World War Hulk replaces Doomsday...
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WWH replaces Doomsday, and confronts the same Justice League we saw in DoS...
-No BFR.
-WWH cannot go 'World Breaker'.
-Battle takes place in Metropolis.
-The League members all start off bloodlusted.
How does Hulk do?
Lol...they get wrecked. Especially if they fight him anywhere close to what they did against Doomsday. You should've added his arms being tied behind his back.
Also, Maxima wasn't there when Doomsday fought the league.
^ That's because she was getting Blue Beetle medical attention when the League collectively blasted DD. However, she was still on the League's roster at the time, and still battled him alongside other Leaguers during that arc.
...Hence why she is included in this thread.

Originally posted by carver9
Also, Maxima wasn't there when Doomsday fought the league.
Originally posted by Galan007
^ That's because she was getting Blue Beetle medical attention when the League collectively blasted DD. However, she was still on the League's roster at the time, and still battled DD alongside other Leaguers during that arc... Hence, she is included in this thread.
Hhhhmmm...Oh well. Question before I start unloading in this thread. That Superboy scan, are you considering that legit?
The planet-moving-punch scene? Lol, no... I could care less about it.
Just throwing your 'tactics' back at you for a change.

SMH...someone save me. Well, let me get started. One sec.
Fire solo's. Her flame is hot enough to burn friggan Despero! Had him crying out like a little baby. She turns Hulk to ash.
Originally posted by cdtm
Fire solo's. Her flame is hot enough to burn friggan Despero! Had him crying out like a little baby. She turns Hulk to ash.
So her fire is more powerful than what Sentry was dishing out in his fight against Hulk?
psycho gundam
Originally posted by carver9
SMH...someone save me. Well, let me get started. One sec. You fall for it every single time
WWH shitstomps
WWH gets stomped
Sin I AM
damn I miss maxima
World War Hulk enters the afterlife
World War Hulk was hyperbole... at it's finest.
C'mon Galan, seriously again?

Originally posted by carver9
SMH...someone save me. Well, let me get started. One sec.
Originally posted by TheHulk
C'mon Galan, seriously again?


