WBH vs Thors
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5 Thors (no hammers)
( all Thors are exact equals of the hero, just no hammer. They have all the powers of Thor without hammer)
I'll go for WBH for this one unless CIS is off and all 5 Thors just Godblasts his ass off right of the bat.
Can they godblast with no hammer?
LOL keith at it again
Originally posted by keiththegreat
Can they godblast with no hammer?
He has in the past so yeah.
More Hulk threads? Sigh
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
He has in the past so yeah.
I thought the point of the godblast was to
Unite his godly essence with the hammer.
Originally posted by keiththegreat
I thought the point of the godblast was to
Unite his godly essence with the hammer.
He uses it as a focal point. He used it without his hammer as an area of effect type of attack during ragnarok
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
He uses it as a focal point. He used it without his hammer as an area of effect type of attack during ragnarok
When has he done it without the hammer? Do u have an issue number? Not thst i dont believe u, i just want to check it out.
The Thors win.
Hulk runs through them. The OMNI blast alone would be too much for Thor to handle when Hulk gets close.
Originally posted by carver9
Hulk runs through them. The OMNI blast alone would be too much for Thor to handle when Hulk gets close.
So you're claiming WBH is 5 times more powerful than Thor with no hammer?
Naija boy
Strengthwise vs a typical thor? heck yeah.
Anyhow unless the Thors start spamming Durok busters continuously then WBH wins
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
So you're claiming WBH is 5 times more powerful than Thor with no hammer?
Yes, FAR more stronger than just 5 times. That's lowballing WBH putting him at only 5 Times or less.
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
He uses it as a focal point. He used it without his hammer as an area of effect type of attack during ragnarok
Thor has never godblasted without the hammer.
Originally posted by carver9
Yes, FAR more stronger than just 5 times. That's lowballing WBH putting him at only 5 Times or less.
Thor can't even punch or run into an indestructible wall and disintegrate just ONE mindless one standing a hundred yards away. Hell, he can't even punch or run into one directly and disintegrate them. Only 5 times is laughable.
Originally posted by h1a8
Thor can't even punch or run into an indestructible wall and disintegrate just ONE mindless one standing a hundred yards away. Hell, he can't even punch or run into one directly and disintegrate them. Only 5 times is laughable.
You're deluded.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
You're deluded.
Wasn't it you that claimed Superman is millions of times stronger than Thor. THAT is delusional.
Naija boy
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
You're deluded.
Surprisingly, in this case u fit that description alot more than he does.....
Originally posted by The Sorrow
Wasn't it you that claimed Superman is millions of times stronger than Thor. THAT is delusional.
Way to exaggerate. actually what i said was based on WM amping his strength tenfold, Superman was ten times stronger than Thor.
The Sorrow
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Way to exaggerate. actually what i said was based on WM amping his strength tenfold, Superman was ten times stronger than Thor.
Which is based on what? When has Thor actually been 10x stronger on panel.
the Darkone
Originally posted by The Sorrow
Which is based on what? When has Thor actually been 10x stronger on panel.
When thor fought HIM/Adam Warlock Thor 165!!
Originally posted by h1a8
Thor has never godblasted without the hammer.
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Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
So you're claiming WBH is 5 times more powerful than Thor with no hammer?
there is a diffrence between 5 individual thors at a certian strength level and one being with 5 times the strength of thor. the thors dont gain anything during a long fight.
I think hulk wins due to regaining strength and stamina the guy can last in a fight forever. BUt you give just one thor his hammer and that will be enough to beat this version of hulk.
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
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This isn't a Godblast but lightning. He's a god of thunder.
Originally posted by zeel
there is a diffrence between 5 individual thors at a certian strength level and one being with 5 times the strength of thor. the thors dont gain anything during a long fight.
I think hulk wins due to regaining strength and stamina the guy can last in a fight forever. BUt you give just one thor his hammer and that will be enough to beat this version of hulk. Thor with his hammer can't equal the force WBH tanked when colliding with Betty. So again how is he affecting WBH?
Zack Fair
Originally posted by h1a8
This isn't a Godblast but lightning. He's a god of thunder.
Originally posted by Zack Fair
The narrative made it clear that he is the GOD OF THUNDER and that he leaned on Mjolnir too long (lightning). Then you see a bunch of lightning striking the characters around Thor and then you hear Krrathooooom, the sound of thunder itself.
Originally posted by h1a8
This isn't a Godblast but lightning. He's a god of thunder.
The electrical bolt that hit several enemies yes.
The pillar of light in the last panel? no.
Unless Lightning now looks like a dbz attack.
Originally posted by h1a8
The narrative made it clear that he is the GOD OF THUNDER and that he leaned on Mjolnir too long (lightning). Then you see a bunch of lightning striking the characters around Thor and then you hear Krrathooooom, the sound of thunder itself.
The sound of thunder? There's a definitive sound now?
I know that Oeming was supposed to have later said that it was a GodBlast after people began pestering him about it but i think from the book that most evidence suggests its a massive lightning blast. e.g. the appearance of the energy, the sound effect, Thor's little speech. Its a little weird to see a lightning bolt that is so straight but its also weird to see a Godblast that flies up into the sky.
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
The electrical bolt that hit several enemies yes.
The pillar of light in the last panel? no.
Unless Lightning now looks like a dbz attack. Thors lightning has been drawn as a pillar before. the pillar came from the sky. So it was a grand lightning bolt. Why else would it come from the sky and why else would it make a thunder sound? Also it was very weak as well since I didn't see it disintegrate the foe.
Originally posted by h1a8
Thors lightning has been drawn as a pillar before. the pillar came from the sky. So it was a grand lightning bolt. Why else would it come from the sky and why else would it make a thunder sound? Also it was very weak as well since I didn't see it disintegrate the foe.
I haven't seen his lightning depicted as a pillar before, can you show examples.
Also it there's no proof it came from above, only the lightning bits before the pillar showed. Nor did the glow that surround Thor came from above.
LOL that aint lightning
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