Thanos vs Big Team
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Captain America
US Agent
Colossus (Classic)
Emma Frost
Iron Man
Iron Patriot
War Machine
Sue Richards
Human Torch
Luke Cage
Fight in New York City.
Team gets 2 months to plan strategy, check out the battlefield beforehand, and train together.
Captain America is the leader.
Thanos gets no prep, no tech, just his innate powers. He's not aware of who's on the team until fight starts.
Thanos could possibly win .
That or "Spiderman gets a couple of cops to arrest Thanos" ftw .
With the stips, the team could make a fight of it, especially with Magneto and Sue shielding the team, and maybe using Emma to coordinate. I'm just not sure they have enough firepower to put Thanos down. You really need at least one more big offensive gun.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
With the stips, the team could make a fight of it, especially with Magneto and Sue shielding the team, and maybe using Emma to coordinate. I'm just not sure they have enough firepower to put Thanos down. You really need at least one more big offensive gun.
Easy , they call in a bunch of New York cops to subdue Thanos .

Well besides that.
Or they take quanchi112 as an unwilling hostage , and force Thanos to surrender ?
Well, Quan's Thanos solos Rune King Thor, so....
I don't see anyway in which they could win, unless Sue has much more knowledge about Reed's tech than she lets on.
And if Daken has his Murasama Blade shards, they could hand them to Wolverine and cut out Thanos's heart.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
Well, Quan's Thanos solos Rune King Thor, so....
Would he be willing to let the "Big Team" in this thread do something bad to his biggest worshipper fan ?
Originally posted by Bentley
I don't see anyway in which they could win, unless Sue has much more knowledge about Reed's tech than she lets on.
And if Daken has his Murasama Blade shards, they could hand them to Wolverine and cut out Thanos's heart.
I agree with you. The only thing I can think of is Magneto using Wolverine as a weapon, or Sue making a forcefield in his brain, or something like that. I think with the stips Cap can make his team hard to beat, but I can't see them winning in the end.
Originally posted by Bentley
I don't see anyway in which they could win, unless Sue has much more knowledge about Reed's tech than she lets on.
And if Daken has his Murasama Blade shards, they could hand them to Wolverine and cut out Thanos's heart.
Depends, can the Murasama bypass Thanos' avatar of Death status? Not even sure if current Thanos is still avatar of Death, he calls himself the "warrior death" whatever that means, but I'm assuming he still is.
Kid Kurdy
Originally posted by keiththegreat
Captain America
US Agent
Colossus (Classic)
Emma Frost
Iron Man
Iron Patriot
War Machine
Sue Richards
Human Torch
Luke Cage
Fight in New York City.
Team gets 2 months to plan strategy, check out the battlefield beforehand, and train together.
Captain America is the leader.
Thanos gets no prep, no tech, just his innate powers. He's not aware of who's on the team until fight starts.
Iron Man and Magneto get two months prep ?
Lol, Thanos is so dead.
the ninjak
Johnny has the Control Rod.
Plus I agree with Kurdy. 2 months prep to know where Thanos is going to be would mean a match made in heaven of creating satellite beams that were capable of killing a Super Skrull with all the the Illuminati's powers and a raging WBH as well.
Thanos has no prayer here:
Thanos destroys them utterly.
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Thanos has no prayer here:
That happens after Thanos surrenders so that the Big Team can let the unwilling hostage(quanchi112) go .
Kid Kurdy
A well written Magneto alone can and will give Thanos a run for his money. Magneto has done insane stuff (reversing gravity, creating black holes, his shields can take a nuke, psychic attacks won't work, he can rearrange matter on subatomic level, he is class 100 and so on).
Iron Man is a genius, at least as smart as Thanos, has all the resources in the world and on top of that, two months prep ?
He doesn't need 2 months. A few days is more than enough.
the ninjak
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
Thanos destroys them utterly.
He has no prep and tech.
Tony, Mags and Cap with two months of prep and such a big team to equip/work with could probably take this. They will take major losses doing it, Thanos ain`t going down easy tech or no tech.
Thanos wrecks them badly
Originally posted by the ninjak
He has no prep and tech.
Don't see how. He has no vulnerabilities to exploit(satellite drainage), can kill enhanced bricks like drax in a blast and can take silver surfer's blast point blank to the face. I don't see anyone in the team save Magneto that can remotely threaten him.
the ninjak
A newly savage reborn Thanos did destroy the Homeworld of the Church of Universal Truth. A race that was brimming with faith power. Which aloud their Cardinals to release will based attacks on their victims. And a primitive Thanos scorced that entire planet before assistance could arrive.
But I still believe these Earth heroes with prep can create a plan that will trap Thanos in the long run. Considering the damage he took in Thanos Imperative.
Originally posted by Mshinu
Tony, Mags and Cap with two months of prep and such a big team to equip/work with could probably take this. They will take major losses doing it, Thanos ain`t going down easy tech or no tech.
I interpret the OP as their prep is limited to planning and tactics, rather than making new technology or equipment.
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
I interpret the OP as their prep is limited to planning and tactics, rather than making new technology or equipment.
Well at least that is time enough to locate the anti-Thanos gun in Reed`s closet

