Nick Fury vs. Storm (H2H)

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Infinity Formula Fury (classic).

Powerless Storm, used to relying on her hth skills.

No weapons or gadgets. Who wins?


Storm is good, but I mean, wouldn't Fury wipe the floor with her?

That's what I'd like to know. He's older, more experienced, a f*cking veteran, but... haven't seen any uber feats from him.

Storm, on the other hand?

- fighting Ursa Major and having the advantage
- fighting evenly with PH T'Challa
- beating Crimson Commando (pre-M-day)
- doing great against amped Black Vortex Gamora in a sword fight
- beating Cyclops haw-som
- fighting Forge's triploid mutants

I gives a damn about her published feats. Fury mops the floor with her.

laughing out loud

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
laughing out loud

All kidding aside though, and credit where credit is due:

The above scan led me to a Comic Vine thread:

Of Nick Vs Wildcat.
There are scans of him fighting Captain America and Wolverine. I'll take that compared to an over hyped Cyclops or a not trying to Pym his spouse T'Challah.

It's from Secret Warriors. Ursa Major > new Stonewall in his base form.

He got one-shotted by Logan. The only time he put a good fight was when he had a shitload of high-tech gadgets --- he doesn't have those here.

Captain America? He used SHIELD suit to fight him... and lost. Without it, he got either pimpslapped or smashed into the wall.

i'd say this is a pretty tough call tbh....he's a tough old bird so he could take more, but i'd say skill is up in the air for the most part. i'd give it to him for a small majority but i don't think it would be easy at all.

Fury stomps.

Originally posted by riv6672
an over hyped Cyclops


Fury. He is refered as one of the most skilled hand to hand fighters for a reason

why isn't this Sam Jackson Nick Fury lol?

Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
It's from Secret Warriors. Ursa Major > new Stonewall in his base form.

He got one-shotted by Logan. The only time he put a good fight was when he had a shitload of high-tech gadgets --- he doesn't have those here.

Captain America? He used SHIELD suit to fight him... and lost. Without it, he got either pimpslapped or smashed into the wall.
Its cool, Stilt.
I straight up knew you'd knock anything i bothered to post.

I posted something here fairly recently. To paraphrase: These threads/this site isnt about changing people's minds.
Its just posters stating their opinions over and over (sometimes very angrily) until the next thread comes along.

Nick Fury FTW IMO.


Originally posted by -Pr-
I missed this earlier.

And i agree, Cyclops as a good h2h fighter IS laughable.

Originally posted by riv6672
I missed this earlier.

And i agree, Cyclops as a good h2h fighter IS laughable.

No, it really isn't, he's a solid, well trained fighter.

Even without taking that in to account, the fight with storm had a lot of context to it that hasn't been considered.

he is good. so is storm--very good. when she lost her powers she still had some very good showings. it's funny how so few wanna give credit to on panel feats. she likely she better on panel h2h feats than fury as well, so....don't see what the big deal is in giving credit where it's due.

I've posted some of her on panel feats, so yeah i totally get you. thumb up

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