Maxima Vs Wonder Woman
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Zack M
Make this a Mud and Bra&Panties match and I am so buying this...
Maxima for the destruction!
How would Wondie stand up to her TP/TK attacks? Classic WW or Modern WW do better or worse?
Rao Kal El
Maxima is wins, I believe she is tougher than WW
Damn is she really better than Wonder Woman? What does she appear in aside from Death of Superman, is she one of the New gods characters??
Some of Maxima's best appearances were during Panic in the Sky.
Max isn't a New God. She is an Almeracian with near Superman-level strength/speed, and extremely uber psionic abilities(TP/TK/ferrokinesis/etc.) She is a LOT more powerful than most realize.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by carthage
Damn is she really better than Wonder Woman? What does she appear in aside from Death of Superman, is she one of the New gods characters??
Maxima takes a backseat to diana simply because she's her better and dc can't have two wonder women.
Wonder Woman wins. Maxima gets tied up and knocked out as soon as the bell ring.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
Wonder Woman wins. Maxima gets tied up and knocked out as soon as the bell ring.
Y? Im curious because stat wise/feats etc Maxima is or rather was closer to Clark than Diana was on top of her esoteric abilities that she had no qualms about using.
Bumrushing Maxima would be a mistake, imo... Just like it was when Power Girl tried it:
..And that was while Max was also subduing Aquaman with one hand.

Originally posted by Sin I AM
Y? Im curious because stat wise/feats etc Maxima is or rather was closer to Clark than Diana was on top of her esoteric abilities that she had no qualms about using.
Because Diana is immune to TP. Diana is faster than her. To the point of tying up Amazo who was empowered by the JLA, including Flash. She tied him up before he had the chance to complete a thought. If Diana wants to win this, she can or she can prolong it. Diana IS the most powerful Herald female character in DC.
Originally posted by Galan007
Bumrushing Maxima would be a mistake, imo... Just like it was when Power Girl tried it:
When Diana stopped holding back, she treated PG like fodder and she did to Power girl what I'm saying she would do to Maxima. Tie her up and subdue her for the win.
Zack M
Originally posted by carver9
Because Diana is immune to TP. Diana is faster than her. To the point of tying up Amazo who was empowered by the JLA, including Flash. She tied him up before he had the chance to complete a thought. If Diana wants to win this, she can or she can prolong it. Diana IS the most powerful Herald female character in DC.
What feats are you referring to? Immune to TP?
Originally posted by carver9
When Diana stopped holding back, she treated PG like fodder and she did to Power girl what I'm saying she would do to Maxima. Tie her up and subdue her for the win. Between Maxima's shielding, mind-reading, and general mind-phuckery, I really don't see that as an option. Seems like you're lowballing Max, and highballing Dianna. /shrug
If you think Dianna wins, that's fine, but at least come up with a realistic scenario for her victory.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by Galan007
Bumrushing Maxima would be a mistake, imo... Just like it was when Power Girl tried it:
..And that was while Max was also subduing Aquaman with one hand.
Whos stronger than Diana but im preaching to the choir with u
Originally posted by carver9
Because Diana is immune to TP. Diana is faster than her. To the point of tying up Amazo who was empowered by the JLA, including Flash. She tied him up before he had the chance to complete a thought. If Diana wants to win this, she can or she can prolong it. Diana IS the most powerful Herald female character in DC.
You're turning into h1 luv. Diana is NOT the flash. Speed will not be a deciding factor here. Maxima has versatility and strength to match her
Originally posted by Galan007
Between Maxima's shielding, mind-reading, and general mind-phuckery, I really don't see that as an option. Seems like you're lowballing Max, and highballing Dianna. /shrug
If you think Dianna wins, that's fine, but at least come up with a realistic scenario for her victory.
She outsped Amazo thought process and tied him up before he completed a word a thought, let alone move. She tied him up in the blink of an eye.
During her prolong fight against Amazo, she also blitzed him before he had the chance to counter her attack. I'm sure you know what scene I am talking about. The speed difference here is significant and I know Galan doesn't think Maxima is close to Amazo speed?
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Whos stronger than Diana but im preaching to the choir with u
You're turning into h1 luv. Diana is NOT the flash. Speed will not be a deciding factor here. Maxima has versatility and strength to match her
Read above.
Originally posted by carver9
She outsped Amazo thought process and tied him up before he completed a word a thought, let alone move. She tied him up in the blink of an eye. This was a very unstable version of Amazo, btw.
Originally posted by Galan007
This was a very unstable version of Amazo, btw.
Who was fast enough to counter Superman from blasting it's eyes out. Look at everyone she beat to Amazo. Hell, she did all of that and tied him up before Superman got there and as shown, he was ready to charge Amazo right along with Diana.
Zack M
Where did it state she was IMMUNE to TP?
Superman never *tried* to blitz him, lol... Dianna obviously did. And again: that version of Amazo was wickedly unstable due to the whole Red Tornado dynamic. It wasn't thinking/computing properly.
Not saying Dianna isn't fast, but she isn't blitzing a character who can read her mind, can place psi-shields around herself, can pull her onto the astral plane, or can simply melt her f*cking brain... All of which is tacked onto her near Superman-level physical stats.

