HOTM Hulk vs Odinforce Thor
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No Prep,No BFR,Strictly Fist To Hammer,Who Wins?
This has been done countless times...
OF Thor: Could win.
King Thor: Definitively wins.
Rune King Thor: Lol.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
This has been countless times...
OF Thor: Could win.
King Thor: Definitively wins.
Rune King Thor: Lol. Come on man, based on what they showed, do you really believe that any of those Thors can even hurt HOTM Hulk?

Comic book: Hulk
Forum fight: Thor all day long.
Originally posted by NemeBro
Come on man, based on what they showed, do you really believe that any of those Thors can even hurt HOTM Hulk?
I don't know, man.
Maybe I really do give the Odin Force too much credit. OF Thor under JMS was taking attacks that would have killed classic Thor in stride. King Thor was only able to destroy adamantium and Cap's shield with minor effort and at full power destroy the Desak-Destroyer with a single Mjolnir toss. And Rune King Thor effortlessly made a trans and skyfather level being his b1tches.
But then again, Hulk is the strongest one there is, so maybe he'd smash the Odin Force.
Some people actually see the HOTM Hulk ft for what it was worth and some haven't grasped the power to it yet (no offense towards anyone in this thread). Even before HOTM, WBH was a monster.
Hulk wins this but this version of Thor was a monster. I would put him at low to mid trans.
Originally posted by carver9
Some people actually see the HOTM Hulk ft for what it was worth and some haven't grasped the power to it yet (no offense towards anyone in this thread). Even before HOTM, WBH was a monster.
Hulk wins this but this version of Thor was a monster. I would put him at low to mid trans. Where Would You Place WBH Before HOTM?
OF Thor under JMS was definitely in the trans tier. Anyone with any grasp of Thor's history and feats would come to that conclusion, so I'm actually kind of proud that you agree on that front, Carv.
Regular Thor doesn't bring Asgard back, summon Asgardian souls from mortals forcefully, tank the Destroyer's blasts at point blank with only minor burns and destroyed armor and just get broken ribs from attacks that would normally kill him outright.
the Darkone
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
OF Thor under JMS was definitely in the trans tier. Anyone with any grasp of Thor's history and feats would come to that conclusion, so I'm actually kind of proud that you agree on that front, Carv.
Regular Thor doesn't bring Asgard back, summon Asgardian souls from mortals forcefully, tank the Destroyer's blasts at point blank with only minor burns and destroyed armor and just get broken ribs from attacks that would normally kill him outright.
I agree, OF Thor would give hulk hell, King Thor towards the end of his arch would a$$ raped hulk, RKT would wreck hulk beyond comprehension, like Mangog.
Naija boy
If its Odinforce Thor from the JMS run, Then WBH wins
If its King Thor from the beginning of the arc then WBH wins as well. If its
King Thor at the end of the reigning wins
Rune King Thor wins as well.
Odinforce >>>> Hulkforce
Originally posted by Mshinu
Odinforce >>>> Hulkforce Me>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Mshinu
Originally posted by TheHulk
No need to get personal kid.
Your mom still doesn`t love you

Originally posted by Mshinu
No need to get personal kid.
Your mom still doesn`t love you

I'm Glad You Remembered Our Litttle Round 1.
Ready For Round 2?

Originally posted by Naija boy
If its Odinforce Thor from the JMS run, Then WBH wins
If its King Thor from the beginning of the arc then WBH wins as well. If its
King Thor at the end of the reigning wins
Rune King Thor wins as well.
Originally posted by TheHulk
Where Would You Place WBH Before HOTM?
I would place WWH at low trans and the WBH that appeared in New York, I would place him around mid to high trans and a fully powered WBH, everyone already know my thoughts on that.
Originally posted by NemeBro
Come on man, based on what they showed, do you really believe that any of those Thors can even hurt HOTM Hulk?

