Iron Fist, Black Panther, & Batman vs Psylocke, Elektra, & Lady Deathstrike
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Standard equipment fight takes place in a warehouse. No mental attacks
Iron Fist or Panther solos.
yeah iron fist solos bp solos and batman solos if hes given a lil prep silly thread
They solo psylocke?
Lmfao good luck
Sin I AM
Noone is soloing. The dick riding needs to stop
Elektra seems like a weak link
Id go team 1
Sin I AM
Originally posted by carthage
Elektra seems like a weak link
Id go team 1
Originally posted by krisblaze
They solo psylocke?
Lmfao good luck
Op says no mental attacks.
So she gets fisted and/or becomes Panther-food.
Chick team is formidable but still loses.
Psylocke is definitely the weak link and none of these women carries equipment that's even half as impressive as what panther and batman carry on average. Team one takes this.
Sin I AM
☝ no. She still has her tk which is more than adequate
Originally posted by Sin I AM
☝ no. She still has her tk which is more than adequate good luck popping off tk when she's taking a chi blast, energy dagger, and explosive batarang to the face.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by deathslash
good luck popping off tk when she's taking a chi blast, energy dagger, and explosive batarang to the face.
Her shield have taken more than a chi blast and some punk ass energy daggers/batarangs
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Her shield have taken more than a chi blast and some punk ass energy daggers/batarangs energy daggers phase through objects though. Also, what has her shield taken?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by deathslash
energy daggers phase through objects though. Also, what has her shield taken?
Enough for her to be able to tank an initial barrage for herself/teammates. U could always just google psylocke res thread. Im sure someone created one
Originally posted by cdtm
Iron Fist or Panther solos.
Lol, no.
Originally posted by yaadaveyaa
yeah iron fist solos bp solos and batman solos if hes given a lil prep silly thread
There's no prep in this thread.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
☝ no. She still has her tk which is more than adequate
Yeah, if Betsy has her TK, it's a stomp. She can just hold them while Deathstrike one-shots all three of them.
T'challa's mixed it up with Iron Man, and survived an Iron Fist blitz that would splatter team 2 and the entire Bat Family all over the street.
Add in anti metal nullifying their best weapons, and not seeing what team chick can do to even put him down.
There isn't a thing team 1 can do against Psylocke if she has TK.
For example Rogue who had Colossus strength and Quicksilver's speed couldn't TOUCH Psylocke.
You guys are crazy. Psylocke likely soloes.
Originally posted by cdtm
T'challa's mixed it up with Iron Man, and survived an Iron Fist blitz that would splatter team 2 and the entire Bat Family all over the street.
Add in anti metal nullifying their best weapons, and not seeing what team chick can do to even put him down.
Lol, what do you think their best weapons are?
Hint: Betsy has mind phucked Cassandra friggin Nova.
Let's stop kidding ourselves
Psylocke with tk and energy daggers soloes
TK is ok but no mind attacks
Then I think Psylocke is too much for them.
Would energy daggers work on vibranium?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Lol, what do you think their best weapons are?
Hint: Betsy has mind phucked Cassandra friggin Nova.
If you say so, but I'm going to have to ask the context as, afaik, Betsy is NOT stronger then Xavier.
And if she could use tp, they might be in trouble.
TK could be a problem, assuming she has it. Not certain she has the reflex's/speed to win a quick draw.. Remember, T'challa has plenty of ranged options, and Iron Fist can probably just rush them close enough to land a ranged chi attack (As you know, hes done stuff like sprint right at a guy as he was throwing around nuclear blasts, throw a piece of metal to distract him, outpace the metal shard before the blast could even hit it, and tackle the guy..)
Sin I AM
Originally posted by golem370
Would energy daggers work on vibranium?
Sin I AM
Betsy is being seriously lowballed. The only character here who would give her any semblance of a fight is Danny due SOLELY to his chi and even then she could ragdoll/bfr his entire team from the safety of her shield. I mean jeez guys open a comic...and wait till remender makes her an Omega on panel. He's already stated as such in interviews
Can't T'challa teleport now?
Originally posted by cdtm
If you say so, but I'm going to have to ask the context as, afaik, Betsy is NOT stronger then Xavier.
Obv, TP is not allowed, but:
Though you could argue she used her TK knife, which IS allowed
She has some reflexes - she does this by instinct:
That feat of BP's was good. Betsy has a better one, against Magneto, of all people. She can do 'Flash-level' stuff, like running along pieces of metal that are being flung at her:
Outracing lasers AFTER they've been fired:
Her TK is higher than Rachel's:
Just for Sin. Two bricks fighting, one has flight
BTW: The Juggernaut, immune to telepathy with his helmet up? Yeah, Betsy straight up blasted through it:
Sin I AM
Originally posted by cdtm
Can't T'challa teleport now?
