movie version vs comic version
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There have been a multitude of comic book movies that have been made over the decades. Some arguably better than others. Out of all of the movies who has the biggest gap, hero or villain, between the way they are written in the comic and the way they were portrayed on screen? Excluding the ridiculous movie version of Galactus, I can't make it too easy.
1. Powers
2. Fighting Ability
3. Personality
I would say Hulk. He has some crazy strength feats in the comics but not so much in the movies.
The larger gaps will necessarily be with the more powerful characters. Movie audiences are very different than comic audiences, and the often-times absurd feats attributed to many top tier characters cannot be believably represented in a movie.
If Hulk is being mentioned, so should Thor. According to most, he's > Hulk in comics but < Hulk in the movies, so that logic would dictate that the gap for him is even greater.
My pick is Galactus. The difference between "nigh-unquantifiable abstract" to "beat by Surfer" is a larger gap than could conceivably exist for most other characters. One could argue Phoenix, but it's rather clear that she allowed herself to be killed in the movie, so we don't technically have an upper limit for her.
At first I would say Thor and Hulk, but they're based on their Ultimate Counter parts, so the power level is about the same...maybe more of a gap for Thor. Deadpool is much more powerful in the Wolverine Movie. Hannibal King is much weaker.
Fighting Ability?
Wolverine and Captain America's movie counterparts aren't very good.
Blade is more stoic in his movies than he is in the comics, he's always been a pretty talkative comic book character.
Magneto is crazy weak in the movies.
Also Juggernaut does no justice in the movie
Guys, it says biggest. There's some gap for nearly every character.
Just saw that OP stipulated no Galactus. I'm changing my vote to Loki, who may not be his brother's equal in comics, but has a few parlor tricks and a lot of speeches to his name in the movies, and who got dump trucked by Hulk in embarrassing fashion.
Try as I might, low-to-high heralds like Surfer, Superman, GL, Doom, Thor, Hulk, Magneto, etc. at least displayed some powerful feats, even if they'll never match the comics.
Phoenix... she could not even atomize Logan faster than his flesh regrows.
Originally posted by Mshinu
Phoenix... she could not even atomize Logan faster than his flesh regrows.
Originally posted by Digi
One could argue Phoenix, but it's rather clear that she allowed herself to be killed in the movie, so we don't technically have an upper limit for her.
Originally posted by Galan007
Nice pick.
psycho gundam

they should have called him ex-lax
doom, all categories
Yeah, movie Doom was horrible.
Also, Deadpool.
Juggs and movie colossus didn't do shit
Phoenix in the movie also weak. Wolverine killed her lol
ALL marvel heroes that have been translated to movies are significantly weaker than in their movies as compared to comic.
with the exception of captain america who seems stronger and more like his ulitmate verison.
All of the stuff movie Cap did is well within 616 Cap's ability to do.
But Parallax is a good pick.
Originally posted by DickBlazer
Phoenix in the movie also weak. Wolverine killed her lol
Originally posted by Digi
One could argue Phoenix, but it's rather clear that she allowed herself to be killed in the movie, so we don't technically have an upper limit for her.
the Darkone
Parallax,Phoenix, juggernaut
5. Cyclops. Current cyclops wouldn't take one year to get over her specially since movie jean grey isn't particularly pretty.
4. Anyone from Batman and Robin.
3. Psylocke. They did horrible in portraying her as a minor character in x3.
2. Deadpool. Still human movie deadpool is comparably cool but takes a 180 degree turn for the worse when he got powers. "Baraka" Deadpool is one of the cheesiest enemies ever.
1. Doom. Movie doom is just ****ing lame
Galactus should still be top imo if he wasn't excluded.
Spawn was pretty weak.
the ninjak
Originally posted by Estacado
Spawn was pretty weak.
Spawn was fine for a first film. He even blasted most of Hell's generals before escaping in the film.
I was gonna go with Hulk and Thor, but then considered that the movies are based on the original versions of the characters not the modern versions. I did the same for Batman/West, Superman/Reeves.
For biggest power gap I'm split between Parallax, Mephisto, and Swampthing. Fighting ability is definitely Bane from Batman and Robin, what Schumaucker did was a Hell worthy tresspass. Personality I picked Superman/Routh. There is absolutely no way that comic book Superman would participate in deceiving another man into raising his child.
Power: Azazel
Personality: Rogue
Fighting ability: Spike
Originally posted by the ninjak
Spawn was fine for a first film. He even blasted most of Hell's generals before escaping in the film.
Yeah totaly forgot that.
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