Most skilled DC street leveler Punisher can beat in H2H?
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As thread suggests what's the most skilled DC street leveler Frank can kill in a fistfight ?
616 Frank
Not sure who exactly, but Frank can defeat a couple who are better than him in H2H. He has amazing damage soak, and some high level DC (and Marvel) martial artists may be considered glass cannons. Able to dish out hard, but may not necessarily be able to take it. Frank's damage soak may enable him to take some hard hits and remain standing long enough to take out individuals that may be considered his 'superiors' in pure hand to hand combat.
A real life example is a Tae Kwon Do expert fighting an expert Muay Thai fighter. The Muay Thai guys do a lot of body conditioning, and a strike that would normally take out most other fighters may have a significantly lesser effect on the Muay Thai guy. And while the TKD expert can do very beautiful spinning kicks, and the Muay Thai guy is limited to just a few punches, leg kicks, elbows and knees, I would put my money on the Muay Thai guy. Damage soak is important, especially against glass cannons.
The likes of Batman obviously meld the best of H2H with damage soak.
But others like Lady shiva make me wonder if she can take as hard as she can give. Don't get me wrong - I am not saying that Frank can defeat Lady Shiva. No, he cannot. She is simple too fast and too skilled for that, and has beaten monsters in H2H to become who she is. So no - I am not saying he can beat her. What I am wondering is if some of these top tier chaps (in both Marvel and DC) can really take hits, or they simply rely on their martial excellence. But what if something went wrong and they were hit. Someone like Connor Hawke, who is a beast in 'giving' but can he take?
People like Batman and Daredevil have crazy damage soak, but I wonder about the Connor Hawkes and Shang Chis of the comic book world. Sure, they can defeat 99% of people in three or less moves, but if they met someone who managed to hit back - could they take it? I don't know.
Anyway, to answer your question - yes, Frank can defeat several people who are 'better' than him. This is due to his damage soak. Who those people are I will leave to others, but he definitely can.
He can win some against Nightwing, and kill Green Arrow Ollie more often than not.
no one..
frank is horrible at hand to hand combat
Originally posted by BruceSkywalker
no one..
frank is horrible at hand to hand combat he beat black widow.....
Sin I AM
He could beat Tim Drake but not Jason or Dick.
Originally posted by deathslash
he beat black widow.....
and Bullseye, U.S. Agent, stalemated Moon Knight
Originally posted by mighty adam
Judo master
Congrats, you named the one person he couldn't beat, lol.
Zack M
I'm not sure he can even beat the first Judomaster.
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