Rao Kal El
So Hulk is solo here, he is not getting help from the warbound, he is solo like Doomsday was solo on the arc.
Since some people like collateral damage a lot lets see
Hulk faced Black Bolt and the power of black bolt took a chunk out of the moon the size of Manhattan.
Doomsday was killed by Radiant by a blast that laid waste to a 1/5 of Calaton, since this happened before DOS, Doomsday was already impervious to such an attack also had survived an explosion that open a hole in reality.
If We asume that Calaton was the size of earth will mean that 1/5 of the planet it will be the size of Asia.
We then compare the sizes of Manhattan vs Asia
That Hulk is not getting help from the warbound and
That Hulk will have one hand tied behind his back
So yes... Hulk dies
The initial onslaught of beams take him down.
If not then he rampages a bit, might kill booster gold or something, and then gets put down.
Too slow to be any resl threat to a serious league.
Damn right.
Also, I love how Marvel writers compare moon collateral damage to Manhattan. Everything's about New York with Marvel. It's no wonder Superman claimed their Earth is smaller, like 90% of the population lives in New York.
Do you guys think Maxima's TP would be of any use here?
Originally posted by Galan007
Do you guys think Maxima's TP would be of any use here?
Maybe not alone, but combined with J'onn and Guy to reinforce them?
Lets not forget, many of the JLA's Rogues are tp based, and high end tp at that. Megaddon, Brainiac, White Martians... All at or above the heaviest hitters on the Onslaught Battlefield.
IMO, a martian should be >>>>> any non Phoenix enhanced telepath simply by virture of the fact their entire race is centered around tp refinement. They are telepathic disciplinarians, martial artists if you will, who actively developed techniques over thousands of years.
Edit: Wrong thread.
But I still say, yes. Maxima's invaded Superman's mind, who has been established as being highly tp resistant, and only the Eradicator blocked her out.
That JL would not be able to take the Green Scar, even with the limiter firmly placed on him. And Fire would be put out quickly. Human Torch and Storm hit him with a combined elemental assault, and it did nothing whatsoever. Despero's was chumped.
It's not really intended as a 'limiter' per se. Hulk didn't battle any of the heroes in his 'World Breaker' persona/mindset during the entire arc -- that's why wanted his 'regular' WWH mindset here(he was still stronger than ever before, after all.)
Why do you believe Hulk wins?
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Galan007
Do you guys think Maxima's TP would be of any use here?
Is a complete guess but yes, she is powerful enough with her TP to make a difference.
Doomsday was only pure rage with out rhyme or reason.
Hulk wasn't, hulk was more like a focused rage.
So maybe yes she could have make a difference.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
So Hulk is solo here, he is not getting help from the warbound, he is solo like Doomsday was solo on the arc.
Since some people like collateral damage a lot lets see
Hulk faced Black Bolt and the power of black bolt took a chunk out of the moon the size of Manhattan.
Doomsday was killed by Radiant by a blast that laid waste to a 1/5 of Calaton, since this happened before DOS, Doomsday was already impervious to such an attack also had survived an explosion that open a hole in reality.
If We asume that Calaton was the size of earth will mean that 1/5 of the planet it will be the size of Asia.
We then compare the sizes of Manhattan vs Asia
That Hulk is not getting help from the warbound and
That Hulk will have one hand tied behind his back
So yes... Hulk dies
One footfall from the Hulk holding back nearly sank the entire East Coast. It took far less than what you describe to put Doomsday down on panel. All of the other members were fodder. The only character that even mattered was Superman.
Hulk is not beating Superman. Or at least he's not beating Maxima and Superman at the same time.
Originally posted by h1a8
Hulk is not beating Superman. Or at least he's not beating Maxima and Superman at the same time. gas station explosion.
Let's not bring up ridiculous low showings which totally conflict with the characters' established histories, please... You don't see me bringing up the Gamma Corps doing far better against WWH than all the earth heroes(inc. Sentry), do you?
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Stoic
That JL would not be able to take the Green Scar, even with the limiter firmly placed on him. And Fire would be put out quickly. Human Torch and Storm hit him with a combined elemental assault, and it did nothing whatsoever. Despero's was chumped.
Here he is getting hit with a full assault from Booster, Guy Gardner, Bloodwynd, Fire and boy scout Superman how is Hulk going to be standing after getting hit with all that power and a hand tied behind his back?
Plus on top of that IF he survives it , he still has to steamroll the JLA and after that take onto Maxima and Superman leaving his boy scout mindset.
How is Hulk replicating all that? He had help during WWH from the warbound, he just can't simple survive this one, he will need to go WB mode, but on WWH persoba he just doesn't have the juice to do it.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Stoic
One footfall from the Hulk holding back nearly sank the entire East Coast. It took far less than what you describe to put Doomsday down on panel. All of the other members were fodder. The only character that even mattered was Superman.
All the other "fodder" caharacters defeated starbreaker.
Originally posted by Galan007
It's not really intended as a 'limiter' per se. Hulk didn't battle any of the heroes in his 'World Breaker' persona/mindset during the entire arc -- that's why wanted his 'regular' WWH mindset here(he was still stronger than ever before, after all.)
Why do you believe Hulk wins?
He held back the entire time due to plot. His intention was to bring those that he blamed for ruining his happiness to trial as seen on panel. This is the very same Hulk that reversed the planet of Sakaar's fate by physically over powering a chain event set on that planets destruction by shifting its tectonic plates. The continent of Asia being a big deal is highly laughable when we considered that it took him far less than a minute to ramp up in strength to achieve said feat.
When he was in the Dark Dimension he allowed himself to let go, and Doomsday was letting go the entire time. The power difference here is astronomical. DOS Doomsday never came close to reaching that level of power, and since I'm assuming that this is Just the JL that Doomsday stomped out without adding all of the innocent lives that would normally be at stake in a comic book, the Hulk has a lot of rope to work with here. IMO he has far more than the amount of rope needed to outdo anything that DOS Doomsday exhibited on panel.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Galan007
Let's not bring up ridiculous low showings which totally conflict with the characters' established histories, please... You don't see me bringing up the Gamma Corps doing far better against WWH than all the earth heroes(inc. Sentry), do you?