Originally posted by Mshinu
Well at least that is time enough to locate the anti-Thanos gun in Reed`s closet
Or call the cops.
the ninjak
Originally posted by Mshinu
Well at least that is time enough to locate the anti-Thanos gun in Reed`s closet
True the other FFers would have access to Reed's tech. Especially since Mags and Tony would be having a field day in there. On top of their already existing feats.
Originally posted by Kid Kurdy
A well written Magneto alone can and will give Thanos a run for his money.
Huh, that's not what I would call "well written" to be honest. And Magneto at his best would stall Thanos a bit, if he's been wanked by the writer.
Originally posted by Kid Kurdy
Iron Man is a genius, at least as smart as Thanos, has all the resources in the world and on top of that, two months prep ?
He doesn't need 2 months. A few days is more than enough.
I wouldn't exactly say Tony is Thanos's peer when it comes to intelligence, but I'll indulge the argument. What has Tony ever done that comes close to dealing with Thanos?
Even thou its no prep for Lord Thanos... Some how he still finds out about this trap and shows up anyway.. Jus to whoop ass..
Cockstrong ftw.
Kid Kurdy
Originally posted by Bentley
Huh, that's not what I would call "well written" to be honest. And Magneto at his best would stall Thanos a bit, if he's been wanked by the writer.
What's Thanos gonna do ? Blasting him, or punching him doesn't work. Psychic attacks will work even less.
I'm NOT saying Magneto will beat Thanos just like that, because he won't. But Thanos ain't taking out Magneto just like that either, far from it.
High end feat Magneto is a very versatile True Powerhouse. Thanos also, but just not as versatile.
Originally posted by Kid Kurdy
What's Thanos gonna do ? Blasting him, or punching him doesn't work. Psychic attacks will work even less.
I'm NOT saying Magneto will beat Thanos just like that, because he won't. But Thanos ain't taking out Magneto just like that either, far from it.
High end feat Magneto is a very versatile True Powerhouse. Thanos also, but just not as versatile. facepalm
Kid Kurdy
Originally posted by quanchi112
So no arguments ?
I thought so already.
Originally posted by Kid Kurdy
So no arguments ?
I thought so already. You believe Magneto can beat Thanos isn't an argument. Get back to me when he can take on Iron Man. This is just plain awful.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Cockstrong ftw.
Edited .
Originally posted by quanchi112
Cockstrong ftw.
Thanos will be forced to surrender because the Big Team will take you as an unwilling hostage . devil2

Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Thanos will be forced to surrender because the Big Team will take you as an unwilling hostage . devil2