Do you have any idea who King Thor is ? He'd probably scare the Hulk. King Thor would rape any and all Hulks.
Originally posted by quanchi112
Do you have any idea who King Thor is ? He'd probably scare the Hulk. King Thor would rape any and all Hulks. LOL. I'm Pretty Sure Hulk Will Fight Till The End...
Originally posted by quanchi112
Do you have any idea who King Thor is ? He'd probably scare the Hulk. King Thor would rape any and all Hulks.
I'm pretty sure NemeBro was being facetious.
OF Thor : Could go either way .
King Thor : Definitely wins .
Rune King Thor : Casually decapitates a thousand WBHs .
Can't see OF Thor doing much against WBH or lasting against this version of Hulk...WWH would be a better fight. KT would win though and RKT shouldn't have even been mentioned in this thread.
I have no idea what HOTM Hulk is capable of; and Odinforce Thor is a few different versions of Thor. I need more specifics on the matchup.
JMS Odin Force Thor? If Thor tried slugging it out then he definitely loses. If he fights smart then he gets Majority.
King Thor obliterates him
Rune King Thor snaps every Hulk in creation throughout history out of existence. Or transmutes them all the second they try and lay hands on him. Or makes a kingdom made of their bones.
psycho gundam
this is "OF thor".
king thor and rune magic king thor (RKT) have those names already on this board and are separate enough for said designations
Zack Fair
Hulk wins.
Odin Force Thor wishes he could take it.
psycho gundam
he has some really good feats, but the red hulk incident is the blemish, and link between both he and hulk. hulk lolstomped red hulk while holding back, and that's if you buy the whole "red hulk stole thor's energy" thing. he tried that on hulk for realzees and got knocked the phuck out casually
Yeah, that Rulk showing was just embarrassing for poor Thor.
1. Hulk probably.
2. King Thor
3. lol
OF Thor killed a bloodlusted skyfather.
He wins
Zack Fair
I went full carv and simply visualized LOLplanet goes boom Hulk.
And if HOTM Hulk is the same one who got brutalized by Zeus, then a fellow skyfather being like OF Thor would be capable of the same, really.
Forget Rulk; he was taking everyone by surprise the first time he was through the batting order (wielding the Loeb Force is a benefit, too), but by the second time Hulk and Thor had their measure and took it to him.
psycho gundam
Originally posted by roughrider
Forget Rulk nice try
Naija boy
Originally posted by roughrider
And if HOTM Hulk is the same one who got brutalized by Zeus, .
He wasnt. He is the Hulk who annihilated the Dark dimension planet, along with traditional peers of savage Hulk/Prof Hulk in Wendigo and Bi Beast, as well as a heavily amped fing fang foom, the even more powerful Armcheddon, and most impressively the totality of the race of mindless ones explicitly mentioned as being too much for even Umar ( a legit skyfather) within her own realm to survive let alone defeat, and he did it (among other things) with the....... residual shockwaves of his mid air collision with Red She Hulk.
Powerlevel wise he is leagues away (exponentially more powerful) from the Hulk that fought Zeus.
OF Thor isn't skyfather, and I personally wouldn't label Bor as a skyfather, either (and I'm a "Thorbag" to boot). I would say he's definitely Trans tier as the majority of his feats under his belt consist of stuff that was beyond the ability of classic/current Thor conventionally (barring his ridiculous high end feats).
Concerning Rulk, it's debatable Loeb even knew about Thor's upgrade let alone actually giving a shit about it when writing his story - wouldn't be the first time Loeb would ignore or not care about other events and changes in continuity as opposed to writing the story he wanted - but I don't think Thor's fight with Rulk should be the precedent of which to gauge OF Thor.
Originally posted by roughrider
And if HOTM Hulk is the same one who got brutalized by Zeus, then a fellow skyfather being like OF Thor would be capable of the same, really.
OF Thor is in no way equivalent too Zeus. He is Trans at best.
OF Thor loses a physical matchup
King Thor Wins
Hulk wants to be Mangog when he grows up
Originally posted by Damborgson
JMS Odin Force Thor? If Thor tried slugging it out then he definitely loses. If he fights smart then he gets Majority.
King Thor obliterates him
Rune King Thor snaps every Hulk in creation throughout history out of existence. Or transmutes them all the second they try and lay hands on him. Or makes a kingdom made of their bones.
This is true.
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
OF Thor isn't skyfather, and I personally wouldn't label Bor as a skyfather, either (and I'm a "Thorbag" to boot). I would say he's definitely Trans tier as the majority of his feats under his belt consist of stuff that was beyond the ability of classic/current Thor conventionally (barring his ridiculous high end feats).I ain't never seen a Trans' initial attack mentioned to be powerful enough to kill Thor. And that wasn't even Bor's best shot. Normal Bor was a step above the Destroyer armor. Unleashed Bor was another step. Seems like Skyfather levels. Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Concerning Rulk, it's debatable Loeb even knew about Thor's upgrade let alone actually giving a shit about it when writing his story - wouldn't be the first time Loeb would ignore or not care about other events and changes in continuity as opposed to writing the story he wanted - but I don't think Thor's fight with Rulk should be the precedent of which to gauge OF Thor. Ever since Loeb retconned explained that Rulk was absorbing his opponents' power, I don't see issue with taking that fight at face value. Rulk beat up Uatu, after all with them.
Who do you think wins ODG?
The only obvious answer is Doom.
Originally posted by ODG
The only obvious answer is Doom.
Lol...I knew you was going to do this since you like both characters.
Hulk dumbest there is. durhulk
Thor slowest there is. durthor
Originally posted by ColossusGrundy
This is true.
Was there ever any other outcome?
Originally posted by ODG
Hulk dumbest there is. durhulk
Thor slowest there is. durthor

So We Agree Hulk Wins?
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