Unlocked Hulk vs DOS JLA
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Rao Kal El
Hulk as shown in onslaught saga unleashed vs Guy Garner with yellow ring, Maxima, Blodwynd, Superman, Fire, Booster Gold, Ice and Blue Bettle.
Hulk has one hand tied behind his back and has to take a full blast from Superman's hv, booster gold, Guy Gardner, Bloodwynd and Fire until they run out power, if he pases round 1
He goes into round 2 with out resting facing Maxima and Superman
If he pases round 2 he goes into round 3 facing Supermam and Matrix Supergirl and the MPD special forces along withthe lex corps forces.
If he survives all this with out resting he faces Superman unleashed.
Can he make it?
Doomsday's burial costume was torn to shreds by the combined blast. Hulk's pants stay intact in like every fight. Hulk dies no later than when they all blast him.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Delta1938
Doomsday's burial costume was torn to shreds by the combined blast. Hulk's pants stay intact in like every fight. Hulk dies no later than when they all blast him.
I will even put WWH in here and he doesn't survive this one either
Unlocked Hulk clears...
Keep in mind the following; we use average showings when arguing these things...
This version of Hulk has no Low Showings and was able to outperform a Skyfather level being in hand to hand combat (thereby pegging himself as Skyfather level during this period of time)...
This version of Hulk tanked attacks from a Skyfather level being, was able to return fire (which was was beyond the JLA and anything seen from Supes or Doomsday during the DoS arc), and actually managed to get the upperhand...
Superman and Doomsday (on the other hand) were both KO'ed and/or significantly harmed by an exploding gas station and falling trees among other things (significantly lowering their average)...
Unlocked Hulk clears...
Rao Kal El
Lol at the lowballing.
Keep in mind that this version of JLA survived Starbreaker who will crap all over onslaught and this vesion of JLA faced a doomsday who already had survived an OAN guardian kamikaze attack and a full blast by radiant that lay waste to a 1/5 of a planet, so lol at the gas station, I guess not at bad as getting killed by storm with a lighting bolt and cable's attack right?
DOS Doomsday will chew up storm and cable and spit them right out he will also outperform Unlocked Hulk.
You can have your opinion my friend, but in this case IMO the evidence doesn't help your case.
He falls at the full blast and not even by miracle survives unleashed superman
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Lol at the lowballing.
Keep in mind that this version of JLA survived Starbreaker who will crap all over onslaught and this vesion of JLA faced a doomsday who already had survived an OAN guardian kamikaze attack and a full blast by radiant that lay waste to a 1/5 of a planet, so lol at the gas station, I guess not at bad as getting killed by storm with a lighting bolt and cable's attack right?
DOS Doomsday will chew up storm and cable and spit them right out he will also outperform Unlocked Hulk.
You can have your opinion my friend, but in this case IMO the evidence doesn't help your case.
He falls at the full blast and not even by miracle survives unleashed superman
There is no low balling going on my part; I am simply looking at all showings performed by each respective character...
Onslaught at the end of the Onslaught Saga was not killed by Cable or Storm; this version of Onslaught was performing Solar Level Reality Warp at will due to utilization of Franklins Power...
Unlocked Hulk got the upperhand against that version of Onslaught...
No matter what you say, you cant change the fact that DoS Superman and Doomsday were KO'ed by a gas station and falling trees...
Unlocked Hulk and Peak Power Onslaught have no lows on this level to their name...
Average showings Rao...
Based on the evidence provided by their averages, Unlocked Hulk clears...
Wasn't that Onslaught's plan? To be unlocked himself?
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
There is no low balling going on my part; I am simply looking at all showings performed by each respective character...
Onslaught at the end of the Onslaught Saga was not killed by Cable or Storm; this version of Onslaught was performing Solar Level Reality Warp at will due to utilization of Franklins Power...
Unlocked Hulk got the upperhand against that version of Onslaught...
No matter what you say, you cant change the fact that DoS Superman and Doomsday were KO'ed by a gas station and falling trees...
Unlocked Hulk and Peak Power Onslaught have no lows on this level to their name...
Average showings Rao...
Based on the evidence provided by their averages, Unlocked Hulk clears...
Oh yeah I forgot you think a mini sun over manhattan is = to solar system reality warping.
This Hulk got killed by storm plain and simple it's a low showing for him and onslaught.... Well he didn't do too much either for all the power he was supposed to have so I guess going by "averages" they didn't do too much either.
Except that by "average" Onslaught was basically affecting central park only and hulk was as weak that He could get killed by storm and Superman/JLA vs Doomsday took place in several states.
But I guess that's not the "average" you are looking for, right?
You are looking for the "average" that shows that onslaught was solar system level reality warper? Which doesn't exist btw.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Oh yeah I forgot you think a mini sun over manhattan is = to solar system reality warping.
This Hulk got killed by storm plain and simple it's a low showing for him and onslaught.... Well he didn't do too much either for all the power he was supposed to have so I guess going by "averages" they didn't do too much either.
Except that by "average" Onslaught was basically affecting central park only and hulk was as weak that He could get killed by storm and Superman/JLA vs Doomsday took place in several states.
But I guess that's not the "average" you are looking for, right?
You are looking for the "average" that shows that onslaught was solar system level reality warper? Which doesn't exist btw.
Anybody got scans of the sun making?
And wasn't Hulk actually more powerful when he faced Cable and Storm since Banner being in the HEROES REBORN universe made Hulk draw energy from it, or something along those lines?
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Delta1938
Anybody got scans of the sun making?
And wasn't Hulk actually more powerful when he faced Cable and Storm since Banner being in the HEROES REBORN universe made Hulk draw energy from it, or something along those lines?
Was trying to find the scans on my pb but I couldn't.
It was a mini sun created on top of central park Manhattan, it was visible from Manhattan anf there is no indication that it was visible in plain view to the whole world let alone the solar system any claims that it was it is basically reaching at best and no one has provided evidence that this was a solar system event.
It will be like me claiming that superman moved a solar system when in fact he moved a mini solar system only visible on metropolis
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Was trying to find the scans on my pb but I couldn't.
It was a mini sun created on top of central park Manhattan, it was visible from Manhattan anf there is no indication that it was visible in plain view to the whole world let alone the solar system any claims that it was it is basically reaching at best and no one has provided evidence that this was a solar system event.
It will be like me claiming that superman moved a solar system when in fact he moved a mini solar system only visible on metropolis
There is absolutely proof that it was a full blown star...
