Superboy vs......War Machine

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Sin I AM
set in metropolis...first to k.o

Is this the tech assimilating WM?

Sin I AM

Which Superboy, though?

Sin I AM
Conner pre-reboot

Superboy, easily.

Originally posted by Sin I AM
Current Originally posted by Sin I AM
Conner pre-reboot

probably Connor

lol at this thread. War Machine is scrap metal before he even knows what happened.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by PillarofOsiris
lol at this thread. War Machine is scrap metal before he even knows what happened.

how so?

Current version of WM is quite a powerhouse but pre-reboot Connor is just above him in terms of well..everything save versatility.

I dont see how he can react to the speed.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by Sixth_Winged
Current version of WM is quite a powerhouse but pre-reboot Connor is just above him in terms of well..everything save versatility.

I was just wondering how his intagibility would affect conner

Superman has taken out intangibles before, not sure if Superboy could. But either way, he wouldn't have time to go intangible is Connor speed blitzed.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by keiththegreat
Superman has taken out intangibles before, not sure if Superboy could. But either way, he wouldn't have time to go intangible is Connor speed blitzed.

Doubtful and superman has no bearing here

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