Drax Vs Warpath
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No prep.
Sin I AM
Who's stronger? Id go with Warpath. Although Drax maybe a better fighter. Hmmm tough
I would say more durable since he did fight Gladiator
But Warpath fought Juggernaut
Who would be the more skilled? I lean WP right now.
Question to anyone:
Someone off site said WPs one good showing (against Juggernaut)was 25 years ago, and so didnt mean much.
Is there like a statute of limitations on good showings?
I love those vibranium knives.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by riv6672
Question to anyone:
Someone off site said WPs one good showing (against Juggernaut)was 25 years ago, and so didnt mean much.
Is there like a statute of limitations on good showings?
No there isnt. Unless he's been retconned its still legit
Somehow Steve Rogers beat him off panel in AvX, but that's Steve.
Originally posted by Supermutant
Somehow Steve Rogers beat him off panel in AvX, but that's Steve.
Warpath isn't worthy to face Steve on panel
Originally posted by Vanguard
I love those vibranium knives.
They could probably slice through Drax's ones.
Drax gets a solid vote from me 7-8/10. In the form that's being used in the OP, he's the closest thing to Wolverine that you'd get in Marvel. He slaughtered his way through hoards of Annihilus' soldier drones, and if people aren't impressed with that, those guys eradicated the entire Nova corps. Of course the armada that attacked the Nova Corps were vastly larger in number than the amount that Drax tore through, but when it came to a one on one confrontation, the soldier drones appeared to be more than a match for the Corps members that they literally ate.
Drax took out hoards alone. Warpath doesn't have that kind of track record, and as I mentioned before, only Wolverine has done anything similar by wading though hoards of Brood warriors. Warpath is good, but IMO his accumulative feats place him at a lower rung than Drax.
I'm with Stoic on this one.
I'd go even further and give him 8-9.
He more or less played the role of Gamora's equal in annihilation and conquest.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
No there isnt. Unless he's been retconned its still legit
Yeah, thats my thinking, too.
Lord knows when lowballing, folks will pull out the silly 60s scans and swear Gospel by them.
Originally posted by riv6672
Question to anyone:
Someone off site said WPs one good showing (against Juggernaut)was 25 years ago, and so didnt mean much.
Is there like a statute of limitations on good showings?
There's no statute of limitations per se, but some characters are clearly handled differently than their past incarnations. Past showings can be canon and still irrelevant for a battleboard.
Lots of people get unofficial downgrades/upgrades. New writers and creative directions and all that.
Originally posted by golem370
I would say more durable since he did fight Gladiator
Didn't he get shat on?
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