Who's suit would you rather have?
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You have your pick of the Batsuit with all its standard equipment or Black Panthers suit along with its standard equipment.
Who's suit would you rather have ?
Which suit has more money in the wallet?
Cause I want that one.
A gadget for every scenario you can imagine, and keys to the Batmobile? Umm... Yes please.

Batman. I hate Black Panther.
Originally posted by Galan007
A gadget for every scenario you can imagine, and keys to the Batmobile? Umm... Yes please.

If its like injustice yea
BPs Suit is Vibranium though but no gadgets
mighty adam
Panthers ill still get hurt from a 40 cal to the arm in bats suit
Panthers. So I can get that Vibranium and make a fortune.
Batman's suit is awesome, but made with real world "embellished" tech.
Originally posted by cdtm
Panthers. So I can get that Vibranium and make a fortune.
Batman's suit is awesome, but made with real world "embellished" tech. this. Bp's suit with all the gadgets would make me a very rich and very powerful person.
Whichever one would be worth more to the government folks $$$

Originally posted by deathslash
this. Bp's suit with all the gadgets would make me a very rich and very powerful person.
Batman/Marvel teamups should be like thus:
"Yeah, it's a battarang. Designed it myself. Totally indestructible."
"So, it's made of adamantium?"
"Vibranium, then?"
"...it's a composite/ceramic.."
"Oh. I thought you said it was indestructible. *Throws it to Thor, who snaps it.*
Let me show you Captain America's shield."
Originally posted by riv6672
Batman. I hate Black Panther.
I knew it!!
That's terrible btw.
And I would take Panthers suit. Better protection, more powerful etc...
Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
BPs Suit is Vibranium though but no gadgets
Panthers suit does have gadgets. Energy daggers, kimoyo card, vibranium boots etc.....
am i trying to fight crime? do i have their skills to go along with the suit? If not, I'd pick Panther's 'cause Batman's gadgets take more know-how to use.
what good is a batarang if you can't even use it. Same with applies to most all his other gadgets... you probably wouldn't know how to use most of them.
plus, like cdtm pointed out, you could sell T'Challa's suit to the military.
Sin I AM
Gimme guyvers suit. Thread
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Gimme guyvers suit. Thread
Damn right!
Originally posted by Vanguard
I knew it!!
That's terrible btw.
And I would take Panthers suit. Better protection, more powerful etc...
Maybe he's White Tiger, upset that panthers are way cooler then tigers.
Originally posted by cdtm
Maybe he's White Tiger, upset that panthers are way cooler then tigers.
That HAS to be it!
Sin I AM
Originally posted by SquallX
Damn right!
These noobs kno nothing of true power
The suit worth the most in terms of mass production sales, and cost to make, would IMO be the better suit.
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