Originally posted by Galan007
Superman never *tried* to blitz that Amazo, lol... And again: it was wickedly unstable due to the whole Red Tornado dynamic.
Not saying Dianna isn't fast, but she isn't blitzing a character who can read her mind, can place shields around herself, can pull her onto the astral plane, or simply melt her f*cking brain... All of which is tacked onto her near Superman-level physical stats.
So Superman didn't try to blast it's eyes out? He doesn't look like he was about to charge with Diana in the 3rd panel?
What's Maxima best speed ft? Even if you presented a scan, Diana consistently use her speed on far more occasions than any Herald minus Flash.
Zack M
She actually surprised Superman in speed. Wonder Woman isn't blitzing Maxima.
And on top of that, Doctor Psycho has influenced Diana in TP. And Maxima is WAAAY above Dr. Psycho.

Blue Area Vet
Originally posted by carver9
Because Diana is immune to TP. Diana is faster than her. To the point of tying up Amazo who was empowered by the JLA, including Flash. She tied him up before he had the chance to complete a thought. If Diana wants to win this, she can or she can prolong it. Diana IS the most powerful Herald female character in DC.
Get off her dick. She isn't immune to all TP and she isn't immune to any TK.
Zack M
He said TP, NOT TK. Where is the evidence?
Originally posted by Blue Area Vet
Get off her dick. She isn't immune to TK.
I never said she is immune to TK.

Originally posted by Galan007
This was a very unstable version of Amazo, btw.
Look at Kal heat vision.
Blasting Amazo's eyes is not indicative of a speedblitz, lol. But again: that Amazo was unstable.
Maxima didn't have enough appearances for writers to focus on giving her strict speed feats(she isn't Flash, lol.) However, Max had no problems keeping up with the likes of Superman, Wonder Woman(possessed by Eclipso), Cap Marvel, Orion, Power Girl, Supergirl, Captain Atom, etc. etc. etc. Again, her physical stats(speed included) are clearly ~ Superman-level.

Originally posted by Galan007
Blasting Amazo's eyes is not indicative of a speedblitz, lol.
Maxima didn't have enough appearances for writers to focus on giving her strick speed feats(she isn't Flash, lol.) However, Max had no problems keeping up with the likes of Superman, Wonder Woman(possessed by Eclipso), Cap Marvel, Orion, Power Girl, Supergirl, Captain Atom, etc. etc. etc. Again, her physical stats(speed included) are clearly ~ Superman-level.
His heat vision from his eyes (in the scene with him and Diana) is moving backwards. He is obviously flying foward.
Sigh. Come on Galan, you just said you are not battling comic book style in another thread. Of course she didn't have any issues keeping up with those people "in a comic". I'm about to just let you win this and move on to crushing zack.
Also, moving fast enough to prevent Superman from blasting it's eyes out, lol, is an indication of speed. He prevented that attack from happening, why couldn't he stop WW.?
You will truly go to any lengths to lowball. Max has battled several Superman-class characters over the years. She had NO problems perceiving/reacting to them. She had NO problems keeping up with their speed at all... Clearly her speed is on par with(and in some cases, greater than) the aforementioned characters.
...But according to carver those feats don't count, because this isn't a comic book..?
Lol, I just can't keep indulging this kind of crap. g007-psyduck
Shes also "as fast" as Amazo.
And again, she blitzed Amazo faster than he can react right after this scene, when he took out the entirety of the League.
Originally posted by Galan007
You will truly go to any lengths to lowball. Max has battled several Superman-class characters over the years. She had NO problems perceiving/reacting to them. She had NO problems keeping up with their speed at all... Clearly her speed is on par with(and in some cases, greater than) the aforementioned characters.
...But according to carver those feats don't count, because this isn't a comic book..?
Lol, I just can't keep indulging this kind of crap. g007-psyduck
I knew this was coming. I'm done discussing it. Anyways, Wonder Woman 7/10.
Originally posted by carver9
Shes also "as fast" as Amazo.
And again, she blitzed Amazo faster than he can react right after this scene, when he took out the entirety of the League. You realize that Amazo proved to be FASTER than Dianna in the scan you posted, right? That is, you know, WHY he owned her.
IOW, her comment is outright negated, lol.
Originally posted by Galan007
You realize that Amazo was FASTER than her in the scan you posted, right? That is, you know, WHY he owned her.
IOW, her comment is outright negated, lol.
She blitzed him right after that.
Zack M
Carver is just trolling now.
Originally posted by carver9
She blitzed him right after that. Lol, no she didn't. Zatanna had to save Dianna's ass. In fact, the only way Dianna was able to legitimately hit Amazo with her flying speed was by "CATCHING HIM BY SURPRISE" (which she herself stated.)
Here is the entire scene for context:

