Hulk vs moleculeman
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mighty adam
MM is bloodlusted and going all out. Hulk is at his hotm level. Two rounds.
Round 1 no bfr
Round 2 bfr
What's your problem?
Hulk has been called the most powerful man on Earth many times, apparently.
Insane Titan
Hulk nearly physically overpowered a abstract , he wins
Originally posted by Insane Titan
Hulk nearly physically overpowered a abstract , he wins
ive heard this from carver before... care to explain the feat?
Insane Titan
Originally posted by ghostman
ive heard this from carver before... care to explain the feat? im Mocking him
Originally posted by Insane Titan
im Mocking him
i know that, but im sure hes just not pulling that out of his ass, where is he getting that from?
It would be the Longshot Saves the Marvel Universe storyline, which you can find on view
That was the In-Betweener, and "nearly physically overpowered" means that "did not overpower". Therefore we know that:
Molecule Man >>> Lifebringer Galactus > Chaos&Order > In-Betweener > Hulk.
There are enough "greater thans" in that chain to make this a silly spite thread which should be closed.
mighty adam
Originally posted by Stoic
What's your problem? wtf is you talkin about?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Hulk has been called the most powerful man on Earth many times, apparently.

Hulk wins, with ease.
Then loses to Superman, with ease.

Is Hulk strong enough to Cause/Create Molecular Manipulation?
Hulk punches the earth and create molecular manipulation that turns molecule man into a Frog
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
Hulk punches the earth and create molecular manipulation that turns molecule man into a Frog

Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
Is Hulk strong enough to Cause/Create Molecular Manipulation?
If Flex Mentallo can alter reality by flexing, logically Hulk should be an omniversal level reality warper.
Rao Kal El
Molecule Man cannot transmutate those purple pants therefore Hulk >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> MM.
Also as mentioned before Hulk punches can alter reality and all We know the madder Hulk gets the stronger he becomes.
Like the beyonder said "it's a being of trully infinite potential"
If the beyonder says that it means something, plus this is a more powerful Hulk like We have never seen before, this is the most powerful incarnation of Hulk who puts the In-betweener between his butt checks, hulk wins this easily.
Sentry defeated MM, Hulk defeated Sentry therefore Hulk defeats MM.
Any disagreements please contact Carver.
Hulk eats Owen's molecules
Yes. Hulk just gets ANGRIER then molecules.
Then Hulk Smash the puny molecules.
Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Hulk eats Owen's molecules

mighty adam
Originally posted by Flyattractor
Yes. Hulk just gets ANGRIER then molecules.
Then Hulk Smash the puny molecules. hulk smash ugly lil man
Ugly lil man powers not hurt hulk......
Originally posted by mighty adam
hulk smash ugly lil man
Ugly lil man powers not hurt hulk......
And that summed up a verly large % of actual Hulk Stores.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Flyattractor
And that summed up a verly large % of actual Hulk stories.
Now I understand why Carver loves the Hulk so much.
The language Hulk uses doesn't challenge his intelligence and is easy to understand even for him.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Now I understand why Carver loves the Hulk so much.
The language Hulk uses doesn't challenge his intelligence and is easy to understand even for him.

Ok guys I think carver has had enough
This thread is
Zack M
Hulk thunderclaps Molecule Man into oblivion. Purple pants, FTW!
mighty adam
What is MM greatest feat?
Originally posted by mighty adam
What is MM greatest feat?
Getting totally ***** pwned by the Beyonder?
Originally posted by mighty adam
What is MM greatest feat?
Depending on how you view it the feat of him containing the Omniverse in a box and Lifebringer Galactus also admitting he would be insta-rekt by him.
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