Train with your favorite hero!!!...
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You are told for argument's sake that you for argument's sake that you have to prepare for some battle in this universe so now you are given an oppurtunity to train with only one of the following heroes for a year. Who would you choose and why? If you can think of anyone else better than these four share your opinions.
Captain America
Shang chi
Karate kid (though i don't think he ever trained anyone before)
Damn i realized i screwed up on my paragraph earlier. Anyway it's a tough decision between bats and cap for me. The reason why i'd choose bats is because the proof is in his spawns, from Tim, Dick, Todd, to even the chics he trained self sustained heroes who went off on their own and kickin ass in their respected parts of DC. The reason i'd choose Cap is not only because he is considered one of the best martial artists in the marvel universe but because he would probably be a nigh perfect instructor thanks to his soldier serum...what do i mean by that? Well i read somewhere that the serum works in not only perfecting the body to the best potential but the mind as well. Cap would be able to tell you exactly what you need to do and how to do it to the best of his peak potential ability. I also remember reading somewhere that he could've been a genius if he wanted to due to the serum's effects but since he was a soldier thru and thru living through two world wars he devoted his time learning tactics and exceptional fighting skills.
He will train me in the secret style of calling the sinister six to fight this threat
Out of your four,... I'd choose shang.
Maybe Captain America.
I think Batman would just chew my ass up for some reason.
I was deciding between Bats and Cap.
I pick Batman. He's a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, detective, pilot, escape artist, master of disguise, fluent in Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, French, Latin, German, Russian, mastered 127 styles of martial arts including tae kwon do, judo, wai tai, karate, boxing, jujitsu, ninjitsu, degrees in criminal science, forensics, computer science, chemistry, engineering, biology, advanced chemistry...
Karate Kid is easily the most knowledgable and capable fighter here, but Batman IMO has much more he could teach you besides just martial arts, so him, of that list.
Batman for sure. He actually has experience training people with good results. Plus he's a billionaire and has the funding for it. On the other hand his training might be really brutal physically and psychologically...
Originally posted by vince_slice
Batman for sure. He actually has experience training people with good results. Plus he's a billionaire and has the funding for it. On the other hand his training might be really brutal physically and psychologically...
worth it
I don`t know Karate Kid well, but if he can teach "super martial arts" to hang with heralds he must be the best pick by miles.
Endless Mike
Mr. Miracle... he can teach me the Anti-Life Equation
Cap not only would i learn martial arts but battlefield tactics as well, he also has connections to the government and the avengers if i wanted to go that route
Guys, we'd end up dead at the hands of some Batman villain. Sure, Bruce could teach us the most, but we'd be dead.
KK here. If even a fraction of his skill rubbed off on me, I'd be the best MA'ist on our planet.
Give me Superman, why? Because he's ****ing Superman.
The thing is Superman has so many outworld techs that makes the biggest bad ass villains green with envy, he just doesn't use them because it's not his style.
Using Kryptonian techs, and his AI, I can build me a
suit and just give myself powers.
Any way seeing the choices I have, I would choose Karate Kid.
Sin I AM
Doom would be honorable mention
Dating advice from Kyle.
Or more specifically, how to get a clean break from women I want to leave.
Best. Wingman. Ever.
Lord Feron
Originally posted by Badabing
I was deciding between Bats and Cap.
I pick Batman. He's a genius, billionaire, playboy, philanthropist, detective, pilot, escape artist, master of disguise, fluent in Japanese, Cantonese, Mandarin, Spanish, French, Latin, German, Russian, mastered 127 styles of martial arts including tae kwon do, judo, wai tai, karate, boxing, jujitsu, ninjitsu, degrees in criminal science, forensics, computer science, chemistry, engineering, biology, advanced chemistry...
Endless Mike
Originally posted by Endless Mike
Mr. Miracle... he can teach me the Anti-Life Equation
This still lets me beat all of you

the ninjak
In the OPs list Batman easily. The resources and tech.
I don't see a years worth of MA training being all that different compared to the others but Bats has the gadgets. And I'd rather learn stealth than more offensive styles.
I go with Bats.
CA has actually trained characters before. Bats just gets much better results though. Plus you will learn much more than fighting messing with Batman.
EDIT: I go with KK here. This should be a no brainer. Just hope he can teach well though.
Originally posted by cdtm
Fuhhh... You wouldn't survive the first night at the bar....and thus the universe is doomed.
but yes I make the same choice...

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