Giffen era JLA vs the Great Lakes Avengers
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CIS/PIS is on.
The Giffen team:
Blue and Gold, Guy, Gnort, Fire, Ice
Leaving Martian Manhunter and Batman out of this, since they were actually competent.
Who wins?
Blue and Gold, and Fire and Ice can all be pretty competent too*
They should win.
*And yes, Guy as well, but he wasn't back then.
If using the full lineup of Great Lakes Avengers it is a Massive Stomp.
The Full Great Lakes Avengers Lineup is the strongest team on Marvel Earth and would need something like Celestials to challenge them
Endless Mike
Squirrel Girl solos all Celestials
GL Avengers actually has some ridiculously OP people on their team.
Mr. Immortal and Squirrel Girl for example...
Originally posted by Glorificus
GL Avengers actually has some ridiculously OP people on their team.
Mr. Immortal and Squirrel Girl for example...
Mr. Immortal is not actually good in a fight though. Tie him up, freeze him in a block of ice, etc., easy win.
Also SQ performs best against cosmic types.
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