Originally posted by Galan007
Lol, no she didn't. Zatanna had to save Dianna's ass. In fact, the only way Dianna was able to legitimately hit Amazo with her flying speed was by "CATCHING HIM BY SURPRISE" (which she herself stated.)
Here is the entire scene for context:
That's the scene I'm talking about. He was looking right at her and she blitzed through the wall came down on him before he had the chance to do anything. She buoy up speed.
And like I just said: that speed tactic only worked because Dianna caught Amazo by surprise -- as SHE herself explicitly stated:
I know you don't read the scans people post, but at least read the posts themselves before you reply.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
Read above.
I did. Sad part is i feel like your lowballing Maxima. I get it u want Diana to win but you're cheerleading the wrong team
I don't mind the opinion that Dianna wins at all... But giving her the win by lowballing Maxima is ridic. ermm
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Galan007
I don't mind the opinion that Dianna wins at all... But giving her the win by lowballing Maxima is ridic. ermm
I agree. Diana CAN win but words like stomp..nah. Shed be in the fight of her life.
Originally posted by carver9
Because Diana is immune to TP. Diana is faster than her. To the point of tying up Amazo who was empowered by the JLA, including Flash. She tied him up before he had the chance to complete a thought. If Diana wants to win this, she can or she can prolong it. Diana IS the most powerful Herald female character in DC.
Maxima has already controlled Diana.
Originally posted by carver9
Shes also "as fast" as Amazo.
And again, she blitzed Amazo faster than he can react right after this scene, when he took out the entirety of the League.
That is after Flash stole all speed from Amazo otherwise he would've killed all of them in the blink of an eye.
You are full of bullshit as usual.
Originally posted by abhilegend
That is after Flash stole all speed from Amazo otherwise he would've killed all of them in the blink of an eye.
You are full of bullshit as usual.
You are blind when it comes to reading scans and comics. Are you implying Amazo had no super speed? Or did Flash steal HIS speed from him?
He took away his super speed.
You can read it in the scans. Not to mention he's frozen in place.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
He took away his super speed.
You can read it in the scans. Not to mention he's frozen in place.
So he had no speed here? I'm reading the scans and what does this say? Is this a lie or is Flash statement more concrete than WW (the reaching you all do...Abhi, Dark Saint, Delta, Mighty Adam).?
Rao Kal El
If I have nothing nice to say
But that Amazo didn't have Flash's speed
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Hahahahahahaha oh my God with Carver!
You can't be this dense dude!
You seriously can't
Did he have super speed or not? Simple question.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by carver9
Did he have super speed or not? Simple question.
Not Flash's that's for sure
Originally posted by carver9
So he had no speed here? I'm reading the scans and what does this say? Is this a lie or is Flash statement more concrete than WW (the reaching you all do...Abhi, Dark Saint, Delta, Mighty Adam).? Originally posted by carver9
That's called a metaphore... I wonder if I said punched him into candies pieces if you would taken it seriously.
Rao Kal El
That Amazo probably only had WW's reflexes.
And honestly can't recall if the speed steal came before or arter that
What I do remember is that Flash did stole his speed and also IIRC Vixen was siphoning Superman's power.
The way I saw it, was that Amazo was probably replicating someone else's power. But not Flash's speed for sure.
Anyhow I think Maxima wins this one.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Galan007
I loled
Originally posted by carver9
So he had no speed here? I'm reading the scans and what does this say? Is this a lie or is Flash statement more concrete than WW (the reaching you all do...Abhi, Dark Saint, Delta, Mighty Adam).?
Flash took Amazo's superspeed from him.
Right there in the scan.
How am I reaching????
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Not Flash's that's for sure
Who said anything about Flash? Every time I see a person isn't paying attention, I'm ignoring their post from now on in that thread. Ignored.
Originally posted by Galan007
Really? He obviously displayed speed there. Enough for her to believe he is faster than Clark. If you are accepting Flash statement, then you need to accept WW statement as well.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Flash took Amazo's superspeed from him.
Right there in the scan.
How am I reaching????
So he didn't have super speed? Yes or no?
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by carver9
Who said anything about Flash? Every time I see a person isn't paying attention, I'm ignoring their post from now on in that thread. Ignored.
Don't be such a crybaby carter
You also Ignored the Aquaman vs Hulk thread you created

