Cyborg Superman, General Zod, & Eradicator vs Loki, Dr Doom, & Apocalypse
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Three on Three standard characters, both sides have 5 days of prep.
Sin I AM
U should make it a random encounter. Prep favors team 2 heavily
I thought about doing that but then wouldn't been the case the other way? Doom or Loki are no match for either of these guys physically.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by golem370
I thought about doing that but then wouldn't been the case the other way? Doom or Loki are no match for either of these guys physically.
Doom/Loki make up for that with cunning/intelligence/magic
You know how people blitz crazy I am sure it is just around corner.
Originally posted by golem370
You know how people blitz crazy I am sure it is just around corner.
Team one blitzes the **** outta 'em.
There ya go.
Maybe if team two didn't have prep which make a much closer fight.
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