Captain Marvel, Black Adam Vs Thor, Beta Ray Bill

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Captain Marvel, Black Adam Vs Thor, Beta Ray Bill

If Thor and Bill can control lightning, and their power is mystically based, would not that include mystic lightning? Thus, they could return Captain Marvel and Black Adam to human form, couldn't they?

CM and BA.

T2 stomps. Literally stomps.

Branlor Swift
Originally posted by zopzop
T2 stomps. Literally stomps. Are they trying to recreate the Stomp Musicals?

Maybe they get out some garbage cans and make some next level beats

There's no stompage happening here at all. Not unless CA and BA have been severely depowered or Thor and BRB have had huge power up's in the last couple of years.

Team 2 ftw after a long while and with immense difficulty.

Ilove going to threads and pointing out the fabled, " unless its said so in the OP, the characters are current" laughing out loud

T2 still wins this handily

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