Reed Richards, Marvels Scientist Supreme, calls it a star...
Furthermore, he feared that its gravity would destroy the Earth:
This is the second time you attempted to deny what is made clear on panel...
Where I come from thats called trolling...
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Oh yeah I forgot you think a mini sun over manhattan is = to solar system reality warping.
This Hulk got killed by storm plain and simple it's a low showing for him and onslaught.... Well he didn't do too much either for all the power he was supposed to have so I guess going by "averages" they didn't do too much either.
Except that by "average" Onslaught was basically affecting central park only and hulk was as weak that He could get killed by storm and Superman/JLA vs Doomsday took place in several states.
But I guess that's not the "average" you are looking for, right?
You are looking for the "average" that shows that onslaught was solar system level reality warper? Which doesn't exist btw.
Heroes Reborn is not the original Onslaught Saga and neither Onslaught or Hulk were as powerful as they were at the end of the Onslaught Saga...
You are arguing with a bait and switch tactic; you claim this thread is pertaining to Unlocked Hulk, but you then try to argue using a different version (and are doing the same with Onslaught)...
Well your attempt has failed...
Unlocked Hulk doesnt have any of the low showings you are attempting to assign to him and Peak Power Onslaught has Solar Level Reality Warp...
Unlocked Hulk as portrayed at the end of the Onslaught Saga runs right thought the DoS storyline and its not even close...
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
There is absolutely proof that it was a full blown star...
Reed Richards, Marvels Scientist Supreme, calls it a star...
Furthermore, he feared that its gravity would destroy the Earth:
Is this it?
Originally posted by Delta1938
Is this it?
Yep thats it...
Reed calls it a star and the heroes are worried that it'll melt the Earth and wipe it clean via its gravity...
Its made crystal clear on panel...
Rao has tried his best to down play the feat, but he cant; the on panel evidence doesnt lie...
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Yep thats it...
Reed calls it a star and the heroes are worried that it'll melt the Earth and wipe it clean via its gravity...
Its made crystal clear on panel...
Rao has tried his best to down play the feat, but he cant; the on panel evidence doesnt lie...
Is this all that you have to argue it was a full sized sun?
Originally posted by Delta1938
Is this all that you have to argue it was a full sized sun?
Have you been following the conversation?
Rao is claiming that it wasnt really a star; he claims that it was only visible over Manhattan and was only a local effect...
He is dead wrong and the on panel text makes it clear that it is a full sized star based on it having sufficient temperature and gravitational strength to destroy the Earth...
Once again, what is stated on panel is crystal clear; it is a full sized star and Rao is trolling by attempting to say otherwise (and downplay the magnitude of Onslaughts Power in the process)...
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
This is the second time you attempted to deny what is made clear on panel...
Where I come from thats called trolling...
You made the affirmative claim, guess who has the burden on proof?
I have already shown to you why this is not solar system reality warping not even worldwide, but a localized event in Manhattan.
And yes those "average" showings will count for the hulk, IIRC onslaught just trapped or imprisoned Banner on his mind and Hulk was on the loose as in unleashed or unlocked thanks to onslaught. Again IIRC
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Have you been following the conversation?
Rao is claiming that it wasnt really a star; he claims that it was only visible over Manhattan and was only a local effect...
He is dead wrong and the on panel text makes it clear that it is a full sized star based on it having sufficient temperature and gravitational strength to destroy the Earth...
Once again, what is stated on panel is crystal clear; it is a full sized star and Rao is trolling by attempting to say otherwise (and downplay the magnitude of Onslaughts Power in the process)...
Oh, I'm following the conversation. I read the scan, you're doing an awful lot of reaching to come to that conclusion. I have a feeling it'd be pointless to give my reasoning, you seem to get mad that people aren't agreeing with you. Or will you not call me a troll for telling you why I look at your scan and go "meh"?
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
You made the affirmative claim, guess who has the burden on proof?
I have already shown to you why this is not solar system reality warping not even worldwide, but a localized event in Manhattan.
And yes those "average" showings will count for the hulk, IIRC onslaught just trapped or imprisoned Banner on his mind and Hulk was on the loose as in unleashed or unlocked thanks to onslaught. Again IIRC
I have proved that it was a full blown star based on it having sufficient temperature and gravitational strength to destroy the Earth...
Localized event my @ss...
Marvels number 1 scientist calls it a star, so guess what? Its a star...
And no, Hulk (and Onslaught) as portrayed in Heroes Reborn are not the same as what we saw at the end of the Onslaught Saga...
Hulk and Onslaught were operating on a far higher level at the end of the Onslaught Saga than they were during Heroes Reborn and its not even close...
Unlocked Hulk was performing at Skyfather level during his battle with Onslaught....
Unlocked Hulk hits far, far, far, far, far, harder than an exploding gas station...
Unlocked Hulk runs right though the DoS storyline as a result...
Originally posted by Delta1938
Oh, I'm following the conversation. I read the scan, you're doing an awful lot of reaching to come to that conclusion. I have a feeling it'd be pointless to give my reasoning, you seem to get mad that people aren't agreeing with you. Or will you not call me a troll for telling you why I look at your scan and go "meh"?
How am I reaching?
The on panel text tells you its a second sun...
The on panel text tells you it can melt the Earth...
The on panel text tells you that its gravity is strong enough to destroy the Earth...
I am not reaching; I am reading and accepting what the story is telling me...
Here read it yourself if you have doubt:
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
I have proved that it was a full blown star based on it having sufficient temperature and gravitational strength to destroy the Earth...
Localized event my @ss...
Marvels number 1 scientist calls it a star, so guess what? Its a star...
And no, Hulk (and Onslaught) as portrayed in Heroes Reborn are not the same as what we saw at the end of the Onslaught Saga...
Hulk and Onslaught were operating on a far higher level at the end of the Onslaught Saga than they were during Heroes Reborn and its not even close...
Unlocked Hulk was performing at Skyfather level during his battle with Onslaught....
Unlocked Hulk hits far, far, far, far, far, harder than an exploding gas station...
Unlocked Hulk runs right though the DoS storyline as a result...
No you haven't proved anything as a matter of fact I presented you before with the scan that shows only the manhattan residents seeing the mini sun on the sky.
And no onslaught wasn't skyfayher level he was at best trans.
But in anycase the most important thing is that you have not provided any evidence whatsoever that this was a slora system level incident. And reed calling it a star won't cut it.ray palmer always carries a star with him, i guess ray palmer is stronger than superman just because it's called a "star" right?
Skyfather level?