He has been since before secret wars
@saint that aint real creed luv.

Originally posted by Sin I AM
He has been since before secret wars
@saint that aint real creed luv.
Point remains, babe.
One has flight, the other doesn't. What happens? I can walk through what's happening, in case the colours confuse you.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Point remains, babe.
One has flight, the other doesn't. What happens? I can walk through what's happening, in case the colours confuse you.
That's not the real deal. Iirc its a psychic projection, cerebro, illusion thing. It's been awhile since i read that and it was after he gutted her. She's trying to build her confidence back up. Could it happen in a real fight? Sure...anythings possible. Bricks arent generally depicted as that easily dispacted
Originally posted by Sin I AM
That's not the real deal. Iirc its a psychic projection, cerebro, illusion thing. It's been awhile since i read that and it was after he gutted her. She's trying to build her confidence back up. Could it happen in a real fight? Sure...anythings possible. Bricks arent generally depicted as that easily dispacted

so we are in agreement, which is a step up. Previously, you had no idea what possible advantage flight gives. That was a graphical illustration of an advantage.
Daredevil fought Psylocke to a draw in AvX
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85

so we are in agreement, which is a step up. Previously, you had no idea what possible advantage flight gives. That was a graphical illustration of an advantage.
Bfr is always an option love. I was referring to an actual fight. In a real fight with a serious opponent you're not doing what she did there. But sure we can agree that if i grabbed u and flew u in the air i could drop u and win.
Originally posted by Supermutant
Daredevil fought Psylocke to a draw in AvX
Pis. A telepath whose been training since her teen years is "overwhelmed" by Matts senses. Lol
Mystique just stalemated her too.
Honest question, can she get through panther's energy shields and if so, what's to stop him from teleporting behind her and releasing the kinetic energy that she put into his suit? Also, I have doubts about her putting down Danny. Didn't he tank a Kamehameha blast that sent him hurtling back to earth.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Supermutant
Mystique just stalemated her too.
Really? Don't leave me in suspence. Do tell
Originally posted by deathslash
Honest question, can she get through panther's energy shields and if so, what's to stop him from teleporting behind her and releasing the kinetic energy that she put into his suit? Also, I have doubts about her putting down Danny. Didn't he tank a Kamehameha blast that sent him hurtling back to earth.
Well her powers are a physical manifestation of her abilities. They effect chars two different ways. Can his energy shields tank the physical part? sure. Im not confident the can stopt the psychic pain though. Danny is a different story especially after AvX. His chi is versatile
Originally posted by deathslash
Honest question, can she get through panther's energy shields and if so, what's to stop him from teleporting behind her and releasing the kinetic energy that she put into his suit? Also, I have doubts about her putting down Danny. Didn't he tank a Kamehameha blast that sent him hurtling back to earth.
Specifically, Prince of Orphans blasted him out of K'un L'un's dimension, high into the sky and back to Earth like a guided missile. Walked it off without a scratch.
The Canadian SJW who wrote it had some cringeworthy political soapboxing, but wrote some great feats and action sequences.
Originally posted by Supermutant
Daredevil fought Psylocke to a draw in AvX
They neutered Psylocke, and other X-Men, to make those fights competitive. Betsy has been in the minds of people like Wolverine and Sabertooth multiple times. Enhanced senses don't mess her up on average. This was also at a time when her TK was forgotten.
Even still, she fought freaking Daredevil h2h. If anything, this is a testament to her h2h skills. Even without powers, she's pretty formidable.
Originally posted by Supermutant
Mystique just stalemated her too.
No, she didn't. Even with an ambush, Mystique still got one-shot dropped from a knee to the stomach by Psylocke. Betsy could have ended it there, but she decided to be nice and mentally repair Mystique's fragmented psyche while Mystique kept fighting. Mystique has solid TP defenses, so it took a while.
Then Psylocke just let her go, because there was no reason to smash her again.
Originally posted by StyleTime
They neutered Psylocke, and other X-Men, to make those fights competitive. Betsy has been in the minds of people like Wolverine and Sabertooth multiple times. Enhanced senses don't mess her up on average. This was also at a time when her TK was forgotten.
Even still, she fought freaking Daredevil h2h. If anything, this is a testament to her h2h skills. Even without powers, she's pretty formidable.
No, she didn't. Even with an ambush, Mystique still got one-shot dropped from a knee to the stomach by Psylocke. Betsy could have ended it there, but she decided to be nice and mentally repair Mystique's fragmented psyche while Mystique kept fighting. Mystique has solid TP defenses, so it took a while.
Then Psylocke just let her go, because there was no reason to smash her again.
