Superman Vs Thor: Worship
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Strictly In-Universe.
Starting in the modern age, and going into future timelines, who's been shown to have the most worshippers?
I know there's been a Pre-DCnu Church of Superman, and i know Thor was worshipped in Marvel's 2099 future.
Both characters have survived well into the future in different stories, so it got me to wondering.
Look at Superman Prime.
Close the thread.
Yeah, Superman Prime had a universe wide Dynasty going on..
Well the RL Superman worshiper showed up within 2 minutes. Nice.
Not looking to make this a page of you and i trading barbs.
Its an honest question, looking for real answers, from anyone who has them.
If the answer's Superman thats cool, no reason to be a dick about it.
Thats why people think you guys all suck ass.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Yeah, Superman Prime had a universe wide Dynasty going on..
Thats pretty sharp. Thanks, DS.
Were they actually being worshipped, though? Like a religion or are they all just alt Supes?
If so no Thor timeline's come close to that i'm thinking.
Any idea whats the best he's done?
Originally posted by riv6672
Well the RL Superman worshiper showed up within 2 minutes. Nice.
Not looking to make this a page of you and i trading barbs.
Its an honest question, looking for real answers, from anyone who has them.
If the answer's Superman thats cool, no reason to be a dick about it.
Thats why people think you guys all suck ass.
Throws a barb. Says he's not trying to trade barbs. Throws another.

Didn't doom literally make the Thor corps (thors from across the multiverse) his police force? This is a lot more even than people think.
Yeah but that was a few thousand Thors tops.
Thor is on Earth to learn from its people.
Superman seems to be there to serve as an example/something to strive for.
Originally posted by Delta1938
Throws a barb. Says he's not trying to trade barbs. Throws another.
Originally posted by krisblaze
Superman seems to be there to serve as an example/something to strive for.
Huh! Thats a neat way to put it, thanks.
Originally posted by deathslash
Didn't doom literally make the Thor corps (thors from across the multiverse) his police force? This is a lot more even than people think.
Forgot about that. This is why i asked you smart guys!
It would be hard to say who has more worshippers IMO. But I do think Superman just has more people that look up to him and aspire to be like him and to adopt his values.
Superman did have that dynasty, but I also get the feeling he wouldn't be comfortable being I don't know how much actual worship would have been going on. Though obvious some people still would even if he asked them not to do so.
Yeah, there's been at least one storyline about his discomfort with the practice.
Originally posted by krisblaze
Yeah but that was a few thousand Thors tops.
Thor is on Earth to learn from its people.
Superman seems to be there to serve as an example/something to strive for. it should also be remembered that Thor regularly travels to different planets accross the galaxy and helps them because he hears their prayers. Like that time in The Mighty Thor (think that was the name) when a group of children prayed to him because they heard about what he can do.
Hmm. How ling ago was that?
Originally posted by deathslash
it should also be remembered that Thor regularly travels to different planets accross the galaxy and helps them because he hears their prayers. Like that time in The Mighty Thor (think that was the name) when a group of children prayed to him because they heard about what he can do.
Can't recall that one..
But I do remember this from TGoT...
Originally posted by riv6672
Were they actually being worshipped, though? Like a religion or are they all just alt Supes?
The Superman Dynasty makes appearances mostly in the DC 1 Million stories and All-Star Superman.
Mainstream Supes inspires generations of successors. They're not alternate universe Supermen, they're just drawn from all of space/time and protect said space/time.
Adam Grimes
Originally posted by riv6672
Well the RL Superman worshiper showed up within 2 minutes. Nice.
Not looking to make this a page of you and i trading barbs.
Its an honest question, looking for real answers, from anyone who has them.
If the answer's Superman thats cool, no reason to be a dick about it.
Thats why people think you guys all suck ass. #Triggered
Adam Grimes
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Can't recall that one..
But I do remember this from TGoT... I thought that was the instance he's referring to?
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Can't recall that one..
But I do remember this from TGoT... yep, that's it. Thanks buddy.
Adam Grimes
You're welcome.
Originally posted by Cogito
The Superman Dynasty makes appearances mostly in the DC 1 Million stories and All-Star Superman.
Mainstream Supes inspires generations of successors. They're not alternate universe Supermen, they're just drawn from all of space/time and protect said space/time.
Not really what i was looking for in the OP.
Originally posted by Adam Grimes
What really triggered me was your scan link seemed broken last night. Shows up fine now. Appreciate the posting of it!

Evens gods worship superman
Originally posted by TheManWhoLaughs
Evens gods worship superman
Links don't work.
Yeah, links dont work. Anyway, worship is good, respect is better:
To clarify, i'm not interested in a Superman or Thor GL Corps.
I'm asking about normal go to church people.
Like i said in the OP, things like the Pre-DCnu/2099 church of Superman/Thor.
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