Hulk punching harder than a gas station? Oh the low balling you are getting at just show the desperation of your argument.
Reed can call it the universe it doesn't make it so, just like Palmer lifting a star doesn't make superman strong even if it is called a "star"
Had mass and gravity, yes, even a mini sun will have that.
Shown undeniable proof to back your claim otherwise you are just trolling around my friend
You are entitled to believe that candy in high doses is good for you, that doesn't make it so.
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
How am I reaching?
The on panel text tells you its a second sun...
The on panel text tells you it can melt the Earth...
The on panel text tells you that its gravity is strong enough to destroy the Earth...
I am not reaching; I am reading and accepting what the story is telling me...
Well, it might just be because it wouldn't have to be a full star to tear it apart and melt the Earth. There's nothing stating how close it is, but the art makes it look closer than the Moon. If it were a full sized star.....there'd be no Earth, is what it looks like.
If all you have is Reed called it a star once and didn't elaborate, yeah, you're reaching. But confirmation bias means it's clear and undeniable to you.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
No you haven't proved anything as a matter of fact I presented you before with the scan that shows only the manhattan residents seeing the mini sun on the sky.
And no onslaught wasn't skyfayher level he was at best trans.
But in anycase the most important thing is that you have not provided any evidence whatsoever that this was a slora system level incident. And reed calling it a star won't cut it.ray palmer always carries a star with him, i guess ray palmer is stronger than superman just because it's called a "star" right?
Well I guess I dont have any evidence...expect the scan from the story itself that makes it clear that it was a star.
Well since you refuse to accept what the story makes clear and have made what you thought to be a spite thread, there is nothing left to say...
I'll just leave you with my "lack of evidence" that it was a star:

Quite apart from all this.....
Didn't Onslaught WANT to have his shell cracked? This, making Hulk's feat moot?
I mean, its not as if he would be giving it his all to stop Hulk, when it was his plan all along. Give a bit of a fight, to make things look good, then unleash.
Originally posted by Delta1938
Well, it might just be because it wouldn't have to be a full star to tear it apart and melt the Earth. There's nothing stating how close it is, but the art makes it look closer than the Moon. If it were a full sized star.....there'd be no Earth, is what it looks like.
If all you have is Reed called it a star once and didn't elaborate, yeah, you're reaching. But confirmation bias means it's clear and undeniable to you.
It doesnt have to be closer to the Earth that the Moon to fill the sky moreso than the Moon...
It can be much further away than the Moon and still look bigger than it due to being much bigger and massive than the Moon...
That should be common sense...
But believe what you want...
If you want to say the story, and Marvels number 1 scientist is wrong, go right ahead...
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Quite apart from all this.....
Didn't Onslaught WANT to have his shell cracked? This, making Hulk's feat moot?
I mean, its not as if he would be giving it his all to stop Hulk, when it was his plan all along. Give a bit of a fight, to make things look good, then unleash.
No, because something something something, that logic doesn't help my stance, something something something, something, haters.
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
It doesnt have to be closer to the Earth that the Moon to fill the sky moreso than the Moon...
It can be much further away than the Moon and still look bigger than it due to being much bigger and massive than the Moon...
That should be common sense...
But believe what you want...
If you want to say the story, and Marvels number 1 scientist is wrong, go right ahead...
It doesn't have to be, but you've provided nothing but one statement and your own confirmation bias. Common sense would be understanding you need more than what you're dickriding hard to say "it's absolutely clear and undeniable."
So, you believe what you want. I'm sure it'll make you feel better to call me a troll.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Delta1938
Well, it might just be because it wouldn't have to be a full star to tear it apart and melt the Earth. There's nothing stating how close it is, but the art makes it look closer than the Moon. If it were a full sized star.....there'd be no Earth, is what it looks like.
If all you have is Reed called it a star once and didn't elaborate, yeah, you're reaching. But confirmation bias means it's clear and undeniable to you.

