World War Hulk vs. Imperiex Probe
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World War Hulk:
Imperiex Probe (the same probe that fought with Superman in Superman vol. 2 #172):
Who wins this fight?
Rao Kal El
Hulk punches the first Imperex Probe armor breaks it and KO's himself.

Hulk faces the real Imperiex and eats him.
Rao Kal El
Hulk is hulk!!!
mighty adam
Aquaman beat a porbe so hulk would tear off in its @ss this is spite
Originally posted by mighty adam
Aquaman beat a porbe so hulk would tear off in its @ss this is spite
Awesome Carter impersonation!!
Originally posted by Delta1938
Awesome Carter impersonation!!
Completely ignores context, lowballs..
Yep, he's got Carver down.
Hulk rip the Probe to shred with ease. He has punched through far more durable objects. Hulk stomps, with ease.
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