Top 10 best fights in Marvel and DC
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Please name the top 10 best fights in both companies. Your top 10 has to either be from one Universe or it can consist of both. It depends on you but just name 10 best fights.
Superman vs. Doomsday, DOS
That's the only fight you like?
Sorry to disappoint.
KC supes vs post crisis supes
thors vs gorr the god butcher
celestials vs thanos
superboy prime vs everybody
dr strange vs inbetweener
supes vs doomsday
hulk vs zeus
thanos vs odin
odin vs celestials
beta ray bill vs stardust
those are my personal favorites
So you liked Hulk vs Zeus?
Originally posted by Cogito
Sorry to disappoint.
I'm sure you liked more than that.
Originally posted by carver9
So you liked Hulk vs Zeus?
yes it was an excellent slug fest! it was savage as fck as well lol
Post the celestial vs thanks fight
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
Post the celestial vs thanks fight
Infinity Gauntlet #5
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
Tired wake the **** up
Originally posted by ghostman
yes it was an excellent slug fest! it was savage as fck as well lol
I'm glad Hulk was holding back.

Originally posted by carver9
I'm glad Hulk was holding back.
i dont remember that.... scans please?
Originally posted by ghostman
i dont remember that.... scans please?
Why? It's said in the book. Hulk went there to commit suicide. Give his life to Zeus for his friends. Zeus did not kill him. Instead, he wanted to torture Hulk which is the reason he kept attacking Hulk after their fight.
Morpheus vs Chronazone
Morpheus vs Azazel
Lucifer vs Fenris
Orion vs Arnicus Wolfram
Batman vs Deathstroke in recent Priest issue.
Mandrakk vs Nix Uotan
Mandrakk vs Thought Robot
I don't enjoy slugfests much these days. Intelligent fighting is much more satisfying.
hal vs guy for the ring
hal vs the black lanterns was dope IMO (black superman and GA)
wolvie vs cap in wolverine origins
gambit vs cap in avx
punisher vs wolverine
GL hal on his way to Parallax if that counts
WWH wrek the illuminati
AOA nightcrawler vs AOA iceman
x-force vs omega clan
in no order
Thor vs Banner Hulk
Originally posted by staxamillion
hal vs guy for the ring
hal vs the black lanterns was dope IMO (black superman and GA)
wolvie vs cap in wolverine origins
gambit vs cap in avx
punisher vs wolverine
GL hal on his way to Parallax if that counts
WWH wrek the illuminati
AOA nightcrawler vs AOA iceman
x-force vs omega clan
in no order
Hitman vs zombie baby seals.
Originally posted by staxamillion
hal vs guy for the ring
hal vs the black lanterns was dope IMO (black superman and GA)
wolvie vs cap in wolverine origins
gambit vs cap in avx
punisher vs wolverine
GL hal on his way to Parallax if that counts
WWH wrek the illuminati
AOA nightcrawler vs AOA iceman
x-force vs omega clan
in no order
Beta Ray Bill vs Stardust (All Rounds)
Superboy Prime vs Ion 2
Originally posted by "Id"
Beta Ray Bill vs Stardust (All Rounds)
Superboy Prime vs Ion 2
Amazing fights. Any others?
Thanos vs Tyrant/Odin
Rao Kal El
Superman VS Captain Marvel kingdon come
Batman vs The KG Beats 10 nights of the kg beast
Batman vs the reaper Batman year two
Hal Jordan in his returns as superhero vs Sinestro
Thanos vs heroes Infinity Gauntlet
Grey Hulk vs Pineapple Thing
Heroes of earth vs Galactus in a fantastic four comic where galactus was starving written by John Byrne
Rao Kal El
Batman vs mutant leader dark knight returns
Jla vs Grey man Justice league international
I'm never good at doing orders but I'll list as many as I can.
Sentry vs World War Hulk
KC Superman vs KC Captain Marvel
Beta Ray Bill vs Stardust
Galactus vs Mephisto
HP Doomsday vs Superman
GA Prime vs Monarch
Morlun vs Spider-Man (the occasion where Morlun ripped Peter's eye out)
Nebulos vs the Living Tribunal
CA Superman vs Mandraak
Thor vs Celestials and Thor vs Exitar (where he fell inside his head and was swarmed by loads of creatures)
Death Seed Sentry vs Thor
Injustice Superman vs Injustice Wonder Woman (mainly for one of the funniest faces in comics at the end)
Superman vs Thor in the crossover
There's lots more like some Exodus fights but I would end up typing loads of stuff.
Blue Beetle's attempted escape from checkmate
Skurge vs the army of hel
Three thors vs Gor
Battle in metropolis in infinite crisis
Teen titans, doom patrol, and jsa vs superboy prime
Galactus engine vs abstracts and celestials
80s She Hulk vs Thing fight
Originally posted by staxamillion issue number please
1. Supes vs Dos DD
2. Thanos vs Clone in the Infinity War
3. Everybody vs Infinity Watch during the Infinity War
4. Spiderman vs Wolverine in the graveyard
5. Batman vs Predator in the second series(at least I think it was the second series)
6. Hulk vs Drax
7. Flash vs Zoom
8. Supes vs Darkseid Apokolips Now
9. Surfer vs Firelord during the Infinity Crusade
10. Sleepwalker vs Ghostrider
Khazra Reborn
Grand Regent Thragg vs. Battle Beast
Phuck Marvel and DC.
Sin I AM
Harada vs Unity
Spawn vs Violator
The shadow vs grendal
Originally posted by staxamillion
Is there a single comic in which Guy does not suck?
Black Bolt vs Vulcan
Franklin & Galactus vs Celestials
Beta Ray Bill vs Stardust
Originally posted by Khazra Reborn
Grand Regent Thragg vs. Battle Beast
Phuck Marvel and DC.

