DC Women vs Thanos
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Big Barda
Wonder Woman
Super Girl
Thanos by pimp hand principle.
With WW Lasso they could win.
It is my understanding there are two general schools of thought on the matter-
First, the "Yes, they're 4 herald levels, some of which are quite strong. They'll beat Thanos," school of thought.
And second, the "No, you can't just beat Thanos by piling on a couple more Herald levels, he'll blast them all!" school of thought.
I subscribe more to the former.
its like pitting 4 three year olds against Chuck Norris.
Anyone of those women will give Thanos hell (with the exception of Big Barda maybe).
WW alone can beat Thanos. She can easily lasso him, out h2h fight him, blitz him, and send back any beams shot at her towards him.
WW solos.
the Darkone
All of them would get worked, Thanos and his mighty pimp hand reigns supreme!!
Silent Master
Originally posted by h1a8
Anyone of those women will give Thanos hell (with the exception of Big Barda maybe).
WW alone can beat Thanos. She can easily lasso him, out h2h fight him, blitz him, and send back any beams shot at her towards him.
WW solos.
I agree...WW gets almost as many wins vs Thanos as she does against Darkseid.
Generally, Thanos.
The lasso and its plot device abilities is the team's only real chance.
the Darkone
The lasso is WW only option the others she is out gunned physically, Strength: Thanos, durability: Thanos, Power: Thanos, Speed: WW it wont matter though, Skill: WW still it wont matter, Versatility: Thanos, Thanos will encase WW in pure force block, and then proceed to beat the crap out of the rest of the team.
hmmm...I'd say team has a chance but Thanos will make them work for it dearly and that is assuming the lasso works. Reflecting one Thanos beams isn't =win for team since Thanos durability is just ridiculously high(ie. taking whatever thor with power gem can dish in a prolonged amount of time ).
Thanos with all of his tech?
The team lasts no longer than 4 minutes.
Thanos delivers a brutal beat down while laughing the whole time.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Generally, Thanos.
The lasso and its plot device abilities is the team's only real chance.
He's leagues stronger than any of them, and none of them can come close to putting him down physically, but can he react to a Wonder Woman speed blitz?
That's the only uncertainty.
If he can, he wins 10/10. If not, the lasso will prevail for the team.
Originally posted by CosmicComet
He's leagues stronger than any of them, and none of them can come close to putting him down physically, but can he react to a Wonder Woman speed blitz?
That's the only uncertainty.
If he can, he wins 10/10. If not, the lasso will prevail for the team.
Thanos can easily react to a faster opponent.
Just look what he does to silver surfer.
Originally posted by ToughMind
Thanos can easily react to a faster opponent.
Just look what he does to silver surfer.
When has Surfer actually used his speed on Thanos?
Originally posted by CosmicComet
He's leagues stronger than any of them, and none of them can come close to putting him down physically, but can he react to a Wonder Woman speed blitz?
That's the only uncertainty.
If he can, he wins 10/10. If not, the lasso will prevail for the team.
He's not stronger than a high end Thor let alone either WW and Supergirl. Featwise WW sh!ts on him. And Strength is the most irrelevant thing in a fight when both characters have enough to hurt the other. WW can solo Thanos with ease. All she has to do is lasso him. She's far faster and far more skilled that Thanos.
Originally posted by h1a8
He's not stronger than a high end Thor let alone either WW and Supergirl. Featwise WW sh!ts on him. And Strength is the most irrelevant thing in a fight when both characters have enough to hurt the other. WW can solo Thanos with ease. All she has to do is lasso him. She's far faster and far more skilled that Thanos. Shields.
Originally posted by quanchi112
We don't argue powersets but the character, remember?
Thanos has shown time and time again that he don't always fight with his shields up.
Even then he can still be lassoed. Learn WW.
Originally posted by h1a8
We don't argue powersets but the character, remember?
Thanos has shown time and time again that he don't always fight with his shields up.
Even then he can still be lassoed. Learn WW. Against faster characters he's used shields. He also oneslapped a character fast enough to blitz the Surfer. Thanos, easily. WW goes down hard.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Against faster characters he's used shields. He also oneslapped a character fast enough to blitz the Surfer. Thanos, easily. WW goes down hard.
Also against faster characters he didn't use shields. Hulk hit characters that was shown to have ftl speed several times before. WW, Thanos goes down easily.
Originally posted by h1a8
Also against faster characters he didn't use shields. Hulk hit characters that was shown to have ftl speed several times before. WW, Thanos goes down easily. He did against the Fallen One. I don't personally think he needs them here. But WW frequently doesn't rely on her shields against more powerful characters either. I can throw your own logic right back at you. Thanos beats her any way you look at it. Your opinion isn't backed by anything in comics.