Originally posted by Stoic
When he was in the Dark Dimension he allowed himself to let go, and Doomsday was letting go the entire time. The power difference here is astronomical. DOS Doomsday never came close to reaching that level of power, and since I'm assuming that this is Just the JL that Doomsday stomped out without adding all of the innocent lives that would normally be at stake in a comic book, the Hulk has a lot of rope to work with here. IMO he has far more than the amount of rope need to outdo anything that DOSS Doomsday exhibited on panel. Again: this is WWH, not WBH.
This is the same League that confronted Doomsday in DoS, yes. Difference is, they are ALL fighting Hulk together as a team, and they ALL start off bloodlusted.
The League's roster: Superman, Maxima, Bloodwynd/J'onn, Guy Gardner(Yellow Ring), Booster Gold, Fire, Ice, Blue Beetle.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
All the other "fodder" caharacters defeated starbreaker.
True, that.
Ice essentially saved the day, with a lot of letters noting that fact.
Originally posted by Galan007
Again, this is WWH; not WBH.
This is the League that confronted Doomsday in DoS. Difference is, they are ALL fighting Hulk together as a team, and they ALL start off bloodlusted.
The League's roster: Superman, Maxima, Bloodwynd/J'onn, Guy Gardner(Yellow Ring), Booster Gold, Fire, Ice, Blue Beetle.
Gold alone could probably just encase Hulk indefinately.
His shield's Brainiac 5 tech. It resisted a shot out of the gate from Starbreaker, and completely blocked an eyeblast from Despero that he claimed should have reduced Martian Manhunter to ash.
Booster's shields also soaked a blast from Trigon:
Originally posted by Galan007
Let's not bring up ridiculous low showings which totally conflict with the characters' established histories, please... You don't see me bringing up the Gamma Corps doing far better against WWH than all the earth heroes(inc. Sentry), do you?
We will who you are siding with.
Originally posted by Galan007
Let's not bring up ridiculous low showings which totally conflict with the characters' established histories, please... You don't see me bringing up the Gamma Corps doing far better against WWH than all the earth heroes(inc. Sentry), do you?
If the same thing happened to the Hulk it would be brought up though. You know how things work around here Galan. Weakened or not from taking a beating from Doomsday, it's still has to be accounted for in terms of a characters resilience to continue fighting after taking a truck load of damage.
Originally posted by Galan007
Again: this is WWH, not WBH.
This is the same League that confronted Doomsday in DoS, yes. Difference is, they are ALL fighting Hulk together as a team, and they ALL start off bloodlusted.
The League's roster: Superman, Maxima, Bloodwynd/J'onn, Guy Gardner(Yellow Ring), Booster Gold, Fire, Ice, Blue Beetle.
And again, due to plot, the Hulk kept on the kids gloves so that he wouldn't destroy innocent life. In a forum fight where civilians aren't at stake, the Hulk's mind set would change, You seem to want to keep those limiters firmly in play without considering why those limiters were in play in the first place. He never went World Breaker when he was on Sakaar, at least nothing like what was seen during the Dark Dimension. No, DOS Doomsday was not in the same ballpark of power as the Green Scar. A punch capable of shattering the windows for miles is what it took to put DOS Doomsday down. That wouldn't have put the Hulk down. I mean if we want to consider all things. I'll let others have their say, but from what I've read of both arcs, the Hulk eclipsed DOS Doomsday's power level, even when drastically holding back. It's obvious why you've decided to omit this particular version of Hulk's full potential. You don't believe that the JL would have a chance against him fully unleashed. Am I correct? Anyway gotta jet. I gave my reasons.
Originally posted by Galan007
Let's not bring up ridiculous low showings which totally conflict with the characters' established histories, please... You don't see me bringing up the Gamma Corps doing far better against WWH than all the earth heroes(inc. Sentry), do you?
They prepped for him. Are you allowing prep here?
Originally posted by carver9
who you are siding with. Honestly don't know. I could be swayed to either side, tbh... Though I have yet to hear any convincing arguments that make me think Hulk can beat this League.
And lol @ the slew of excuses for the WWH/Gamma Corps encounter. It was just an example of a crap showing... I'm not actually using it.