Quit responding twice to the same posts.
Fight in NYC? With Sue on the job? They have this won.
First some insightful psychoanalysis to determine his real weaknesses:
Then, having crushed his ego and confidence, the team takes him down hard:
Not canon.
If we go by that book Thanos can just punch everyone to the moon.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Not canon.
Ermm... nobody said it was, or would think it was. But I'm glad to see you know at least little about Thanos.
That's just how they would take him down if the NYPD are too busy on their dunkin donut break.
Originally posted by basilisk
Ermm... nobody said it was, or would think it was. But I'm glad to see you know at least little about Thanos.
That's just how they would take him down if the NYPD are too busy on their dunkin donut break. Posting non canon sources as proof is trolling. You need to step up your game if you can even think you're going to ruffle my feathers.
Thanos wins.
Let the Bodies hit the Floor!
Thanos wrecks this team.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Post non canon sources as proof is trolling. You need to step up your game if you can even think you're going to ruffle my feathers.
Thanos wins.
Thanos wouldn't win. For a brief moment it would look like he'd won, only for Cyclops to reveal that, by some brilliant scheme, Thanos has in fact lost. Thanos would then say "I'll be back with my fleet to finish this." Then Cyclops would say "Sorry Thanos, my B-Team disabled your fleet while you were distracted during the fight. It's over." Thanos would then do the walk of shame.
Cyclops would think three steps ahead of Thanos.
Originally posted by basilisk
Thanos wouldn't win. For a brief moment it would look like he'd won, only for Cyclops to reveal that, by some brilliant scheme, Thanos has in fact lost. Thanos would then say "I'll be back with my fleet to finish this." Then Cyclops would say "Sorry Thanos, my B-Team disabled your fleet while you were distracted during the fight. It's over." Thanos would then do the walk of shame.
Cyclops would think three steps ahead of Thanos. Remember when Cyclops stepped to Thanos in ig. Yeah, Thanos depowered himself while Cyke had an army with him of super powered beings and Thanos still killed Cyke.
Thanos is always ahead of the game.
Originally posted by basilisk
Fight in NYC? With Sue on the job? They have this won.
First some insightful psychoanalysis to determine his real weaknesses:
Then, having crushed his ego and confidence, the team takes him down hard:

Originally posted by quanchi112
Remember when Cyclops stepped to Thanos in ig. Yeah, Thanos depowered himself while Cyke had an army with him of super powered beings and Thanos still killed Cyke.
Thanos is always ahead of the game.
That was Cyclops of a long time ago. You need to read some current X-Men, Cyclops is a complete dick now. But he's even further ahead of the game than Thanos is.
Team will last for a while but should eventually fall to the Mad Titan.
Kid Kurdy
Originally posted by quanchi112
Remember when Cyclops stepped to Thanos in ig. Yeah, Thanos depowered himself while Cyke had an army with him of super powered beings and Thanos still killed Cyke.
Thanos is always ahead of the game.
Thanos depowered himself ?
And yes, Cyclops is a tactical genius.
Originally posted by basilisk
That was Cyclops of a long time ago. You need to read some current X-Men, Cyclops is a complete dick now. But he's even further ahead of the game than Thanos is. Thanos just brought down a universe. Yeah, I could care less if he screws around with mutants. Thanos brings entire universes to their knees. Originally posted by Kid Kurdy
Thanos depowered himself ?
And yes, Cyclops is a tactical genius. Yes, he did. Thanos is leagues above Cyclops and any mutant in terms of pretty much everything to do with intelligence.
Originally posted by basilisk
Thanos wouldn't win. For a brief moment it would look like he'd won, only for Cyclops to reveal that, by some brilliant scheme, Thanos has in fact lost. Thanos would then say "I'll be back with my fleet to finish this." Then Cyclops would say "Sorry Thanos, my B-Team disabled your fleet while you were distracted during the fight. It's over." Thanos would then do the walk of shame.
Cyclops would think three steps ahead of Thanos.
While Thanos/Cyclops strategic ratings comparisons might be questionable, not everything can be solved by Cyke's strategies. Take WWH for instance. And that's just brute strength.
Zack Fair
Thanos cleans house.
Sue solos.
There's nobody worth a damn on the team, but two months is a long time.
I'll go with the team I guess. Two months is just too long.
If the team is gonna win they need to hit him hard and fast. Once he knows the jig is up and starts amping himself it's game over.
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