CISLESS Thor And CISLESS Silver Surfer vs CISLESS Thanos And CISLESS Superman
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No Prep,BFR Is On.
Who Wins?
This is a ridiculous thread. I'm not a fan of these one on one on one on one.... threads. There's too many variables. But in this one, unless the other three team up on Thanos immediately it's Thanos's to lose.
This would be a good match, a CISless Surfer is a beast. I probably go with team 1.
Why poor Clark?
He's teamed with Thanos, who is crushing the opposition.
Thanos and Superman.
Originally posted by NemeBro
Why poor Clark?
He's teamed with Thanos, who is crushing the opposition.
Thanos is the weak link here. Input CIS and then he gains power.
Dream Stuff
Thanos solos. I'm shocked that anyone still doubts this.
Sub in someone herald-level and make this a real fight.
So what would be some CIS-less Thanos type attacks? what would be some arguemtns for team 2 i guess is what I'm asking.
also Can he teleport or resists teleportation?
Cuz if not CIS-less Thor puts him in a black Hole.
^ no need to put him in one since ss just opens 2 of them, one behind each of thanos's eyes.....

Kal erases all of them from existence in a fraction of a nanosecond.
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