Originally posted by Stoic
You know how things work around here Galan. Weakened or not from taking a beating from Doomsday, it's still has to be accounted for Acting like low-end outliers supersede the characters' well-established histories of uber durability showings is certainly not how things work around here.
Imo, that is just a piss-poor reason for the Hulk supporters to say he wins. /shrug
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Galan007
Do you guys think Maxima's TP would be of any use here?
WWH would have a very hard time with Superman alone. He's slower than DD and wouldn't be able to blitz anyone. The ranged attacks would put him down.
Maxima could easily lift him up and turn him around, allowing the league to beat the snot out of him.
Originally posted by Galan007
Booster's shields also soaked a blast from Trigon:
Brainiac 5 shields. DC's equivilent of Adamantium+Sue Richards force fields.
Not much can break them.
Team dies and the energy attack isn't doing anything to WWH. He was withstanding energy from Sentry that was said to be his power of a million exploding suns and it was also said that if it continued the world was gone. Their strength is meaningless, it would do nothing but make him more powerful and the guy was taking hits from Ironman that split new York clean in half. No one here displayed enough power to do anything to this version of Hulk whereas he would probably one sit most of the team while holding back.
Originally posted by carver9
No one here displayed enough power to do anything to this version of Hulk whereas he would probably one sit most of the team while holding back. Given the characters who endured shots from WWH just fine, this statement is a HUGE exaggeration, imo... Either that, or you just aren't familiar with the members of this League. /shrug
Originally posted by carver9
Team dies and the energy attack isn't doing anything to WWH. He was withstanding energy from Sentry that was said to be his power of a million exploding suns and it was also said that if it continued the world was gone. Their strength is meaningless, it would do nothing but make him more powerful and the guy was taking hits from Ironman that split new York clean in half. No one here displayed enough power to do anything to this version of Hulk whereas he would probably one sit most of the team while holding back.
but.... in that other thread you called out supes planet moving punch as hyperbole...... and now youre........... i see you boy
You don't get it. Statements of hyperbole can only be used when they help carver's case. If they don't aid him, they're ignored.

Originally posted by ghostman
but.... in that other thread you called out supes planet moving punch as hyperbole...... and now youre........... i see you boy
Agreed, which is the reason I'm saying it was said instead of using it as a definite. Sentry still dished out far more power than what Doomsday withstood during that energy scuffle.
Originally posted by Galan007
You don't get it. Statements of hyperbole can only be used when they help carver's case. If they don't aid him, they're ignored.
Read above please.
Don't tell me what to do. g007_uhuhv
Rao Kal El
Oh poor Carver.
Originally posted by carver9
Agreed, which is the reason I'm saying it was said instead of using it as a definite. Sentry still dished out far more power than what Doomsday withstood during that energy scuffle.
Assuming that is true then you know
1. All of that power wasn't concentrated on Hulk. It went everywhere.
2. Hulk was burned out by the end of it.
Originally posted by h1a8
Assuming that is true then you know
1. All of that power wasn't concentrated on Hulk. It went everywhere.
2. Hulk was burned out by the end of it.
Hulk was in the heart of the attack.
If he was burned out, how did he become the Hulk again and get far more powerful a couple of panels after his fight against Sentry? Do you know what burned out mean? You are a calculating genius (lol)...I'm sure you know what it means.
World War Carver.
Rao Kal El
So here the power of a million exploding suns is not hyperbole?
Got it
Love carvermathics

Originally posted by carver9
Read above please.