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Quite apart from all this.....
Didn't Onslaught WANT to have his shell cracked? This, making Hulk's feat moot?
I mean, its not as if he would be giving it his all to stop Hulk, when it was his plan all along. Give a bit of a fight, to make things look good, then unleash.
My thoughts on that is, if Onslaught just wanted to be free on his shell, wouldnt he just leave it?
Seems pretty simple to me...
Originally posted by Delta1938
It doesn't have to be, but you've provided nothing but one statement and your own confirmation bias. Common sense would be understanding you need more than what you're dickriding hard to say "it's absolutely clear and undeniable."
So, you believe what you want. I'm sure it'll make you feel better to call me a troll.
I've provided the story itself as proof, but you insist on saying that it and the characters in it are wrong and you are right...
You need to open your eyes and stop being such a goddamned jack@ss...
The story is right and you are wrong...
Read it and weep:
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
I've provided the story itself as proof, but you insist on saying that it and the characters in it are wrong and you are right...
You need to open your eyes and stop being such a goddamned jack@ss...

Irony just gave you the shaft good and hard.
Originally posted by Delta1938
It doesn't have to be, but you've provided nothing but one statement and your own confirmation bias. Common sense would be understanding you need more than what you're dickriding hard to say "it's absolutely clear and undeniable."
So, you believe what you want. I'm sure it'll make you feel better to call me a troll.

Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
The story is right and you are wrong...
Read it and weep:

Rao Kal El
It was visible in Manhattan, I'll give you that. kinda
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
I've provided the story itself as proof, but you insist on saying that it and the characters in it are wrong and you are right...
You need to open your eyes and stop being such a goddamned jack@ss...
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
The story is right and you are wrong...
Read it and weep:
Originally posted by Delta1938
It doesn't have to be, but you've provided nothing but one statement and your own confirmation bias. Common sense would be understanding you need more than what you're dickriding hard to say "it's absolutely clear and undeniable."
So, you believe what you want. I'm sure it'll make you feel better to call me a troll.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
See? I can do this too!!
Rao Kal El
Anyhow why are we talking about mini suns? Can Hulk make those?
Oh yes it was because Onslaught can create a mini sun and since Hulk traded punches with him that should mean something while LOM ignores that Superman tanked a super nova blast from starbreaker under the same writter a couple of issues before and under same writer as well DD took a blast that wipe out 1/5 of a planet, but that's not average for DD, it is average for Onslaught to create minisuns on the Manhattan skyline, but not average to DD to tank a lot of power output.

I get it now

Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
My thoughts on that is, if Onslaught just wanted to be free on his shell, wouldnt he just leave it?
Seems pretty simple to me...
Except.....remember Onslaughts words after Cyclops damaged him, and Thor finally broke his armour....
He wanted to be free of Xaviers influence. Which the Hulk et al helped him in being free.
IOW, not really the best gauge lol of Hulks' power, when he merely did what Onslaught wanted, and was replicated by Cyclops etc.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Except.....remember Onslaughts words after Cyclops damaged him, and Thor finally broke his armour....
He wanted to be free of Xaviers influence. Which the Hulk et al helped him in being free.
IOW, not really the best gauge lol of Hulks' power, when he merely did what Onslaught wanted, and was replicated by Cyclops etc.
Have a scan?
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Is there anything in the storyline to actually support Onslaught could have freed himself?
I always read it as that for whatever reason, he couldn't. You could theorise all sorts- maybe it was the last vestiges of Xavier that were good, holding Onslaught back so that he wouldn't become truly unstoppable, for example.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I always read it as that for whatever reason, he couldn't. You could theorise all sorts- maybe it was the last vestiges of Xavier that were good, holding Onslaught back so that he wouldn't become truly unstoppable, for example.
So, Murder, do you have anything?
Lol...it was said on panel that Onslaught had full access to Franklin power. This team is weak as hell and Superman was holding back. With that said, this version of Hulk outright kills them, with ease. I can't remember Maxima being there when the JLA dog piled Doomsday. Can someone provide scans.
Jesus. Nothing in the story was mentioned on Onslaught purposely letting Hulk punch him to dust. Nothing. This is called sad attempts. With that said, Hulk stomps. I wonder why Darksaint is always going against the Hulk. Has he ever voted for the character or has he made it an agenda to always downplay him.
I have indeed.
And where did Hulk punch him into dust?
I don't respond to haters. Find more ways to low ball the character.
How am I lowballing?
Onslaught, in that very same storyline, himself screams AT LAST, FREEDOM!
After Cyclops causes damage, IW, Joseph et al. They all did what Hulk did. Then Thor actually smashes through him.
You said Hulk punched him into dust. I don't remember this, and ask for scans. That's how debates work.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
How am I lowballing?
Onslaught, in that very same storyline, himself screams AT LAST, FREEDOM!
After Cyclops causes damage, IW, Joseph et al. They all did what Hulk did. Then Thor actually smashes through him.
You said Hulk punched him into dust. I don't remember this, and ask for scans. That's how debates work.
I think you should put me on ignore. It'll make both of our lives easier on KMC. Do it Saint, that ignore button is a press away.
So you don't have the scans of him punching Onslaught into dust? I mean, if you're wrong, just man up and admit it. If you're lying, for shame.
Rao Kal El
No need of Dorksaint to put carver on ignore, we kniw carver is ignorant.
Also lol at dorksaint being a hulk hatter