you get my vote. I'd also put battle beast vs thragg in as well.Originally posted by Sin I AM
Harada vs Unity
Spawn vs Violator
The shadow vs grendal

seriously, most of the best fights in comics happen outside of marvel and dc.Originally posted by StiltmanFTW
Is there a single comic in which Guy does not suck? didn't he beat atrocitus within an inch of his life while not wearing the ring?
Final showdown fight in the Millar/Hitch run of the Ultimates. Especially the bit where Quicksilver runs the 'bad' version of him so fast that their eyeballs pop out and they actually melt. And then Hulk appears and proceeds to smash the living cr*p out of everything and everyone, laughing like a lunatic while he does it.
At the end they're all sitting around on the steps drinking beers surrounded by burning wreckage and dead bodies. It's just awesome.
Originally posted by ghostman
wake the **** up
that gif! lmao!!!
Sin I AM
Originally posted by deathslash

you get my vote. I'd also put battle beast vs thragg in as well.

seriously, most of the best fights in comics happen outside of marvel and dc. didn't he beat atrocitus within an inch of his life while not wearing the ring?
Thats becuz people are sheep
Originally posted by deathslash

you get my vote. I'd also put battle beast vs thragg in as well.

seriously, most of the best fights in comics happen outside of marvel and dc. didn't he beat atrocitus within an inch of his life while not wearing the ring?
Its easy to come up with a top 10 fights for Indie.
I like this topic more, its more challenging. Marvel and DC fails, and make shitty fights despite the amount of content.
Khazra Reborn
Oh! I got one, Machine Man vs. Fin Fang Foom. That was good shit.
There's just been so many, but here are some that really tickled my fancy. In no particular order..
Batman vs Superman (DKR) - Gritty as phuck and honorable mention to Bats vs the Mutant leader in the same series.
Thors vs Gorr - I believe is one of the best knockdown drag out hyperbolic metal fests that Marvel has ever produced
Superman vs Doomsday - nuff said!!!!!!!!!!! *salute*
Thor vs Midgard Serpent - Walt Simonson at his finest. Just read it. It's why I love comics.
Orion vs Darkseid - In Simonson's Orion run... It was so meticulously crafted... Follow it panel by panel and you'll realize how well it really showcased the skill of both combatants. Another Simonson classic.
Thanos vs Cosmic Heirarchy - As a wee little lad in Queens NY, reading something like this my mind was officially blown. Big G, Living Trib, Chaos and Order, Love/Hate, Celestials, etc. etc...
Kingpin vs Red Skull - I challenge anyone who reads it and not come out with a smile afterwards. Plain fun.
These are just a some that were always memorable to me..
psycho gundam
Thor vs Arishem and Exitar
Stardust vs Beta Ray Bill
Invincible vs Conquest
Thanos vs Thanos doppelganger
Hulk vs everyone (Black bolt -> Red she-hulk)
Doomsday vs Superman
Thor vs Dark gods
Batman vs mutant leader
Wolverine vs Sabretooth (first time)
Extremis Iron man vs Mallen (round 1 & 2)
For Marvel -
Wonder Man vs Vision
Iron Fist vs Steel Serpent
Thing vs Champion
Shang Chi vs Cat
Wolverine vs Ogun
I'll have to think about DC for a little bit
This might be cheating but I like the fights in Thanos quest.
Particularly Thanos vs the Gardener.
My number 1 isnt DC / Marvel
The Shadow vs Grendal.
If it wasnt Marveland DC I'd say aĺ mine would be indie as well like Shadow vs Green Hornet. Grendal vs Bats, Bats Vs shadow (though there are 2 DC versions of this, just not much o panel)
For Marvel
Daredevil vs Iron Fist.
IF - "Nice move what do you call it"
DD - "Ducking"
Hulk and Namor Vs Avengers (#5 IIRC). PARTICULARLY loved the panel with both Hulk and Namor using 2 hands to try and pry Mjilnor from his hand
Hulk vs thor xrom Defenders / Avengers cross over
Alan Scot vs Brainwave (A.S.S 20)
Supes vs Capt Marvel (also from A.S.S)
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
There's just been so many, but here are some that really tickled my fancy. In no particular order..
Batman vs Superman (DKR) - Gritty as phuck and honorable mention to Bats vs the Mutant leader in the same series.
yeah man DKR was legit
1. Spider-Man versus Firelord.
2. Thing versus Hulk, Fantastic Four #s 25 & 26.
3. Spider-Man versus Juggernaut, the original 2-issue battle.
4. Hulk versus The Blob and Unus the Untiuchable.
5. Magneto versus X-Men, Uncanny X-Men #150
6. JLA versus White Martians, Terror Incognito Storyline
(JLA #58, if I remember correctly...)
Justice League Darkside War
that looks pretty sick
Superior spidey vs original spidey in spider verse
Bruce wayne vs court of owls in wayne manor
Iron man vs magneto AvX
Black panther vs red skull
Parker vs kingpin in prison
Originally posted by deathslash
issue number please
Green Lantern #25 back in 1992
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