It's all about the tp. I'd take Diana in a fisticuffs match, but Maxima when u factor in her mind powers.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
I'd take Diana in a fisticuffs match
I wouldn't. She went toe to toe with DoS Doomsday and did just fine till that stupid gas station explosion scene that defies logic.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
Who said anything about Flash? Every time I see a person isn't paying attention, I'm ignoring their post from now on in that thread. Ignored.
Originally posted by carver9
Really? He obviously displayed speed there. Enough for her to believe he is faster than Clark. If you are accepting Flash statement, then you need to accept WW statement as well. Originally posted by carver9
So he didn't have super speed? Yes or no?
Carver taking on all comers like...
Originally posted by carver9
You are blind when it comes to reading scans and comics. Are you implying Amazo had no super speed? Or did Flash steal HIS speed from him?
Flash stole all his speed. Funny thing is Superman blitzed Amazo before Flash even drained him.
And Superman was the only one who could even react to Amazo being active other than Flash.
And that Amazo blitzed the shit out of Flash himself.
Yet, a depowered Amazo is faster than Superman?
****ing bullshit.
Originally posted by carver9
So he had no speed here? I'm reading the scans and what does this say? Is this a lie or is Flash statement more concrete than WW (the reaching you all do...Abhi, Dark Saint, Delta, Mighty Adam).?
Wonder Woman can think very highly of her. It means nothing if she doesn't has feats to show. A depowered Amazo isn't faster than Superman just because Wonder woman said so.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Flash stole all his speed. Funny thing is Superman blitzed Amazo before Flash even drained him.
Yet, a depowered Amazo is faster than Superman?
Wonder Woman can think very highly of her. It means nothing if she doesn't has feats to show. A depowered Amazo isn't faster than Superman just because Wonder woman said so.
Clark snuck Amazo and the writer said Amazo is faster than Superman and he was as said in the comic.
Also, that same de-powered Amazo took Clark out twice by out reacting him.
Originally posted by zopzop
I wouldn't. She went toe to toe with DoS Doomsday and did just fine till that stupid gas station explosion scene that defies logic.
Wonder Woman went toe to toe with Amazo who is more powerful than DOS and held her own. She also went toe to toe with Circe amped Superman and held her own. Wonder Woman has far better combat showings.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by abhilegend
Flash stole all his speed. Funny thing is Superman blitzed Amazo before Flash even drained him.
And Superman was the only one who could even react to Amazo being active other than Flash.
And that Amazo blitzed the shit out of Flash himself.
Yet, a depowered Amazo is faster than Superman?
****ing bullshit.
Wonder Woman can think very highly of her. It means nothing if she doesn't has feats to show. A depowered Amazo isn't faster than Superman just because Wonder woman said so.
Damn good durability feat for flash 👍
Took an arrow to the knee like a champ.
Originally posted by carver9
Clark snuck Amazo and the writer said Amazo is faster than Superman and he was as said in the comic.
Snuck attack him from front?
Amazo was faster than Superman. Not that fast that Superman couldn't blitz him though. Wonder Woman wasn't.
That's why Diana had to use surprise to tackle Amazo who had his speed stolen
That didn't happen. He used red sun attacks both times. You have been shown that dozens of times.
Originally posted by carver9
So he didn't have super speed? Yes or no?
Amazo? Yes, he had speed. Enough speed that WW's only chance was to take him by surprise.
Originally posted by carver9
Wonder Woman went toe to toe with Amazo who is more powerful than DOS and held her own.
No, she didn't. Amazo damn near oneshotted her and would've killed her if not for Zatanna saving her ass. Galan already showed you that.
Circe didn't amp him. And he would've killed her in three punches and broke her arm like a twig.
Originally posted by zopzop
I wouldn't. She went toe to toe with DoS Doomsday and did just fine till that stupid gas station explosion scene that defies logic.
Diana went toe to toe with a "bloodlusted" Supes.
And we all agree a bloodlusted Supes = DOS Doomy.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
And we all agree a bloodlusted Supes = DOS Doomy.
Hallucinating blood lust supes
Originally posted by zopzop
I wouldn't. She went toe to toe with DoS Doomsday and did just fine till that stupid gas station explosion scene that defies logic.
Maxima actually shrugged off a full-on assault from Doomsday without so much as a scratch to show for it... Which is very impressive, tbh:
Hell, she actually ENJOYED it: "Your onslaught does little but stimulate me, creature."