Rao Kal El
Hulk smash to dust big red man
Originally posted by carver9
I think you should put me on ignore. It'll make both of our lives easier on KMC. Do it Saint, that ignore button is a press away.
This is the second time you've told DarkSaint to put you on ignore for telling you to back your claims, and in just as many minutes.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
No need of Dorksaint to put carver on ignore, we kniw carver is ignorant.
Also lol at dorksaint being a hulk hatter
I'm sorry. He loves the Hulk. Error on my part.

Rao Kal El
Hulk wasn't completely green when he got killed by storm the extra sun changed his shade of grey into green.
Originally posted by Delta1938
This is the second time you've told DarkSaint to put you on ignore for telling you to back your claims, and in just as many minutes.
How have you been Delta? Did you download Smite yet?
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Hulk wasn't completely green when he got killed by storm the extra sun changed his shade of grey into green.

Originally posted by carver9
How have you been Delta? Did you download Smite yet?
I don't play with liars, sorry.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
How am I lowballing?
Onslaught, in that very same storyline, himself screams AT LAST, FREEDOM!
After Cyclops causes damage, IW, Joseph et al. They all did what Hulk did. Then Thor actually smashes through him.
That was before the final battle against Onslaught when Onslaught started to leech more and more of Franklins power...
Keep in mind that prior to the final battle, they all had to prep against psionic attack before battle against Onslaught was even feasible....
So the situations are not the same and thus are not comparable...
Onslaught when Thor and Cyclops damaged his armor was not as powerful as when Hulk battled him...
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I have indeed.
And where did Hulk punch him into dust?
I can wait.
Originally posted by TheLordofMurder
That was before the final battle against Onslaught when Onslaught started to leech more and more of Franklins power...
Keep in mind that prior to the final battle, they all had to prep against psionic attack before battle against Onslaught was even feasible....
So the situations are not the same and thus are not comparable...
Onslaught when Thor and Cyclops damaged his armor was not as powerful as when Hulk battled him...
How many times was his armour destroyed?
Rao Kal El
What if we put double edge adamantium katanas?
Originally posted by carver9
Lol...it was said on panel that Onslaught had full access to Franklin power. This team is weak as hell and Superman was holding back. With that said, this version of Hulk outright kills them, with ease. I can't remember Maxima being there when the JLA dog piled Doomsday. Can someone provide scans.
When did Hulk punch him into dust?
Sin I AM
U boys really like to bait each other. Anyway this hulk doesnt have the feats to suggest he can beat this team. There's too much context to the onslaught fight
Hulk stomps. Now meet me in the Hulk vs Black Adam thread so that we can continue with your lowballing. I want to see some new lowballing topics you can come up with.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Sin I AM
U boys really like to bait each other. Anyway this hulk doesnt have the feats to suggest he can beat this team. There's too much context to the onslaught fight

