The Joker vs. The Riddler vs. Arcade PURE PREP

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who is the greater criminal mastermind of the 3?

Dosen't Arcade kind of outclass the DC Crew just with his available Technology?

Originally posted by Flyattractor
Dosen't Arcade kind of outclass the DC Crew just with his available Technology?

he does?

arcade's schemes are always larger in scope--i don't mean the 'endgame' necessarily, just the 'lead up' if you get what i'm saying. he has heroes jump through more hoops, and requires more prep to do so. in terms of creating 'trap' scenarios, arcade then riddler i guess. arcade def has greater tech available to him. i mean in avengers arena arcade became as powerful as thor (or nearly so according to text). it's a weird question, but it seems this is more up aracade's alley than the others. i guess....

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