Reed Richards with one year prep Vs Braniac
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Braniac is on they way to earth to miniaturize it and add it to his collection. Can reed richards with 1 year of prep defeat braniac (no outside power sources must use his own tech or create something). Braniac is aware of reed richards and has his Superman level body and has prepared for earth. Can reed richards make it?
2. Can use outside power sources
1. Brainiac Stomps. Pym would have been a better choice than Reed.
2 Still Brainiac, but Reed would do pretty good.
Reed defeated the Living Tribunal with far less prep than a year...
This man keeps a Celestial killing gun in his closet as an old, almost forgotten, trinket...
Under these conditions (with his wife and child in danger) I dont anyone in the comicbook medium is beating Reed...period.
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Reed defeated the Living Tribunal with far less prep than a year...
This man keeps a Celestial killing gun in his closet as an old, almost forgotten, trinket...
Under these conditions (with his wife and child in danger) I dont anyone in the comicbook medium is beating Reed...period. he cant use outside tech or any power ups
Define outside tech
Cosmic cube nullifier infinity gaunlet
Mr Master
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Reed defeated the Living Tribunal with far less prep than a year...
I luvs ya LoM but ...

I'd be shocked if within a year Reed couldn't come up with something.
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
Cosmic cube nullifier infinity gaunlet
Well then Reed easily wins the 2nd scenario, since with any one of those items you just named he could stomp Brainiac.
This is entirely dependent on which version of Brainiac we're dealing with. Some would win Scenario 1; some would lose Scenario 1.
And unless this is one of the peak versions of Brainiac, Reed should definitely win Scenario 2.
Zack M
Yeah, True Brainiac crushes Reed. Unless it's one-sided prep.
Braniac has prep also in scenereo 1
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
Braniac has prep also in scenereo 1
Which version of Brainiac is this?
The one whos ship is 50 times bigger than earth's+ship..jpg
Braniac retcons reed
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
The one whos ship is 50 times bigger than earth's+ship..jpg
I forget, is this the one Superman defeated by throwing him into a swamp?
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
Not kidding, because the ship looks familiar, but it could be from a different story.
Zack M
That's not true Brainiac. That Brainiac had universal level telepathy and reality warping abilities. He would win.
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