Originally posted by Sin I AM
U boys really like to bait each other. Anyway this hulk doesnt have the feats to suggest he can beat this team. There's too much context to the onslaught fight
There really isn't. The fought, Onslaught was tapping that head in, Hulk got pissed and punched his body into pieces.
Rao Kal El
Um... You said "dust" before
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Um... You said "dust" before
Stop dissecting everything I say. That's called a metaphore. Of course he was dirt pieces on the floor. I wonder if I said punched him into candies pieces if you would taken it seriously.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
There really isn't. The fought, Onslaught was tapping that head in, Hulk got pissed and punched his body into pieces.
There really is carver. You have to take an slightly different viewpoint. Yes Hulk was powerful and yes he was the only one there that coukd have done what was done HOWEVER it CAN be argued that Onslaught wanted that to happen. That's y u cant put much stock in that fight. Circular arguments, semantics, lowballimg, wanking and lowkey trolling is rife in this thread.
Youd think that after all this time you boys wouldve learned how to phuckin debate. The key is understanding the other persons position. Not flaming and spamming. U guys suck ass
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Um... You said "dust" before
Stop dissecting everything I say. That's called a metaphore. Of course he was dirt pieces on the floor. I wonder if I said punched him into candies pieces if you would taken it seriously.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
There really is carver. You have to take an slightly different viewpoint. Yes Hulk was powerful and yes he was the only one there that coukd have done what was done HOWEVER it CAN be argued that Onslaught wanted that to happen. That's y u cant put much stock in that fight. Circular arguments, semantics, lowballimg, wanking and lowkey trolling is rife in this thread.
Youd think that after all this time you boys wouldve learned how to phuckin debate. The key is understanding the other persons position. Not flaming and spamming. U guys suck ass
There isn't anything on panel that said or indicates this though. Not a single thing. If he wanted to lose the armor, he could have, a long time ago. He brought up freedom because of Charles, not because the armor held back his full potential.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
There isn't anything on panel that said or indicates this though. Not a single thing. If he wanted to lose the armor, he could have, a long time ago. He brought up freedom because of Charles, not because the armor held back his full potential.
☝ this is y people troll you so hard. You dont listen. I just told you it's debatable. It can be taken either way and as such SHOULDNT be taken as an absolute. U cannot say either way whether or not he wanted to or didnt. It's completely subject to interpretation of the reader.
Rao Kal El
Rao Kal El
I will translate this into Marvelian so marvelites can understand better, the line up is not to par but the closest I found. Emma is in diamond shape.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
How many times was his armour destroyed?
Just those times we've mentioned if I remember correctly...
After they got Xavier out of him, Onslaught repaired his armor and started to get stronger and stronger as time went on as, without Xavier to hold him back, was tapping into more and more of Franklins power...
This is evidenced by him being powerful enough to create a psionic storm capable of killing the Avengers, the need to for the heroes to prep against psionic attack for the final battle against him, and teh scale of his power compared to previous encounters (the Star creation for example)...
The same Bannerless hulk, actually stronger than ever due to the energy of an entire universe energy powering him up was unable to ko a weakened Hercules after dozens of hits.
To think he was as strong as a skyfather?

So I take it Murder's entire argument that Onslaught didn't need others to free him is the circular argument of of course he could have freed himself if he wanted.
Originally posted by abhilegend
The same Bannerless hulk, actually stronger than ever due to the energy of an entire universe energy powering him up was unable to ko a weakened Hercules after dozens of hits.
To think he was as strong as a skyfather?
Dying Hulk.
Also, DC Hercules wrecked Superman who is doo doo compared to Hulk. Hulk kills him in one hit.
Originally posted by carver9
Dying Hulk.
Also, DC Hercules wrecked Superman who is doo doo compared to Hulk. Hulk kills him in one hit.
Gotta love how you prove me right about you so frequently.

Hulk kills him...
I'm Debating like ABHI here.
Originally posted by carver9
Hulk kills him...
I'm Debating like ABHI here.
Herc flash KO'd the much more powerful "per word of god/writer" World War Hulk.

Originally posted by cdtm
Herc flash KO'd the much more powerful "per word of god/writer" World War Hulk.
Originally posted by carver9
As if you don't know the scene.