Originally posted by quanchi112
He did against the Fallen One. I don't personally think he needs them here. But WW frequently doesn't rely on her shields against more powerful characters either. I can throw your own logic right back at you. Thanos beats her any way you look at it. Your opinion isn't backed by anything in comics.
My point is that he doesn't always use his shields against faster opponents.
You are right, WW doesn't always attempt to use her lasso unless she is outclassed greatly. She also has the ability to send his blasts right back at him.
IMO, Thanos isn't necessarily more powerful than her. She has the fighting skills, reflexes, speed, defenses, and lasso to at least equalize him.
Originally posted by h1a8
My point is that he doesn't always use his shields against faster opponents.
You are right, WW doesn't always attempt to use her lasso unless she is outclassed greatly. She also has the ability to send his blasts right back at him.
IMO, Thanos isn't necessarily more powerful than her. She has the fighting skills, reflexes, speed, defenses, and lasso to at least equalize him. But he has on occasion so if you want to play the not always game the same goes for WW. Thanos slaps her into submission.
You said he isn't more powerful then named other attributes completely not addressing who is more powerful. LOL.
Originally posted by quanchi112
But he has on occasion so if you want to play the not always game the same goes for WW. Thanos slaps her into submission.
You said he isn't more powerful then named other attributes completely not addressing who is more powerful. LOL.
More powerful implies who will win in a fight against each other. Otherwise the term is irrelevant to discussing who will win in a fight in a fight against each other.
WW can lasso Thanos with or without his shields.
Originally posted by h1a8
More powerful implies who will win in a fight against each other. Otherwise the term is irrelevant to discussing who will win in a fight in a fight against each other.
WW can lasso Thanos with or without his shields. No more powerful means more powerful not formidable. If you don't understand what simple words mean why do you attempt to debate ?
She doesn't do it often enough just like Thanos doesn't use shields. Quit using double standards and we both know you don't know enough about either character to give an opinion.
Originally posted by quanchi112
No more powerful means more powerful not formidable. If you don't understand what simple words mean why do you attempt to debate ?
She doesn't do it often enough just like Thanos doesn't use shields. Quit using double standards and we both know you don't know enough about either character to give an opinion. Red means red. Stop using circular reasoning.
If more powerful doesn't mean who would win in a fight then it is irrelevant to bring up since it offers nothing in the debate of who will win.
No double standards. WW lassos Thanos with or without the shields. And if Thanos refuses to use shields then the team dog walks him spite style.
Originally posted by h1a8
Red means red. Stop using circular reasoning.
If more powerful doesn't mean who would win in a fight then it is irrelevant to bring up since it offers nothing in the debate of who will win.
No double standards. WW lassos Thanos with or without the shields. And if Thanos refuses to use shields then the team dog walks him spite style. Someone can be more powerful yet lose for other reasons. You don't understand the difference between powerful and formidable.
The lasso won't go through the shields nor will WW have a chance against Thanos. One slap or two should beat her into submission.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Someone can be more powerful yet lose for other reasons. You don't understand the difference between powerful and formidable. Then you bringing up that Thanos is more powerful was irrelevant. Thanks for the clarification.
The lasso doesn't have to go through the shields. Thanos would simply be trapped.
Lol at Thanos slapping WW into submission with a slap or two.
Not only is WW stronger or has strength comparable but he's not touching her before she combos the purple out of him.
You have yet to prove that Thanos is even stronger than a high end Thor.
Endless Mike
In before the lock
Thanos at his weakest was able to fight Thor and Thing, HTH, combined. Thanos since his ressurection during the Infinity Saga was noticeably more powerful than that (able to casually beat the Surfer). WWs lasso is nice, but against HIGH Level characters, she usually gets is pulled away from her (Doomsday and Darkseid did it), so I dont see lassoing Thanos being all too probable, and thats probably Team Womens mostly likely way to beat him.
Originally posted by h1a8
Then you bringing up that Thanos is more powerful was irrelevant. Thanks for the clarification.
The lasso doesn't have to go through the shields. Thanos would simply be trapped.
Lol at Thanos slapping WW into submission with a slap or two.
Not only is WW stronger or has strength comparable but he's not touching her before she combos the purple out of him.
You have yet to prove that Thanos is even stronger than a high end Thor. No, it isn't relevant. He's more powerful and more durable. These things matter.
No, I don't. You have to proof something. WW has had her hands full with just Konvikt before but this is Thanos. His shields, power, and intelligence are on another level than Konvikt.
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