Originally posted by abhilegend
Snuck attack him from front?
Amazo was faster than Superman. Not that fast that Superman couldn't blitz him though. Wonder Woman wasn't.
That's why Diana had to use surprise to tackle Amazo who had his speed stolen
That didn't happen. He used red sun attacks both times. You have been shown that dozens of times.
He snuck attacked Amazo. Not impressive and Amazo was fast enough to take Clark out, TWICE.
Some surprise attack. He was looking right at her and she soloed him throughout most of the book and pushed him back while he was stacked with the JLA powers.
It did happen. He took him out twice.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Amazo? Yes, he had speed. Enough speed that WW's only chance was to take him by surprise.
So if Flash was looking right at me, I can still surprise attack him? Yes or no.
Originally posted by abhilegend
No, she didn't. Amazo damn near oneshotted her and would've killed her if not for Zatanna saving her ass. Galan already showed you that.
Circe didn't amp him. And he would've killed her in three punches and broke her arm like a twig.
He did not one shot her though. She was the only line of defense against him. The others got worked.
He didn't kill her though and she defeated him. Could of isn't an argument.
Originally posted by abhilegend
He used red sun attacks both times. You have been shown that dozens of times.
First encounter:
Second encounter:
Diana would've out reacted both attacks.
Also, isn't there a 3rd time? In the tunnels.
Originally posted by carver9
So if Flash was looking right at me, I can still surprise attack him? Yes or no.
Yes, you can.
Just like Superman surprise attacked Amazo. From the front.
Can you not see the double standard I just showed you???? Really?
You claim Amazo has superspeed. And that Clark only managed to 'surprise attack' Amazo.
Yet, somehow, other occasions of surprise attacks don't count.
Remember when Falcon 'surprise attacked' Spiderman, with the Spidersense? Good times.
Rao Kal El
I just reported the troll in this forum
We can only allow the trolling so much
Originally posted by carver9
Also, isn't there a 3rd time? In the tunnels. No.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
I just reported the troll in this forum
We can only allow the trolling so much
Ty. I luv being reported.
I've reported myself.
I'm so lonely.
Rao Kal El
I was referring to me, you noobs!!!
How fast is Maxima, what are her reaction time feats?
WW can win by simply being faster than she can respond to IF Maxima is not fast enough.
That was already a big portion of the debate.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by h1a8
How fast is Maxima, what are her reaction time feats?
WW can win by simply being faster than she can respond to IF Maxima is not fast enough.
This has been covered. She's fast enough to not get blitzed.
Wondy speed feats >> Maxima. By feats Wondy definitely wins in speed.
I don't think it's enough to overcome what Maxima can bring to the table however.
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Wondy speed feats >> Maxima. By feats Wondy definitely wins in speed.
I don't think it's enough to overcome what Maxima can bring to the table however.
That's when we bring in the lasso, strength advantage and durability edge she have.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
This has been covered. She's fast enough to not get blitzed. There's different levels of blitzing.
Human level
Cap level
Spider-Man level
Can she react to a bullet once it enters the air?
Can she react to a beam of light once it enters the air?
Originally posted by carver9
That's when we bring in the lasso, strength advantage and durability edge she have.
Hey... I'd take Wondy in a physical match all day vs her. I favor Maxi for her other abilities.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by celeyhyga17
Wondy speed feats >> Maxima. By feats Wondy definitely wins in speed.
I don't think it's enough to overcome what Maxima can bring to the table however.
Originally posted by carver9
That's when we bring in the lasso, strength advantage and durability edge she have.
Care to prove she's stronger? And lol at more durable
Originally posted by h1a8
There's different levels of blitzing.
Human level
Cap level
Spider-Man level
Can she react to a bullet once it enters the air?
Can she react to a beam of light once it enters the air?
You're asking for things that dont exist. It's common knowledge...
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Care to prove she's stronger? And lol at more durable
You're asking for things that dont exist. It's common knowledge...
I can prove rhat she's stronger, it just depends on what kind of fts you want me to post.
Ones that potentially aren't actually Circe masquerading as her, which you took off a respect thread without checking first?
And I can prove that Maxima can physically endure her strikes if need be... or psi-shield herself from them... Or drag her onto the astral plane... Or better yet: just turn her mind into a bowel of jelly.
IOW, you should probably just save your breath.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
I can prove rhat she's stronger, it just depends on what kind of fts you want me to post. long as the context to the fight doesnt show an amp/depowered, mind controlled opponent
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Ones that potentially aren't actually Circe masquerading as her, which you took off a respect thread without checking first?
Originally posted by Galan007
And I can prove that Maxima can physically endure her strikes if need be... or psi-shield herself from them... Or drag her onto the astral plane... Or better yet: just turn her mind into a bowel of jelly.
IOW, you should probably just save your breath.
Shush u two...he's about to drop some knowledge.
I never thought I would ever fathom the depths of your depravity, Sin.
Until today, I hadn't realised what an underestimation that was.
You truly are evil.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Galan007
And I can prove that Maxima can physically endure her strikes if need be... or psi-shield herself from them... Or drag her onto the astral plane... Or better yet: just turn her mind into a bowel of jelly.
IOW, you should probably just save your breath.

Rao Kal El
Am I smelling Maxima vs Hulk thread?

Sin I AM
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
I never thought I would ever fathom the depths of your depravity, Sin.
Until today, I hadn't realised what an underestimation that was.
You truly are evil.
The scandaddy cometh...and hells coming with him you hear!! HELLS COMING WITH HIM!!
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Am I smelling Maxima vs Hulk thread?

