Thor vs Juggernaut, Hulk and Exitar
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King Thor will fire his God Blast at this guys at Full Power... the guys can only brace for it
Hulk(Giant World B, No holding back)
Trion Juggernaut
Originally posted by Knowsbleed33
list them in order, Damaged but fine, Dead or damaged and going to die, or OK..
We have no idea what a Godblast from King Thor can do. That said, we do know that simple eyebeams from him can slag adamantium and burn a hole through Captain America's shield and that a Mjolnir throw can one shot kill/decapitate a Desak-occupied Destroyer Armor, who was immune and able to amp off of godly energies.
It's all speculation in the end, but I'd wager a Godblast from a Thor who had a significant amp and could call upon the Odin Force would be significantly more potent than the Godblasts done by classic Thor.
Hasnt classic Juggernaut tanked a god blast and laughed? Trion would easily do the same
WB hulk is staggered but recovers relatively quickly
I know little about exitar
Classic Juggernaut was pushed back and experienced a bout of vertigo from Classic Thor's Godblast. As far as how Trion Juggernaut and King Thor go, it depends on how much stock you take in both of their amps.
WBH would be messed up, imo.
Exitar's shell would be cracked or damaged, but the Celestial himself would be unharmed.
Colossus-Big C
Wbh gets killed imo
Originally posted by JakeTheBank
Exitar's shell would be cracked or damaged, but the Celestial himself would be unharmed. do they us M bodies? or some type of cosmic class metal?
Originally posted by Reacting2
do they us M bodies? or some type of cosmic class metal?
I'm no expert on Celestials, but I think their shells are just that; containers for their energy forms. Superficial damage to their shells don't really effect them internally and Celestials have shown the capability of regenerating any damage done to said shells.
Colossus-Big C
Exitar armor would get pretty messed up imo, but its just armor.
Even Odin in destroyer armor barely hurt members of the 4th host. They barely noticed him. Exitar is supposed to be well beyond the entire fourth host combined. I doubt it does much to him.
Naija boy
How big is the Godblast in terms of width? Cuz i can certainly see one from KT damaging WBH and even blowing a hole through him but really if it doesnt atomize him entirely at one go then hed likely just heal back in no time.
Trion i guess should be able to tank it as well and Exitar will have his shell damaged but not much more
Endless Mike
Hulk dies.
Trion Juggernaut and Exitar survive with superficial damage at best.
Originally posted by Endless Mike
Hulk dies.
Trion Juggernaut and Exitar survive with superficial damage at best.
Probably this. Trion Juggernaut will get messed up; Exitar will shrug it off.
Originally posted by Endless Mike
Hulk dies.
Trion Juggernaut and Exitar survive with superficial damage at best.
Originally posted by roughrider
Probably this. Trion Juggernaut will get messed up; Exitar will shrug it off.
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