Don't pretend you don't do this shit consistently and are pretending to have the moral high ground and simply"using their logic against them" when you blatantly using hyperbolic statements when it suits you and dismissing statements as hyperbolic when they hurt you is the whole ****ing reason Galan argued it taking a planet moving punch to KO 90's Conner in the first place. crylaugh
Originally posted by carver9
Hulk was in the heart of the attack.
If he was burned out, how did he become the Hulk again and get far more powerful a couple of panels after his fight against Sentry? Do you know what burned out mean? You are a calculating genius (lol)...I'm sure you know what it means.
Hulk received a small portion of it. IT WENT EVERYWHERE AS SHOWN.
His HF got taxed. That's was one of the reasons he got burned out. Semantics, you know what I mean.
psycho gundam
Simply not true.
Originally posted by h1a8
Hulk received a small portion of it. IT WENT EVERYWHERE AS SHOWN.
His HF got taxed. That's was one of the reasons he got burned out. Semantics, you know what I mean.
Small portion of it? He's literally in the heart of it.
Did you not read the story?
Again I asked, how did Hulk go World Breaker if he was taxed? It's a simple question. He literally went World breaker right after his fight against Sentry. What does 1+1=?
h1 has a point. Heart of it or not, Sentry was throwing off a lot of energy. You can't really say Hulk was getting all of it.
It's not like a concentrated Nova Burst or Krona Buster.
psycho gundam
None of that matters. Sentry was proven to have energies that calm him, energies that Reed tried to hastily replicate but failed to do so. Sentry expended his energies fighting Hulk and lo and behold Hulk was reduced to Banner while bathed in said energies. Hulk then goes on to be angered and transcends every display of power shown ever
There simply isn't a way to explain why you believe he was drained or burnt out other than falsely attributing what happened to Sentry to him or ignorance
That was Savage Hulk, though.
We don't really know why it calmed Hulk. Could be a unique property that only works on simplier characters, we just don't know (Also, Pak never made mention of this effect on the smarter Hulk..)
psycho gundam
Except that it happened on panel. His rage was controlled yet quelled by the energies.
Fact of the matter is that when it was all said and done, Green scar levels of power that took Sentry down (when unleashing for the first time to the point of depletion) were totally eclipsed soon after by stimulus. If his batteries were truly drained, there is no way that very soon after greater levels of power never seen before could be possible unless the only thing that was "drained" were his emotions at the time
Originally posted by Galan007

I petition Galan to be ban in the act of trying to make a fool of Carver

So, ban him for just waiting and letting Carver post?
Originally posted by cdtm
So, ban him for just waiting and letting Carver post? Ban him for forcing us to witness Carver's Hulk wank obviously

Take off that avatar.
Next Carver tells me to remove my sig.
Prof. T.C McAbe
Good fight. Martian Manhunter solos. If Gay Gardener fights smart then.... ok that will never happen, he stays useless.
The Pict
The League take him down. IIRC one of the biggest problems they had with DD was his super-speed, which Hulk doesn't possess.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
So Hulk is solo here, he is not getting help from the warbound, he is solo like Doomsday was solo on the arc.
Since some people like collateral damage a lot lets see
Hulk faced Black Bolt and the power of black bolt took a chunk out of the moon the size of Manhattan.
That was a Skrull.
Originally posted by The Pict
That was a Skrull.
A Skrull who has better scream fts than the real Bolt.
The Pict
Originally posted by carver9
A Skrull who has better scream fts than the real Bolt.
What were his scream feats?
Originally posted by The Pict
What were his scream feats?
Failing to hurt Hulk.
Prepare for Thor Ragnarok
The Pict
Originally posted by cdtm
Failing to hurt Hulk.

Originally posted by TethAdamTheRock
Yep and Hulk does possess super speed. WWH, the same moved so fast that he was a blur. Covered almost a baseball field length in less than the blink of an eye.
Originally posted by Prof. T.C McAbe
Good fight. Martian Manhunter solos. If Gay Gardener fights smart then.... ok that will never happen, he stays useless.
Gardner's the greatest GL ever.

Originally posted by carver9
Yep and Hulk does possess super speed. WWH, the same moved so fast that he was a blur. Covered almost a baseball field length in less than the blink of an eye.
Covering a football field in the blank of an eye is child's play to any character with any actuall speed.
Doomsday's fighting speed was so fast that Flash couldn't even react to him. Kal had to augment both his strength and speed to match evenly with Doomsday.
Football field!

Originally posted by SquallX
Covering a football field in the blank of an eye is child's play to any character with any actuall speed.
Doomsday's fighting speed was so fast that Flash couldn't even react to him. Kal had to augment both his strength and speed to match evenly with Doomsday.
Football field!
Hulk covering that in less than the blink of an eye is speed, you nut.
Also, scans of Flash not being able to react to Doomsday. That's hellava fast.
Originally posted by carver9
Hulk covering that in less than the blink of an eye is speed, you nut.
Also, scans of Flash not being able to react to Doomsday. That's hellava fast.