Originally posted by Sin I AM
Care to prove she's stronger? And lol at more durable
You're asking for things that dont exist. It's common knowledge...
What's common knowledge? We go by feats for our common knowledge. Can she react to a light speed blitz, a mach 20 blitz, a bullet speed blitz,...? This is an important question. Just because someone reacted to a bullet speed blitz doesn't mean they can against a mach 20 blitz or a light speed blitz. That's a no limits fallacy. We use feats to determine these things.
This here is a way better feat than the Amazo one anyway. It singlehandedly proves that Diana has the capability of blitzing faster than light speed.
She outraces HV.
Maxima has no feats of reacting to that level of speed. She however has feats of fighting characters who possess superspeed (so does almost every character). But characters in comics often either don't use their superspeed for the sake of the plot or not their highest shown. Characters who sole power is speed is different.
How strong is Maxima's TK? Is it stronger than WW's flight strength?
Anyway, Diana blitzes her, stuns her, and lassos her ftw. I admit, the tk can be a problem if WW allows Max to use it.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by h1a8
What's common knowledge? We go by feats for our common knowledge. Can she react to a light speed blitz, a mach 20 blitz, a bullet speed blitz,...? This is an important question. Just because someone reacted to a bullet speed blitz doesn't mean they can against a mach 20 blitz or a light speed blitz. That's a no limits fallacy. We use feats to determine these things.
Whoa there guy. Didn't u yourself state common knowledge when pressed for feats? Maxima has never had any issue reacting to bricks with super speed. Like i said common knowledge
Can't think of a Herald that moves like Wondy though. Not a single Herald and that including Maxima.
Originally posted by Galan007
And I can prove that Maxima can physically endure her strikes if need be... or psi-shield herself from them... Or drag her onto the astral plane... Or better yet: just turn her mind into a bowel of jelly.
IOW, you should probably just save your breath.
I avoid debating with you because you're such a nice guy and I take no pleasure in crushing your soul in our scuffles. This post is a freebie.
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Ones that potentially aren't actually Circe masquerading as her, which you took off a respect thread without checking first?
Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
Can't think of a Herald that moves like Wondy though. Not a single Herald and that including Maxima.
I dont get y u dickride diana so tough. She's great admittedly but she has betters. She also has no counter for tp/tk...strength is a wash and the thing you're nitpicking is speed as if the bitcch is a flash or something. It's like dude qft or lowballing. It's not that deep
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by carver9
I avoid debating with you because you're such a nice guy and I take no pleasure in crushing your soul in our scuffles. This post is a freebie.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
It's not even that. Delusion i can deal with ala h1. Because no matter what u show him he still has his crackpot ideals. Carver on the other hand with his agenda knows better and plays the victim card when he's outright trolling. Its pathetic
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
That Amazo probably only had WW's reflexes.
And honestly can't recall if the speed steal came before or arter that
What I do remember is that Flash did stole his speed and also IIRC Vixen was siphoning Superman's power.
The way I saw it, was that Amazo was probably replicating someone else's power. But not Flash's speed for sure.
Anyhow I think Maxima wins this one.
I noticed that Diana specifically stated that Amazo was faster than Superman, and just as fast as she was. IMO, that's a clear indication that she is also faster than Superman, who is faster than Maxima. The question remains if it'd be enough to win, since Maxima has tools that would or could enable her to even out any speed advantage that Diana may have.
I think that Maxi has a clear advantage here, and could use her powers to trap Wonder Woman like a spider can trap a fly. Could go either way, but I'm giving Maxi a very slight majority here.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
I dont get y u dickride diana so tough. She's great admittedly but she has betters. She also has no counter for tp/tk...strength is a wash and the thing you're nitpicking is speed as if the bitcch is a flash or something. It's like dude qft or lowballing. It's not that deep
She's no Flash but she is one of the quickest imo, especially when it comes to reflex speed.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
Whoa there guy. Didn't u yourself state common knowledge when pressed for feats? Maxima has never had any issue reacting to bricks with super speed. Like i said common knowledge The common knowledge I was stating is through COMMON FEATS KNOWN BY ALL.
Those bricks didn't use light speed or beyond Mach 10 speed against her. So that means nothing. Having great speed and using it are two different things.
There are characters with super speed (one of their powers) and characters whose only power is superspeed. The former often doesn't use it or is written without superspeed.
Originally posted by Sin I AM
I dont get y u dickride diana so tough. She's great admittedly but she has betters. She also has no counter for tp/tk...strength is a wash and the thing you're nitpicking is speed as if the bitcch is a flash or something. It's like dude qft or lowballing. It's not that deep
Speed is Diana's counter to tp and tk (along with her resistance to tp). Actually Diana's strength surpasses Max's tk by feats. So strength and speed counters the tk.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by Stoic
I noticed that Diana specifically stated that Amazo was faster than Superman, and just as fast as she was. IMO, that's a clear indication that she is also faster than Superman, who is faster than Maxima. The question remains if it'd be enough to win, since Maxima has tools that would or could enable her to even out any speed advantage that Diana may have.
I think that Maxi has a clear advantage here, and could use her powers to trap Wonder Woman like a spider can trap a fly. Could go either way, but I'm giving Maxi a very slight majority here.
Dude it's only ONE writter who thinks that Wonder Woman is faster than Superman, this isn't the golden rule in DC comics.
The rest I pretty much agree with you

