Anakin (Clone Wars) vs. Starkiller (TFU1)

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In the Jedi Temple, just an all-out battle. Who wins, the future master, or his apprentice?

Force: Starkiller.
Strength: Anakin.
Speed: Equals.
Durability: Debatable. ( Going with Starkiller )
Endurance: Debatable. ( Going with Starkiller )
Skill: Anakin.

Could go either way.

What about adaptability in uncertain situations?

Originally posted by jmoul
What about adaptability in uncertain situations?

Doesn't really matter. They're probably fairly even given Anakin has fought in numerous battles and Marek's missions usually take place on battlefields or war torn planets.

Anakin stomps unless Galen spams the force.

So this is Anakin as of TCW?

Physicality: Even if not Anakin by a slight edge.

Force: Galen.

Sabers: Anakin

I'd say Anakin by a slight majority. He surpasses Galen in sabers and his raw power should allow him to counter Galen's Force blasts. Lighting shouldn't be an issue considering he's learnt how to avoid it after stupidly rushing Dooku in AOTC. I'd place Anakin's saber edge above Galen's Force edge.

If it's ROTS Anakin, I'd definitely side with him, but if it's TCW Anakin I'm tempted to go with Galen.

|King Joker|
Originally posted by Emperordmb
If it's ROTS Anakin, I'd definitely side with him, but if it's TCW Anakin I'm tempted to go with Galen.

Just TCW? Galen pulverizes him with the Force.

Are we using feats from the TCW story reels? Anakin has some impressive feats in them. He's Forced pushed a large group of droids back in a hallway which was a similar if not larger group than Mace has fought. He's also pushed over an idling Occupara droid. Yes, the droid was disabled, but it's still pretty big. Galen does have more impressive feats even in the novelization of TFU1. He's made a hole in the side of a ship that was big enough that it was discribed as big enough a TIE fighter could fit through. Yes, Galen has the Force edge, but I don't think it's big as many think. While Galen redirected a crashing Stardestroyer, a post AOTC Anakin has manipulated a Seperatist Dreadnaught. Sure, redirecting a Stardestroyer is an insane feat, but it was already crashing. A POST AOTC ANAKIN manipulated a Seperatist Dreadnaught while it was just fine and directed it into a path of middles. This was before Anakin had reached his prime and before he was even comparable to Galen. As stated before, while I would give Galen the Force edge, I don't think Anakin's as helpless as many think he is. And yes, I'm aware that this is TCW Anakin, so his Dreadnaught feat doesn't apply although I was just generally speaking.

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