, fine. How else do you propose we compare the two? Unfortunately Doomsday didn't lift a giant weight with a label saying "100 tons" on it. You want to believe Thor is stronger, that's fine. Why don't you start a Thor vs Doomsday armwrestling thread and see how many people besides carver don't think Doomsday wins convincingly. Are you blind or just trolling? quote once where i posted that Thor is stronger? Just once
Originally posted by iceman24567
Are you blind or just trolling? quote once where i posted that Thor is stronger? Just once
Yeah I get it, you have a HUGE problem with the word "multiple" for some reason. OK. Who's stronger and by how much?
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
I still want to see some of these great durability feats from Namor that would say he isn't getting one-shotted by a guy who can physically kill Superman (Who's survived some insane damage before DOS). Namor getting one shot by Thor, being overpowered by one arm of Thor, and some other fights have never impressed me. And he was one shot by thor in the rain. he had better hope there's a tsunami when he fights doomsday.,211949.0.htmlOriginally posted by iceman24567
Multiple times stronger than current Thor?
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Yeah I get it, you have a HUGE problem with the word "multiple" for some reason. OK. Who's stronger and by how much? Nah you just have a HUGE problem proving it. The point isn't whos stronger and my opinion on the matter the point is you can't prove your foolish statement and instead of admitting it you are flipflopping all over the place like a fish on dry land
Originally posted by abhilegend,211949.0.html
No. Which is my point
Originally posted by iceman24567
Nah you just have a HUGE problem proving it. The point isn't whos stronger and my opinion on the matter the point is you can't prove your foolish statement and instead of admitting it you are flipflopping all over the place like a fish on dry land
So yet again, no argument, just an insult (unimaginative at that). And you refuse to even take a position. Nice job. And where did I flip flop? I've consistently said Doomsday is FAR stronger than Thor. Ive proven it, but you're too dense to understand. Beating Superman to death physically is something Thor could never do on his best day. Thor is about equal to savage hulk in strength, a little less so actually. Thor has trouble lifting Asgard. Actually, he needed help from BRB (roughly his physical equal) and he STILL LOOKED STRAINED. That Asgard looked the size of a small asteroid. In fact, I could go on with examples of Thor struggling physically.
Superman has lifted infinite weight (twice that I know of). Moved moons and planets. Has the maggedon feat (the size of 300 earths!), shattered reality with his punches, etc. etc. Doomsday overpowered that, and then beat him to death after fighting the JLA.
Again, he's not lifting things. We have to go by how he performs against someone who has.
I'll go back to arguing with Carver9 now, at least he tries.
BTW, this is what Thor would look like after a fight with Doomsday if he tried to go physical (IF HE WAS LUCKY):
Yeah, I know it's meaningless in this situation, but that's how I picture a Thor/Doomsday fight going. It would be as quick as that fight was, not multi-pages like Doomsday/Superman.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
. Ive proven it, but you're too dense to understand. Lulz no you haven't abhi agrees there is nothing to suggest Doomsday is multiple times stronger. You mad because i insulted you? Hypocrite either way you haven't proven squat. So now you want to go the lowballing/highballing route

. Thor has matched Hulk and Zeus physically the latter was able to effortlessly lift a mount etna and throw it Hulk needs no introduction. Nothing you have posted supports the foolish claim that DOS Doomsday is multiple times stronger its sad you are still trying. Go off and play with carv you sad man
This is how i picture Superman after Thor hammers he's brains out
Originally posted by iceman24567
Lulz no you haven't abhi agrees there is nothing to suggest Doomsday is multiple times stronger. You mad because i insulted you? Hypocrite either way you haven't proven squat. So now you want to go the lowballing/highballing route

. Thor has matched Hulk and Zeus physically the latter was able to effortlessly lift a mount etna and throw it Hulk needs no introduction. Nothing you have posted supports the foolish claim that DOS Doomsday is multiple times stronger its sad you are still trying. Go off and play with carv you sad man
Wow. So you're "Argument" is:...... abhi agrees with you! Wow! You're an amazing debater.
Thor matched Zeus physically? lol. Now YOU'RE using abc logic, and badly at that. This is going nowhere. You're too handicapped to actually make an argument.
Doomsday would wreck Thor with ease. I agree based on his showing against superman, hes a LOT stronger than Thor. Thor shows limits way too often.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Wow. So you're "Argument" is:...... abhi agrees with you! Wow! You're an amazing debater.
Thor matched Zeus physically? lol. Now YOU'RE using abc logic, and badly at that. This is going nowhere. You're too handicapped to actually make an argument. So you are going to act like you didn't just try to use Supermans feats to project Doomsday being vastly superior to Thor? Thats the only reason i brought out the Zeus and Hulk confrontations. You claimed you proved that Dos Doomsday was multiple times stronger if that were the case abhi wouldn't agree with me but instead would agree with you. This all boils down to you making a shit statement then not being able to support it. My point still stands. Doomsday is not not multiple times stronger than Thor thanks mr butthurt

