Apocalypse w/power of 12 vs ...
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Not really a vs thread
If Apoc would have gained the full power and mastered it fully! who would have been a good match for him?
The Twelve:
- Bishop
- Cable
- Cyclops
- Iceman
- Living Monolith
- Magneto
- Phoenix
- Polaris
- Professor X
- Mikhail Rasputin
- Storm
- Sunfire
And Nate as the 13th acting as the physical cage, and new body for Poccy.
Well supposedly he would be beyond the Celestials.
Probably a Cube Being or Odin as a measuring stick.
I always wished Marvel would play up Apocalypse's connection to the Celestials more (having him more in a role as their agent of evolution). There's a lot of potential there.
Originally posted by "Id"
And Nate as the 13th acting as the physical cage, and new body for Poccy.
Well supposedly he would be beyond the Celestials.
Based on mere hyperbole .
I have also wondered , Franklin Richards was initially involved in that arc . How come Apoc , with all his connections to the Celestials , and his detailed knowledge about the abilities of different types of mutants , coupled with the fact that the Celestials themselves stated Franklin to be the culmination of their experiments and a peer to themselves , never took the opportunity to siphon the powers of just ONE mutant , and be guaranteed to rival the Celestials' power , rather than waste time with TWELVE other mutants(whose power if he had wielded , wouldn't really have been a challenge for the Celestials , despite all the hyperbole) ?
Originally posted by TheGodKiller
Based on mere hyperbole .
I have also wondered , Franklin Richards was initially involved in that arc . How come Apoc , with all his connections to the Celestials , and his detailed knowledge about the abilities of different types of mutants , coupled with the fact that the Celestials themselves stated Franklin to be the culmination of their experiments and a peer to themselves , never took the opportunity to siphon the powers of just ONE mutant , and be guaranteed to rival the Celestials' power , rather than waste time with TWELVE other mutants(whose power if he had wielded , wouldn't really have been a challenge for the Celestials , despite all the hyperbole) ?
I think the original story had Franklin as Apoc`s new body, instead of Nate, but it was changed for some reason.
Yeah, it was changed because for reasons beyond me Marvel has a rule about keeping it's X Titles as separate from Fantastic Four and The Avengers as possible unless there's an outright crossover like AvX, and Apocalypse is primarily an X Title villain.
Another thing I always find hilarious is that in multiple universes/timelines, as well as the future of Earth 616 (unless it's been retconned), Apocalypse is destined to conquer and rule Earth for centuries. Why haven't they had a mainline 616 arc where his destined takeover begins and shows him actually cutting loose with his powers rather than doing the Dr. Claw thing and flying off with Mad Cat when his plans gets thwarted and his henchmen are defeated?
Originally posted by MF DELPH
Yeah, it was changed because for reasons beyond me Marvel has a rule about keeping it's X Titles as separate from Fantastic Four and The Avengers as possible unless there's an outright crossover like AvX, and Apocalypse is primarily an X Title villain.
Another thing I always find hilarious is that in multiple universes/timelines, as well as the future of Earth 616 (unless it's been retconned), Apocalypse is destined to conquer and rule Earth for centuries. Why haven't they had a mainline 616 arc where his destined takeover begins and shows him actually cutting loose with his powers rather than doing the Dr. Claw thing and flying off with Mad Cat when his plans gets thwarted and his henchmen are defeated?
Lol, great image there.
Yeah, he has a lot of potential still, imo. With the poer of the 12, I would have liked to have seen him attack Asgard
I think they should retcon Apocalypse into the Fourth Host Arc of Thor and have it that Apocalypse, as an agent of the Cellestials, defeated Thor in single combat and killed him (his powers enhanced by the presence of the Cellestials, who Apocalypse is a 'herald' of), but as part of the bargain the Godheads and Odin struck with the Cellestials, Thor is resurrected and has his memories of the events altered, and Apocalypse is ordered by the Cellestials not to make a move against Asgard unless they interfere in Apocalypse's duties of shepharding the evolution of humanity/mutants through trials and hardships. Even have it that Odin and Apocalypse are on a 1st name basis. Apocalypse does have a relationship with Uatu and speaks to him as a peer, as well as being able to, on panel, go head up with the High Evolutionary and pretty much style on him. Maybe have it that Odin and Apocalypse battled at some point in the past and have an uneasy truce, and the reason why Apocalypse is able to battle Asgardians is because Cellestial technology has a level of immunity to and the ability to nullify magic/divine powers directed against it (like when War Hulk was able to overpower Juggernaut and Cytorrak's enchantment).
I'd say around high Herald level. Some of the people in that list looks heavily redundant. The hell would Poccy need 2 magnetic manipulators anyway?
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