Cap vs Bats: Who would you rather have on your team?
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Who brings more to a team roster?
Batman, no contest. Genius level intellect, detective skills, utility belt, massive amount of resources at his disposal, etc...
Well thats 2 diffetent questions.
Rather have? Cap.
Brings more? Bats.
Cap. Ten times out of ten.
Sin I AM
Isnt cap currently under mind control? I cant recall bruce ever being someone's stooge
The most dangerous man on Earth.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Isnt cap currently under mind control? I cant recall bruce ever being someone's stooge
Hitman, sort of.
But Ennis makes everyone with powers a stooge. (Except Superman. And even he was obliviously unaware he was having a pleasent chat with a paid assassin about two minutes before a job.

Rao Kal El
Batman, I guess.
I like Cap but I will rather have Batman on my side of the team
love both..
both bring different attitudes
I'd want Batman as leader, Cap 2nd in command
Without a doubt Batman brings more on a team roster.
psycho gundam
Batman. Easily
Cap to lead, Batman for prep.
It really depends on who else is on the team. If we already have one or two geniuses that can prep on the fly but don't have a charismatic leader, go with cap. If we don't have any geniuses, go with batman.
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