psycho gundam
Originally posted by carver9
I avoid debating with you because you're such a nice guy and I take no pleasure in crushing your soul in our scuffles. This post is a freebie.

Sin I AM
Originally posted by carver9
She's no Flash but she is one of the quickest imo, especially when it comes to reflex speed. Originally posted by h1a8
The common knowledge I was stating is through COMMON FEATS KNOWN BY ALL.
Those bricks didn't use light speed or beyond Mach 10 speed against her. So that means nothing. Having great speed and using it are two different things.
There are characters with super speed (one of their powers) and characters whose only power is superspeed. The former often doesn't use it or is written without superspeed.
Jesus PHUCK. It's like talking to children. I cant diana wins
Originally posted by carver9
Diana would've out reacted both attacks.
Amazo at that level would've killed her before she could've blinked.
Originally posted by carver9
He snuck attacked Amazo. Not impressive and Amazo was fast enough to take Clark out, TWICE.
Haha, the sheer trolling here is just amusing.
You seem to have missed the actual book. She was about to get killed twice when Zee saved her.
Via red sun radiation. Not by just punching her like he did to her.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Dude it's only ONE writter who thinks that Wonder Woman is faster than Superman, this isn't the golden rule in DC comics.
The rest I pretty much agree with you
In the Amazo fight it was also mentioned that Diana is faster.
Originally posted by h1a8
This here is a way better feat than the Amazo one anyway. It singlehandedly proves that Diana has the capability of blitzing faster than light speed.
She outraces HV.
Maxima has no feats of reacting to that level of speed. She however has feats of fighting characters who possess superspeed (so does almost every character). But characters in comics often either don't use their superspeed for the sake of the plot or not their highest shown. Characters who sole power is speed is different.
How strong is Maxima's TK? Is it stronger than WW's flight strength?
Anyway, Diana blitzes her, stuns her, and lassos her ftw. I admit, the tk can be a problem if WW allows Max to use it.
She is not outracing HV. She is aim blocking.Originally posted by carver9
Can't think of a Herald that moves like Wondy though. Not a single Herald and that including Maxima.
There are a lot of heralds and below heralds.Originally posted by Stoic
I noticed that Diana specifically stated that Amazo was faster than Superman, and just as fast as she was. IMO, that's a clear indication that she is also faster than Superman, who is faster than Maxima. The question remains if it'd be enough to win, since Maxima has tools that would or could enable her to even out any speed advantage that Diana may have.
I think that Maxi has a clear advantage here, and could use her powers to trap Wonder Woman like a spider can trap a fly. Could go either way, but I'm giving Maxi a very slight majority here.
What she thinks to herself is irrelevant. Here is the actual scans of superspeed from the actual comic.
Batman alerts the whole league of Amazo, the first two to respond are Superman and Flash. Because they have actual super speed rivaling that of Amazo.
Diana showed up pages later with other characters with zero speed to speak of.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by carver9
In the Amazo fight it was also mentioned that Diana is faster.
Same writer troll, same writer.
Oh and btw, she was mentioned to have better muscle memory or reflexes.
Not raw speed, McDuffie still gave that one to Superman after Flash.
So by ONE writer she has better reflexes, that doesn't make it a golden rule.
Superman is still faster on average
Originally posted by carver9
In the Amazo fight it was also mentioned that Diana is faster.
By wonder woman? No shit sherlock, she thinks very highly of herself.
Originally posted by abhilegend
By wonder woman? No shit sherlock, she thinks very highly of herself.
Yep. The writer since it was him who wrote it.. He must've thought Wonder Wonder is faster since those words were typed in the book.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by carver9
Yep. The writer since it was him who wrote it.. He must've thought Wonder Wonder is faster since those words were typed in the book.
One writer, maybr 2 which makes this an outlier rather than the standard
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Same writer troll, same writer.
Oh and btw, she was mentioned to have better muscle memory or reflexes.
Not raw speed, McDuffie still gave that one to Superman after Flash.
So by ONE writer she has better reflexes, that doesn't make it a golden rule.
Superman is still faster on average
I agree...his raw speed is better. Diana reflexes are unmatchable.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by carver9
I agree...his raw speed is better. Diana reflexes are unmatchable.