Originally posted by carver9
Hulk kills him...
I'm Debating like ABHI here.
Actually, you're debating as you normally do.
Originally posted by cdtm
As if you don't know the scene.
Here's the full scene.
Unless you think Hulk was just staring up at the clouds, that's a KO.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
Hulk kills him...
I'm Debating like ABHI here.
Love KC Supes 💘 so regal
Originally posted by cdtm
Here's the full scene.
Unless you think Hulk was just staring up at the clouds, that's a KO.
Scan quality is poor, but from what I can tell, TKOed at the least.
Going by Carter logic, Hulk gets raped to death here.
Originally posted by Delta1938
Scan quality is poor, but from what I can tell, TKOed at the least.
Going by Carter logic, Hulk gets raped to death here. Here is the full scene with quality scans, if you're interested:
http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207496_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-019.jpg http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207498_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-020.jpg http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207501_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-021.jpg http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207502_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-022.jpg http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207504_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-023.jpg
Originally posted by Galan007
Here is the full scene with quality scans, if you're interested:
http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207496_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-019.jpg http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207498_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-020.jpg http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207501_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-021.jpg http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207502_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-022.jpg http://s6d2.turboimg.net/t1/31207504_Incredible_Hulk_1999-2008_107-023.jpg
Thanks!! Hulk was definitely stunned there. With Carter's logic, both on it being Hercules compared to this team and all his, "And that wasn't WWH" except in this case it's the opposite, I stand by my Hulk gets raped to death by his standards.

Also, Herc didn't even want to fight Hulk there.

Sin I AM
Thats one of a few good scenes from that arc. Hercules took it like a champ
Originally posted by cdtm
As if you don't know the scene.
I asked for answers showing he was koed. This is the opposite and he had help. Scans of Herc koing Hulk.
Originally posted by carver9
I asked for answers showing he was koed. This is the opposite and he had help. Scans of Herc koing Hulk.
He said "flash KOed," don't twist his words because what he actually said hurts your stance.
Show Herc having help.
Rao Kal El
Carver's debating skills have seal the deal for me, Hulk gets killed at the full blast

Originally posted by carver9
I asked for answers showing he was koed. This is the opposite and he had help. Scans of Herc koing Hulk.
It was a metaphor, omg.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Love KC Supes 💘 so regal
My favorite version next to Byrne era.
Originally posted by Galan007
Also, Herc didn't even want to fight Hulk there.
He wasn't hurt. Remember Galan (learned this from you Galan), he didn't have a scratch.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
It was a metaphor, omg.
Aaahhhh, gotcha. Thanks bro.
I didn't say anything about Hulk being hurt. I merely said that Herc did not want to fight him -- which is 100% true.
Pay attention.

Originally posted by carver9
Stop dissecting everything I say. That's called a metaphore. Of course he was dirt pieces on the floor. I wonder if I said punched him into candies pieces if you would taken it seriously.
It was a metaphor.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
It was a metaphor.
No, thank YOU.
That line is going to be rolled out ANYTIME you challenge a poster.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
No, thank YOU.
That line is going to be rolled out ANYTIME you challenge a poster.
DarkSaint, hello!!
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
No, thank YOU.
That line is going to be rolled out ANYTIME you challenge a poster.
Originally posted by carver9

I know your new tactic is to try not to engage, and just play along.
It's fine. It's like hitting a guy who will never hit back. Results are still the same, just easier on me.
Back on topic, it's a tough fight, but Hulk wins more often than not

Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Back on topic, it's a slaughter; Hulk squeezes them until their kidneys bursts forth from their ears
Fixed it for you...

Originally posted by carver9
Dying Hulk.
Stronger than ever Hulk.
Explicitly stated.
Maybe you have wrong Superman and Hercules in mind.
Originally posted by carver9
Hulk kills him...
I'm Debating like ABHI here.
Superman came back a page later unharmed and koed Hercules like nothing.
Rao Kal El
Hulk is not clearing this, plain and simple.
Just the fact that in the end he has to go vs an unleashed superman after all the damage he has to take makes it difficult.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Hulk is not clearing this, plain and simple.
Just the fact that in the end he has to go vs an unleashed superman after all the damage he has to take makes it difficult.
Originally posted by Delta1938

Originally posted by abhilegend
Superman came back a page later unharmed and koed Hercules like nothing. Ne Superman was shown far worse than the badass quitter Superman.
I can't help but feel this is bait....
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