Valkorion vs. strike team

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The Ellimist
RotS Obi Wan
RotS Anakin
RotS Kit Fisto
TFU Shaak Ti
LotF Boba Fett
AotC Jango Fett
TPM Qui Gon
LotF Luke
FotJ Kyle Katarn
FotJ Corran Horn

No telepathy

Start surrounding him in a 10 meter diameter circle

He could murder them all in a brutal fight if it wasn't for LotF Luke. Even though LotF Luke would never win against Valkorion on his own, with a huge army with him, Luke wins 10/10. Sure, he can kill half of them just by desiring it probably, but with LotF Luke over there and such a huge number, even Valkorion will get dogpiled and slaughtered.

Team slaughters.

Valk begs for his life

Luke solos.

What if Valkorion was replaced by Beerus

Originally posted by JKBart
He could murder them all in a brutal fight if it wasn't for LotF Luke. Even though LotF Luke would never win against Valkorion on his own, with a huge army with him, Luke wins 10/10. Sure, he can kill half of them just by desiring it probably, but with LotF Luke over there and such a huge number, even Valkorion will get dogpiled and slaughtered. ...Oh... Dear...

The Ellimist
Originally posted by carthage
Valk begs for his life

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