Tiamut vs Chaos War Hercules

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Tiamut (Right before his ascension):



Chaos War Herc.


Possibly CW Herc .

Nice match up.

I have no clue, lol

Well, if at that point his power was equal to Fulcrum, then it should be a stomp of epic proportions.

On a second thought , Tiamut could possibly take this .

Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Well, if at that point his power was equal to Fulcrum, then it should be a stomp of epic proportions.

Is the Fulcrum here = TOAA?

Originally posted by whacknasty
Is the Fulcrum here = TOAA?

I don't think so . The Fulcrum's background is very vague though , and ,IIRC some ambiguous references were made to "Jack the Bartender" and Jack Kirby .

Originally posted by whacknasty
Is the Fulcrum here = TOAA?

It's unclear, but I've seen it argued that he was, and I kind of tend to think he is at least an aspect of him, much like Jack Kirby (who he's modeled after in both name and appearence) is one of the major aspects of marvel...i.e. along with stan lee, the main writers / creators of marvel universe. Either way, if he MADE the celestials, like he claims to have....then he must be one hellauva powerful being.

Tiamut, pre Fulcrum upgrade, loses.

Tiamut, post Fulcrum upgrade, wins.

Originally posted by zopzop
Tiamut, pre Fulcrum upgrade, loses.

Tiamut, post Fulcrum upgrade, wins.

Do you know why the Celestials apparently weren't involved in the Chaos War ?

Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Do you know why the Celestials apparently weren't involved in the Chaos War ?
Because Chaos War was a steaming pile of shit. In all seriousness, who knows? Why didn't the Celestials get involved in Infinity War or Infinity Crusade?

Originally posted by zopzop
Because Chaos War was a steaming pile of shit. In all seriousness, who knows? Why didn't the Celestials get involved in Infinity War or Infinity Crusade?

It is merely in response to claims a certain poster made on this thread : http://www.killermovies.com/forums/f77/t565757.html

This is said poster's claim :
Originally posted by Sabro
Where were Celestials when Chaos King was devouring the multiverse. Gaea had to step in, remember.

Originally posted by TheGodKiller
It is merely in response to claims a certain poster made on this thread : http://www.killermovies.com/forums/f77/t565757.html

This is said poster's claim :

My reply:

This is one of the most moronic arguments I've ever heard. First, I clearly showed Gaea herself doesn't consider herself a match for Celestials. Second, I can use that same argument about the Living Tribunal, Fulcrum, the phoenix force, etc. Are you telling me that since Gaea "stepped in" and they didn't, she is more powerful than them? I hope you're not that delusional.

Why doesn't Superman just go to Gotham for one day and eliminate all of Batman's villains? Why doesn't Thor get involved in Spiderman's battles? Where is Thor when Carnage is going on a rampage? He could end any storyline with a Spiderman villain in 10 seconds.

That and Greg Pak is moron.

Naija boy
CW herc

Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
My reply:

This is one of the most moronic arguments I've ever heard. First, I clearly showed Gaea herself doesn't consider herself a match for Celestials. Second, I can use that same argument about the Living Tribunal, Fulcrum, the phoenix force, etc. Are you telling me that since Gaea "stepped in" and they didn't, she is more powerful than them? I hope you're not that delusional.

Why doesn't Superman just go to Gotham for one day and eliminate all of Batman's villains? Why doesn't Thor get involved in Spiderman's battles? Where is Thor when Carnage is going on a rampage? He could end any storyline with a Spiderman villain in 10 seconds.

That and Greg Pak is moron.

If you think that I support any of what Sabro claimed , then LOL at you .

Originally posted by TheGodKiller
If you think that I support any of what Sabro claimed , then LOL at you .

I realize you didn't.

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