Less impressive then catching a bullet.
psycho gundam
Didn't even see this thread but I have a feeling everything going here is full of lies and Carver trolling/being trolled
Originally posted by cdtm

Less impressive then catching a bullet.
He's done that as well. Along with slapping Quicksilver who is faster than a bullet.
WWH did all that? Scans
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
WWH did all that? Scans
A weaker Hulk did it. No scans needed.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
WWH did all that? Scans
Scan daddy always makes things up
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Galan007
WWH replaces Doomsday, and confronts the same Justice League we saw in DoS...
-No BFR.
-WWH cannot go 'World Breaker'.
-Battle takes place in Metropolis.
-The League members all start off bloodlusted.
How does Hulk do?
Good thread. I think Maxima/Supes would be enough.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Good thread. I think Maxima/Supes would be enough.

Originally posted by SquallX
Doomsday's fighting speed was so fast that Flash couldn't even react to him. Kal had to augment both his strength and speed to match evenly with Doomsday. This occurred in H/P, thus is not usable here.
Though I would like to add that even with the Motherbox massively amping his powers, Supes was still nothing to H/P Doomsday.

Originally posted by Galan007
This occurred in H/P, thus is not usable here.
Though I would like to add that even with the Motherbox massively amping his powers, Supes was still nothing to H/P Doomsday.
Do you honestly think it would be the same if WWH was in Supes place? I doubt that.
Are you talking H/P?
If so, DD would stomp the living shit out of WWH, in all honesty.
I doubt any writer would allow that to happen. Well, current writers.
I'm not talking about them battling within the confines of a comic. I am talking about a forum battle, wherein characters cannot be neutered by idiot writers.
To this day H/P Doomsday is still one of most physically powerful characters to ever appear in comics... Jurgens did it right with him.

Originally posted by Galan007
I'm not talking about them battling within the confines of a comic. I am talking about a forum battle, wherein characters cannot be neutered by idiot writers.
To this day H/P Doomsday is still one of most physically powerful characters to ever appear in comics... Jurgens did it right with him.
Agreed. I knew you were talking about KMC style fighting. I'm talking about in a comic though. Hulk and Doomsday would've had a never ending battle with the dialog complimenting Doomsday power while complimenting Hulk increasing power.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Galan007
I'm not talking about them battling within the confines of a comic. I am talking about a forum battle, wherein characters cannot be neutered by idiot writers.
To this day H/P Doomsday is still one of most physically powerful characters to ever appear in comics... Jurgens did it right with him.
☝. I wonder what all the bragging comes from in regards to WWH. Granted he had his feats but in comparison to DD during the aforementioned arc he's a flea. He had no decisive victories over any high heralds..
Originally posted by Sin I AM
☝. I wonder what all the bragging comes from in regards to WWH. Granted he had his feats but in comparison to DD during the aforementioned arc he's a flea. He had no decisive victories over any high heralds..
WWH treated Heralds like nothing. Also, no Herald and I mean this, no Herald is crippling Hercules in a single hit. WWH did this. He also kicked Thor to the side and said he was nothing compared to his power.
Originally posted by carver9
WWH treated Heralds like nothing. Also, no Herald and I mean this, no Herald is crippling Hercules in a single hit. WWH did this. He also kicked Thor to the side and said he was nothing compared to his power.
Hercules was never crippled. Thor fought an amped WWH and did just fine.

Originally posted by carver9
A Skrull who has better scream fts than the real Bolt.

Insane Titan
Originally posted by carver9
WWH treated Heralds like nothing. Also, no Herald and I mean this, no Herald is crippling Hercules in a single hit. WWH did this. He also kicked Thor to the side and said he was nothing compared to his power.

you're such a lying shit
Originally posted by carver9
Agreed. I knew you were talking about KMC style fighting. I'm talking about in a comic though. Hulk and Doomsday would've had a never ending battle with the dialog complimenting Doomsday power while complimenting Hulk increasing power.
And here, we see the dephs of Carver's mental gymnastics for all to see.
Somebody should copy this and put it in the rules section as a warning to all newu posters. Both as a warning how not to debate, and a warning against engaging seriously for the sanity of this board..
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by cdtm
And here, we see the dephs of Carver's mental gymnastics for all to see.
Somebody should copy this and put it in the rules section as a warning to all newu posters. Both as a warning how not to debate, and a warning against engaging seriously for the sanity of this board..

Ill side with Team Superman here. I dont see WWHulk able to take down Superman, let alone all of the other heroes on his team combined. WBH, OK, WWH, nah, not in my book.
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