Originally posted by keiththegreat
Doomsday would wreck Thor with ease. I agree based on his showing against superman, hes a LOT stronger than Thor. Thor shows limits way too often. Yeah and i wouldn't take your opinion seriously if you were the last sentient being on the planet
Originally posted by iceman24567
Yeah and i wouldn't take your opinion seriously if you were the last sentient being on the planet
you sound kind of butthurt there. lulz.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
you sound kind of butthurt there. lulz. Nah its proven fact that keith has problems gauging power levels. Unlike you i base my statements off of actually evidence not some stupid assumption
DOS doomsday isn't wrecking thor. AT. ALL. That's just silly.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Unlike you i base my statements off of actually evidence not some stupid assumption
usually, people who have to tell u that they base statements off evidence, don't. oh, and what, no cliched line in this post?
like "not if u were the last person on earth"
between ur cliches, clearleading other people, and using other poster's opinions on the forum as "evidence", you should really start trying to think for yourself sometime, sport.
Originally posted by abhilegend
DOS doomsday isn't wrecking thor. AT. ALL. That's just silly.
in slugfest, yes he is.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
in slugfest, yes he is.
No, he isn't.
Originally posted by abhilegend
No, he isn't.
ok. i'm convinced.
Thor has been written with a massive glass jaw lately. Red hulk, diablo, hulk, Amadeus, Nul, etc etc etc etc.... How many times is Thor gonba get knocked out.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
usually, people who have to tell u that they base statements off evidence, don't. oh, and what, no cliched line in this post?
like "not if u were the last person on earth"
between ur cliches, clearleading other people, and using other poster's opinions on the forum as "evidence", you should really start trying to think for yourself sometime, sport. Again it wasn't cheer leading since i made the statements Pr did prior to him even coming in this thread. Never used his opinion as "evidence" his opinion sure as hell didn't hurt my point. I am thinking for myself as i did from the get go. My original stance was you can't prove Dos Doomsday is multiple times stronger than Thor and i stuck to it and to my surprise (not) you still haven't provided proof just butt hurt posts that even spill over into other thread

Originally posted by abhilegend
DOS doomsday isn't wrecking thor. AT. ALL. That's just silly.
Keith and his lack of gauging power levels ftw!
Well, it's not that he's been getting knocked out, he's getting knocked out WITH EASE. Hulk hit him four times and KO'ed him! Red Hulk didn't hit him much more than that. And you're forgetting Siege. He didn't look good at all there either. I hate lowballing, but Thor's durability has gone down big time since his classic days. I've said it before, it's almost like someone at marvel doesn't like thor.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Again it wasn't cheer leading since i made the statements Pr did prior to him even coming in this thread. Never used his opinion as "evidence" his opinion sure as hell didn't hurt my point. I am thinking for myself as i did from the get go. My original stance was you can't prove Dos Doomsday is multiple times stronger than Thor and i stuck to it and to my surprise (not) you still haven't provided proof just butt hurt posts that even spill over into other thread

Keith and his lack of gauging power levels ftw!
yay! you said butthurt again! get some new material, ace.
yeah, you think for yourself by cheerleading.

Originally posted by keiththegreat
Thor has been written with a massive glass jaw lately. Red hulk, diablo, hulk, Amadeus, Nul, etc etc etc etc.... How many times is Thor gonba get knocked out. Nice lowballing. Thor has had many appearances he's bound to lose. He also ended the Void, bfr beat Nul, rocked the Phoenix force, resisted the influence of the Demogorge then fought his way out of the resting place of the gods by blasting his way out of the demogorge, beat Surtur ect.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
yay! you said butthurt again! get some new material, ace.
yeah, you think for yourself by cheerleading.

You are suppose to call a butthurt person butthurt its not my fault you fail at ever turn

. Yes of course because making a statement then agree with somebody making the same exact statement afterwards is cheer leading you got me mr butt hurt
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
ok. i'm convinced.
You should be.
Originally posted by iceman24567
Nice lowballing. Thor has had many appearances he's bound to lose. He also ended the Void, bfr beat Nul, rocked the Phoenix force, resisted the influence of the Demogorge then fought his way out of the resting place of the gods by blasting his way out of the demogorge, beat Surtur ect.
Dude, you really need to learn the meaning of the word context.
oh, and also: ended void when void wanted to die, bfr hulk then collapsed. then nul was right back. rocked the phoenix force?

damn your delusional. it left to go blow up a planet and KO'ed Thor. diablo one shot him. hulk 4 shot him. and when was the last time normal thor beat surtur by himself? you're hilarious.
Two different hulks have beat Thor unconscious with his own hammer. One time when Thor was amped . He stands no chance against doomsday.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Dude, you really need to learn the meaning of the word context.
oh, and also: ended void when void wanted to die, bfr hulk then collapsed. then nul was right back. rocked the phoenix force?