I was being generous by giving her a draw against DD as he clearly had the upper hand and saved her from falling off a building. That's when she took advantage enough to get a draw.
No ambushed as Psylocke stated before Mystique one-shot dropped her to the ground, "I don't think I'm going to let you follow me anymore." Plus Psylocke used TP which isn't allowed here, and mentioned how Mystique's tp resistance had been weaken. So yeah w/out TP it was a stalemate.
Anyway Psylocke been on the verge of death by Sabertooth.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Supermutant
I was being generous by giving her a draw against DD as he clearly had the upper hand and saved her from falling off a building. That's when she took advantage enough to get a draw.
Anyway Psylocke been on the verge of death by Sabertooth.
Psylocke can fly dude. The entire fight was serious poster should use feats from that arc as norm. It was trash.
Creed in his prime would be a decent fight to anyone here. He's already had Tchalla dead to rights in his own backyard and Bruce is a non factor.
Yeah, we don't want to use low showings here....*cough rifle butt cough*
Psylocke had AoA Sabretooth beat though.
She is far more formidable than when she fought 616 Creed and she didn't have TK at the time, so I don't see the relevance...
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Yeah, we don't want to use low showings here....*cough rifle butt cough*
That wasnt a low showing dear. Nice try
Originally posted by Sin I AM
That wasnt a low showing dear. Nice try
Was talking to Supermutant, love.
He calls it a low showing (the Panther incident).
I do agree though, it IS a nice try - as I succeeded
Edit: here you go:
Originally posted by Supermutant
If you want to focus on one low-showing with iffy context fine, just make sure you do the same for DD.
So yeah, he thinks it is a low showing, so I am saying that if low showings for Betsy are being used, low showings (as per him) would also be fair game.
Really, it's astounding that I have to walk you through so many points today.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Bfr is always an option love. I was referring to an actual fight. In a real fight with a serious opponent you're not doing what she did there. But sure we can agree that if i grabbed u and flew u in the air i could drop u and win.
If you have two characters with the exact same strength level, and one puts the other in a bearhug, the victim isn't breaking out of that, due to inferior leverage.
And dropping someone isn't BFR. Or do you need help on that too? Always willing to help babe.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Was talking to Supermutant, love.
He calls it a low showing (the Panther incident).
I do agree though, it IS a nice try - as I succeeded
Edit: here you go:
So yeah, he thinks it is a low showing, so I am saying that if low showings for Betsy are being used, low showings (as per him) would also be fair game.
Really, it's astounding that I have to walk you through so many points today.
If you have two characters with the exact same strength level, and one puts the other in a bearhug, the victim isn't breaking out of that, due to inferior leverage.
And dropping someone isn't BFR. Or do you need help on that too? Always willing to help babe.
I get what the panther fanboys are saying. They dont feel their guy should be one shot...particularly by mooks. But its a cheap shot so one the same token i dont get y they are complaining.
If we are equal how are u overpowering me to get a bear hug?
...I'm not sure why I suddenly have to walk an entire fight out, step by step lol.
You throw a punch, I sidestep, use your own momentum and spin you round so that your back is to me. Then bear hug.
Oil is optional, choc sauce isn't.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
...I'm not sure why I suddenly have to walk an entire fight out, step by step lol.
You throw a punch, I sidestep, use your own momentum and spin you round so that your back is to me. Then bear hug.
Oil is optional, choc sauce isn't.
Doubtful. Sounds like fanfic. I could always go limp shift my weight reverse your hold etc
Doubtful, but not impossible.
But this goes beyond the original premise, which was you asking what advantage flying brings.
Which I then thought I'd show, with an actual example of two similarly skilled fighters, except one has flight, fighting.
Which happened in a comic.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Doubtful, but not impossible.
But this goes beyond the original premise, which was you asking what advantage flying brings.
Which I then thought I'd show, with an actual example of two similarly skilled fighters, except one has flight, fighting.
Which happened in a comic.
I mustve missed that scan because i saw betty fighting a mook. Not a similary skilled opponent.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
I mustve missed that scan because i saw betty fighting a mook. Not a similary skilled opponent.
I'm not quite sure where all this attempt at hostility comes from, but I guess you're paying me attention, which is always good.
I guess you just keep missing the point, and can only focus on one thing at a time (i.e. the latest post).
Original point, which still remains, is that flying can indeed be an advantage. Like you said, anything's possible

Originally posted by Supermutant
I was being generous by giving her a draw against DD as he clearly had the upper hand and saved her from falling off a building. That's when she took advantage enough to get a draw.
No ambushed as Psylocke stated before Mystique one-shot dropped her to the ground, "I don't think I'm going to let you follow me anymore." Plus Psylocke used TP which isn't allowed here, and mentioned how Mystique's tp resistance had been weaken. So yeah w/out TP it was a stalemate.
