The Run
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Sin I AM
What is the penultimate run of your fav comic book character? If you were recommending a series to a noob which one series and/or writer correctly depicts the best aspects of you fav?
the valiant dr solar run. all 60 issues, plus revelations as well.
Planet Hulk, for Hulk. Loved that series.
Superman- Byrne's Superman run on the main title and Action comics.
Black Panther- Christopher Priest
Daredevil- It' all Miller. Though the last shots of BORN AGAIN give it the edge to me.
Legion of Superheroes- Levitz/Giffen runs you can't go wrong.
Aquaman- David/Califiore ressuected the character and enhanced the mythos for all time.
Hulk- David/Keown wrote the definitive Hulk.
Flash- Mark Waid/Wieringo Waid elevated Wally as the TRUE Flash and gave him the gravitas he needed. The Speed Force is a brilliant concept.
Avengers- Stern's Avengers is the definitive run of Earth's mightiest heroes.
Captain Britain- Alan Moore/Alan Davis
Green Lantern- Geoff Johns, no more needs to be said.
Iron-Man- Bob Layton shouild get lifetime royalties.
Captain America- Brubaker/Epting He took all the best elements of Steranko, Byrne and Waid and enhanced them.
Originally posted by LordofBrooklyn
Superman- Byrne's Superman run on the main title and Action comics.
Daredevil- It' all Miller. Though the last shots of BORN AGAIN give it the edge to me.
Legion of Superheroes- Levitz/Giffen runs you can't go wrong.
Aquaman- David/Califiore ressuected the character and enhanced the mythos for all time.
Hulk- David/Keown wrote the definitive Hulk.
Flash- Mark Waid/Wieringo Waid elevated Wally as the TRUE Flash and gave him the gravitas he needed. The Speed Force is a brilliant concept.
Captain Britain- Alan Moore/Alan Davis
Green Lantern- Geoff Johns, no more needs to be said.
Iron-Man- Bob Layton shouild get lifetime royalties.
Sin I AM
Aquaman by David is one of my favorite runs
I love the planet hulk run by pak as well
Lucifer - Mike Carey
or, if you're looking for more a more traditional superhero book then Ill throw in JSA under Johns
Without delving into the obscura, I would recommend All-Star Superman. Bar none.

Originally posted by Sin I AM
Aquaman by David is one of my favorite runs
His Captain Marvel run is one i'd recommend, too. And his Supergirl run.
Waid/Kubert Ka-zar
Nicieza/Bagely New Warriors
Busiek/Bagley Thunderbolts
Originally posted by Sin I AM
What is the penultimate run...
Not the Death of Captain Marvel. But, like, the one just before it, whatever it was. Or maybe the final Wildstorm arc (Worldstorm), but not exactly that one. The one that led up to it (Number of the Beast). Or maybe the hopefully you get the joke by now run from noted writer, Pedantic Semantic.

Originally posted by Galan007
Without delving into the obscura, I would recommend All-Star Superman. Bar none.
Same, it's short, but sweet.
I also enjoyed Ostranders Martian Manhunter.
Originally posted by Digi
Not the Death of Captain Marvel. But, like, the one just before it, whatever it was. Or maybe the final Wildstorm arc (Worldstorm), but not exactly that one. The one that led up to it (Number of the Beast). Or maybe the hopefully you get the joke by now run from noted writer, Pedantic Semantic.
I appreciate your joke. It's not as good as your material right before this last one, but still quality Digi.
I hope this doesn't go over people's heads. I support internet informality, but words have meanings damnit.
Originally posted by riv6672
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Aquaman by David is one of my favorite runs
I love the planet hulk run by pak as well
That run is the perfect foundation for an Aquaman movie franchise!
Originally posted by Galan007
Without delving into the obscura, I would recommend All-Star Superman. Bar none.

And if we're going for shorter runs, then definitely Kingdom Come needs to be on the list too
Superman- Imperiex Saga
Rao Kal El
Morrison's JLA close thread
Originally posted by StyleTime
I appreciate your joke. It's not as good as your material right before this last one, but still quality Digi.
I hope this doesn't go over people's heads. I support internet informality, but words have meanings damnit.

Originally posted by carver9
Superman- Imperiex Saga
Which you've read how many times by now?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
Superman- Imperiex Saga
Really? I cant see it. Any others?
Power Man & Iron-Fist- Jo Duffy
X-Men- Claremont/Romita
Teen Titans- Wolfman/Perez The Judas Contract.. The whole run!
Justice League International- Dematteis/Giffen
Batman/Detective Comics- Englehart/Rogers- This is the run that can legitimately contend with Miller's depiction as the definitive Batman.
Thor- Walter Simonson An all-tim epic!
100 Bullets- Azzarello/Rizzo This is a Netflix/Hbo/Showtime series waiting to happen.
Warlock/Strange Tales- Jim Starlin The Magus Saga
New X-Men- Morrison/Quitely- The only run that can rival Claremont/Byrne and Claremont/Romita.
The Authority- Ellis/Hitch This should be an animated project from DC.
Originally posted by LordofBrooklyn
No you're a clown.
Good recommendations though.
These also:
Originally posted by LordofBrooklyn
Power Man & Iron-Fist- Jo Duffy
X-Men- Claremont/Romita
Teen Titans- Wolfman/Perez The Judas Contract.. The whole run!
Justice League International- Dematteis/Giffen
Thor- Walter Simonson An all-tim epic!
The Authority- Ellis/Hitch This should be an animated project from DC.
Originally posted by riv6672
No you're a clown.
that planet hulk and WWH was real
that uncanny x-force vol 1 (remender)
blackest night was dope for me because it was basically lanternpalooza and I thinl a noob would flip
people will disagree but I loved the miller run of The Dark Knight Returns (all 3)
Age Of Apocalypse (the first one) }
X-Cutioner's Song }
so movie fans can see apocalypse for reals}
wolverine origins
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