damn your delusional. it left to go blow up a planet and KO'ed Thor. diablo one shot him. hulk 4 shot him. and when was the last time normal thor beat surtur by himself? you're hilarious. The point is Thor had the power to end Void what void wanted is irrelevant. So you think Luke cage could have killed the Void just because he wanted to die? You are a joke. The context was that Hulk was amped and Thor had various battles before hand vs top tiers and skytfathers. The Serpent, Odin, Surfer, The Thing and Hulk. He fought them all before being completely spent he also had a wound that wouldn't heal no matter what he did even after Odin "fixed" him. Nah it was proven by Noh-Var that Thors hammer did in fact injure the Force iirc not try mr butt hurt
Originally posted by iceman24567
Nah it was proven by Noh-Var that Thors hammer did in fact injure the Force iirc not try mr butt hurt
actually, it absorbed some of the PF, it didn't hurt it. you're bad at this arent you? i'll use one of your cliche lines now:
try reading some comics.

Originally posted by keiththegreat
Two different hulks have beat Thor unconscious with his own hammer. One time when Thor was amped . He stands no chance against doomsday. Thor has beaten Hulk several times and he also schooled Rulk when he wasn't able to leech of the power of a prepared Thor and this was Thor without the Odin force iirc. Thor stands more than just a chance vs Dos Doomsday
Originally posted by iceman24567
Thor has beaten Hulk several times
we're talking about strength here. when has thor PHYSICALLY beaten the hulk? no lightning, just using his amazing strength you seem to think he has? What about it, tiger?
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
actually, it absorbed some of the PF, it didn't hurt it. you're bad at this arent you? i'll use one of your cliche lines now:
try reading some comics.

I said iirc because i wasn't sure i unlike you can admit when i am wrong. The feat is still a good one using the power his hammer absorbed The Kree resurrected Mar-Vell who casually owned the avengers that was only a fraction of its power Thor being koed by it is no low feat considering all his team mates were koed before him leaving him to face the force alone
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
we're talking about strength here. when has thor PHYSICALLY beaten the hulk? no lightning, just using his amazing strength you seem to think he has? What about it, tiger? keith didn't specify anything you were talking about physically mr butt hurt
Originally posted by iceman24567
Thor being koed by it is no low feat considering all his team mates were koed before him leaving him to face the force alone
you keep getting funnier and funnier. his teammates were mostly mid-tiers like the vision. Big time heroes there. im getting tired of owning you. i think i'll go to bed now.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
you keep getting funnier and funnier. his teammates were mostly mid-tiers like the vision. Big time heroes there. im getting tired of owning you. i think i'll go to bed now. His team consisted of low-mid heralds like Captain Britain, Ms Marvel, The Vision. It was a good feat it solidified his role as top tier. Owning? You mean by claim Dos Doomsday is multiple times stronger than Thor then failing to prove it?

You are correct
Originally posted by cdtm
Sure, after fighting the league and Maxima. Just look at how he took out Gardner...
And that era's Superman being weak is kind of overstated anyways.. Even Jurgens/Byrne era Superman has his share of insane feats. (Surviving an explosion that destroyed the moon and having a Sun Eater collapse on top of him for one, and anbi posted a really good one where Hal's ring slowed down time to the point of everyone in the world being a statue, but Superman was so fast he could interact normally with him.)
Let's not forget that DOS Doomsday also tore Master Mayhem limb from limb, tossed Darkseid out on his ear, and defeated the Guardians' champion Green Lantern, Zharan Pel.
Originally posted by Supermex
Who wins? No prep..
The X-Men:
DoS Doomsday Knowing how Rogue operates when she fights powerful opponents, Rogue takes a touch of Colossus' powers, most of Cyclops', Iceman's, and Namor's powers. She becomes an armored, eye-beaming, ice-sheathed (and hydrated) superbrick. Magneto shields her and Colossonaut as they both pound on DOS Doomsday.
I didnt think this was Colossusnaut.
^ Ruleis to always use current versions. Which is something that isn't put into practice all the time, but anyway, the threadstarter clarified it on the first page: Originally posted by Supermex
this is current colossus in this fight, jus 2 be clear
I stand by my earlier posts. The fight could go like this, if it takes place in a city
Colossus powers up to Colossonaut and engages DD in a fist fight. Cyclops blasts DDwith his optic beams while Magneto manipulates several cars into a blades to stab into DD. With DD preoccupied with several attacks, Rogue then sneaks in and touches DD, taking on hi power. The combination of Colossonaut and DD powered Rogue is enough to KO DD.
Colossonaut would DESTROY DOS Doomsday.
Originally posted by carver9
Colossonaut would DESTROY DOS Doomsday.
Or falls face first and gets koed.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Or falls face first and gets koed.
Forgot about that. Ok, Doomsday stomps.

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