UNrealized Power
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I have been going back through the forum and posting and I have seen a couple who's who type threads. this is another one for my own personal knowledge.
which characters good or bad always fell short when it comes to using there own powers???
people like Jubilee whom always have stated that they potential to become more powerful or use their powers better or in different ways.
surfer...... he can do so much shit, and yet 90% of the time he shoots ****ing energy blasts and fist fights.
also thanos as well we rarely see him do anything versatile considering the sources of his powers.
We still really dont know what all he's capable of.
Hulk, tbh.

Rao Kal El
I always feel that Thor fall short of his powers, specially on the avengers comics
I thought it was really cool that they let off the handicap for cable with that TO virus.
I also feel like Guy Gardner was always sold short. like he was the attempt to flesh out character development but never really finished...
Originally posted by ghostman
surfer...... he can do so much shit, and yet 90% of the time he shoots ****ing energy blasts and fist fights.
also thanos as well we rarely see him do anything versatile considering the sources of his powers.
I totally agree with this. seems like some of the early cosmic guys always gets jerked around due to the need to include more heroes into the story.
thanos is all about the reveal. haha but yeah his powers are highly undefined or at least the levels are.
For me Thanos, SS, Apocalypse most heralds Juggernaut, Galactus, Ego, Celestials.
Originally posted by golem370
For me Thanos, SS, Apocalypse most heralds Juggernaut, Galactus, Ego, Celestials.
juggs especially since we see how amped he can go with colossus. (nice point)
I don't know if I feel the same about my boy apocalypse tho. yes at first it did seem like he was a god that could do just about anything but I think over the years they have 'demystified' him and have been consistent.
but yeah those cosmic guys are for the most part are abstract so ambiguity is in their nature.
Too many characters fall under this category.
how about the ones that really stick out because im not really really speaking on those who have power but dont use it. more like those that have potential power like iceman.
Starbrand currently. It's the perfect weapon to boost up a character with the vision to use it properly.
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