Bane and Zannah versus PT team

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Imagine the battle from Rule of Two... but how do you think Prequel Jedi manage?

This is RoT Bane in orbalisks, and RoT Apprentice Zannah.

The team:
- Obi-Wan Kenobi as the Master great duelist (replace Raskta Lsu)
- Keelyvine Reus as the Knight great duelist (she fight equally with Asajj etc replace Sarro Xaj)
- Shaak Ti as the Master makashi duelist (replace Farfalla)
- Bultar Swan as random Knight (replace Johun)
- Yaddle giving Battle Meditation (replace Worror)

What do you think?

Kenobi with BM solos.

There isn't any way he can beat Kenobi and Shaak At once

Is Reus better than Johun? Bane gets stomped against Kenobi and Shaak though

PT team stomps.

Originally posted by cs_zoltan
Kenobi with BM solos. thumb up

PT team all but decimates.

The Jedi have no Lightning, I dont think they can kill Bane, but after they kill Zannah its 5 versus 1, so...

The only one here realistically fending off Bane's Force attacks is Yaddle, which is ironic, unfortunately they have Zannah's telepathic gymnastics to handle as well.

Swan and Reus get fodderised, Kenobi is obviously the best duelist here but he's defensive, Bane can kill either Kenobi or Ti through Force.

Sith team only lose if they're fighting like idiots.

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