Vulture vs. Owl

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have a hard time seeing how owsley wins this. vulture is pretty much better in every way--flight, strength and speed. his talons could do some damage, but on the whole i don't see him taking many from the vulture. a closer match for owsley would be the talon from court of owls i'm thinking...

I guess we could compare their performance against Daredevil.

Vulture is a huge jobber. Getting dragged down and beaten to a pulp by AIM scientists (who were using no weapons but their fists) or getting destroyed by Black Cat despite wearing a new suit boosting his strength even further.

meh, when i think of vulture, i think of his scraps against spidey and vulture has some damn good feats against him. going full capacity, i think vulture is a tier above owl. least imo.

This is a battle that should have happened, preferably in some giant bird related prop, like a giant gold birdcage in Vegas or even the bird's nest stadium in Beijing.

And yes, Vulture wins.

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