By one writer in a direct comparison, which makes this an outlier rather than the standard.
Not partially. Period.
He does not have comparable reflex fts than what Diana does. His raw speed showings are better though but Diana reflexes are better.
Rao Kal El
Originally posted by carver9
Not partially. Period.
He does not have comparable reflex fts than what Diana does. His raw speed showings are better though but Diana reflexes are better.
You make it sound as IF she has better reflexes than Flash.
Superman has actually pretty good reflesxes feats IF you actually look carefully and more often than not He is presented by writer as the speedster along with Flash even if Diana is around.
But let's not get out of topic with Superman vs Wonder Woman.
Now WW might have better reflexes than Maxima but she is fast enough to counter Diana. Maxima will win eventually as IMO she is tougher than Diana.
Originally posted by carver9
Yep. The writer since it was him who wrote it.. He must've thought Wonder Wonder is faster since those words were typed in the book. Originally posted by carver9
Not partially. Period.
He does not have comparable reflex fts than what Diana does. His raw speed showings are better though but Diana reflexes are better.
How about you actually post those reflexes feats for her.
And no, the writer also had Superman blitz Amazo who had Flash speed with Diana not ever n close.
Guess Superman is faster than Flash, eh?
Here I'll start. Superman at half power (Vixen had half his power) moves so fast that Cheetah who is proven faster than Wonder Woman several times couldn't even react.
Your turn Carter.
Rao Kal El
Also Abhi, IIRC Vixen was siphoning Superman during the Amazo fight.
Originally posted by Rao Kal El
Also Abhi, IIRC Vixen was siphoning Superman during the Amazo fight.
Yeah, she was always siphoning power from Superman.
Originally posted by abhilegend
Here I'll start. Superman at half power (Vixen had half his power) moves so fast that Cheetah who is proven faster than Wonder Woman several times couldn't even react.
Your turn Carter.
Not reflexes and everyone in your scan was looking right at Superman when he crashed through the roof, including Gorilla Grod. Your perception of scans are TERRIBLE.
Beat H1 scan of slapping heat vision out of the air.
Originally posted by carver9
Beat H1 scan of slapping heat vision out of the air.
How is that impressive for a herald lvl being? You have street levelers catching bullets and deflecting laser beams and sh|t.

Originally posted by carver9
Not reflexes and everyone in your scan was looking right at Superman when he crashed through the roof, including Gorilla Grod. Your perception of scans are TERRIBLE.
Uh huh. They sure reacted to the loud "choom" sound, so you got Abhi on tbat one.
And they were still reacting to it when Superman was gone.
carver has gone off the f*cking reservation with this shit.
Now Dianna blocking HV equates to her blitzing Maxima, and tying her up before she can even get a thought off(because that's all it'd take for her to mind-phuck Dianna)..? ElOhEl. facepalm
Not to move from Carver eyerolling, but:
Doesn't the lasso provide protection, or something?
The whole Sacrifice story was based on Lord not being able to affect her.
Sin I AM
Originally posted by Galan007
carver has gone off the f*cking reservation with this shit.
Now Dianna blocking HV equates to her blitzing Maxima, and tying her up before she can even get a thought off(because that's all it'd take for her to mind-phuck Dianna)..? ElOhEl. facepalm
Gotta just scroll past his posts. He's clearly delusional.
Off topic...iirc at one point Diana was susceptible to Lightning/electic attacks. Is that still currently an issue? Ive been reading alotta dynamite/valiant lately and havent kept up with her ongoing
Originally posted by Galan007
carver has gone off the f*cking reservation with this shit.
Now Dianna blocking HV equates to her blitzing Maxima, and tying her up before she can even get a thought off(because that's all it'd take for her to mind-phuck Dianna)..? ElOhEl. facepalm
I never said this. You all honestly don't read through the thread. Patience isn't a strong suit for a lot of you all.
Originally posted by zopzop
How is that impressive for a herald lvl being? You have street levelers catching bullets and deflecting laser beams and sh|t.
I can't think of single Herald who has casually slapped heat vision out of the air like Diana did there and I can name some that needed to do it because they had holes shot in them.
Originally posted by carver9
I can't think of single Herald who has casually slapped heat vision out of the air like Diana did there and I can name some that needed to do it because they had holes shot in them.
Name a herald whose wrists are more durable than the rest of them (and hence, need to move their hands to slap lasers out of the air).
Originally posted by DarkSaint85
Name a herald whose wrists are more durable than the rest of them (and hence, need to move their hands to slap lasers out of the air).
Dodging the blast is another option instead of getting shot clean through.
Originally posted by abhilegend
She is not outracing HV. She is aim blocking.
I'm referring to her OUTRUNNING HV, not blocking it.
And I disagree with you on the aim blocking.
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