Anyway Psylocke been on the verge of death by Sabertooth.
Which changes absolutely nothing about what I said. He outpointed a practically powerless Psylocke. Congrats DD?
Mystique's response suggested Betsy was bluffing, and certainly wasn't expecting an attack. Even weakened, Mystique's psi-defense was considerable. Betsy still decided to help Mystique, indicating she didn't want a fight. She only threw one attack, which dropped Mystique into position for execution. The reverse didn't happen. Holding back, Psylocke had the upper hand against a Mystique going for the kill.
This is silly. Your whole purpose here is to pretend like it affects Psylocke's standing in this match. Betsy didn't use TK in either scenario, which she has here. We already know Betsy isn't the best pure martial artist here, but she doesn't have to be because of telekinesis. She would be a monster against anyone here. Just like when she went HAM on Wolverine.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I'm not quite sure where all this attempt at hostility comes from, but I guess you're paying me attention, which is always good.
I guess you just keep missing the point, and can only focus on one thing at a time (i.e. the latest post).
Original point, which still remains, is that flying can indeed be an advantage. Like you said, anything's possible
Saint. Im following the convo. What im saying is your scan does not prove your point. No veiled hostility et el.
Why is everyone going on about Psylocke? T2 has Lady Deathstrike. She's a bionic version of Wolverine : adamantium, samurai skills, healing factor, bionics. Has she been nerfed?
T2 wins with ease (unless Lady D was hit with a nerf bat).
Sin I AM
Originally posted by zopzop
Why is everyone going on about Psylocke? T2 has Lady Deathstrike. She's a bionic version of Wolverine : adamantium, samurai skills, healing factor, bionics. Has she been nerfed?
T2 wins with ease (unless Lady D was hit with a nerf bat).
someone called betty the weak link when she's infact the big gun. deathstrike hasn't been much imo since logan soloed that bar filled with his villians. but that was pis
t2 also doesn't win win ease. its very competitive
Originally posted by zopzop
Why is everyone going on about Psylocke? T2 has Lady Deathstrike. She's a bionic version of Wolverine : adamantium, samurai skills, healing factor, bionics. Has she been nerfed?
T2 wins with ease (unless Lady D was hit with a nerf bat).
Anti metal claws.
Sin I AM
hmmmm....keep hearing shit about these nti-metal claws but have yet to see them affect metal. anyone got any scans of this?
Not on hand.
Panther used them under Priest, against Iron Man. Forced him to use an experimental stealth armor made of ceramic (Involved a weird aside where a future Stark and future Panther ended up ambushing the present two and taking their place for round two. Ended up a fight to the death, with Panther using stolen code to stop Stark's pacemaker, and T'challa suffering a fatal stroke).
Anyways, those anti metal claws cut up Stark's metal armor like it was made of butter. Probably made of antartic vibranium.
Originally posted by zopzop
Why is everyone going on about Psylocke? T2 has Lady Deathstrike. She's a bionic version of Wolverine : adamantium, samurai skills, healing factor, bionics. Has she been nerfed?
T2 wins with ease (unless Lady D was hit with a nerf bat).
Because Psylocke is bae.
Originally posted by cdtm
Not on hand.
Panther used them under Priest, against Iron Man. Forced him to use an experimental stealth armor made of ceramic (Involved a weird aside where a future Stark and future Panther ended up ambushing the present two and taking their place for round two. Ended up a fight to the death, with Panther using stolen code to stop Stark's pacemaker, and T'challa suffering a fatal stroke).
Anyways, those anti metal claws cut up Stark's metal armor like it was made of butter. Probably made of antartic vibranium. when casper cole had his suit, he also used them to cut through a sewer grate like it was swiss cheese. Doesn't matter though, even if he didn't have the claws, he still has the energy daggers that've phased through ultron's adamantium skull.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by cdtm
Not on hand.
Panther used them under Priest, against Iron Man. Forced him to use an experimental stealth armor made of ceramic (Involved a weird aside where a future Stark and future Panther ended up ambushing the present two and taking their place for round two. Ended up a fight to the death, with Panther using stolen code to stop Stark's pacemaker, and T'challa suffering a fatal stroke).
Anyways, those anti metal claws cut up Stark's metal armor like it was made of butter. Probably made of antartic vibranium.
Nevermind i found an instance myself although it's not what u referenced.
Fine, so Psylocke takes out BP. Then Deathstrike solos the rest of T1. Elektra cheers from the sidelines.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
That's not the real deal.
AoA Creed.
Psylock TP is strong enough to hold everyone here in place.
I'm not the only one who doesn't read OP.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I'm not the only one who doesn't read OP.

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